Tags:action at a distance, entanglement, quantum correlations, quantum information, space and time and space-time
The concept of coherent state in quantum mechanics refers both to the future and past as well as to the present of the investigated system while that of space only to the present, because of which the condition for the present of all discussed entities to be commeasurable is necessary in the latter case. Indeed the future of any entity is unorderable in principle and just this property of it is rigorously represented by the concept of coherent state. However, the past of any entity is always well-ordered as the series of all past moments in time.erefor the description in quantum mechanics has to provide the invariance both to the unorderable future and to the well-ordered past.In mathematical terms, this means that the so-called well-ordering theorem equivalent to the axiom of choice is necessarily involved. Furthermore, the present always situating and intermediating between the past and the future is just what any choice transforming future into past shares. Space makes possible choice and thus the transformation of future into past. Entanglement transcending space should be dened as temporal interaction involving the future and past of themacroscopic devices displaying quantum correlations. While any classical correlation should refer only to the present of the correlating entities and thus to the space, in which they are and which they share, any quantum correlation transcends the present and space involving the future and past