Some indicators such as economic and time-distance indicators have been used to measure the effectiveness of public transportation in Japan. Generally, the indicator of public transportation is not superior to the indicator of private cars. As a result, public transportation has lost the support of residents and the local government. Currently, traditional railway and bus operation companies face a severe business environment due to the deregulation and population decreasing. Looking around the world, city construction aimed at making it more walkable is underway. According to these global trends, studies on 15-minutes city and walkability indices are being actively conducted, and the importance of public transportation is also reconsidered in these trends in the world. Thus, the study of the city is very active but daily life is still far away from walkability in the suburbs and rural areas. The residents in the city should more pay attention to the suburbs but there are enough studies treating cities and suburbs at the same time. In this paper, the calculation of accessibility score considering walkability and public transportation effect at the same time is conducted. It is proposed that this method should be applied to both city planning and public transportation planning.
Proposal of Accessibility Index for City Planning and Public Transportation Planning with Using the Synthetic Transportation Network