Tags:Focused proof systems, Sharing and Term representation
We use the focused proof system LJF as a framework for describing term structures and substitution. Since the proof theory of LJF does not pick a canonical polarization for primitive types, two different approaches to term representation arise. When primitive types are given the negative bias, LJF proofs encode term structures as tree-like structures in a familiar fashion. In this situation, cut elimination also yields the familiar notion of substitution. On the other hand, when primitive types are given the positive bias, LJF proofs yield a structure in which explicit sharing of term structures is possible. In this situation, cut elimination yields a different notion of substitution. We illustrate these two approaches to term representation by applying them to the encoding of untyped λ-terms.
More details can be found at http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Dale.Miller/papers/lfmtp22-positive-perspective.pdf.
A Positive Perspective on Term Representation: Work in Progress