Tags:chat bot, educational discipline, learning process, Messenger, mobile learning technology, popular messenger, telegram, telegram messenger and whatsapp viber telegram
The article deals with Telegram messenger as a tool that can be used for educa-tional purposes, namely, for studying the academic discipline. The essence of the concept of messenger and statistics of its use in the world are clarified. Popular messengers such as WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram are compared, as well as their technological capabilities and potential for use in learning activities. The ad-vantages of Telegram messenger and requirements to the software product (chat-bot) were highlighted. In the Telegram environment there was developed a chat-bot for studying the ed-ucational discipline "Informatics and information technologies" for the students of vocational education institutions. It was developed and described the stage of its development: creating a token API in BotFather, adding a new bot in Many-Bot, as well as adding commands and responses to them, with demonstration of illustrations. Final result of the chat bot is given, which contains such common divisions: lectures, lab and homework. An experimental study to test the effectiveness of using the chat-bot in the learn-ing process is made, which describes its implementation in the learning process on the example of the subject "Computer Science" and conclusions about the rel-evance of its use in the learning process.
Designing a Chat Bot for Learning a Subject in a Telegram Messenger