This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Accidental Bequest | |
Ad valorem taxation | |
administrative microdata | |
anti-avoidance legislation | |
automatic stabilizers | |
B | |
behavioral nudges | |
Behavioral Responses | |
Budget Allocation | |
bunching | |
Bunching at Kinks | |
Business location | |
business taxation | |
business taxes | |
C | |
candidates | |
capital gains tax | |
Cohesion funds | |
Commuting | |
Computable general equilibrium models | |
Consumption smoothing | |
Contracting | |
corporate income tax | |
Corporate taxation | |
Corporate taxes | |
Crisis Management | |
Crowding out | |
Culture | |
D | |
decentralisation | |
Deductions | |
developing countries | |
Development | |
Difference-in-Difference | |
difference-in-discontinuities | |
disparities | |
Disposable income inequality | |
E | |
Economic Activity | |
economies of scale | |
employment | |
equalisation | |
equalizing transfers | |
Estate Taxation | |
EU | |
EU Budget | |
EU Commission | |
EU Commissioners | |
EU taxes | |
European fiscal integration | |
European integration | |
European Union | |
F | |
federalism | |
firms | |
Fiscal competition | |
Fiscal Decentralisation | |
Fiscal decentralization | |
Fiscal equalisation | |
Fiscal equalization | |
fiscal federalism | |
Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents: Households | |
Fiscal stress | |
Fiscal transfers | |
fiscal union | |
fixed cost | |
Flat-tax | |
Flypaper Effect | |
G | |
GDP per capita | |
Germany | |
government debt | |
Great Recession | |
Greece | |
I | |
Income percentile ratios | |
income tax | |
income taxation | |
individuals | |
inequalities | |
Informality | |
Information Frictions | |
Inheritance Taxation | |
intergovernmental grants | |
Intergovernmental transfers | |
International tax competition | |
International taxation | |
L | |
labor income taxation | |
labor mobility | |
labor supply | |
Labour Supply | |
local government | |
local governments | |
local multipliers | |
Local Public Economics | |
Local public finance | |
local taxation | |
lock-in effect | |
M | |
Macroeconomic Stabilization | |
Macroeconomics | |
mergers and acquisitions | |
Migration | |
Multinational firms | |
municipal data | |
Municipal Merger | |
Municipal mergers | |
Municipal Separation | |
Municipalities | |
N | |
National Origin | |
Natural amenities | |
O | |
OECD countries | |
option value | |
Outsourcing | |
P | |
Panel Data | |
party alignment | |
Personal Income Tax | |
Poland | |
political economy | |
politicians | |
poverty | |
Privatization | |
pro-cyclicality | |
Profit shifting | |
profit-shifting | |
Progressive taxation | |
public budget deficit | |
public employment | |
Public good provision | |
public service cost | |
R | |
redistribution | |
Regional disparities | |
Regional inequality | |
regional redistribution | |
regions | |
Regression Kink Design | |
Remittances | |
resource curse | |
revenue sharing | |
Risk sharing | |
risk-sharing | |
S | |
search | |
secession | |
selection | |
side-payment | |
small firms | |
Solidarity | |
sovereign bond spreads | |
stabilization | |
sub-national governments | |
sustainability | |
T | |
Tax autonomy | |
Tax competition | |
tax compliance | |
tax effort | |
Tax Evasion | |
tax morale | |
Tax policy | |
Tax reform | |
Tax reforms | |
Tax revenue | |
tax volatility | |
Taxation | |
Taxation and Development | |
Taxation system | |
Taxes | |
thin capitalisation | |
transfer pricing | |
transfer schemes | |
Transfers | |
transition matrices | |
U | |
unemployment | |
unemployment insurance | |
Urban Sprawl | |
V | |
Value added tax | |
VAT | |
Vertical and horizontal externalities | |
vertical grants | |
voluntary and compulsory mergers | |
Voters Preferences | |
W | |
Wealth Transfer Taxation | |
well-being | |
Z | |
Zoning |