This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Agda | |
alpha equality | |
C | |
category theory | |
context | |
context free grammars | |
context schemas | |
Coq | |
D | |
dependent types | |
dynamic contexts | |
E | |
equivariance | |
F | |
Formal Metatheory | |
Formalisation | |
foundations | |
G | |
generic programming | |
H | |
Higher dimensional structures | |
HOAS | |
homotopy type theory | |
Hybrid Logics | |
I | |
indexing | |
L | |
lambda calculus | |
LF | |
logic programming | |
Logical Framework | |
Logical Frameworks | |
M | |
MMT | |
Modal logics | |
P | |
polymorphism | |
poplmark | |
proof assistants | |
proof-theory | |
R | |
reasoning about contexts | |
reflection | |
Rewriting | |
S | |
substitution | |
T | |
tactics and tacticals | |
tuple | |
type theory | |
V | |
variable bindings |