This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstract interpretation | |
ACL2 | |
Agda | |
Algebraic specification | |
Apéry constant | |
automatic program calculation | |
automation | |
B | |
Beam Splitter | |
Behavioral Synthesis | |
Brzozowski derivatives | |
bulk synchronous parallelism | |
C | |
cardinal number | |
category theory | |
codatatypes | |
Coherent Light | |
Combinatorial hypermap library | |
Compiler certification | |
complete partial orders | |
completeness | |
completion | |
computational reflection | |
computer algebra | |
computer-supported collaborative work | |
confluence | |
congruence | |
conservative extension | |
Consistency | |
Constant Definition | |
constructive algebra | |
constructive mathematics | |
Conversions | |
Coq | |
Coq proof assistant | |
Coq/SSReflect Proof Assistant | |
creative telescoping | |
CTL | |
D | |
decidability | |
decision procedure | |
definitional package | |
Difference Equations | |
domain theory | |
duality | |
E | |
Elliptic Curves | |
Emptiness Check for Generalized Buchi Automata | |
equivalence relation | |
ESL Design | |
F | |
Formal semantics | |
Formalization of mathematics | |
Full trees | |
functional programming | |
H | |
Hierarchized linked implementation | |
High Level Synthesis | |
higher-order logic | |
Hilbert axiomatizations | |
HOL | |
HOL Light | |
HOL4 | |
Homological algebra | |
homotopy type theory | |
I | |
Implicit Definition | |
improvements in theorem prover technology | |
interactive theorem proving | |
invariance proofs | |
Invariants | |
irrationality proof | |
Isabelle | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
Isabelle/PIDE and Isabelle/jEdit | |
J | |
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) | |
L | |
lazy lists | |
list homomorphisms | |
low-level programming languages | |
M | |
marked regular expressions | |
mathematical components | |
Mechanization of Mathematics | |
N | |
network protocols | |
Non-uniform inductive types | |
Numerical representations | |
Nuprl | |
O | |
OCaml | |
Orbits for functions in finite domains | |
ordinal number | |
P | |
partial derivatives | |
Partial Equivalence Relations | |
Path Based SCC Algorithms | |
peak decreasingness | |
performance | |
pGCL | |
Phase Conjugating Mirror | |
Polya | |
prime critical pairs | |
process algebra | |
proof automation | |
Proof of topological properties | |
Proof of total correctness | |
Proof pearl | |
proof procedure language | |
Q | |
Quantum Flip Gate | |
Quantum Optics | |
R | |
reactive systems | |
real inequalities | |
recursion | |
refinement | |
reflection | |
regular expression equivalence | |
Rewriting | |
RTL | |
S | |
Security | |
semantics | |
semi-ring computation | |
soundness | |
SSReflect | |
Strongly Connected Components | |
subtyping | |
T | |
tableaux | |
tactics | |
temporal logics | |
term rewriting | |
theorem prover technology | |
theorem proving | |
theorem-prover implementation | |
topology | |
Transformation Analysis | |
Turing machine | |
type theory | |
U | |
Unification | |
universes | |
user interfaces for interactive theorem provers | |
V | |
verifying compiler | |
W | |
wellorder | |
Z | |
Z-Transform |