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10:45 | Monadic Decomposition SPEAKER: Margus Veanes ABSTRACT. Monadic predicates play a prominent role in many decidable cases, including decision procedures for symbolic automata. We are here interested in discovering whether a formula can be rewritten into a Boolean combination of monadic predicates. Our setting is quantifier free formulas over a decidable background theory, such as linear arithmetic, and we here develop a semi-decision procedure for extracting a monadic decomposition of a formula when it exists. |
11:05 | A DPLL(T) Theory Solver for a Theory of Strings and Regular Expressions SPEAKER: Andrew Reynolds ABSTRACT. An increasing number of applications in verification and security rely or could benefit from automatic solvers that can check the satisfiability of constraints over a rich set of data types that includes character strings. Unfortunately, most string solvers today are standalone tools that can reason only about (some fragment) of the theory of strings and regular expressions, sometimes with strong restrictions on the expressiveness of their input language such as, for instance, length bounds on all string variables. These solvers are based on reductions to satisfiability problems over other data types, such as bit vectors, or to decision problems over automata. In this paper, we present a set of algebraic techniques for solving constraints over the theory of (unbounded) strings natively, without reduction to other problems. Our techniques can be used to construct string theory solvers that can be integrated into general, multi-theory SMT solvers based on the DPLL(T) architecture. We have implemented these techniques in our SMT solver CVC4 to expand its set of built-in data types to strings with concatenation, length, and membership in regular languages. This implementation makes CVC4 the first solver able to accept a rich set of mixed constraints over strings, integers, reals, arrays and algebraic data types. Our initial experimental results show that, in addition, over pure string problems CVC4 is highly competitive in a number ways with specialized string solvers. |
11:25 | Bit-Vector Rewriting with Automatic Rule Generation SPEAKER: Alexander Nadel ABSTRACT. Rewriting is essential for efficient bit-vector SMT solving. The rewriting algorithm commonly used by modern SMT solvers iteratively applies a set of ad hoc rewriting rules hard-coded into the solver to simplify the given formula at the preprocessing stage. This paper proposes a new approach to rewriting. In our approach, the solver starts each invocation with an empty set of rewriting rules. The set is extended by applying at run-time an automatic SAT-based algorithm for new rewriting rule generation. The set of rules differs from instance to instance. We implemented our approach in the framework of an algorithm for equivalence and constant propagation, called 0-saturation, which we extended from purely propositional reasoning to bit-vector reasoning. Our approach results in a substantial performance improvement in a state-of-the-art SMT solver over various SMT-LIB families. |
11:45 | A Tale of Two Solvers: Eager and Lazy Approaches to Bit-vectors SPEAKER: Liana Hadarean ABSTRACT. The standard method for deciding bit-vector constraints is via eager reduction to propositional logic. This is usually done after first applying powerful rewrite techniques. While often efficient in practice, this method does not scale on problems for which top-level rewrites cannot reduce the problem size sufficiently. A lazy solver can target such problems by doing many satisfiability checks, each of which only reasons about a small subset of the problem. In addition, the lazy approach enables a wide range of optimization techniques that are not available to the eager approach. In this paper we describe the architecture and features of our lazy solver. We provide a comparative analysis of the eager and lazy approaches, and show how they are complementary in terms of the types of problems they can efficiently solve. For this reason, we propose a portfolio approach that runs a lazy and eager solver in parallel. Our empirical evaluation shows that the lazy solver can solve problems none of the eager solvers can and that the portfolio solver outperforms other solvers both in terms of total number of problems solved and the time taken to solve them. |
12:05 | AVATAR: The New Architecture for First-Order Theorem Provers SPEAKER: Andrei Voronkov ABSTRACT. This paper describes a new architecture for first-order resolution and superposition theorem provers called AVATAR (Advanced Vampire Architecture for Theories and Resolution). Its original motivation comes from the problem well-studied in the past --- dealing with problems having clauses containing propositional variables and other clauses that can be split into components with disjoint sets of variables. Such clauses are common for problems coming from applications, for example in verification and program analysis, where many ground literals occur in the problems and even more are generated during the proof-search. This problem was previously studied by adding various versions of splitting. The addition of splitting resulted in considerable improvements in performance of theorem provers. However, even with various versions of splitting implemented, the performance of superposition theorem provers is nowhere near SMT solvers on purely ground problems or SAT solvers on propositional problems. This paper describes a new, revolutionary architecture for superposition theorem provers, where a superposition theorem prover is tightly integrated with a SAT or an SMT solver. Its implementation in our theorem prover Vampire resulted in drastic improvements over all previous implementation of splitting. Over four hundred TPTP problems previously unsolvable by any modern prover, including Vampire itself, have been proved, most of them with short runtimes. Many problems solved with one of 481 variants of splitting previously implemented in Vampire can also be solved with AVATAR. We also believe that AVATAR is ideally suited for applications where reasoning with both quantifiers and theories is required. |
12:25 | Automating Separation Logic with Trees and Data SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Separation logic (SL) is a widely used formalism for verifying heap manipulating programs. Existing SL solvers focus on decidable fragments for list-like structures. More complex data structures such as trees are typically unsupported in implementations, or handled by incomplete heuristics. While complete decision procedures for reasoning about trees have been proposed, these procedures suffer from high complexity, or make global assumptions about the heap that contradict the separation logic philosophy of local reasoning. In this paper, we present a fragment of classical first-order logic for local reasoning about tree-like data structures. The logic is decidable in NP and the decision procedure allows for combinations with other decidable first-order theories for reasoning about data. Such extensions are essential for proving functional correctness properties. We have implemented our decision procedure and, building on earlier work on translating SL proof obligations into classical logic, integrated it into an SL-based verification tool. We successfully used the tool to verify functional correctness of tree-based data structure implementations. |
12:45 | A Nonlinear Real Arithmetic Fragment SPEAKER: Ashish Tiwari ABSTRACT. We present a new procedure for testing satisfiability (over the reals) of a conjunction of polynomial equations. There are three possible return values for our procedure: it either returns a model for the input formula, or it says that the input is unsatisfiable, or it fails because the applicability condition for the procedure, called the eigen-condition, is violated. For the class of constraints where the eigen-condition holds, our procedure is a decision procedure. The design of the procedure is motivated by the problems arising from exists-forall problems -- generated by template-based verification and synthesis methods -- that are translated into exists problems using the Positivstellensatz. Our procedure can be seen as a generalized SAT solver: in particular, the eigen-condition holds on nonlinear real arithmetic encodings of SAT problems. We experimentally evaluate the procedure and describe transformations that can potentially turn a problem into another one where the eigen-condition holds. |
12:55 | Yices 2.2 SPEAKER: Bruno Dutertre ABSTRACT. Yices is an efficient SMT solver developed by SRI International. The first version of Yices, was released in 2006 and has been continuously updated since then. In 2007, we started a complete re-implementation of the Yices solver intended to achieve grater performance, modularity, and flexibility. We describe the latest release of Yices, namely Yices 2.2. We present the tool's architecture and algorithms it implements, and latest developements such as support for the SMT2 notation and various performance improvements. Like its predecessors, Yices 2.2 is distributed free-of-charge for non-commercial use. |
14:30 | A Simple and Scalable Static Analysis for Bound Analysis and Amortized Complexity Analysis SPEAKER: Moritz Sinn ABSTRACT. We present the first scalable bound analysis that achieves amortized complexity analysis. In contrast to earlier work, our bound analysis is not based on general purpose reasoners such as abstract interpreters, software model checkers or computer algebra tools. Rather, we derive bounds directly from abstract program models, which we obtain from programs by comparatively simple invariant generation and symbolic execution techniques. As a result, we obtain an analysis that is more predictable and more scalable than earlier approaches. Our experiments demonstrate that our analysis is fast and at the same time able to compute bounds for challenging loops in a large real-world benchmark. Technically, our approach is based on lossy vector addition systems (VASS). Our bound analysis first computes a lexicographic ranking function that proves the termination of a VASS, and then derives a bound from this ranking function. Our methodology achieves amortized analysis based on a new insight how lexicographic ranking functions can be used for bound analysis. |
14:50 | Symbolic Resource Bound Inference for Functional Programs SPEAKER: Ravichandhran Madhavan ABSTRACT. We present an approach for inferring symbolic resource bounds for purely functional programs consisting of recursive functions, algebraic data types and nonlinear arithmetic operations. In our approach, the developer specifies the desired shape of the bound as a program expression containing numerical holes which we refer to as templates. For e.g, time ≤ a ∗ size(tree) + b where a, b are unknowns, is a template that specifies a bound on the execution time. We present a scalable algorithm for computing strongest bounds for sequential and parallel execution times by solving for the unknowns in the template. We empirically evaluate our approach on several benchmarks that manipulate complex data-structures such as binomial heap, lefitist heap, red-black tree and AVL tree. Our implementation is able to infer hard, nonlinear symbolic time bounds for our benchmarks that are beyond the capability of the existing approaches. |
15:10 | Proving Non-termination Using Max-SMT SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. We show how Max-SMT-based invariant generation can be exploited for proving non-termination of programs. The construction of the proof of non-termination is guided by the generation of quasi-invariants -- properties such that if they hold at a location during execution once, then they will continue to hold at that location from then onwards. The check that quasi-invariants can indeed be reached is then performed separately. Our technique considers strongly connected subgraphs of a program's control flow graph for analysis and thus produces more generic witnesses of non-termination than existing methods. Moreover, it can handle programs with unbounded non-determinism and is more likely to converge than previous approaches. |
15:30 | Termination Analysis by Learning Terminating Programs SPEAKER: Matthias Heizmann ABSTRACT. We present a novel approach to termination analysis. In a first step, the analysis uses a program as a black-box which exhibits only a finite set of sample traces. Each sample trace is infinite but can be represented by a finite lasso. The analysis can "learn" a program from a termination proof for the lasso, a program that is terminating by construction. In a second step, the analysis checks that the set of sample traces is representative in a sense that we can make formal. An experimental evaluation indicates that the approach is a potentially useful addition to the portfolio of existing approaches to termination analysis. |
15:50 | Causal Termination of Multi-threaded Programs SPEAKER: Andrey Kupriyanov ABSTRACT. We present a new model checking procedure for the termination analysis of multi-threaded programs. Current termination provers scale badly in the number of threads; our new approach easily handles 100 threads on multi-threaded benchmarks like Producer-Consumer. In our procedure, we characterize the existence of non-terminating executions as Mazurkiewicz-style concurrent traces and apply causality-based transformation rules to refine them until a contradiction can be shown. The termination proof is organized into a tableau, where the case splits represent a novel type of modular reasoning according to different causal explanations of a hypothetical error. We report on experimental results obtained with a tool implementation of the new procedure, called Arctor, on previously intractable multi-threaded benchmarks. |
16:40 | Counterexample to Induction-Guided Abstraction-Refinement (CTIGAR) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Typical CEGAR-based verification methods refine the abstraction domain based on full traces. The finite-state model checking algorithm IC3 introduced the concept of discovering, generalizing from, and thereby eliminating individual state (or cube) counterexamples to induction (CTIs). This focus on individual states (or cubes) suggests a simpler abstraction-refinement scheme in which refinements are performed relative to single steps of the transition relation, thus reducing the expense of a refinement and eliminating the need for full traces. Interestingly, this change in refinement focus leads to a natural spectrum of refinement options, including when to refine and which type of concrete single-step query to refine relative to. Experiments validate that CTI-focused abstraction refinement, or CTIGAR, is competitive with existing CEGAR-based tools. |
17:00 | Unbounded Scalable Verification Based on Approximate Property-Directed Reachability and Datapath Abstraction SPEAKER: Suho Lee ABSTRACT. This paper introduces the Averroes formal verification system which exploits the power of two complementary approaches: counterexample-guided abstraction and refinement (CEGAR) of the design's datapath and the recently-introduced IC3 and PDR approximate reachability algorithms. Averroes is particularly suited to the class of hardware designs consisting of wide datapaths and complex control logic, a class that covers a wide spectrum of design styles that range from general-purpose microprocessors to special-purpose embedded controllers and accelerators. In most of these designs, the number of datapath state variables is orders of magnitude larger than the number of control state variables. Thus, for purposes of verifying the correctness of the control logic (where most design errors typically reside), datapath abstraction is particularly effective at pruning away most of a design's state space leaving a much reduced ``control space'' that can be efficiently explored by the IC3 and PDR method. Preliminary experimental results on a suite of industrial benchmarks show that Averroes significantly outperforms verification at the bit level. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical demonstration of the possibility of automatic scalable unbounded sequential verification. |
17:20 | QUICr: A Reusable Library for Parametric Abstraction of Sets and Numbers SPEAKER: Arlen Cox ABSTRACT. This paper introduces QUICr, a library that implements abstract domains for simultaneous reasoning about numbers and sets of numbers. QUICr is an abstract domain combinator that lifts any domain for numbers into an efficient domain for numbers and sets of numbers. As a library, it is useful for inferring relational data invariants in programs that manipulate data structures. As a testbed, it allows easy extension of widening and join heuristics, enabling adaptations to new and varied applications. In this paper we present the architecture of the library, guidelines on how to select heuristics, and an example instantiation of the library using the NewPolka polyhedra library to verify set-manipulating programs. |
08:45 | VSL Keynote Talk: Verification of Computer Systems with Model Checking SPEAKER: Edmund Clarke ABSTRACT. Model Checking is an automatic verification technique for large state transition systems. The technique has been used successfully to debug complex computer hardware and communication protocols. Now, it is beginning to be used for complex hybrid (continuous/discrete) systems as well. The major disadvantage of the technique is a phenomenon called the State Explosion Problem. This problem is impossible to avoid in worst case. However, by using sophisticated data structures and clever search algorithms, it is now possible to verify hybrid systems with astronomical numbers of states. |