Moss Cove A
- Session 8H (Nov 08 08:00-09:30) Neurodivergence and Literature
- Session 9H (Nov 08 09:45-11:15) Borges and Beyond: Storytelling and Form
- Session 10H (Nov 08 11:30-13:00) On Writing
- Session 12H (Nov 08 14:00-15:30) Artificial Ignorance 3: Machine Seeing and Seeing Machines
- Session 15H (Nov 09 08:00-09:30) Experimenting with Experimenters: Thinking Otherwise with Latour, Serres, Stengers
- Session 16H (Nov 09 09:45-11:15) Speculative Worlds: Animation, Architecture, and Cosmotechnical Experimentation
- Session 18F (Nov 09 14:00-15:30) The Entangled Politics of Interiority
- Session 20F (Nov 09 15:45-17:15) Introspection Introspected: Reclaiming the Marginalized Practice of Reading Your Own Mind