This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2013 Computing Curriculum | |
A | |
a collection of example projects | |
Abstraction | |
Academic Dishonesty | |
Academic performance prediction | |
accelerated degree program | |
accessibility | |
Accessible | |
achievement goals | |
ACM 2013 Computing Curriculum | |
ACM Code of Ethics | |
ACM Guidelines | |
ACM proceedings | |
ACM/IEEE-CS 2013 Curricula Knowledge Area | |
active learning | |
active learning classrooms | |
active learning environments | |
activity | |
adaptive learning | |
adolescence | |
Advanced Placement | |
Advanced Placement (AP) | |
Advanced Technical Education | |
affective learning | |
African Americans | |
African-American middle school girls | |
After-school | |
Agile Collaboration | |
Agile Education | |
Agile Requirement | |
Agile Software Development | |
AI | |
air quality | |
Algorithm visualization | |
algorithmic thinking | |
Algorithms | |
Alice Programming Language | |
Alloy | |
Android | |
Android App | |
Android Permissions | |
AP Computer Science | |
AP Computer Science Principles | |
AP CSP | |
App Inventor | |
Applied computing | |
Applied computing → Arts and humanities | |
appreciative inquiry | |
apprenticeship | |
Arrays | |
Artifact | |
artificial intelligence | |
Artificial Intelligence in Education | |
artificial neural networks | |
Arts | |
Arts computing | |
Aspirations | |
assembly language | |
Assembly Language Programming | |
assessing student work | |
assessment | |
Assessment Design | |
Assessment Tools | |
assessments | |
Assignment development | |
Assignments Evaluation | |
At least | |
Athena | |
Attrition | |
Auto-grading | |
Autograder | |
Autograding | |
Automated Assessment | |
automated detection of struggling students | |
automated feedback for programming assignments | |
Automated grading | |
Automated Group Suggester | |
automated test generation | |
automatic assessment system | |
Automatic feedback | |
automatic grading | |
Automatic Item Generation | |
Automation | |
B | |
badges | |
basic algorithms and data structures | |
BBC micro:bits | |
Beauty and Joy of Computing | |
Behavior | |
belonging | |
Best Practices | |
BI | |
bias | |
Big Data | |
big-data | |
Bilingual Education | |
Bioinformatics Algorithms | |
bitcoins | |
BJC | |
Blackbox | |
blended-learning | |
block-based language | |
block-based programming | |
block-based programming environments | |
blockchains | |
blocks language | |
blocks language written in itself | |
Bloom’s taxonomy | |
bootcamps | |
Boy Scouts | |
Brain-Computer Interface | |
Brain-computer interface (BCI) | |
broadening access | |
broadening participation | |
broadening participation in computing | |
Broadening the Participation | |
building community | |
buried error messages | |
C | |
C language | |
C programming language | |
C++ | |
Capstone | |
capstone project | |
Career development | |
Career Preparation | |
Careers | |
cascading error messages | |
Case Studies | |
Case Study | |
case study research | |
CAT capability tree | |
Challenge-Based Education | |
Challenge-Based Learning | |
change recommendation | |
cheat sheet | |
Cheating | |
Chicago Public Schools | |
child | |
children | |
Circuit Playground | |
citizen science | |
citizenship | |
Class Attendance | |
Class room practice | |
Classical AI | |
classroom community | |
classroom management | |
classroom orchestration | |
clickers | |
cloud | |
cloud computing | |
CloudLab | |
CNN | |
Code Camp | |
code crafting | |
Code Critiquer | |
Code design | |
Code editor | |
Code Quality | |
Code Writing | |
coding | |
Coding and programming | |
Coding boot camps | |
Coding Bootcamps | |
coding education | |
Coding tools | |
Coding tutorials | |
cognitive load | |
Cognitive Load Theory | |
coherent instructional systems | |
Cohort-based learning | |
Collaboration | |
Collaborative Course | |
collaborative learning | |
Collaborative Project | |
Collaborative software engineering | |
collaborative teaching | |
College | |
college/university teaching careers | |
Committee on computing education in the liberal arts | |
Committee report | |
communication | |
communities of practice | |
community | |
Community College | |
community colleges | |
Community of Practice | |
competitions | |
compiler error messages | |
compiler projects | |
compilers | |
complexity theory | |
computability theory | |
computational algorithmic thinking | |
computational biology | |
computational creativity | |
Computational Modeling | |
computational thinking | |
computer clubs in secondary schools | |
computer forensics | |
computer networks | |
Computer organization | |
Computer Science | |
Computer Science A | |
computer science assessment | |
computer science attitudes | |
Computer science degree programs | |
Computer Science Education | |
computer science education research | |
Computer science education → CS1 | |
computer science for all | |
Computer Science I | |
Computer Science Majors | |
Computer Science Principles | |
computer science program | |
Computer science programs | |
Computer Science Summer Program | |
Computer Science Unplugged | |
computer security | |
computer systems | |
Computer Systems Fundamentals | |
computerized evaluation | |
Computers and Society | |
Computing | |
Computing and Music | |
computing curricula | |
Computing Curriculum | |
computing education | |
computing education purposes | |
Computing education → Model curricula | |
Computing experience | |
Computing for All | |
computing for non-cs major | |
computing labs | |
computing programs | |
computing-math integration | |
computing’s cultural styles | |
concept inventory | |
concept learning | |
Concept Maps | |
concurrent programming | |
Containers | |
contest | |
context | |
Contextualized CS | |
Contextualized CS1 | |
Continuous Integration | |
cooperative learning | |
coupling | |
course and module development | |
Course Development | |
course project | |
courseware | |
Cozmo robot | |
Creative computation | |
creative thinking | |
creativity | |
creativity development | |
Critical Reflection | |
cross-sector | |
Crucial CS Knowledge | |
crypto currencies | |
CS | |
CS + X | |
cs 0 | |
CS 1 | |
CS 2 | |
CS curriculum | |
CS Education | |
CS Education Infrastructure | |
CS Education Research | |
CS for All | |
CS Identity | |
CS learning game development | |
CS principles | |
CS Professional Identity | |
CS Programming | |
CS Retention | |
CS0 | |
CS1 | |
CS1 + Biology | |
CS1/CS2 | |
CS101 | |
CS2 | |
CS2013 | |
CS4All | |
CS4HS (Computer Science for High School) program | |
CSE | |
CSEd Research | |
CSEd4SG | |
CSforALL | |
CSG-Ed | |
CSinParallel | |
CSP Curriculum | |
CSS | |
CSTA | |
CSTransfer2017 | |
cultural competency | |
cultural responsiveness | |
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy | |
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) | |
Curriculum | |
Curriculum and Instruction | |
Curriculum change | |
curriculum design | |
Curriculum development | |
curriculum guidelines | |
Curriculum Landscape | |
Curriculum review | |
Curriculum Theater | |
cyber ethics | |
Cyber sciences | |
Cyber Security | |
CyberPatriot | |
cybersecurity | |
Cybersecurity curricular guidelines | |
Cybersecurity education | |
cybersecurity games | |
Cybersecurity programs | |
cybersecurity workforce development | |
D | |
Data analytics | |
data collection | |
Data Mining | |
data mining model | |
data models | |
data science | |
data structures | |
data-driven approach for teaching programming | |
data-driven decision-making | |
data-driven intelligence | |
data-driven support | |
data-mining | |
Database | |
databases | |
datasets | |
debugging | |
decision problems | |
deduction | |
deep learning | |
Degree program development | |
Demo | |
design | |
design patterns | |
Design smells | |
design thinking | |
Designs | |
development of sustainable support for CS Education | |
DFW rate | |
diagnostic assessment | |
dialogue | |
differentiated instruction | |
Differentiation | |
Difficulties | |
Digital Literacy | |
digital media informatics | |
disability | |
discrete math | |
discrete mathematics | |
Discrete structures | |
distance/online education | |
distributed | |
distributed computing | |
diversity | |
Diversity/inclusion in CS | |
Docker | |
domain analysis | |
DoS | |
Dropout rate | |
DS4SG | |
DSP | |
dual enrollment | |
Dynamic Programming | |
E | |
e-learning | |
Early Detection | |
Early undergraduates | |
Education | |
Education for non-technical people | |
Education Research | |
education research proposals | |
educational games | |
educational interventions | |
Educational Module | |
educational technology | |
educator certification | |
Educators | |
edX | |
effective teaching practices | |
efficiency and scalability issues | |
Electroencephalography (EEG) | |
Elementary | |
elementary school | |
Elementary School Students | |
Elementary STEM | |
embedded | |
embedded assessment | |
embedded programming | |
embedded systems | |
emotions | |
Empirical Studies | |
empiricism in computer science education research | |
Employment | |
engagement | |
Engaging content | |
engine | |
engineering education research | |
England | |
enhanced compiler error messages | |
Enrollment Growth | |
equity | |
eTexiles | |
Ethics | |
ethnicity | |
Ethnographic Study | |
evaluation | |
Evaluation Design | |
evolutionary coupling | |
Exam Questions | |
Examples for CS1/CS2 and Algo/Data Struct. classes | |
Exams | |
exemplars | |
exercise | |
Experience Report | |
Experiences | |
Experiential Learning | |
Experimental Curriculum | |
explanation-oriented programming | |
Exploit Hacking | |
Exploring Computer Science | |
Exposing HS girls to CS | |
exposure camps | |
External Representations | |
Extracurricular Computing Clubs | |
extracurricular programs | |
F | |
facilitating | |
faculty | |
Faculty professional development | |
failure | |
feature selection | |
feedback | |
feedback mechanism | |
Female Participation | |
Females | |
filks | |
filtering | |
First year experience | |
first-generation college students | |
flash cards | |
flipped classes | |
flipped classroom | |
flipped learning | |
flowcharts | |
formal | |
formal methods | |
formative study | |
FOSS | |
FPGA Cloud | |
Front End Development | |
Fun | |
Functional problem solving | |
functional programming | |
Future job market | |
future time perspective | |
future-oriented motivation | |
G | |
Game base learning | |
Game Based Learning/Gaming | |
Game Design | |
game design for social change | |
game development | |
game programming | |
game-based learning | |
gamification | |
Gamification in education | |
gender | |
Gender and diversity | |
Gender and Underrepresented Minority | |
Gender bias | |
Gender Gap | |
Gender gap in CS | |
gender in computing | |
gender issues | |
general education | |
general purpose blocks language | |
Gesture | |
GIS | |
GitHub | |
global | |
Google Blockly | |
Google IgniteCS | |
Google-IgniteCS | |
GP | |
Grading | |
Graduate Studies | |
graduation rates | |
Graduation Requirement | |
Graph algorithms | |
graphical user interface | |
Graphics | |
grounded theory | |
Group and Individual Work | |
group assignments | |
Group Formation | |
Group Suggester | |
Group Suggestions | |
growth mindset | |
GUI | |
guided practice | |
H | |
Hands-on | |
hands-on lab education | |
hands-on learning | |
hardware | |
Hardware Platform | |
Hardware/architecture | |
Haskell | |
HCI | |
help-seeking | |
help-seeking strategies | |
high performance computing | |
High School | |
high school computer science | |
High school teacher development | |
higher education | |
hints | |
Hispanic/Latino | |
Hispanics | |
historical co-change | |
history | |
history of computing | |
Holistic | |
Hollywood movie | |
hololens | |
Homework | |
HTML | |
Human Subjects | |
Humanitarian Free and Open Source (HFOSS) | |
humanities and computing | |
Humanities Computing | |
Hybrid undergraduate curricula | |
I | |
IaaS | |
Identity | |
illustrative projects | |
important influences in reaching CS for all | |
Improved conceptual learning | |
In-class Exercises | |
inclusion | |
inclusive | |
inclusive teaching | |
incremental development | |
Indian Education for All | |
indicator | |
Industrial Experience | |
industry | |
Industry Needs | |
industry partnership | |
informal education | |
Informal learning | |
informal mentorship | |
Informatics | |
Informatics education | |
Information Security | |
Information systems curriculum development | |
information systems education | |
Information Technology | |
Information technology curricula IT2017 | |
Infrastructure | |
innovative teaching | |
Instant Feedback | |
Institutional Review Board | |
Instructional Coaching | |
instructional design | |
Instructional improvement | |
instructional intervention | |
instructional materials | |
Instructional Support | |
Integrated Development Environment | |
intelligent | |
Intelligent Tutoring Systems | |
interaction design | |
interactive | |
interactive exercise | |
Interactive Exercise Instructions | |
Interactive instruction approach | |
Interactive Learning | |
interactive textbook | |
Interactive tool | |
interactive tutorial | |
Interactive tutorials | |
Interdisciplinarity | |
Interdisciplinary | |
Interdisciplinary Collaboration | |
Interdisciplinary Course | |
Interdisciplinary Courses | |
Interdisciplinary Education | |
Interdisciplinary groups | |
interdisciplinary programs | |
interest | |
interest development | |
interest-driven | |
Internet of Things | |
Internships | |
interoperability | |
Interprofessional education | |
introduction to computer science | |
Introductory computer science | |
Introductory Computing | |
Introductory Concepts | |
Introductory programming | |
inverted classroom | |
IoT | |
IRT | |
IT curricular framework | |
IT curricular guidelines | |
item response theory | |
iteration | |
J | |
Jailed Sandbox | |
Java | |
Java Programming | |
JavaScript | |
JSON | |
Just in Time Learning | |
K | |
K-12 | |
K-12 computer science education | |
K-12 computing | |
K-12 computing education | |
K-12 Computing Pathways | |
K-12 CS Education | |
K-12 education | |
K-12 learning module | |
K-12 outreach | |
K-12 schools | |
K-12 teachers | |
K-12/college collaboration | |
K-6 Education | |
K-8 | |
K-9 | |
K12 | |
K12 CS Education | |
K12 CS Framework | |
K12 education | |
K12 Teaching | |
K5 Computer Science | |
kernel security education | |
keywords | |
Knowledge Components | |
knowledge skills and abilities | |
Known Issues | |
Kodu | |
L | |
Language choice | |
language-neutral | |
Large class | |
Large classes | |
Late Day | |
Latin America | |
leading change in K-12 schools | |
learner analytics | |
learning | |
Learning Analytics | |
Learning and Assessment Methodologies | |
learning by doing | |
Learning Communities | |
learning community | |
Learning curve | |
Learning Cycle | |
learning differences | |
learning gains | |
learning goals | |
Learning Management System | |
learning outcome | |
learning outcomes | |
Learning Processes | |
Learning programming | |
Lecture Based | |
lecture slides | |
Liberal arts | |
liberal arts college | |
Liberal arts institutions | |
lightweight teams | |
linear regression modeling | |
Linked List Modeling | |
Linked Lists | |
Live coding examples | |
living-learning communities | |
LLVM | |
logic | |
Logic programming | |
Logistics | |
Longitudinal research | |
LTI | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
makerspaces | |
malloc | |
Manipulative | |
Manipulatives | |
Map | |
mapping | |
massive open online course | |
Masters Degree | |
mathematics | |
media computation | |
Memory | |
Memory Debugging | |
Memory Management Concepts | |
mental health | |
mental illness | |
Mentoring | |
Mentorship | |
message passing | |
Messy Learning | |
Metacognition | |
Meteorology | |
methodology | |
micro:bit | |
Microaggressions | |
microcontrollers | |
microworlds | |
middle school | |
middle school computer science | |
Middle School Education | |
middle school youth | |
middle-school | |
migrant farm workers | |
Minorities in computing | |
Misconceptions | |
mixed reality | |
Mobile Security | |
Model | |
model builder | |
modeling student outcomes | |
Mondrian art | |
MOOC | |
MOOCs | |
motivated strategies for learning questionnaire | |
motivation | |
Motivation and Timing | |
MPI | |
multidimensional competencies | |
music | |
must be generated | |
N | |
National Academies | |
Native Language | |
Natural Language Processing | |
NCWIT EngageCSEdu | |
near peer-mentoring | |
needs assessment | |
Networks | |
Networks and Communication | |
Neurofeedback | |
new faculty mentoring | |
New Interdisciplinary Programs (CS + X) | |
Nifty | |
Nifty Assignment | |
Node.js | |
non majors | |
non-majors | |
Nonmajors courses | |
NoSQL | |
notional machine | |
novice learners | |
novice programmers | |
novice programming | |
novice syntax errors | |
NSA GenCyber | |
NSA-GenCyber | |
NSF education project | |
O | |
Object-oriented design | |
online | |
online course | |
Online courses | |
Online Editor | |
Online Education | |
Online experience | |
online learning | |
online Python IDE | |
Online Social Networking | |
open source | |
Open Source Course Projects | |
Open Source Software | |
open-ended programming projects | |
open-source software | |
Operating Systems | |
Outreach | |
Outreach (Middle School) | |
ownership | |
P | |
pair programming | |
Para-educators | |
parallel | |
parallel and distributed computing | |
parallel computing | |
parallel design patterns | |
parallel programming | |
parallelism | |
parodies | |
Parsons Problems | |
Parsons puzzles | |
partnerships | |
Password | |
Pathways | |
patterns | |
pedagogical agent | |
pedagogical content knowledge | |
pedagogical datasets | |
Pedagogical tools | |
Pedagogy | |
peer assessment | |
Peer Collaboration | |
Peer Evaluation | |
peer grading | |
Peer Instruction | |
Peer mentoring | |
peer tutoring | |
penetration testing | |
Perceptions | |
Performance | |
performance monitoring | |
Persistence | |
personalized feedback | |
Physical computing | |
Plagiarism | |
plagiarism detection | |
Pointers | |
Policy | |
policy implementation | |
Polyglot persistence | |
Postsecondary Education | |
practice spaces | |
Practitioner | |
Praxis | |
Pre-college activity | |
pre-college programs | |
Predicate logic | |
Predictive Analysis | |
Predictive tools | |
prerequisite testing | |
Prescriptive Analytics | |
Primarily undergraduate institutions | |
primary education | |
primary school | |
Primary school teachers | |
prior experience | |
Prior Programming Experience | |
privacy | |
Probabilistic Embedding | |
problem solving skills | |
Problem-based learning | |
Processing | |
Professional behavior | |
Professional Development | |
professional development of K-12 school teachers | |
professional ethics | |
Professional goals | |
professional identity | |
professional learners | |
professional practice | |
Professional Teaching Track | |
Program accreditation | |
Program Analysis Tools | |
program comprehension | |
Program Reasoning Ability | |
program state | |
program tracing | |
programming | |
programming assignment | |
Programming assignments | |
programming concepts | |
programming contest | |
programming contests | |
Programming courses | |
Programming editor | |
programming education | |
Programming environments | |
Programming Exercises | |
programming experience | |
Programming Game | |
programming languages | |
Programming pedagogy | |
programming process | |
programming style | |
Project Based Learning | |
Project Based Learning (PBL) | |
Project Design for Memory Management | |
Project Planning | |
project-based | |
project-based learning | |
proof development | |
proofs | |
protocol headers | |
protocol visualization | |
pseudocode | |
Python | |
python and scapy assignment | |
Python/R | |
Q | |
qualifications | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative Analysis | |
Qualitative Content Analysis | |
qualitative methodology | |
Quantum Annealing | |
Quantum Artificial Intelligence | |
questioning | |
Quick-Sort | |
R | |
R-PFA | |
RapidMiner | |
Raspberry Pi | |
Real world data | |
real-time assessment | |
reasoning | |
reception | |
Recommender systems | |
Recruitment | |
recurrent neural network | |
recursion | |
references | |
Reflection | |
Relational algebra | |
Remix Assignments | |
Replication | |
repositories | |
Research | |
Research and evaluation | |
Research Community | |
Research culture | |
research design | |
Research experience | |
Research quality | |
Research-Practitioner Partnership | |
research-supported pedagogy | |
Researcher-Practitioner Partnership | |
Resilience | |
resources | |
REST | |
retention | |
Reverse Engineering | |
reversibilit | |
robot programming | |
Robotics | |
rubrics | |
rule-based language | |
Rural education | |
S | |
S-STEM | |
scaffolding | |
Scalable Instructional resources | |
scaling up | |
scholar program | |
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | |
School Administrators | |
School Districts | |
Science activities | |
Science classrooms | |
Scouting | |
Scratch | |
secure coding | |
Secure Programming | |
secure scripting | |
Security | |
security education | |
security-first principles | |
SEL | |
self-assessment | |
self-efficacy | |
self-regulation | |
Semantic Web | |
Semantic-based AIG | |
senior capstone | |
sense of belonging | |
Sequence Recommendation | |
serious games | |
service learning | |
Service-Learning | |
Session-based recommendations | |
Shared Goals | |
simulator | |
singing | |
sketching | |
small department | |
Small Liberal Arts Colleges | |
Smart Content | |
smart learning tools | |
Smart Sparrow | |
Snap | |
social good | |
Social justice | |
socio-economic | |
soft circuits | |
Soft Skills | |
software | |
software change impact analysis | |
Software Defects | |
Software Defined Networking | |
Software design | |
software development | |
Software engineering | |
software engineering best practice | |
Software Engineering Education | |
Software Patterns | |
Software Project | |
software project management | |
software testing | |
SOLO taxonomy | |
Sound Design | |
Spatial data | |
spatial reasoning | |
spiral-theory-based curriculum | |
stacks | |
standards | |
state policy | |
state-wide initiatives supporting CS | |
statewide | |
Statistics | |
status report | |
STEM | |
STEM education | |
STEM self-efficacy | |
Struggle | |
Student Analytics | |
Student centered research | |
student data analytics | |
Student Diversity | |
student engagement | |
Student expectation | |
Student involvement | |
Student Leadership | |
Student Motivation | |
Student peer relationships | |
student performance | |
student performance model | |
Student Recruitment | |
student retention | |
Student Stress | |
student survey | |
Student surveys | |
Student's background | |
Student-centered learning | |
Student-created videos | |
students | |
Students Perception | |
Students with Disabilities | |
study abroad | |
study guide | |
Study habits | |
study motivation | |
study strategies | |
subgoal | |
subgoal labeled worked examples | |
subsequent error messages | |
substitution model | |
summer camp | |
Summer camps | |
Survey | |
sustainability | |
symbolic | |
syntax error messages | |
Synthesis computer science course | |
system | |
Systematic process for debugging | |
Systemic Change | |
systems programming | |
T | |
tangible | |
targeted association rule mining | |
task design | |
teacher certification | |
teacher development | |
teacher education | |
teacher preparation | |
Teacher Professional Development | |
Teacher Recruitment | |
Teacher Training | |
Teachers | |
Teaching | |
teaching assistant | |
teaching at scale | |
Teaching demonstrations | |
teaching tips | |
Teaching track faculty | |
team assignments | |
team roles | |
Team Teaching | |
team training | |
team-based learning | |
Team-Teaching | |
teamwork | |
Tech Startup Model | |
technology | |
Technology Enhanced Learning | |
teenagers | |
Temporal Data Mining | |
terminology | |
Test Driven Development | |
testing effect | |
Textbook | |
theorem prover | |
theoretical computer science | |
theory course | |
think-aloud | |
three | |
three keywords | |
Tracing | |
traditionally underrepresented minority students | |
training data | |
training team of graders | |
transfer | |
transfer pathway | |
Transfer Programs | |
Troubleshooting | |
turtle stitch | |
Two-Stage Project | |
Two-Year College | |
U | |
unconscious bias | |
under-served | |
Undergraduate Advising | |
Undergraduate Computer Science | |
undergraduate courses | |
undergraduate curriculum | |
undergraduate education | |
Undergraduate Exposure | |
Undergraduate Instruction | |
Undergraduate research | |
undergraduate research experiences | |
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants | |
Undergraduates | |
underrepresentation | |
Underrepresented | |
underrepresented groups | |
underrepresented populations | |
underrepresented students | |
Unit Testing | |
Universal Design | |
universal windows platform | |
Unplugged | |
Upper elementary grades | |
URM | |
V | |
validation | |
values | |
variability | |
verification | |
version control | |
Video | |
Video Games | |
video quizzes | |
videogames | |
Virginia | |
Virtual Lab | |
virtual machine introspection for cybersecurity education | |
virtual reality | |
Visual Programming | |
visualization | |
Visualization packages | |
visually impaired | |
vulnerability analysis | |
vulnerability assessment and management | |
W | |
web application | |
Web based teaching tools | |
web development | |
Web engineering curriculum | |
web portal | |
Web services | |
web-cat | |
Webcam | |
well-being | |
wellness | |
Whole-school | |
women | |
women in computer science | |
women in computing | |
women in tech | |
Women in Technology | |
work-integrated learning | |
Worked Examples | |
Workforce Expansion | |
working pace | |
Workshops | |
Writing | |
writing-to-learn | |
X | |
x86-64 |