This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2D structure tensor | |
3 | |
3-SAT | |
3D printing | |
A | |
abilities | |
Abstraction | |
Academic honesty | |
Accelerated Courses | |
access | |
Accessibility | |
Accessible Computing | |
accreditation | |
Achievement Gap | |
ACM curricular guidance | |
Action Learning | |
active learning | |
Adaptive Learning | |
Advanced Placement | |
Advanced Placement CS | |
African American | |
After school program | |
After-school | |
Agents | |
Agile development | |
Algorithm Analysis | |
Algorithm Analysis Visualizations | |
Algorithm Fairness | |
Algorithmic design | |
algorithmic problem-solving | |
algorithmic thinking | |
Algorithms | |
Alternative Class Structure | |
alternative publishing | |
analogy | |
analyzing data | |
AP Computer Science Principles | |
AP CS Principles | |
App Inventor | |
Application | |
applications | |
Architecture (field) | |
Archive | |
Archiving | |
Arduino | |
arguments for CS education | |
Aria | |
Art | |
Artwork | |
Aspect Ratio | |
Assembly Language | |
assessment | |
assessments | |
assignments | |
associate degree programs | |
Associate-Degree | |
associate-degree transfer curriculum | |
at-risk students | |
Attitudes toward Computing | |
Authentication | |
authenticity | |
autograders | |
autograding | |
automated assessment | |
automated assessment tools | |
automated classification techniques | |
automated feedback | |
automated grading | |
Automatic Assessment | |
automatic feedback | |
automatic grading | |
automation | |
axiomatic proofs | |
B | |
BBC micro:bit | |
Big Data | |
Big Data Curriculum | |
Big Data Management | |
bioinformatics | |
Black | |
Blended Learning | |
block based programming | |
Block programming | |
block-based | |
Block-based programming | |
block-based software | |
Blockly | |
blocks | |
blocks-based languages | |
Blocks-based Programming | |
blogging | |
BlueJ | |
boolean logic | |
Bootstrap | |
breadth-first | |
Broad perspectives in curriculum design | |
Broadening Participation | |
broadening participation in computing | |
building community for women in computing | |
business education | |
C | |
C | |
C language | |
C programming | |
C++ | |
C-STEM | |
Capstone | |
capstone course | |
Capture the Flag | |
Career | |
career advancement | |
Career Options | |
career pathways | |
Careers | |
CBE | |
celebration of women in computing | |
Certification | |
Change | |
Cheating | |
Cheating-free | |
Circuit Bending | |
citation | |
citation index | |
Class Size | |
Class-sourcing | |
Classroom Community | |
classroom research | |
classroom resources | |
clicker question | |
cloud | |
Cloud Computing | |
cloud-based IDE | |
Cloud-based Mobile System | |
Cloud9 | |
Clustering | |
Code Camp | |
code smells | |
Code Writing | |
Codes of ethics | |
coding | |
coding boot camps | |
Coding for Social Good | |
coding tutorials | |
cognition | |
Cognitive Load | |
collaboration | |
Collaborative Assessment | |
collaborative learning | |
Collaborative programming | |
Collaborative Research | |
collecting data | |
Collection | |
college access | |
Common Data collection | |
communication | |
Communication skills | |
communities of practice | |
Community college | |
Community Colleges | |
Competency-based education | |
competition | |
Completion rates | |
complexity theory | |
computability theory | |
Computational identity | |
computational literacy | |
computational making | |
Computational Thinking | |
Computer Accessibility | |
computer aided instruction | |
Computer architecture | |
Computer Engineering | |
Computer Modeling and Simulation | |
computer music | |
computer organization | |
computer programming | |
Computer Science | |
computer science curriculum | |
Computer Science Education | |
Computer science education research | |
Computer science K-12 educational policy | |
computer science learning goals | |
Computer Science Pedagogy | |
Computer Science Principles | |
Computer science teacher training | |
Computer Science Teachers | |
computer science transfer | |
Computer scientists | |
computer security | |
computer systems | |
computer-based assessment | |
computers and society | |
Computing | |
computing activities | |
Computing and Society | |
Computing Cluster | |
Computing curricula | |
Computing Education | |
computing education purposes | |
Computing for Social Good | |
computing in context | |
computing in the arts | |
Computing literacy | |
Computing Majors | |
Computing overview report | |
concept inventories | |
Concept Inventory | |
Confidence | |
conflict resolution | |
Context-based learning | |
Conversational | |
coop | |
corgis | |
course syllabi | |
courses | |
covert channel | |
Covert Storage Channel | |
Creative Computing | |
Creative thinking | |
Creativity | |
cross-disciplinary | |
Crowd-sourcing | |
cryptography | |
CS 1 | |
CS and Information Security Education | |
CS course achievement | |
CS Ed Week | |
CS education | |
CS Education Research | |
CS for All | |
CS Principles | |
CS Standards | |
CS Teacher | |
CS Underrepresented Students | |
CS Unplugged | |
CS0 | |
CS0 curriculum | |
CS1 | |
CS1 and CS2 | |
CS1/2 | |
CS1/CS2 | |
CS2 | |
CS4All | |
CS50 | |
CSforAll | |
CSinParallel | |
CSP | |
CTF | |
Cultural Competence | |
current practices | |
Curricula | |
curricula development | |
Curricula guidelines | |
Curricular evolution | |
Curricular Guidance | |
curricular guidelines | |
curriculum | |
curriculum design | |
Curriculum Development | |
Curriculum Enactment | |
Curriculum Review | |
Curriculum sharing | |
cyber | |
cyber defence exercise | |
cyber education | |
cyber operations | |
cyber sciences | |
cyber security | |
cyber training | |
cyberlearning | |
cybersecurity | |
cybersecurity awareness | |
cybersecurity education | |
cybersecurity-infused computer science | |
D | |
dashboards | |
Data | |
Data Analysis | |
data fluency | |
data literacy | |
Data Mining | |
data science | |
data structures | |
data visualization | |
Data-collection | |
Data-driven | |
data-driven hints | |
Database | |
Davidson College | |
debugger | |
debugging | |
decision problems | |
Delphi Process | |
Department Chair | |
Depth Sensor | |
designing research questions | |
device interactions | |
Dialogue analysis | |
digital certificates | |
Digital Electronics | |
Digital Logic | |
digital signatures | |
digital storytelling | |
Disability | |
Discussion forums | |
distributed programming | |
distributed version control | |
Diversity | |
Diversity in CSE | |
Docker | |
Domain-specific languages | |
DoS Attack | |
Driverless Cars | |
Drones | |
dropout | |
Dual-modality | |
Dynamic Polarization | |
Dynamic Problems | |
E | |
e-learning | |
EarSketch | |
ebooks | |
ECA | |
ECS | |
education | |
Education research proposals | |
education standards | |
educational data mining | |
educational practice | |
Educational Technology | |
effectiveness | |
Electronic Textiles | |
elementary school | |
embedded | |
Embedded Systems | |
Embodied | |
empirical research | |
Empirical Software Engineering | |
empirical study | |
encouragement | |
End-user Programming | |
Engagement | |
enrollment | |
EPIC learning | |
Epistemology | |
equity in computer science education | |
ethics | |
ethnicity | |
Evaluation | |
Evaluation capacity building | |
evaluation of team projects | |
Event-Based Teaching | |
evidence-based | |
evidence-based instructional practices | |
Evidence-based Practices | |
evidence-oriented programming | |
Exam Questions | |
Exam wrappers | |
Exams | |
experiential learning | |
Exploring Computer Science | |
exposure | |
F | |
face-to-face learning | |
facilitation materials | |
Faculty Adoption | |
Faculty development | |
faculty hiring | |
feedback | |
Female | |
final design | |
First year experience | |
first-generation student | |
First-year experience | |
Fixed mindset | |
Flashcards | |
flipped classroom | |
Flipped Classrooms | |
Flow | |
Folk pedagogy | |
formal methods | |
formal reasoning | |
forming student teams | |
frames-based editing | |
framework | |
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) | |
freshmen | |
Funding | |
G | |
game balance | |
game design | |
Game Jams | |
game making | |
Gamification | |
gdb | |
Geek gene | |
Gender | |
Gender diversity in computing | |
Gender Equitable | |
gender issues | |
Girl-serving computer science programs | |
Girls | |
Git | |
github in education | |
global impact of computing | |
global perspectives | |
grading | |
grading models | |
graphical programming | |
graphical user interfaces | |
Greenfoot | |
grid world | |
Growth mindset | |
guided learning | |
guidelines | |
H | |
Hackathons | |
hands-on | |
Hands-on exercise | |
Hands-on Lab | |
hands-on learning | |
hardware | |
hash functions | |
Haskell | |
High Impact Practices | |
high school | |
High school teachers | |
Hilbert axiom system | |
Hints | |
Hispanic | |
history of computing | |
Holistic Student Development | |
Homework | |
homework assignments | |
Homework submission | |
homeworks | |
Hour of code | |
Human Computer Interaction | |
human errors | |
human factors | |
human-computer dialogs | |
human-computer interaction | |
Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software | |
Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) | |
I | |
IDE | |
identity practices | |
illustrative projects | |
Image Processing | |
immediate assessment | |
implementation | |
Implementation Study | |
Improving PD effectiveness | |
in-service teacher education | |
inclusion | |
industry | |
Industry Academia partnerships | |
Industry Volunteers | |
Informal education | |
informal learning | |
Informal/out of school computer science programs | |
information assurance | |
Innate ability | |
Innovation | |
Input Modality | |
inquiry learning | |
inquiry-based learning | |
Instructional practice | |
instructional technology | |
instructor-centered | |
integrated mathematics | |
Intelligent tutor | |
intelligent tutoring | |
Intelligent Tutoring Systems | |
Intensive Courses | |
Inter-Class Collaboration | |
interactive exercise | |
Interactive learning environments | |
Interdisciplinary | |
interdisciplinary content | |
interdisciplinary teaching methods | |
Interest | |
Internet of Things | |
internship | |
interoperability | |
intervention | |
intro | |
Introduction to Computer Science | |
introductory computing | |
introductory computing courses | |
Introductory CS concepts | |
introductory programming | |
IoT platform | |
Item Response Theory | |
J | |
Java | |
JavaScript | |
JUnit | |
K | |
K - 12 Education | |
K 12 | |
K-12 | |
K-12 computer science | |
K-12 CS education | |
K-12 education | |
K-12 STEM | |
K-12 teachers | |
K12 | |
K12 computer science | |
K12 CS | |
K12 CS Education | |
K12 Instruction | |
K12 outreach | |
knowledge | |
Kodu | |
Kodu Game Lab | |
Kullback Leibler Divergence | |
K–12 | |
L | |
lab | |
laboratory exams | |
Laboratory Experience | |
labs | |
Landscape report | |
language semantics | |
Large Classes | |
large lectures | |
Large-scale instruction | |
Latino/a | |
Leadership | |
learning | |
learning analytics | |
learning community | |
Learning content | |
Learning Experience | |
Learning Gain | |
Learning in context | |
Learning management | |
Learning outcomes | |
learning progressions | |
learning technology | |
learning trajectories | |
liberal arts | |
Linkbot | |
Linked Lists | |
Linux | |
literature review | |
Localized Free and Open Source Software (LFOSS) | |
Log Data Analysis | |
Logging | |
logical errors | |
logistics | |
Logo | |
long-term impact | |
loops | |
Low-budget | |
LTI | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Maker Movement | |
managing student teams | |
manipulatives | |
MARS | |
mastery grading | |
Media Computation | |
Mental Simulation | |
mentoring | |
Mentorship | |
Mesh Generation | |
meshing | |
meta-configurable | |
Metadata | |
micro:bit | |
microcontroller | |
Microcontroller Programming | |
Microsoft Kinect | |
Middle School | |
middle school CS | |
middle school curricula | |
Middle-school CS | |
Minecraft | |
Minisat | |
minor | |
MIPS | |
Misconceptions | |
MIT App Inventor | |
mixed-initiative dialogs | |
mixed-initiative interaction | |
Mobile | |
Mobile app development | |
Mobile Application Development | |
mobile apps | |
Mobile Computing | |
Mobile devices | |
Mobile Health | |
mobile learning | |
mobile technology | |
model curricula | |
module | |
Monte-Carlo | |
MOOC | |
MOOCs | |
motivation | |
multi-player games | |
Multiple levels of abstraction | |
Music | |
music education | |
mutation | |
mutual language translation | |
N | |
natural language processing | |
networking | |
nifty | |
Non-Majors | |
Non-R1 | |
Non-Tenure Track | |
Non-Traditional Assessment | |
notional machines | |
novice misconceptions | |
novice programmers | |
Novice programming | |
novice programming languages | |
novices | |
O | |
object-oriented | |
Object-oriented programming | |
omputer security | |
online | |
online education | |
Online Learning | |
Online resources | |
online-learning | |
Open Source | |
open source development | |
OpenMP | |
optimization | |
oral assessmen | |
oral communication skills | |
Outreach | |
P | |
Pair programming | |
parallel computing | |
parents | |
Participation | |
pathways | |
PBL | |
Pedagogical content knowledge | |
pedagogy | |
peer evaluation | |
peer instruction | |
Peer Learning | |
Peer Mentee | |
Peer Mentor | |
Peer Programming | |
peer teaching | |
Pencil puzzles | |
perceptions | |
Performance Evaluation | |
persistence in computing | |
Personalizing Learning | |
PhD Candidate | |
physical computing | |
Physical Manipulatives | |
Piazza | |
plagiarism | |
Plagiarism detection | |
Plagiarism detection tools | |
Plagiarism prevention | |
Polarizing Filter | |
policy | |
policy for accepting late work | |
practicum | |
Pre-K | |
Pre-service | |
pre-university | |
Predicting Yield | |
Predictive measures | |
predictors of success | |
preliminary design | |
Preparing students for industry | |
prerequisite testing | |
privacy | |
problem based learning | |
problem solving | |
Process Mining | |
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning | |
process skills | |
Processing | |
Professional Advancement | |
Professional Development | |
professional practice | |
professional skills | |
program analysis | |
program transformation | |
Program Verification | |
programming | |
programming assignments | |
programming behaviour | |
Programming Context | |
programming environment | |
programming environments | |
programming idioms | |
programming process | |
programming snapshots | |
Programming State Model | |
programming tests | |
Project Courses | |
Project-based learning | |
Proof Assistants | |
propositional logic | |
public key cryptography | |
public policy | |
publishing | |
PUI | |
Purposes of CS Education | |
puzzle | |
python | |
Q | |
quadrilateral | |
Quadrilateral Mesh | |
qualitative analysis | |
quality guarantee | |
Quality Instruction | |
quantitative analysis | |
quantitative methods | |
Question asking | |
Quorum programming language | |
R | |
R1 institutions | |
Race | |
Race/ethnicity | |
rainfall | |
Rapid Prototyping | |
raspberry pi | |
Reading | |
real-time assessment | |
real-world clients | |
real-world data | |
Real-world projects | |
realistic | |
recruitment | |
recruitment of women in computing | |
recursion | |
references | |
reflection | |
Reflection Analysis | |
reflective activity | |
Relative Entropy | |
replication | |
repository | |
reproduction | |
requirements inspections | |
research | |
Research Community | |
research criteria | |
research design | |
research questions | |
Research study | |
Resource repositories | |
Resources | |
retention | |
retention of women in computing | |
RoboPlay Challenge Competition | |
robot competition | |
Robotics | |
Role Models | |
Rubrics | |
S | |
Satisfiability | |
scale | |
School kids | |
science fiction | |
scope | |
Scratch | |
Secondary CS Assessment | |
secondary schools | |
Security | |
Security Analytics | |
security education | |
Security Policy | |
self-efficacy | |
seminar | |
sense of belonging | |
service learning | |
sharing | |
SIGCSE committee on computing education in liberal arts colleges | |
SIGCSE Reads | |
situated learning | |
skills | |
Small College Environment | |
Smartphones | |
Snap | |
Snap! | |
Snap! and Edgy | |
Social Construction | |
social justice in computer science education | |
society | |
sociocultural learning | |
soft skills development | |
software architecture | |
Software design | |
software development | |
software engineering | |
software quality | |
software refactoring | |
Soloway | |
song | |
sophomores | |
Sound Art | |
source code snapshot analysis | |
special-purpose | |
specifications grading | |
Spoofing | |
staffing | |
Standards | |
static analysis | |
STEAM Education | |
STEM | |
Stride | |
struggling students | |
Student cheating | |
student dispositions | |
Student earnestness | |
student engagement | |
Student Evaluations | |
student generated | |
Student retention | |
Student success | |
student teams | |
Student Trajectories | |
student-centered | |
Student-designed curriculum | |
Student-Driven Undergrad Research | |
Student-student dialogue | |
students | |
Studying | |
Summer camp | |
Supervised Machine Learning | |
survey course | |
symmetric key cryptography | |
systems | |
Systems Programming | |
T | |
tangibility | |
Tapping | |
taxonomy | |
Teach Access | |
Teacher | |
Teacher Certification | |
teacher learning | |
teacher pipeline | |
teacher professional development | |
teachers | |
teaching | |
teaching cryptography | |
Teaching institution | |
Teaching Quality | |
teaching tools | |
Teaching Track | |
team based course projects | |
teams | |
teams in large classes | |
teamwork | |
Technological Fluency | |
Technology Infrastructure | |
Tensor | |
Testing | |
theory to practice course | |
this reference | |
Tiles | |
timing | |
tools | |
tools for novices | |
Tracing | |
Traditional Assessment | |
training | |
Transdisciplinary Practices | |
Transfer Programs | |
Triangulation | |
Two-Stage Exams | |
types of research | |
U | |
Under-represented minorities (URM) | |
undergraduate | |
undergraduate curricular guidance | |
undergraduate research | |
Undergraduate student | |
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants | |
underrepresented | |
underrepresented minorities | |
Universal computer science education | |
universal design | |
unplugged | |
Upper-Level Courses | |
Urban-Art | |
usability | |
V | |
Values in CS Education | |
variables | |
verification | |
video-based learning | |
videos | |
Virtual | |
virtual robots | |
Virtualization | |
visual arts | |
visual programming | |
visual programming languages | |
visualization | |
visualize | |
Vocal User Interface | |
W | |
WCAG | |
Wearable Devices | |
web application | |
Web Applications | |
web development | |
Web-based | |
Weekend program | |
Weka system | |
Women | |
Workshop | |
writing | |
Y | |
year 12 computer science education | |
Yield Rate |