View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00 | The Success Rate of UI Applicants during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Variation Over Time and Across States (abstract) Discussant: Michael Navarrete |
09:20 | COBOLing Together UI Benefits: How Delays in Fiscal Stabilizers Affect Aggregate Consumption (abstract) Discussant: Julie Smith |
09:40 | Restricting Unemployment Insurance and Crime: Evidence from states declining American Rescue Plan benefits (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexander Henke Discussant: Albina Khatiwoda |
09:00 | What makes a job better? Survey evidence from job changers (abstract) PRESENTER: Mike Zabek Discussant: Eliana Zeballos |
09:20 | Just Cause Protection Under Manager Discrimination (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Pickens Discussant: Danielle Sandler |
09:40 | Remote Work, Wages, and Hours Worked in the United States (abstract) PRESENTER: Sabrina Pabilonia Discussant: Pamela Meyerhofer |
09:00 | Private Fixed Investment at the State Level (abstract) |
09:20 | Revising the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System (abstract) PRESENTER: Samuel Fincher |
09:40 | Creating an Integrated System of Data and Statistics on Household Income, Consumption and Wealth: Time to Build (abstract) PRESENTER: Timothy Smeeding |
09:00 | Policy Analytics and an overview of our HBCU CEJST Project (abstract) |
09:20 | An Overview of the White House's Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool and EPA's EJScreen Tool (abstract) |
09:50 | The Relevance of economics and environmental justice for HBCUs (abstract) |
09:00 | Americans with Disabilities Act and the Six Disability Questions in the American Community Survey (abstract) Discussant: Andrew Houtenville |
09:20 | Can Social Safety Net Programs Reduce Work Disability? Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit (abstract) PRESENTER: Keisha Solomon Discussant: David Wittenburg |
09:40 | Machine learning imputation of race in statistical estimates of disability and mortality risks using Social Security administrative data (abstract) Discussant: Loida Tamayo |
10:30 | Productivity Dispersion and Structural Change in Retail Trade (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Giandrea Discussant: Scott Ohlmacher |
10:50 | Productivity slowdown and firm exit: The ins and outs of banking crises (abstract) Discussant: Zoltan Wolf |
11:10 | Distributional and Productivity Implications of Regulating Casual Labor: Evidence from Ridesharing in Indonesia (abstract) PRESENTER: Shotaro Nakamura Discussant: Michael Giandrea |
10:30 | The Unintended Consequences of Financial Sanctions (abstract) Discussant: Patricia Schouker |
10:50 | Examining Social and Economic Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of Varna and Ashrama Systems in Ancient India and Adam Smith's Division of Labor (abstract) Discussant: Victor Agbar |
11:10 | nraveling the Haiti Paradox: In-Depth Analysis of Economic Stagnation and the Roots of Corruption (abstract) Discussant: Sushma Shukla |
11:30 | Scholarship Versus Truthfulness in Economics: How the Euphoria of Publication Recognition Has Obstructed Honesty in Economics (abstract) Discussant: Sadhabi Thapa |
10:30 | Understanding the Intersection of U.S. COVID-19 Deaths with Age, Geography, Race and Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Factors (abstract) PRESENTER: Hilary Waldron Discussant: Andres Mira |
10:50 | Social Mobility Restrictions on and off American Indian Reservations: Effects on Health Care Access and Utilization During COVID-19 (abstract) PRESENTER: Luis Quintero Discussant: Hilary Waldron |
11:10 | The Healthcare Industry After COVID-19: Entrepreneurship and Industry Composition (abstract) Discussant: Brett Matsumoto |
11:30 | Entry and Competition in Insurance Markets: Evidence from Medicare Advantage (abstract) Discussant: Brett Matsumoto |
10:30 | Mortgage Seasonality, Capacity Constraints, and Lender Responses (abstract) PRESENTER: Young Jo Discussant: Gray Kimbrough |
10:50 | Capital Gains Taxation and Asset Price Booms and Busts (abstract) Discussant: Marco Pani |
11:10 | Capital Flows, Income Inequality, and Housing Prices: A study on the impact of external financing, fiscal policies, and productivity shocks. (abstract) PRESENTER: Marco Pani Discussant: Pau Belda |
11:30 | Why don't taxpayers bunch at kink points? (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew McCallum Discussant: Alexander McGlothlin |
10:30 | Equity in WIOA (abstract) |
10:50 | Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System (RAPIDS) (abstract) |
11:10 | Leveraging Labor Market and Skills Information for Effective Sector Strategies (abstract) |
11:30 | Spatial Analysis in WIOA Programs (abstract) |
Tara Sinclair
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroeconomics
U.S. Treasury Department
"Job Creation in the Short and Long Run"
Abstract: The strong recovery from the Covid recession resulted from unprecedented policy action that brought the United States from an unemployment rate that peaked at nearly 15 percent in April of 2020 to an over 50-year low of 3.4 percent by January of 2023. But there is more work to do. Our economy can continue to create more and better jobs with the right investments. In this talk, Dr. Sinclair will discuss some of the economic thinking behind the policies used in a time of economic recovery. She will then turn to longer-term macroeconomic policy, specifically focusing on policies from Treasury Secretary Yellen’s modern supply side economics framework that can create more and better jobs in the long run.
Biography: Tara M. Sinclair is Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroeconomics in the Office of Economic Policy at the Department of Treasury. Sinclair is on detail from her position as a professor of economics and international affairs at the George Washington University and director of their H.O. Stekler Research Program on Forecasting. Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Sinclair was a senior fellow and former chief economist at job search site Indeed. Sinclair uses her research to connect economic principles with real-world concerns, developing data sources and tools that policymakers can use in their decision-making. She is a sought-after public speaker who regularly consults with public officials, business leaders, and the press on issues related to business cycles, labor market dynamics, forecasting, big data, and macroeconomic policy. Dr. Sinclair earned her PhD in economics from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in 2005.
13:30 | Diversity at the Divide: Challenging Border County Representativeness in State Policy Studies (abstract) PRESENTER: Albina Khatiwoda Discussant: Thomas Hertz |
13:50 | Labor Market Shocks and Immigration Enforcement (abstract) PRESENTER: Brianna Felegi Discussant: Ritt Keerati |
14:10 | Racial Differences in Debt Delinquencies and Implications for Retirement Preparedness (abstract) PRESENTER: Mingli Zhong Discussant: Young Jo |
14:25 | Young Adults’ Use of Debt and Credit Post-Recession: Racial Disparities and the Effectiveness of State Initiatives to Protect Young Adults Living in Communities of Color (abstract) Discussant: Abigail Okrent |
13:30 | On your marks! Trademark races and their impact on product introductions (abstract) PRESENTER: Julian Kolev Discussant: Mike Andrews |
13:50 | Real Options in Patenting: Role of Secondary Patent Markets (abstract) PRESENTER: Gerard Torres Discussant: Mike Andrews |
14:10 | Inverting Akerlof: Quantifying Private Information in Markets for Patents (abstract) PRESENTER: Mike Andrews Discussant: Walter Park |
14:30 | Aeronautics patentees and their strategies, 1880-1918 (abstract) Discussant: Ryan Safner |
13:30 | Homeownership and job separations: a surprising mix (abstract) PRESENTER: Joaquin Garcia-Cabo Discussant: Carter Bryson |
13:50 | When the Price is Right: Home Value Misperception and Measurement of Wealth Disparities (abstract) Discussant: Luis Quintero |
14:10 | The Time-On-The-Market Gradient (abstract) Discussant: Kyle Hood |
14:30 | Monetary Policy and the Housing Market (abstract) Discussant: Eva de Francisco |
13:30 | Who gains from a tight labor market? (abstract) Discussant: Mahsa Gholizadeh |
13:50 | Regulation of Wages and Hours (abstract) Discussant: David Byrne |
14:10 | The Gender Pay Gap and Its Determinants across the Human Capital Distribution (abstract) PRESENTER: Ariel Binder Discussant: Jeffrey Groen |
14:30 | Equality Pays: Equal Pay Laws and Women’s Life Choices (abstract) PRESENTER: Pamela Meyerhofer Discussant: Danielle Sandler |
13:30 | Proposed Revisions to the American Community Survey (ACS) Disability (abstract) |
13:50 | Washington Group Disability Question Sets (abstract) |
14:10 | Disability Content of the Survey of Income and Program Statistics (SIPP) (abstract) |
14:30 | Use of Administrative Records in Disability Research (abstract) PRESENTER: David Wittenburg |
15:15 | Heterogeneous Global Impact of Oil Price Shocks: Evidence from a Panel of 172 Countries over Three Decades (abstract) Discussant: Julie Smith |
15:35 | Growth at Risk From Climate Change (abstract) Discussant: Alice Tianbo Zhang |
15:55 | Economic cycles and material footprints: challenging the environmental kuznets curve (abstract) PRESENTER: Marina Requena-Mora Discussant: Michael Kiley |
15:15 | The impact of protest and police controls on housing prices (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Tomas Sayago Gomez Discussant: Matthew Zahn |
15:35 | Price Discrimination and Adverse Selection in the U.S. Mortgage Market (abstract) Discussant: Justin Contat |
15:55 | How Well Do Forecasters Predict U.S. Housing Starts? A First Inspection (abstract) PRESENTER: Prakash Loungani Discussant: Gary Cornwall |
16:15 | Housing Affordability and It's Impact on Income Inequality, Worldwide (abstract) Discussant: Juan Tomas Sayago Gomez |
15:15 | Income Visibility and the Compliance Response to Declining Audit Coverage (abstract) PRESENTER: Jess Grana Discussant: Miguel Sarzosa |
15:35 | Differences in audit rates by race (abstract) Discussant: Miguel Sarzosa |
15:55 | Transparency and Tax Compliance: The Case of the UBIT (abstract) Discussant: Alexander Luttmann |
16:15 | The Long-Term Impact of Audits on Nonfiling Taxpayers (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexander McGlothlin Discussant: Alexander Luttmann |
15:15 | Recency Bias and Technical Change: The Case of Cell Phones (abstract) PRESENTER: Isabel Leigh Discussant: José Bayoán Santiago Calderón |
15:35 | Validating price indexes constructed using retail scanner data (abstract) PRESENTER: Abigail Okrent Discussant: Susan Fleck |
15:55 | The Geography and Demographics of Copyright Registrations (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Palmedo Discussant: Richard Schwinn |
15:15 | Perspectives on Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on Government Surveys (abstract) |
15:35 | Perspectives on Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on Government Surveys (abstract) |
15:50 | Perspectives on Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on Government Surveys (abstract) |
16:10 | Perspectives on Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on Government Surveys (abstract) |
Can It Work for Employers? Evaluating the Expansion of Administrative Records Use beyond Nonemployer Demographic Statistics (NES-D) (abstract) |
In the Driver's Seat: Pandemic Fiscal Stimulus and Light Vehicles (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Tito |
Childcare employment—before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Thomas |
The Global Commercial Market for Small Satellite Orbital Launch Services: Determinants of Customers’ Choice of Launch Provider (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexander Luttmann |
Evaluating USDA Farm Service Agency’s mission to serve credit-constrained farmers and ranchers (abstract) |
Using Mobility Data to Analyze Healthcare Markets (abstract) PRESENTER: Juliette Spitaels |
Unpacking the Declining Receipts Share of Small Firms: Why are They not Keeping Pace? (abstract) |
The External Debt and Its Impact on Economic Growth and Investment in ECOWAS Countries Using Spatial Methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Brian Sloboda |
Peru’s Success in Improving Child Nutrition Outcomes (abstract) |
Experimental Quarterly PCE by State Statistics (abstract) PRESENTER: Mahsa Gholizadeh |
Spatiotemporal Variations in Ethnic and Racial Disparities of U.S. Heart Disease Mortality (abstract) PRESENTER: Julie Do |
Utilizing Text Mining AI approaches in US Healthcare patents to Inform Strategic Policy Guidance for the U.S. Government (abstract) PRESENTER: Yijie Wang |
A Structural Decomposition Analysis of U.S. Food Expenditures at the State Level (abstract) PRESENTER: Eliana Zeballos |
How Bilateral Trade Agreement Reshape the Political Landscape - In the Case of Taiwan and ECFA (abstract) |