Friday, March 27th

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08:05-08:40 Session 1: Poster Session
Samantha Schreiber (U.S. International Trade Commission, United States)
Modeling the Potential Impacts of African Swine Fever on Chinese Whey Demand (abstract)
Stephanie Fortune-Taylor (United Staes International Trade Commission, United States)
Is More Always Better? Evidence of Preference Heterogeneity in the 1994 EITC Expansion (abstract)
Sabrina Pabilonia (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Victoria Vernon (Empire State College, SUNY, United States)
Telework and Time Use in the United States (abstract)
Constanza Valdes (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Brazilian and Argentine Agricultural Policies in the Oilseed and Grain Sectors: Impact on Production and Trade (abstract)
Bethel Cole-Smith (Howard University and Office of Revenue Analysis Government of the District of Columbia, United States)
Daniel Muhammad (Office of Revenue Analysis Government of the District of Columbia, United States)
The Impact of an Increasing Housing Supply on Housing Prices: The Case of the District of Columbia, 2000-2018 (abstract)
Jefferson Duarte (Rice University, United States)
Tarik Umar (Rice University, United States)
Emmanuel Yimfor (Rice University, United States)
Rubber Stamping Opportunity Zones (abstract)
Russell Pittman (Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice, United States)
Monika Jandova (Masaryk University, Czechia)
Marcin Krol (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
Larysa Nekrasenko (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Tomas Paleta (Masaryk University, Czechia)
The Effectiveness of EC Policies to Move Freight from Road to Rail: Evidence from CEE Grain Markets (abstract)
Russell Pittman (Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice, United States)
Merger Remedies: Complications to the Traditional Thinking (abstract)
Katherine Keisler (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Heide Jackson (Maryland Population Research Center, United States)
Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditures in the Redesigned Current Population Survey: Evaluating Improvements to Data Processing (abstract)
Kristen Broady (Dillard University, United States)
Racial Disparities in Poverty Status and Early Childhood Education Enrollment (abstract)
Salem Abo-Zaid (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States)
Ahmed Kamara (Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, United States)
On the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in the Presence of Supply-Side Effects (abstract)
Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Matthew Knepper (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Measuring the Health Component of Employee Compensation (abstract)
Benjamin Raymond (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
The Impact of Referral-Networks on Sectoral Reallocation (abstract)
Esther Bartl (The World Bank Group, United States)
Laura Caron (Georgetown University, United States)
Sundas Liaqat (The World Bank Group, United States)
The Migration Cost-Remittance-Consumption Pathway: Implications of High Migration Costs for Human Capital Investment in Nepal and Pakistan (abstract)
John Creamer (US Census Bureau, United States)
Lewis Warren (US Census Bureau, United States)
Examining Poor Household’s Economic Deprivation through Financial Exclusion (abstract)
Jessica Gagete Miranda (Bocconi University, Italy)
An aspiring friend is a friend indeed: school peers and college aspirations in Brazil (abstract)
Sushma Shukla (Northern Virginia Community College, United States)
The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from India (abstract)
Elior Cohen (UCLA, United States)
The Effects of Designated Homeless Housing Sites on Local Communities: Evidence from Los Angeles County (abstract)
08:40-08:55 Presidential Address and SGE Election Results
Susan Fleck (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
09:00-10:30 Session 2A: Poverty Tax Credits and Tax Data
Liana Fox (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
David Johnson (University of Michigan, United States)
Adam Bee (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Joshua Mitchell (Welch Consulting, United States)
Do Older Americans Still Have More Income Than We Think? (abstract)
Jonathan Eggleston (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Ashley Westra (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Incorporating Administrative Data in Survey Weights for the Survey of Income and Program Participation (abstract)
Jeff Larrimore (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Jake Mortenson (Joint Committee on Taxation, United States)
David Splinter (Joint Committee on Taxation, United States)
Presence and Persistence of Poverty in Tax Data (abstract)
Maggie R. Jones (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
James P. Ziliak (University of Kentucky, United States)
The Antipoverty Impact of the EITC: New Estimates from Survey and Administrative Tax Records (abstract)
09:00-10:30 Session 2B: Local Labor Markets and Income Inequality
Laura Dodson (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Thomas Hertz (Internal Revenue Service, United States)
Gigi Foster (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Leslie Stratton (Virginia Commonwealth University, United States)
Does Female Breadwinning Make Partnerships Less Healthy or Less Stable? (abstract)
Kevin Rinz (US Census Bureau, United States)
John Voorheis (US Census Bureau, United States)
Caroline Walker (US Census Bureau, United States)
Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Understand Subnational Income Inequality and Mobility (abstract)
Daniel Wilmoth (Office of Economic Research, SBA Office of Advocacy, United States)
The Increasing Geographic Concentration of Business Growth (abstract)
Brad Hershbein (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, United States)
Bryan Stuart (George Washington University, United States)
Recessions and Local Labor Markets (abstract)
09:00-10:30 Session 2C: Disparities in Access to Higher Education and Costs
Breno Braga (Urban Institute, United States)
Anuj Gangopadhyaya (Urban Institute, United States)
Breno Braga (Urban Institute, United States)
Hope for the Family: The Effects of College Costs on Parental Labor Supply (abstract)
Michel Grosz (Federal Trade Commission, United States)
Admissions Policies, Cohort Composition, and Academic Success: Evidence from California (abstract)
C.J. Libassi (College Board, United States)
Closing the Gap: The Effect of Reducing Complexity and Uncertainty in College Pricing on the Choices of Low-income Students (abstract)
Erica Blom (Urban Institute, United States)
Tomas Monarrez (Urban Institute, United States)
Understanding Equity Gaps in College Graduation (abstract)
09:00-10:30 Session 2D: Capital Energy and Materials
Cathy Greene (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Bundled Purchases and the Inseparability of Measured Investment and Consumption: Case Studies using the Vehicle Industry (abstract)
Discussant: Leo Sveikauskas
Loujaina Abdelwahed (Cooper Union, United States)
Richard Campbell (University of Illinois at Chicago, United States)
Natural Resources and Inequality: Evidence from the United States (abstract)
Discussant: Daniel Hellerstein
William McClain (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
The Impact of New Farmer Entry on Farm Capital and Federal Program Participation: Evidence from the Land Contract Guarantee Program (abstract)
Discussant: Daniel Hellerstein
Christopher Blackburn (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Juan Moreno-Cruz (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Energy Efficiency in General Equilibrium with Input-Output Linkages (abstract)
Discussant: Leo Sveikauskas
09:00-10:30 Session 2E: International Trade Topics
Susan Fleck (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
J. Bradford Jensen (Georgetown University, United States)
David Riker (U.S. International Trade Commission, United States)
Industry-Specific Models for Analyzing Trade Policy (abstract)
Susan Fleck (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Don Fast (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Using International Trade Data for Price Indexes –Opportunities and Obstacles (abstract)
Wendy Li (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Maksim Belenkiy (U.S. International Trade Administration, United States)
Susan Xu (U.S. International Trade Administration, United States)
Globalization and Inequality in Innovation: A Perspective from U.S. R&D Tax Credits (abstract)
Farihal Kamal (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Kyle Handley (University of Michigan, United States)
Ryan Monarch (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Rising Import Tariffs, Falling Export Growth: When Modern Supply chains Meet Old-Style Protectionism (abstract)
10:40-11:50 Session 3A: Informal Transfer: The Role of Social Networks in Reducing Inequality
Jake Schild (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
John Creamer (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Yixia Cai (University of Wisconsin Madison, United States)
Martin Evans (Overseas Development Institute, London, UK)
Informal Transfers in Comparisons of Income Distributions: Lessons from Rich and Middle-Income Countries (abstract)
Vesall Nourani (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States)
Christopher B. Barrett (Cornell University, United States)
Eleonora Patacchini (Cornell University, United States)
Thomas Walker (The World Bank Group, United States)
Altruism, Insurance, and Costly Solidarity Commitments (abstract)
Cynthia Kinnan (Tufts University, United States)
Krislert Samphantharak (University of California San Diego and Puey Unphakorn Institute for Economic Research, Bank of Thialand, United States)
Robert Townsend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States)
Diego Vera-Cossio (Inter-American Development Bank, United States)
Insurance and Propagation in Village Networks (abstract)
10:40-11:50 Session 3B: Economic Measurement and the Use of Administrative Records
Misty L. Heggeness (U.S. Census Bureau, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, United States)
Brett Matsumoto (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Adam Bee (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Jonathan Rothbaum (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
The Administrative Income Statistics (AIS) Project: Research on the Use of Administrative Records to Improve Income and Resource Estimates (abstract)
Adela Luque (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Michaela Dillon (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Julia Manzella (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
James Noon (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Kevin Rinz (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Victoria Udalova (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Using Administrative Records Data to Produce Business Statistics: The Non-Employer Statistics by Demographic Series (NES-D) (abstract)
Marta Murray-Close (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Using Administrative Records to Estimate the Contribution of Labor-Market Experience to the Gender Wage Gap (abstract)
10:40-11:50 Session 3C: Forecasting
Gianna Short (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Fred Joutz (George Washington University, United States)
Neil Ericsson (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Andrew Martinez (US Treasury, United States)
Evaluating and Improving Government Forecasts (abstract)
Andrew Martinez (US Department of Treasury, United States)
Forecast Accuracy Matters for Hurricane Damages (abstract)
Adam Gerval (USDA - Economic Research Service, United States)
Decadent Agricultural Sectors: US Export Outlook in Japan & South Korea (abstract)
10:40-11:50 Session 3D: New evaluation methods for government policy
Austin Nichols (Abt Associates, United States)
Austin Nichols (Abt Associates, United States)
Covariate Selection in Experiments (Randomized Clinical Trials or RCTs) for Policy Evaluation (abstract)
Dan Litwok (Abt Associates, United States)
When Do Non-Experimental Methods Recover Average Treatment Effects for Compliers in a Job Training Program? (abstract)
Steve Hamilton (George Washington University, United States)
How Do Tax Returns Respond to a 30,000% Marginal Tax Rate? (abstract)
10:40-11:50 Session 3E: National Security and Veterans Affairs
Elizabeth Bass (Congressional Budget Office, United States)
Jerry Pannullo (Veterans Administration, United States)
Heidi Golding (Congressional Budget Office, United States)
Potential Spending on Veterans’ Health Care Spending (abstract)
Adebayo Adedeji (Congressional Budget Office, United States)
The Cost of Supporting Military Bases (abstract)
Carla Murray (Congressional Budget Office, United States)
Approaches to Changing Military Compensation (abstract)
12:40-13:30 Session 4: Keynote Address: Gita Gopinath

 Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist at IMF and John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Economics at Harvard University

13:40-14:50 Session 5A: Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Labor Markets
Elizabeth Bass (Congressional Budget Office, United States)
Breno Braga (Urban Institute, United States)
Kyung Min Lee (World Bank, United States)
Health Insurance and the Supply of Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the ACA Medicaid Expansion (abstract)
Anuj Gangopadhyaya (Urban Institute, United States)
Emily Johnston (Urban Institute, United States)
The Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansions on Fertility, Composition of Recent Mothers, and School Enrollment and Labor Supply of Women of Reproductive Age (abstract)
Anuj Gangopadhyaya (Urban Institute, United States)
Bowen Garrett (Urban Institute, United States)
How Did Workers Fare Under the ACA? (abstract)
13:40-14:50 Session 5B: Migration
Danielle H. Sandler (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Ashutosh Kumar (Washington State University, United States)
Moving to Better Health Care? Evidence from the Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Homeless Individuals in the US (abstract)
Discussant: Marta Murray Close
Constantin Burgi (St. Mary's College of Maryland, United States)
Nisan Gorgulu (The George Washington University, United States)
Economic Growth and the Spatial Distribution of the Population (abstract)
Ben Klmens (United States Treasury, United States)
Disparate Outcomes from U.S. Migration (abstract)
Discussant: J. David Brown
13:40-14:50 Session 5C: Climate Change Brexit and Farmer’s Markets: Does Standard Price Determination Still Apply?
Brian Sloboda (University of Phoenix and Department of Labor, United States)
Brian Sloboda (University of Phoenix and Department of Labor, United States)
Kamran Zendehdel (University of District of Columbia, United States)
Eric Chad Horner (University of District of Columbia, United States)
An Economic Impact Analysis of Farmers Markets in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area (abstract)
Discussant: Steve Vogel
Cristina Marine (University of Maryland, Global Campus, United States)
Brexit Trade Impact on the East European Members of EU (abstract)
Discussant: Steven Zahniser
Julia M. Puaschunder (New School for Social Research, Austria)
Future Generations and Climate Change: Climate Change, Coasts, and Communities (abstract)
13:40-14:50 Session 5D: Expenditures
Sabrina Pabilonia (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Young Jo (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, United States)
Eliana Zeballos (Economic Research Service - USDA, United States)
A Decomposition Analysis of US Food Expenditure (abstract)
Marie Rogers (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Bradley Akin (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Are Consumers Becoming More Price Sensitive? An Alternative View to Recent Household Spending Habits (abstract)
Xiaoqing Zhou (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, United States)
How Do Mortgage Rate Resets Affect Consumer Spending and Debt Repayment? Evidence from Canadian Consumers (abstract)
13:40-14:50 Session 5E: New methods
Wendy Martinez (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Andrew Martinez (U.S. Treasury, United States)
Shishir Shakya (West Virginia University, United States)
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Medicaid and Efficient Policies (abstract)
Bill Thompson (BLS, United States)
Jon Weinhagen (BLS, United States)
Sara Stanley (BLS, United States)
Bob Martin (BLS, United States)
Andy Sadler (BLS, United States)
What is the appropriate index formula to estimate producer price change? (abstract)
Seth Murray (University of Maryland, United States)
Measurement of Nominal Wages and Payroll Schedules in Administrative Earnings Data (abstract)
15:00-16:30 Session 6A: Potential Improvements to the Supplemental Poverty Measure for 2021
Thesia Garner (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
George Carter (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States)
Em Shrider (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Re-estimating Commuting Expenses using the American Housing Survey (abstract)
Liana Fox (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Fixing Errors in a SNAP: Addressing SNAP Under-reporting to Evaluate Poverty (abstract)
Garret Christensen (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
The Promises and Challenges of Linked Rent Data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey and Housing and Urban Development (abstract)
Trudi Renwick (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Using ACS Earnings Data to Adjust Supplemental Poverty Measure Thresholds (abstract)
15:00-16:30 Session 6B: Firms
Richard Schwinn (Small Business Administration, United States)
Elizabeth Handwerker (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Alice Jun (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States)
Small Banks Financing Small Businesses (abstract)
Dominic Smith (Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Sergio Ocampo (Western University, Canada)
The Evolution of U.S. Retail Concentration (abstract)
Jessica McCloskey (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
Kassu Hossiso (Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States)
The Wider Product Variety of Multinational Firms (abstract)
15:00-16:30 Session 6C: Productivity
Lucia Foster (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Matthew Russell (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States)
Sun Ling Wang (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States)
Roberto Mosheim (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Richard Nehring (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Eric Njuki (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
U.S. Agricultural Productivity: Measurement and Sources of Growth (1948-2017) (abstract)
Sun Ling Wang (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States)
John Walden (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States)
Measuring Multifactor Productivity for the U.S. Fisheries: A Case Study Using the New England Regional Data (abstract)
T. Kirk White (U.S. Census Bureau, United States)
Measuring Cross-Country Differences in Misallocation (abstract)
Saad Ahmad (United States International Trade Commission, United States)
Sarah Oliver (United States International Trade Commission, United States)
Caroline Peters (United States International Trade Commission, United States)
Can Services Trade Restrictions Explain Productivity Differences Between Foreign and Domestic Firms in the Services Sector? (abstract)
15:00-16:30 Session 6D: Housing
Peter Han (Housing and Urban Development, United States)
Daniel Teles (Urban Institute, United States)
John Pender (Economic Research Service, USDA, United States)
Impacts of the Broadband Initiatives Program on Broadband Availability and House Sale Prices (abstract)
Nyanya Browne (Howard University and the Government of DC, Office of Revenue Analysis, United States)
The Effect of Green Buildings on Housing Rental Prices and Affordability in the District of Columbia (abstract)
William Barcelona (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Nathan Converse (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Anna Wong (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
U.S. Housing as a Global Safe Asset: Evidence from China Shocks (abstract)
David Rappoport (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Tax Reform, Homeownership Costs, and House Prices (abstract)
15:00-16:30 Session 6E: Career Roundtable

Claudia Sahm, Center for Equitable Growth (formerly Federal Reserve Board of Governors)

Gbenga Ajilore, Center for American Progress (formerly University of Toledo)

Jevay Grooms, Howard University

Dani Sandler, U.S. Census Bureau

Gray Kimbrough (American University, United States)
16:45-18:00 Happy Hour - Thunder Grill Restaurant at Union Station

Join us for a happy hour social after the conference. Location: Thunder Grill Restaurant. Ground floor bar area. Street level, Eastside Main Hall, Union Station. Happy hour specials run 5-7pm.