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09:15-09:30 Opening Session

Maria João Viamonte - Presidente do ISEP

Joaquim Santos - Diretor do DEI

(Online room)

Location: H202
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 2: Round Table - "Desafios da Digitalização na Saúde"


  • Marílio Cardoso  - ISEP


  • Américo Amorim Pinto  - Ciberbit
  • Carlos Ribeiro - ARS Norte
  • João Fonseca - FMUP
  • José Afonso Pedrosa - CHSJ 
  • Luís Miguel Ferreira - SPMS

(Online room)

Location: H202
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:30-15:50 Session 3A
Location: H202
Raise Penetration Tests with Machine Learning
PRESENTER: Rui Marinho

ABSTRACT. This paper embarks on an in-depth exploration of integrating machine learning (ML) techniques into penetration testing, specifically targeting web application security. It introduces a prototype tool crafted to streamline the detection of vulnerabilities in web applications. This integration not only augments the efficiency but also significantly elevates the effectiveness of security assessments. The prototype employs a Decision Tree Classifier within its core AlgorithmML module to intelligently recommend appropriate tools for distinct phases of penetration testing. Further, the system’s modular design, encompassing the Pentest Tool and ReportGenerator modules, demonstrates remarkable flexibility and adaptability, crucial for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats. The prototype’s effectiveness is evaluated through a series of tests, showcasing its capabilities in enhancing cybersecurity strategies. This paper not only contributes to the field by presenting a novel approach to automating security assessments but also opens avenues for future research in the seamless integration of machine learning with cybersecurity frameworks, ultimately aiming to fortify web applications against the growing sophistication of cyber threats.

Classification of Road Traffic With an Artificial Intelligence Model

ABSTRACT. In the context of an internship of the bachelor in Computer Engineering, a distributed system was developed encompassing a cross-platform mobile application capable of using the device’s camera to classify the level of road traffic level on the street across the internship host company’s office, using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model pretrained by the author. A state of art on AI on the topic is presented, as well as an analysis of the captured use cases, requirements and design choices. For the development process of the AI model multiple hypothesis were formulated for hyperparameter tuning. ResNet Finetuning with 3-Fold Cross Validation was the model with better performance, which was further confirmed by a dedicated testing dataset, reaching 97% accuracy. Additionally, the development process is described for the Master Data Artificial Intelligence (MDAI) Service and the Mobile Application, which allows the user to take pictures and classify the traffic level.

ServiceNow Advanced Integration

ABSTRACT. This paper describes the Proof of Concept (PoC) of a new state-of-the-art remote signing solution in the ServiceNow environment, replacing a native legacy implementation. This challenge resulted in the integration between ServiceNow® and DocuSign® and the engineering of an automated flow. The final solution consists in an end-to-end remote signing use case in which companies are able to request, securely retrieve and archive signed documents and their certificates in a fully automated way all inside the Ser-viceNow platform. Users interact with an easy-to-use widget in the ServicePortal® of a Service-Now® instance, obscuring the complexity of the interaction between said platforms. When the signing process is completed, the signed document is safely stored in the ServiceNow® instance together with its digital certificate, assuring its legal validity. This solution added great value to the organization by simplifying a then er-ror prone business process and vastily improving the organization internal processes efficiency and legal soundness.

Developing a game for WebXR with Godot to push boundaries

ABSTRACT. Virtual Reality (VR) technology has witnessed a surge in popularity due to its unparalleled ability to immerse users in virtual worlds. This paper delves into the dynamic realm of VR, exploring its increasing appeal and unique immersive qualities compared to other technologies. The focus of this study is the development of a game for WebXR, leveraging the Godot game engine. The goal is to stress test the Godot game engine and find its current capabilities while also pushing the boundaries of innovation within WebXR gaming, with a specific focus on the player’s movement and game complexity.

14:30-15:50 Session 3B
Location: H207
Exploring simulation using VR as a tool for teaching nursing acts
PRESENTER: Marta Ribeiro

ABSTRACT. This paper introduces a project in which simulation in Virtual Reality was explored as a tool to support learning essential content for the performance of nursing acts. A qualitative interview-like survey was conducted to infer the target audience’s needs. A virtual and immersive environment was developed to provide nursing students with a dynamic and motivating study format that favors applying and developing their knowledge of human anatomy interactively, through visualization and interaction with digital 3D models. The QEF framework testing results showed that the reached solution complies with the inferred needs and holds potential for further development. The devised VR application offers an innovative and technologically advanced solution for nursing education.

Visualizador 3D de Modelos BIM para Gestão Energética
PRESENTER: Afonso Machado

ABSTRACT. A questão do impacto ambiental tem originado uma preocupação cada vez maior com o consumo e gestão da energia, pelo que soluções de software para este problema são cada vez mais comuns. Este artigo descreve o trabalho realizado no contexto de uma dessas soluções de gestão de energia, mais especificamente na gestão de smart buildings, tendo consistido no desenvolvimento de um Visualizador 3D que permite importar e navegar edifícios na primeira pessoa. O visualizador permite ao utilizador navegar o edifício, como num videojogo, assim como interagir com os equipamentos eletrónicos que se encontram no seu interior. Deste modo, a informação é oferecida ao utilizador de uma forma mais interativa, promovendo a sua adaptação, no futuro, para Realidade Virtual.

Desenvolvimento de Aplicações de Gestão de Energia – Comunidades de Energias Renováveis
PRESENTER: António Guerra

ABSTRACT. Este documento tem por objetivo descrever o trabalho realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Projeto/Estágio (PESTI) da licenciatura de Engenharia Informática do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O projeto de estágio foi realizado na empresa ARMIS no Porto. O projeto tinha como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma prova de conceito que explorasse as potencialidades de um módulo de gestão de comunidades de energias renováveis, sendo este, posteriormente, integrado numa aplicação de gestão e otimização de energia. O módulo desenvolvido deveria, resumidamente, permitir a monitorização e visualização das comunidades e dos seus membros, permitir a gestão das comunidades e dos seus membros, podendo ser adicionadas comunidades e membros e, por fim, permitir através de gráficos, visualizar a negociação do preço da energia bem como a performance de cada membro. A solução concebida, apesar de não contemplar a totalidade das funcionalidades inicialmente planificadas, permitiu avaliar as capacidades de um módulo de gestão de comunidades de energias renováveis, cumprindo, portanto, o seu maior objetivo.

Protótipos educativos para carregamento de telemóvel e medição da velocidade, distância e consumo energético de um ciclista
PRESENTER: Christopher Sá

ABSTRACT. O ensino da engenharia está em mudança para novos paradigmas de ensino-aprendizagem. A Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos ou Project Based Lear-ning (PBL) é uma tendência crescente nos Programas do Ensino da Engenharia que alavanca os estudantes a encontrar solução para problemas reais. Este mé-todo tem diversas condicionantes, como a disponibilidade dos docentes para es-ta mudança ou a necessidade de investimento financeiro, mas têm surgido pla-taformas low-cost e open-source que diminuem estes constrangimentos. Uma destas plataformas de apoio à aprendizagem da eletrónica, programação e si-mulação está associada a um microcontrolador Arduino. Este trabalho integrou este modelo de aprendizagem activa e o uso deste microcontrolador no desen-volvimento de dois protótipos com vista a ajudar um ciclista. Um protótipo mede a velocidade, distância percorrida e gasto calórico durante a utilização da bicicleta, o outro protótipo carrega a bateria do seu telemóvel transformando energia mecânica em energia elétrica. No teste da prototipagem usou-se um ro-lador estático, uma bicicleta e um ciclista, que durante 2 minutos percorreu 1257,7 m a uma velocidade média de 37,7±6,9 km/h, atingiu uma velocidade máxima de 52,1 km/h, consumiu cerca de 25 kcal e conseguiu carregar a bate-ria do telemóvel em 3%. O ciclista, que teve de realizar a prova, pertence a um grupo de estudantes do 1º ano de Engenharia de Sistemas da Unidade Curricular Laboratório de Engenharia 1.

15:50-16:50 Session 4A
Location: H202
Your Financial Spot - Mobile Application for Financial Management in Real Time

ABSTRACT. Currently, there is a growing need for improved financial literacy and management tools, so, this paper presents the development of a Progressive Web Application (PWA) designed to empower users to achieve better control over their finances. Conventional banking applications often lack essential features for personalized budgeting and transaction categorization, or even the necessary information for good financial management. Considering this problem, nBanks aims to bridge this gap by offering a PWA for mobile devices. The main objective of this application is to allow users to consolidate and manage multiple bank accounts, categorize transactions, create customized accounts and objectives, and gain a comprehensive view of their financial portfolio. The Frontend is built using the Angular framework, while the Backend is structured using the .NET Core framework with a Micro-Service Architecture. This way, the work culminated in a user-friendly prototype that empowers individuals to take control of their financial well-being by providing a versatile and accessible platform for financial management.

Performance Evaluation of the Ballerina Programming Language for Microservices Integration
PRESENTER: Miguel Pereira

ABSTRACT. This scientific paper presents an analysis of the Ballerina programming language's potential as an industry-level candidate for the development of integrated microservice systems. To assess its performance, a comprehensive testing suite consisting of various stress tests was designed to evaluate the language's capabilities under heavy usage scenarios. In addition, comparison tests were conducted, benchmarking Ballerina against the widely used C# language within the .NET framework. The results of the performance evaluation demonstrate that the Ballerina programming language is well-suited for the intended purposes of this study. When compared to the prevalent industry solutions, it exhibits noteworthy performance characteristics, while not displaying significant disadvantages in its utilization. This research highlights the potential of Ballerina as a promising tool for the development of integrated microservice systems, providing insights into its performance and suitability within the software development landscape.

A Gamified Application for Multimodal Diagnosis and Monitoring of Neurodegenerative Diseases
PRESENTER: Luis Coelho

ABSTRACT. The global aging population, a consequence of advancements in healthcare, has led to a surge in age-related diseases, particularly neurodegenerative conditions affecting over 30 million individuals worldwide. Presently, there is no cure for these diseases, and the financial burden on patients is exacerbated by intensive individual monitoring conducted by technicians. Some of these challenges can be effectively addressed using the here reported, named "Mentalist". The application, mainly tailored for individuals with Parkinson's but also adequate for other neurodegenerative conditions, is a non-invasive solution that can offer cost-effective monitoring of the disease, while fostering enhanced adherence to therapy. Inspired on guidelines and employing gamification techniques, the application integrates diagnostic assessments from the medical field. Using a Python/Flask backbone the application is platform agnostic and ensures scalability while relying in a robust framework. The interface prioritizes user-friendliness, with easy navigation and simplicity for patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Neurologists closely supervised the development, ensuring alignment with clinical practices. Expert evaluation affirms the application's significance, as it covers crucial aspects of diagnosis, monitoring, and rehabilitation, making it a valuable tool for daily clinical use. This innovative approach leverages technology to address the growing challenges posed by neurodegenerative diseases, offering a practical and impactful solution for healthcare professionals and patients.

15:50-16:50 Session 4B
Location: H207
Automatic Concept Explanation
PRESENTER: Ricardo Almeida

ABSTRACT. Technical terms are an essential part of all technical and scientific documentation, whether directed to education, to research or to labour. In education settings, there is a need to provide clear definitions of terms; using a glossary explaining the meaning of each technical term is paramount to enter a new study field. It is exactly at this last point that equity and inclusion issues originate. One cannot expect that a deaf person used to communicate via sign language can understand spoken language. When forcing deaf students to study via written spoken languages, we are putting them at a disadvantage and compromising equity. There is a need for a tool that can introduce and explain to deaf students technical or scientific concepts from specific areas of knowledge in sign language. We expect that Information Extraction techniques can help generate explanations of concepts that do not exist in the sign language lexicon that can then be translated and played in sign language. The purpose of this paper is to present a solution that generates the explanations in textual. These explanations will be translated to sign language using the VirtualSign Application Programming Interface (API). The developed solution involves an API designed to produce explanations for a word or concept, either by scraping online dictionaries or exploring text summarization. The API provides this information to a Web Application exposed to the users, and is responsible for receiving their input and displaying the information, along with the sign language translation using the VirtualSign avatar plugin. The solution was tested and surveyed by end-users being deemed a valuable step toward inclusive education. The results of this survey are encouraging and motivate further work.

Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise: Estudo exploratório de bibliotecas em R
PRESENTER: André Ramos

ABSTRACT. A revisão sistemática e a meta-análise são processos estruturados de grande relevo em estudos científicos nas áreas da Bioinformática e das engenharias em geral. A revisão sistemática é uma forma racional de organizar evidências científicas relativas a um determinado tópico de forma a assegurar a cobertura abrangente da área em estudo. A meta-análise é uma técnica estatística para agregar evidências de diversas fontes independentes. Existem várias ferramentas disponíveis para auxiliar os investigadores na condução de estudos de revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Neste trabalho, estabelece-se um ranking destas ferramentas com base na sua popularidade e discute-se em maior detalhe a utilização do R neste âmbito. O R é uma linguagem de programação muito utilizada para processamento estatístico que inclui várias bibliotecas e funções especificamente orientadas para os estudos de revisão sistemática e meta-análise.

ME-AGS GENERATOR: aplicativo para a geração automatizada de ficheiros AGS4 em geotecnia

ABSTRACT. Este trabalho tem como objetivo destacar a importância da uniformização e digitalização de dados geotécnicos. Atualmente, o formato de dados AGS é o que é mais aceite pela comunidade geotécnica. Este formato foi desenvolvido pela Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists – AGS (Associação de Especialistas de Geotecnia e Geoambiente – AGS), que reconheceu a carência de troca de dados entre empresas e instituições do ramo da geotecnia, há cerca de 20 anos. Com esta problemática bem identificada pelos técnicos da Mota-Engil: Engenharia & Construção, S.A. – Departamento de Geotecnia, foi encontrada outra dificuldade que se prende com a parte de inserção de dados em código AGS. Para este efeito foi criado e desenvolvido o ME-AGS GENERATOR, que possibilita inserir dados numa folha de Excel respeitante ao grupo do formato AGS que se esteja a trabalhar e cria, posteriormente, o ficheiro no formato “.ags”. O ME-AGS GENERATOR foi criado e desenvolvido no pro-grama MS. Excel em linguagem Visual Basic for Applications proporcionando uma experiência mais familiar aos utilizadores na forma de inserir os dados. Uma vez que o nome dos diferentes cabeçalhos do formato de dados AGS é apresen-tado de forma pouco intuitiva, no desenvolvimento desta aplicação aprimorou-se a interpretação dos cabeçalhos por diferentes utilizadores, pelo que cada uma das diferentes ‘sheets’ apresenta uma “folha de rosto” com a tradução para português dos diferentes cabeçalhos do formato de dados AGS de forma a ser visualmente mais apelativo ao utilizador.

16:50-17:20Coffee Break
17:20-17:50 Session 5: Closing Session

Marílio Cardoso - Subdiretor do DEI

Location: H202