This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
agentes heterogêneos | |
aprofundamento do crédito | |
ARIMA process | |
Asset pricing | |
assortative mating | |
Aumento de jornada escolar | |
avaliação de impacto | |
Ação Afirmativa | |
B | |
bank runs | |
Bayesian approach | |
Bayesian econometric | |
bayesian persuasion | |
Bayesian VAR | |
Belief Disagreements | |
Birth Order | |
bond returns | |
boundary correction | |
Brazil | |
C | |
Career Concern | |
Central Bank | |
Central Bank interventions | |
Co-integration | |
Commissioned jobs | |
Commitment and Savings | |
Committees | |
common cycles | |
competitiveness | |
complete subset regression | |
Compulsory Savings | |
Compulsory voting | |
Conditional cash transfers | |
Conditional Information | |
consumidor industrial | |
consumption | |
consumption commitments | |
Consumption-wealth ratio | |
Control | |
coordination failures | |
Cotas | |
Counterfactual | |
Court statistics | |
Credit constrains | |
Credit markets | |
Cressie Read Discrepancies | |
Cressie-Read Discrepancies | |
Crime | |
Crisis | |
Customization | |
D | |
Daily Returns | |
Daylight Saving Time | |
debt crisis | |
deforestation | |
demandable debt | |
desemprego | |
Development | |
diabetes | |
Dictatorship | |
Diferenças-em-Diferenças | |
difference-in-differences | |
differences-in-differences | |
dimension reduction | |
dividend policy | |
Dividends | |
divorce | |
DSGE | |
DSGE Models | |
Duverger's Law | |
Dynamic Discrete Choice | |
Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin Model | |
Dynamic programming | |
E | |
Early Child Development | |
Earmarked Credit | |
earnings volatility | |
Econometric endogeneity | |
Economia aberta | |
Economic Distortions | |
Economic Growth | |
Education | |
Education quality | |
Educational investment | |
Educational policy | |
effectiveness of monetary policy | |
Efficiency Tests | |
elasticidade preço | |
election | |
Eleições | |
emerging markets | |
Empirical Likelihood | |
endogenous information | |
energia elétrica | |
Ensino Superior | |
ensino técnico de nível médio | |
Entertainment | |
Entrepreneurship | |
entry costs | |
environmental economics | |
escolha ocupacional | |
estimation | |
Estimação bayesiana | |
Ethanol/Gasoline Price Ratio | |
exchange rate regime | |
Exchange rate volatility | |
Exchange-rate pass-through | |
Exogenous Changes in Money Supply | |
exogenous tax instruments | |
expert forecasts | |
Export entry | |
F | |
factor models | |
family economics | |
fertility | |
financial crises | |
Financial frictions | |
Financial incentives | |
Financial Innovation | |
First-price auction | |
Fiscal adjustment | |
fiscal policy | |
Fiscal rules | |
Fixed Rate Derivatives | |
forecast combination | |
Forecast combinations | |
Forecasting returns | |
Forward Measure | |
Fricções financeiras | |
Fully-modified OLS | |
FX interventions | |
G | |
GARCH model | |
GEL | |
Gender Gap | |
Gentrification | |
global games | |
GMM | |
Growth | |
H | |
habilidades técnicas | |
habit formation | |
Health | |
health care costs | |
Health Economics | |
Heterogeneous agents | |
heteroskedasticity | |
High Education | |
High school dropouts | |
higher-order expectations | |
Homicides | |
household income inequality | |
Housing Market | |
Human capital | |
Hydro-power | |
Hyperinflation | |
I | |
Identification | |
Identification through heteroskedasticity | |
Import quotas | |
Import Substitution | |
Incentives | |
independent private value | |
Inefficient Legal System | |
inference | |
inflation | |
Inflation and Self-insurance | |
Inflation target | |
informalidade | |
information disclosure | |
information manipulation | |
Infra-structure | |
institutions | |
Instrumental variable | |
interdependence of corporate financial decisions | |
interdependent values | |
Interest Rate | |
International trade | |
Internet | |
J | |
Jeffreys prior | |
Judicial Institutions and the economy | |
L | |
labor market conditions | |
Labor Markets | |
Labor supply | |
Land Use | |
Land Use Change | |
Latin America | |
learning | |
legislação trabalhista | |
life-cycle savings | |
linear factor model | |
Lipschitz demand | |
Liquidity channel | |
liquidity risk | |
local labor markets | |
local polynomial estimation | |
Location choice | |
loose commitment | |
Lucas tree model | |
M | |
machine learning | |
macroeconomic forecasting | |
Management | |
mandatory stay | |
Market Efficiency | |
Markov Chain | |
marriage | |
marriage market | |
MCMC | |
Measurement errors | |
Media | |
Minimal State Space | |
Minimum Contrast Estimators | |
Minimum Wages | |
Misallocation | |
model confidence set | |
Model Diagnostics | |
Modelo DSGE | |
Monetary Management | |
Monetary policy | |
Monetary policy transmission | |
Multi-factor model | |
N | |
natural experiment | |
News shock | |
non causal models | |
non gaussian models | |
Noncompetitive Labor Markets | |
nowcasting | |
O | |
Official Development Assistance | |
oil and gas | |
optimal capital income taxation | |
optimal fiscal policy | |
Optimal Taxation | |
Option Pricing | |
options | |
Ownership | |
P | |
p-hacking | |
partial default | |
Participation | |
Paternalism | |
patronage | |
Pay for performance | |
Payout | |
Peer Effects | |
Pentecostalism | |
PIB per capita | |
Poisson Processes | |
political economics | |
political economy | |
political risk | |
political shock | |
Política macroprudencial | |
Política monetária | |
Portfolio Efficiency | |
portfolio optimization | |
precautionary motive | |
Present-value model | |
Preços de ativos | |
produtividade total dos fatores | |
Program Evaluation | |
Projects | |
Promotion cycles | |
Public Debt | |
Public Sector Employment | |
Publication Bias | |
Q | |
quantile regression | |
Quantity-Quality Trade-off | |
R | |
random forests | |
Random Matching and Intermediation | |
real-time inflation forecasting | |
Recursive Equilibrium | |
Red Tape | |
reduced rank | |
Regime Switching | |
regional development | |
Regional Economic Growth | |
regression discontinuity | |
Regression Discontinuity Design | |
regression in discontinuity | |
regression trees | |
Regressão com Descontinuidade | |
Reinhart-Rogoff | |
religious affiliation | |
Returns to education | |
Returns to skill | |
Risk Factor | |
Risk Neutral Probabilities | |
Risk premia | |
Risk Premium | |
Risk-Neutral Measure | |
roads | |
Robustness | |
S | |
Sacrifice ratio | |
Savings | |
Schooling attainment | |
scoring auctions | |
Screening | |
Secular Stagnation | |
Securitization | |
seguro-desemprego | |
shipping costs | |
shrinkage | |
sieve estimation | |
signal extraction | |
signaling games | |
Signalling in job market | |
Slope of the term structure | |
Social Contacts | |
Social Security | |
Spatial Random Effects | |
Spatio-Temporal Model | |
Specification Searching | |
Speculation | |
speculative attacks | |
Sterilized exchange rate interventions | |
stock market | |
stock returns | |
Strategic voting | |
stress tests | |
structural balance | |
Student achievement | |
Student-t distribution | |
Suburbanization | |
Supply of and demand for credit | |
synthetic control | |
Synthetic controls | |
T | |
Tail Risk | |
taxation | |
Technical & Vocational Education and Training | |
text processing | |
Time substitution effect | |
Trade Liberalization | |
Trade Policy | |
transparency | |
transport infrastructure | |
U | |
Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora | |
Urban Economics | |
V | |
Voting | |
voting behavior | |
Voto | |
W | |
Wage inequality | |
Within-firm product allocation | |
Y | |
Yield Curve |