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09:30-11:00 Session 6: Contributed Talks 4
Certified Knowledge Compilation with Application to Verified Model Counting

ABSTRACT. Computing many useful properties of Boolean formulas, such as their weighted or unweighted model count, is intractable on general representations. It can become tractable when formulas are expressed in a special form, such as the deterministic, decomposable, negation normal form (d-DNNF). Knowledge compilation is the process of converting a formula into such a form. Unfortunately existing knowledge compilers provide no guarantee that their output correctly represents the original formula, and therefore they cannot validate a model count, or any other computed value.

We present Partitioned-Operation Graphs (POGs), a generalization of the representations used by existing knowledge compilers. We have designed CPOG, a framework that can express proofs of equivalence between a POG and a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF).

We have developed a program that generates POG representations from the d-DNNF graphs produced by the state-of-the-art knowledge compiler D4, as well as checkable CPOG proofs certifying that the output POGs are equivalent to the input CNF formulas. Our toolchain for generating and verifying POGs scales to all but the largest d-DNNF graphs produced by D4 for formulas from a recent model counting competition. Additionally, we have developed a formally verified CPOG checker and model counter for POGs in the Lean 4 proof assistant. In doing so, we proved the soundness of our proof framework. These programs comprise the first formally verified toolchain for weighted and unweighted model counting.

A SAT Solver’s Opinion on the Erdős-Faber-Lovász Conjecture
PRESENTER: Tomáš Peitl

ABSTRACT. In 1972 Paul Erdős, Vance Faber, and Lászlo Lovász asked whether every linear hypergraph with n vertices can be edge-colored with n colors, a statement that has come to be known as the EFL conjecture. Erdős himself considered the conjecture as one of his three favorite open problems, and offered increasing money prizes for its solution on several occasions. A proof of the conjecture was recently announced, for all but a finite number of hypergraphs. In this paper we look at some of the cases not covered by this proof. We use SAT solvers, and in particular the SAT Modulo Symmetries (SMS) framework, to generate non-colorable linear hypergraphs with a fixed number of vertices and hyperedges modulo isomorphisms. Since hypergraph colorability is NP-hard, we cannot directly express in a propositional formula that we want only non-colorable hypergraphs. Instead, we use one SAT (SMS) solver to generate candidate hypergraphs modulo isomorphisms, and another to reject them by finding a coloring. Each successive candidate is required to defeat all previous colorings, whereby we avoid having to generate and test all linear hypergraphs.

Computational methods have previously been used to verify the EFL conjecture for small hypergraphs. We verify and extend these results to larger values and discuss challenges and directions. Ours is the first computational approach to the EFL conjecture that allows producing independently verifiable, DRAT proofs.

Reducing Acceptance Marks in Emerson-Lei Automata by QBF Solving

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a novel application of QBF solving to automata reduction. We focus on Transition-based Emerson-Lei automata (TELA), which is a popular formalism that generalizes many traditional kinds of automata over infinite words including Büchi, co-Büchi, Rabin, Streett, and parity automata. Transitions in a TELA are labelled with acceptance marks and its accepting formula is a positive Boolean combination of atoms saying that a particular mark has to be visited infinitely or finitely often. Algorithms processing these automata are often very sensitive to the number of acceptance marks. We introduce a new technique for reducing the number of acceptance marks in TELA based on satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF). We evaluated our reduction technique on TELA produced by state-of-the-art tools of the libraries Owl and Spot and by the tool ltl3tela. The technique reduced some acceptance marks in automata produced by all the tools. On automata with more than one acceptance mark produced by tools Delag and Rabinizer 4 of the Owl library, our technique reduced 29.1% and 38.5% of acceptance marks, respectively.

14:00-15:00 Session 8: Contributed Talks 5
Combining Cubic Dynamical Solvers with Make/Break Heuristics to Solve SAT
PRESENTER: Matthew Burns

ABSTRACT. Specialized combinatorial optimization solvers based on quadratic models, such as Ising and QUBO, exhibit a high degree of success in problems which map naturally to their formulation. For problems with higher order interactions, such as SAT, these quadratic dynamical solvers (QDS) have shown poor solution qualities due to excessive auxiliary variables and the resulting increase in energy landscape complexity. Thus, recently, a series of high order dynamical solver (HODS) models have been proposed for SAT and other problems. We show that such problem-agnostic HODS models still perform poorly on moderate to large problems, thus motivating the need to utilize SAT-specific heuristics. With this insight, our contributions can be summarized into three points. First, we demonstrate that existing make-only heuristics perform poorly on scale-free, industrial-like problems when integrated into HODS. This motivates us to utilize break counts as well. Second, we derive a relationship between make/break and the HODS formulation to efficiently recover break counts. Finally, we utilize this relationship to propose a new make/break heuristic and combine it with a state-of-the-art HODS which is projected to solve SAT problems several orders of magnitude faster than existing software solvers.

Explaining SAT Solving Using Causal Reasoning

ABSTRACT. The past three decades have witnessed notable success in designing efficient SAT solvers, with modern solvers capable of solving industrial benchmarks containing millions of variables in just a few seconds. The success of modern SAT solvers owes to the widely-used CDCL algorithm, which lacks comprehensive theoretical investigation. Furthermore, it has been observed that CDCL solvers still struggle to deal with specific classes of benchmarks comprising only hundreds of variables, which contrasts with their widespread use in real-world applications. Consequently, there is an urgent need to uncover the inner workings of these seemingly weak yet powerful black boxes.

In this paper, we present a first step towards this goal by introducing an approach called CausalSAT, which employs causal reasoning to gain insights into the functioning of modern SAT solvers. CausalSAT initially generates observational data from the execution of SAT solvers and learns a structured graph representing the causal relationships between the components of an SAT solver. Subsequently, given a query such as whether a clause with low literals blocks distance (LBD) has a higher clause utility, CausalSAT calculates the causal effect of LBD on clause utility and provides an answer to the question. We utilize CausalSAT to quantitatively verify hypotheses previously regarded as “rules of thumb” or empirical findings, such as the query above or the notion that clauses with high LBD experience a rapid drop in utility over time. Moreover, CausalSAT can address previously unexplored questions, like which branching heuristic results in greater clause utility in order to study the relationship between branching and clause management. Experimental evaluations using practical benchmarks demonstrate that CausalSAT effectively fits the data, verifies four “rules of thumb”, and provides answers to three questions closely related to implementing modern solvers.

15:30-16:30 Session 9: Contributed Talks 6
Even shorter proofs without new variables

ABSTRACT. Proof formats for SAT solvers have diversified over the last decade, enabling new features such as extended resolution-like capabilities, very general extension-free rules, inclusion of proof hints, and pseudo-boolean reasoning. Interference-based methods have been proven effective, and some theoretical work has been undertaken to better explain their limits and semantics. In this work, we combine the subsumption redundancy notion from [Buss, Thapen '19] and the overwrite logic framework from [Rebola-Pardo, Suda '18]. Natural generalizations then become apparent, enabling even shorter proofs of the pigeonhole principle (compared to those from [Heule, Kiesl, Biere '17]) and smaller unsatisfiable core generation.

Algorithms Transcending the SAT-Symmetry Interface
PRESENTER: Markus Anders

ABSTRACT. Dedicated treatment of symmetries in satisfiability problems (SAT) is indispensable for solving various classes of instances arising in practice. However, the exploitation of symmetries usually takes a black box approach. Typically, off-the-shelf external, general-purpose symmetry detection tools are invoked to compute symmetry groups of a formula. The groups thus generated are a set of permutations passed to a separate tool to perform further analyses to understand the structure of the groups. The result of this second computation is in turn used for tasks such as static symmetry breaking or dynamic pruning of the search space. Within this pipeline of tools, the detection and analysis of symmetries typically incurs the majority of the time overhead for symmetry exploitation.

In this paper we advocate for a more holistic view of what we call the SAT-symmetry interface. We formulate a computational setting, centered around a new concept of joint graph/group pairs, to analyze and improve the detection and analysis of symmetries. Using our methods, no information is lost performing computational tasks lying on the SAT-symmetry interface. Having access to the entire input allows for simpler, yet efficient algorithms.

Specifically, we devise algorithms and heuristics for computing finest direct disjoint decompositions, finding equivalent orbits, and finding natural symmetric group actions. Our algorithms run in what we call instance-quasilinear time, i.e., almost linear time in terms of the input size of the original formula and the description length of the symmetry group returned by symmetry detection tools. Our algorithms improve over both heuristics used in state-of-the-art symmetry exploitation tools, as well as theoretical general-purpose algorithms.