This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2QBF | |
A | |
And-inverter graphs (AIGs) | |
approximation | |
auto tuning | |
Autocorrelation Length | |
Automated Configuration | |
average-case hardness | |
Axiom pinpointing | |
axioms | |
B | |
B2B | |
Backdoors | |
benchmark analysis | |
beta-acyclic formulas | |
binary decision diagrams | |
bit-vectors | |
Blackbox Fuzz Testing | |
branch decomposition | |
Branching | |
branching heuristic | |
C | |
cardinality constraints | |
CDCL | |
CDCL heuristics | |
CDCL SAT Solvers | |
cegar | |
Certificates | |
Clashing-Neighbor Relation | |
clause learning | |
Cloud computing | |
Cluster Analysis | |
Combinatorial Optimization | |
combinatorics | |
Community Structure | |
complex networks | |
conflict-driven clause learning | |
conflict-driven clause learning solvers | |
conflict-driven clause-learning | |
constraint satisfaction problems | |
Counting | |
Cryptanalysis | |
cube learning | |
Cube-and-conquer | |
D | |
decomposable negation normal form | |
Default Logic | |
deficiency | |
dependency schemes | |
Difference Logic | |
diversification | |
DPLL | |
DQBF | |
DRAT proofs | |
E | |
Eigenvector Analysis | |
Empirical Hardness | |
Encoding | |
F | |
finite model building | |
finite model finding | |
first-order theorem proving | |
Fitness Landscape | |
fixed-parameter tractability | |
full clauses | |
G | |
generalized tic-tac-toe | |
generating explanations | |
graph theory | |
graph width measures | |
H | |
Hash functions | |
history map | |
Horn formulas | |
I | |
implicit hitting set algorithms | |
implied constraints | |
improve evaluation | |
incidence graph | |
incremental MaxSAT | |
irreducible clause-sets | |
Isomorphism | |
K | |
knowledge compilation | |
Krom formulas | |
L | |
learning rate | |
lexicographic SAT (LEXSAT) | |
linear combinations | |
local search | |
logic synthesis | |
Long Distance Resolution | |
long-distance resolution | |
lower bound | |
M | |
matrix symmetry | |
Max SAT | |
Maximum satistiability | |
MaxSAT encodings | |
MaxSAT solving | |
mcSAT | |
MCSes | |
Median Graphs | |
Minimal Correction Subsets (MCSes) | |
minimal unsatisfiability | |
Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets (MUSes) | |
model construction | |
modular treewidth | |
modularity | |
multi-armed bandit learning | |
multi-sorted first-order logic | |
MUSes | |
N | |
neighborhood diversity | |
non-prenex negation normal form | |
NPN classification | |
O | |
optimization | |
P | |
Parallel | |
Parallel computing | |
Parallel SAT solving | |
parallelization | |
Parameterised Complexity | |
parameterized complexity | |
Partial Cube | |
Picture Languages | |
polynomial simulation | |
polyomino | |
predicate elimination | |
preprocessing | |
Program analysis | |
program synthesis | |
proof complexity | |
proof system | |
proof systems | |
proof theory | |
propagation completeness | |
Propositional Formulas | |
propositional model counting | |
pseudo-industrial instances | |
Pythagorean Triples | |
Q | |
Q-Resolution | |
QBF | |
QBF calculi | |
QBF encoding | |
QBF solver | |
quantified bit-vectors | |
quantified boolean formula | |
Quantified Boolean formulas | |
R | |
Ramsey Theory | |
random SAT generation | |
resolution | |
resolution calculi for QBFs and first-order logic | |
row interchangeability | |
S | |
SAT | |
SAT encoding | |
SAT encodings | |
SAT Oracles | |
SAT solvers | |
SAT solving | |
Satisfiability | |
Satisfiability Testing | |
search space | |
shatter | |
simulation | |
size | |
Skolem functions | |
Smooth Pictures | |
SMT | |
SMT solvers | |
smt solving | |
solution enumeration | |
Solver | |
solver evaluation | |
space | |
splitting | |
stabilizer chain | |
static symmetry breaking | |
Strategy Extraction | |
structural parameterizations | |
structure-based algorithm | |
Succinct | |
symmetry | |
symmetry breaking | |
symmetry breaking predicates | |
Synthesis | |
T | |
Theoretical benchmarks | |
trade-offs | |
tree decomposition | |
tree-decomposition | |
Treewidth | |
treewidth and pathwidth | |
V | |
vampire | |
variable degrees | |
verification | |