This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(self)regulation | |
- | |
- EU Commission decision-making | |
- EU Commission soft law | |
- EU competition policy | |
- EU conditionality | |
- EU State aid policy | |
- Euro crisis | |
- Financial crisis | |
- National Regulatory Agencies | |
- Supranational EU policy | |
1 | |
1. Regulation of Power Distribution and Commercial losses | |
2 | |
2. Regulatory Intervention | |
3 | |
3. Enforcement of Regulation | |
4 | |
4. Compliance | |
A | |
access regulation | |
accountability | |
actor strategies | |
Administrative fine | |
administrative procedure | |
Administrative state | |
Africa | |
agencies | |
Agency | |
agency autonomy | |
agenda setting | |
Agri-Food sector | |
Agricultural | |
aid and assistance | |
Algorithmic regulation | |
Alternative Dispute Regulation | |
Argentina | |
artificial intelligence | |
artificial reproduction | |
audiovisual media sector | |
Australian regulation | |
Autonomy | |
Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM) | |
B | |
Banking Crises | |
banking regulation | |
Behavioral nudges | |
Behavioural Sciences | |
Better regulation | |
Big Data | |
Biodiversity | |
blame avoidance | |
blame game | |
blame shifting | |
Brazil | |
broadband | |
budgets | |
Buenos Aires | |
Bureau shaping | |
bureaucratic rulemaking | |
C | |
Carbon Trading | |
case study | |
central bank | |
Central banks | |
Certification | |
CETA | |
China | |
chlorine-washed chicken | |
Cities | |
climate change | |
co-regulation | |
Collaboration | |
collaborative regulatory governance | |
Collaborative Rule-making | |
communications | |
Comparative Analysis | |
comparative methods | |
comparative political economy | |
comparison of law | |
Competetition law | |
competition | |
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) | |
competition policy | |
Complexity | |
Complexity challenges | |
Complexity drivers | |
Complexity responses | |
compliance | |
compliance and enforcement | |
consumer law | |
consumer protection | |
consumer responsibilisation | |
convergence | |
corporate crime | |
Corporate self-regulation | |
Corporate social responsibility | |
Corruption | |
Cosmetics | |
cost recovery | |
courts | |
credibility and clarity | |
criminal justice | |
criminology | |
cross-jurisdictional regulatory institution | |
Cross-national diffusion | |
Currency | |
Cybersecurity | |
D | |
Dairy Supply Chain | |
data protection | |
Data protection impact assessment | |
data-based regulation | |
Data-Driven Governance | |
de-facto coordination | |
Decentralised governance | |
decentralization | |
decision-making | |
Delegation | |
democratic legitimacy | |
Democratic regulatory governance | |
Deregulation | |
Diffusion of Regulatory Policy | |
digital economy | |
Digital Technologies | |
discourses in regulation | |
disengagement | |
Disruptive technologies | |
Divers implementation | |
Dutch Healthcare (Market Regulation) Act 2006 (Wmg) | |
E | |
E-commerce | |
Economic Policy Coordination | |
economic sociology | |
Effective nature laws | |
Effectiveness | |
Effectiveness of regulation | |
election campaigns | |
electoral law | |
electricity transistions | |
Emerging Markets and Developing Economies | |
emerging technologies | |
Empowerment | |
Energy | |
energy law | |
energy policy | |
energy regulation | |
Energy Telecommunications and Finance | |
Energy Union | |
enforcement | |
England | |
Environment | |
environmental governance | |
Environmental health and safety regulation | |
Environmental Protection | |
environmental regulation | |
EU | |
EU compliance | |
EU energy governance | |
EU implementation | |
EU integration | |
EU law | |
EU market integration | |
EU Member states | |
EU policies | |
EU regulation | |
EU regulatory governance | |
EU risk governance | |
EU socio-economic governance | |
Europe | |
Europe-2020 | |
European Agencies | |
European Commission | |
European Court of Auditors | |
European Economic Governance | |
European Food Safety Authority | |
European Governance | |
European Ombudsman | |
European policy | |
European public policy | |
European Stability Mechanism | |
European Union | |
evidence-based policy making | |
ex post evaluation | |
Ex-post evaluation | |
experimentalism | |
experimentalist governance | |
expertise | |
external governance | |
external pressures | |
extraterritoriality | |
F | |
farm-to-fork | |
Federalism | |
fees | |
Finance | |
Financial Accountability | |
financial consumer protection | |
Financial Market Regulation | |
financial regulation | |
Financial Stability Board | |
financial stability committee | |
financial stability policy | |
Financial supervision | |
Food governance | |
Food safety | |
forecasting methods | |
formal practices | |
freedom of expression | |
frontline inspectors | |
Fundamental Rights | |
futurology | |
G | |
G20 | |
Germany | |
global administrative law | |
global business regulation | |
Global Environmental Governance | |
global finance | |
Global Governance | |
global South | |
global value chains | |
globalisation | |
Globalization | |
good governance | |
governance | |
governance mechanism | |
government networks | |
Government supervision | |
H | |
harmonisation | |
harmonization | |
Health | |
Health and Social Care Act 2012 (HSCA 2012) | |
health care | |
health care cooperatives | |
Health service delivery | |
Healthcare | |
Healthcare governance | |
Healthcare regulation | |
horizontal dialogue | |
Human Rights | |
hybridity | |
I | |
IBM | |
identification | |
impact assessment | |
Implementation | |
Improving environmental non-compliance | |
Incentivizing | |
Independence | |
independent regulators | |
India | |
indicators | |
Indigenous governance | |
informal practices | |
Innovation | |
Inspectors | |
institutional design | |
institutional economics | |
institutional environment | |
institutional structures | |
institutional theory | |
institutions | |
Inter-organizational Collaboration | |
Interaction | |
Interactions | |
interconnection | |
Interdisciplinary approach | |
interest group access | |
intermediaries | |
International organisations | |
International organizations | |
international regulation | |
International Trade | |
internet | |
Internet Co-Regulation | |
Internet governance | |
Internet intermediary | |
Interpretive vigilence | |
interstate engagement | |
Interventions | |
investments | |
IRAs | |
ISM code | |
Issue saliency | |
J | |
judicial review | |
K | |
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme | |
knowledge society | |
L | |
Labor | |
labour standards | |
law | |
law and technology | |
Law enforcement | |
Learning | |
legal barrieres for shift to zero energy society | |
legal transplants | |
Legality Verification | |
legitimacy | |
Legitimacy effectiveness accountability responsiveness transparency and innovation of regulation and regulatory governance | |
Legitimacy of Regulatory Enforcement | |
local government | |
M | |
Mandatory Reporting | |
marine governance | |
Maritime safety regulation | |
market failures | |
Market pressure | |
Market regulation | |
mass media | |
mass media law | |
mass surveillance | |
measurement approach | |
media systems | |
Metaregulation | |
metropolisation | |
Migration | |
mobile | |
modalities of regulation | |
Monitor - NHS Improvement | |
moral hazard | |
morality policies | |
motivational postures | |
multi-level governance | |
multi-national corporations | |
multi-tiered governance | |
Multilevel Governance | |
Multinational corporations | |
multiple middle | |
Mutual Recognition | |
Mutual Trust | |
N | |
naming and shaming | |
Nanotechnology | |
Nanotechnology risks | |
national flagship legislation | |
national governments | |
National Health Service (NHS) | |
National regulatory agencies | |
Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa) | |
Nested games | |
Network effect | |
network industry regulation | |
networked governance | |
networks | |
Networks and institutions | |
New approach | |
new governance | |
New institutionalism | |
new public governance | |
New technologies | |
non-green energy | |
Non-State Regulation | |
norm diffusion | |
Norms | |
NRAs | |
Nudge Theory | |
Nudges | |
O | |
Objective standard | |
Objectivity | |
obstruction of innovation | |
OECD | |
Online | |
Online Dispute Resolution | |
Online Gambling | |
online platforms | |
open-access regulation | |
Opinion 2/13 | |
opportunity structures | |
organic regulation | |
Organizational legitimacy and reputation | |
Organizational Theory | |
Oversight | |
P | |
parliamentary oversight | |
participation culture | |
path-dependency | |
payday lending | |
performativity of economics law technology in finance | |
personalisation | |
Perverse incentives | |
pharmaceuticals | |
platforms | |
police reform | |
Policy | |
Policy Analysis | |
Policy appraisal | |
policy design | |
policy diffusion | |
policy effects | |
policy implementation | |
policy innovation | |
policy learning | |
policy mixes | |
Policy Overreaction | |
policy stability | |
policy strategies | |
policy success and policy failure | |
policy-making process | |
politic | |
political economy | |
political economy of energy sector network | |
political-bureaucratic relations | |
Polycentric governance | |
polycentric regulation | |
Post-crisis regulation | |
privacy | |
Privacy by design and by default | |
privacy regulation | |
privacy rights | |
Private actors | |
Private Authority | |
private governance | |
Private healthcare | |
Private Implementation | |
Private law | |
private regulation | |
Private-public regulation | |
privatization | |
procedural instruments | |
procedural justice | |
Process tracing | |
product safety | |
Professional Standards | |
prostitution policy | |
prosumers | |
public administration | |
Public Authority | |
Public Health | |
public participation | |
Public-private standards | |
Q | |
quality of markets | |
quality of service | |
R | |
real-time compliance | |
Reflexive law | |
reginal economic policy | |
regional development | |
regionalisation | |
Regulation | |
Regulation of Novel and Emerging Technologies | |
regulations | |
regulator | |
Regulators | |
Regulatory actors | |
Regulatory advice | |
Regulatory agencies | |
regulatory capacity | |
Regulatory Capture | |
regulatory change | |
regulatory complexity | |
regulatory compliance | |
Regulatory Cooperation Council | |
regulatory culture | |
Regulatory Decisions | |
regulatory dialogue | |
Regulatory disconnect | |
regulatory enforcement | |
regulatory failure | |
Regulatory Governance | |
regulatory governance in local perspective | |
regulatory governance in local perspectives | |
Regulatory governance in national perspective | |
Regulatory impact assessment | |
Regulatory Impact Assessments | |
regulatory independence | |
Regulatory Indicators | |
Regulatory learning | |
Regulatory networks | |
regulatory oversight | |
Regulatory policy | |
regulatory policy change | |
Regulatory policy making | |
regulatory policy mix | |
regulatory policymaking | |
regulatory politics | |
Regulatory practices | |
Regulatory Reform | |
Regulatory Regime | |
regulatory regimes | |
Regulatory social policy | |
regulatory space | |
regulatory state | |
regulatory transfer | |
Regulatory Trust Triangle | |
renewable energy | |
Reputation metrics | |
resistance | |
responsibility attribution | |
Responsible Gambling | |
Responsiveness | |
retail banking | |
retrospective regulatory review | |
review | |
right to be forgotten | |
Risk | |
Risk management | |
risk regulation | |
Risk resilience | |
robots | |
role of government | |
rule of law | |
rulemaking | |
Russia | |
S | |
Santiago Principles | |
Scientific knowledge use | |
security | |
Security market policies | |
self- regulation | |
Self-regulation | |
self‐regulation | |
Service users | |
sharing economy | |
Single supervisory mechanism | |
smoking ban | |
social Europe | |
social network analysis | |
social regulation | |
Social work | |
soft law | |
Soft-Law | |
Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) | |
stakeholder involvement | |
Standard | |
standard cost model | |
Standard-setting | |
standardization | |
Startups | |
state aid | |
state surveillance | |
Steering | |
Stem Cell Tourism | |
Strategy | |
Street-level Bureaucracy | |
Structural reform | |
sub-national level | |
subnational | |
supervision of regulatory enforcement | |
supply chains | |
supranational regulation | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable transport planning | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
systemic | |
systems | |
T | |
Taxation | |
Teaching | |
telecommunications | |
telecommunications regulation | |
temporary regulations | |
the Chinese path | |
The Netherlands | |
theory of strategic action fields | |
third-parties | |
Tool | |
trade | |
transnational bribery | |
Transnational Economic Governance | |
Transnational financial regulation | |
transnational private governance | |
transnational regulation | |
transparency | |
Transportation | |
Trust | |
TTIP | |
Turkey | |
two-level game | |
U | |
U.S. Regulatory Regimes | |
Ukraine | |
unintended consequences | |
United States | |
universal access and service | |
universal service | |
universality | |
Urban Water Policy | |
US and Europe | |
V | |
value models | |
value pluralism | |
Virtual currency | |
Voluntary Regulation | |
W | |
water | |
Welfare State | |
wireless |