This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2 | |
3 | |
3 | |
3D Interaction Techniques | |
A | |
ACM-W | |
Advisor | |
Algorithms | |
application | |
apps | |
Augmented Reality | |
Automatic program repair | |
Automatic test generation | |
B | |
Bimanual Actions | |
Biomedical | |
BOF | |
booth activities | |
Buzzer | |
C | |
Capstone Project | |
Children | |
Circuits | |
Code coverage | |
Code visibility | |
Component | |
Computer Science | |
Conductor | |
CSIS | |
Cube Satellite | |
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy | |
D | |
Data Centric | |
data visualization | |
database | |
Diversity | |
Dough | |
E | |
EAE | |
Education | |
Electric Current | |
Embedded System | |
Engagement | |
Environment | |
EvoSuite | |
F | |
Flash Talk | |
G | |
gender | |
genetic algorithm | |
Geometric Inference | |
Grad Poster | |
Grad Student Talk | |
graphics | |
H | |
Hacking | |
head mounted display | |
I | |
IDEs | |
Inmerse Environments | |
Insulator | |
IoT | |
K | |
Kernel Density Estimate | |
key value store | |
L | |
leap motion | |
LEDs | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Mentor | |
metamorphic testing | |
Microbialite | |
Microprocessor | |
Mobile Networks | |
Motor | |
music | |
Mutation analysis | |
Mutation score | |
Mutation testing | |
N | |
No Internet Connection | |
O | |
oculus rift | |
Online Education Delivery | |
Orchestration | |
outreach | |
Outreach experience | |
P | |
Passwords | |
patents | |
Perception Training | |
Poster | |
Processor | |
Program mutation | |
programming | |
prospective students | |
R | |
recruitment | |
retention | |
robots | |
S | |
Secure coding | |
Security | |
Security Cameras | |
Security tools | |
Service Evolution | |
SmartHome | |
SmartHome Safety | |
Smartphone Based System | |
Software Defined Infrastructure | |
Southern Utah University | |
Static analysis | |
Student | |
Suspiciousness score | |
SUU | |
systematic testing | |
T | |
Tech Ambassadors | |
technology | |
Tele-Collaboration | |
Templates | |
Test case generation | |
theory | |
U | |
uClinux | |
Undergraduate | |
Undergraduate Student | |
unity | |
University of Utah | |
V | |
Virtual Environment | |
Virtual Reality | |
visualization | |
Volumetric Selection | |
W | |
Wi-Fi | |
Women in Computing | |
Women in STEM |