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15:20-15:35Coffee Break
15:35-16:45 Session 2: Lightning talks 1
15:35 | Latest Developments in Graph Representation Learning |
15:42 | Science knows no country but citations do: the emergence of East and West in contemporary science PRESENTER: Tao Jia |
15:49 | Automation and occupational mobility: A data-driven network model PRESENTER: R.Maria del Rio-Chanona |
15:56 | Modeling echo chambers and polarization dynamics in social networks PRESENTER: Fabian Baumann |
16:03 | Using network science to understand student pathways in and through STEM education. PRESENTER: Steven Turnbull |
16:10 | Inhibitory layer leading to Explosive Synchronization in Multiplex Networks PRESENTER: Vasundhara Rathore |
16:17 | Topical Alignment-based Meme Diffusion in Twitter PRESENTER: Kleber A. Oliveira |
16:24 | Dynamic patterns of information flow in complex networks |
16:31 | The spatio-temporal propagation of signals in complex networks |
16:38 | A Virtual Reality Platform for Exploring Large Networks PRESENTER: Jörg Menche |
16:45-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Session 3A: Theory I
17:00 | Pairwise versus multiple global network alignment PRESENTER: Shawn Gu |
17:15 | Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks PRESENTER: Tiziano Squartini |
17:30 | Constructing a compact metric space of network ensembles using several graph comparison measures PRESENTER: Alexander Daniels |
17:45 | Choosing among alternative histories of a tree PRESENTER: Rui A. da Costa |
18:00 | Anderson-like localization in real-world non-normal networks PRESENTER: Joseph O Brien |
18:15 | Relating Structural and Dynamical Properties of Reaction Networks PRESENTER: Sara Benedetti |
17:00-18:30 Session 3B: Structure I
17:00 | Efficient and fully Bayesian inference of complex networks from noisy data PRESENTER: Jean-Gabriel Young |
17:15 | Blind Identification of Stochastic Block Models from Dynamical Observations PRESENTER: Michael Schaub |
17:30 | Combining micro and macro generative models: Action-based stochastic block model PRESENTER: Xinqi Gao |
17:45 | Frequency of Significant Sequential Motif Structures Reveal Patterns in Pathway Data PRESENTER: Timothy Larock |
18:00 | Deriving pairwise transfer entropy from network structure and motifs PRESENTER: Leonardo Novelli |
18:15 | Attacking Embeddings to Counter Community Detection PRESENTER: Tina Eliassi-Rad |
17:00-18:30 Session 3C: Social Networks I
17:00 | Positional and Dispositional Factors That Predict Who Commits Social Network Routing Errors and Who Learns From Them PRESENTER: Kyosuke Tanaka |
17:15 | Selection of communication channels and the related sampling bias for mapping out the network of social interactions PRESENTER: Janos Kertesz |
17:30 | Uncovering Coordinated Networks on Social Media PRESENTER: Bao Tran Truong |
17:45 | Quantifying Biases in Attribute Inference on Social Networks PRESENTER: Lisette Espín-Noboa |
18:00 | Cumulative effects of triadic closure and homophily in social networks PRESENTER: Mikko Kivelä |
18:15 | Privacy and uniqueness of neighborhoods in social networks PRESENTER: Daniele Romanini |
17:00-18:30 Session 3D: Science of Science I
17:00 | Evolution of the knowledge flows among fields in modern physics PRESENTER: Ye Sun |
17:15 | Detecting citation cartels in journal citation networks PRESENTER: Sadamori Kojaku |
17:30 | A network perspective on academic impact PRESENTER: Fabio Caccioli |
17:45 | Knowledge and Social Relatedness Shape Research Portfolio Diversification PRESENTER: Giorgio Tripodi |
18:00 | Emergence of Hierarchy in Networked Endorsement Dynamics PRESENTER: Mari Kawakatsu |
18:15 | The science of sharing and the sharing of science: Diffusion of scientific articles across online platforms PRESENTER: Agnes Horvat |
17:00-18:30 Session 3E: Economic Networks I
17:00 | "The other side of the moon": What do we know about products' complexity? PRESENTER: Carla Sciarra |
17:15 | Technological interdependencies predict innovation dynamics PRESENTER: Anton Pichler |
17:30 | Universal resilience patterns in labor markets PRESENTER: Morgan Frank |
17:45 | The Scientific Development of Nations PRESENTER: Lili Miao |
18:00 | Topology of Networks in Generalized Musical Spaces |
18:15 | Structural Evolution of US Airline Networks PRESENTER: Kashin Sugishita |
17:00-18:30 Session 3F: Biological Networks
17:00 | Analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data unveils a general stochastic transcriptional attribute of aging PRESENTER: Guy Amit |
17:15 | Functional module detection through integration of single-cell RNA sequencing data with protein--protein interaction networks PRESENTER: Florian Klimm |
17:30 | Gene regulatory network remodeling in embryonic development trajectories PRESENTER: Celine Sin |
17:45 | Distinguishing and Controlling Cell Phenotype Using Gene Expression PRESENTER: Thomas P Wytock |
18:00 | Implementing attractor reversibility in a Boolean network model by encoding short-term memory into select edges PRESENTER: Parul Maheshwari |
18:15 | Functional relationships between generalized positive feedback loops determine the number of attractors in plant-pollinator interaction networks PRESENTER: Fatemeh Sadat Fatemi Nasrollahi |
18:30-19:00 Session poster-01
18:30 | Does aggregation preserve communities? PRESENTER: Yerali Gandica |
18:30 | Investigating Italian disinformation spreading on Twitter in the context of 2019 European elections PRESENTER: Francesco Pierri |
18:30 | Modeling social context improves role detection in Enron communication network PRESENTER: Ramona Roller |
18:30 | BotSlayer: Real-time detection of manipulation of social media PRESENTER: Pik-Mai Hui |
18:30 | Node Immunization with Non-backtracking Eigenvalues PRESENTER: Leo Torres |
18:30 | How predictable are novel technological combinations? |
18:30 | Opinion dynamics with emergent collective memory: a society shaped by its own past. PRESENTER: Gioia Boschi |
18:30 | Distributed inference of multi-dimensional, homophilous communities for behavior prediction PRESENTER: Tara Sowrirajan |
18:30 | Genescape | An interdisciplinary approach to complex network visualization PRESENTER: Christiane Hütter |
18:30 | Statistical models of social interaction PRESENTER: Samuel Martin-Gutierrez |
18:30 | Measuring network features under uncertainty PRESENTER: Sebastian Raimondo |
18:30 | Comparing Graph Embedding Algorithms Based on their primary Choices PRESENTER: Jingyi Xu |
18:30 | AIC Based Model Selection for Generative Multi-Order Models of Paths in Networks PRESENTER: Christoph Gote |
18:30 | Bayesian Selection of Optimal Higher-Order Network Models PRESENTER: Luka Petrović |
18:30 | Statistical manifold embedding of directed graphs PRESENTER: Nino Antulov-Fantulin |
18:30 | Identifiability of underlying discussion networks using multidimensional Hawkes process PRESENTER: Alexey Medvedev |
18:30 | Learning a Social Network from Text Data PRESENTER: Xiaoyi Yang |
18:30 | Population model approximations of epidemic dynamics on networks PRESENTER: Alice Tapper |
18:30 | Semantically-organized networks for the visualization of short texts PRESENTER: Dakota Murray |
18:30 | A threefold approach for reducing the dimension of dynamics on networks: An application to synchronization PRESENTER: Vincent Thibeault |
19:00-19:45 Session W1: Meeting with APS editors
Chat with editors of Physical Review Journals:
- Michael Thoennessen (EiC)
- Dario Corradini (PRX)
- Serena Dalena (PRL)
- Juan-Jose Lietor-Santos (PR Research)
- Serena Bradde (PRE)
- Jessica Thomas (Physics)