Business School 3.20
- Session 5F (Sep 04 13:30-15:00) Creative industries
- Session 7C (Sep 04 15:20-16:50) Practice network workshop 1: Narrative alchemy - a workshop on crafting your 300 word REF output statements
- Session 12G (Sep 05 09:00-10:30) Identity and representation
- Session 15G (Sep 05 11:45-12:45) MeCCSA race network meeting
- Session 19A (Sep 05 15:20-16:50) Gender and media
- Session 19E (Sep 05 15:20-16:50) Practice network panel 5: Reflections on artistic practice and its social impact
- Session 22D (Sep 06 09:00-10:30) Journalism in crisis
- Session 24G (Sep 06 11:00-12:30) Sexuality in television and film
- Session 26G (Sep 06 13:30-15:00) Algorithms