Business School 3.14
- Session 5A (Sep 04 13:30-15:00) Activist communications
- Session 7A (Sep 04 15:20-16:50) Crises of Feminism in Contemporary Television and Film
- Session 9A (Sep 04 17:00-18:00) Practice network workshop 2: Photovoice reimagined - principles and scope of photovoice research
- Session 12A (Sep 05 09:00-10:30) Media employment
- Session 15B (Sep 05 11:45-12:45) MeCCSA women's network meeting
- Session 19B (Sep 05 15:20-16:50) Censorship, cancel culture and "war on woke"
- Session 20B (Sep 05 17:00-18:00) MeCCSA Policy Network Roundtable: Recent developments in media policy: a global perspective
- Session 22A (Sep 06 09:00-10:30) Embodiment and media
- Session 24B (Sep 06 11:00-12:30) Gender, work and labour
- Session 26B (Sep 06 13:30-15:00) Conflict in the media