This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search | |
Adaptive Methods | |
agriculture | |
Air Transportation | |
Aircraft Recovery Problem | |
Airline | |
Algorithm Portfolios | |
Algorithms | |
Algoritmo GES | |
alineamiento múltiple secuencias | |
ALNS | |
angular-metric traveling salesman problem | |
Animal Feed Production | |
análisis comparativo | |
Aprendizaje de redes Bayesianas | |
Aprendizaje multivista | |
Aprendizaje semi-supervisado | |
Arc routing problems | |
Artificial bee colony | |
artificial immune systems | |
Artificial Immunological Systems | |
Artificial Intelligence System | |
Assembly line balancing | |
assembly line balancing problem | |
assignment | |
astronomy scheduling | |
Atari | |
Automated Guided Vehicle | |
Automatic Algorithm Configuration | |
Automatic Algorithm Design | |
automatic music composition | |
B | |
balanced vehicle fleet | |
balanced vehicle routing | |
Barebones particle swarm optimization | |
Batching | |
Beamforming | |
Berth Allocation | |
bi-objective | |
biased randomization | |
Biased-Randomisation | |
Biased-randomized algorithms | |
biclustering | |
Big Data | |
big data constraints | |
bioinformatics | |
Bioinformática y biología computacional | |
Bluetooth | |
Borda count algorithm | |
Branch-and-Cut | |
Brokering | |
Bucket pivot algorithm | |
Building and Loading Pallets | |
Bulk ports | |
Búsqueda en el espacio de clases de eguivalencia | |
C | |
car rental | |
Case study | |
Challenge | |
Chaotic neural networks | |
Chaotic neurodynamics | |
Clarke and Wright Savings | |
Clasificadores basados en reglas | |
client server architectures | |
Cloud | |
Cloud computing | |
Cluster analysis | |
clustered backhauls | |
clustering | |
CMSA | |
Column Generation | |
Combinatorial | |
Combinatorial Optimization | |
Combinatorial optimization problem | |
Combinatorial optimization problems | |
competitiones | |
Complex networks | |
Complexity | |
Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization Metaheuristics | |
Computación Evolutiva | |
computational experiments | |
computational geometry | |
Consistent Inventory Routing Problem | |
Constraint Programming | |
Construct Merge Solve & Adapt (CMSA) | |
Container terminals | |
Container Vessel Stowage Planning | |
Continuous functions | |
Control | |
convolutional neural network | |
Corrective maintenance | |
corridor method | |
Cross-Docking Assignment Problem | |
Cuckoo search | |
cyclic cutwidth minimization problem | |
D | |
data mining | |
Decision making | |
decision support | |
decomposition heuristic | |
deep reinforcement learning | |
Demand side management | |
Design | |
Design space | |
Differential evolution | |
differential evolution algorithm | |
Discrete location | |
Discrete optimization | |
discrete-event simulation | |
Disruption Management | |
distributed | |
Distributed Computing | |
Distributor’s Pallet Packing Problem | |
dynamic bipartite drawing | |
Dynamic Flight Scheduling | |
dynamic inputs | |
Dynamic permutation flow shop secheduling | |
Dynamic programming | |
dynamic scalable models | |
dynamic scheduling | |
E | |
E-learning | |
Edge-Disjoint Paths | |
education | |
Eficiencia energética | |
Elasticity | |
Elderly | |
Electric vehicle routing | |
electric vehicles | |
Electrical vehicle | |
eligibilidad | |
Emergency Department | |
Empirical study | |
Epistasia | |
epsilon-constraint method | |
Equitable Coloring Problem | |
Ergonomic risk | |
Evaluation | |
Evaluation as a Service | |
Evolución gramatical | |
evolutionary algorithm | |
Evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary computation | |
Evolutionary Programming | |
Exact solution algorithms | |
F | |
fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem | |
flipping distance | |
Flow shop | |
Flow Shop Problem | |
flowshop | |
Framework | |
front end computation | |
frontera de Pareto | |
Fuzzy Logic | |
G | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Genetic algorithms | |
genetic local search | |
global optimization | |
Gramáticas evolutivas | |
Graph Edit Distance | |
graph layout problems | |
Graph Matching | |
Graph theory | |
Graphs | |
GRASP Algorithm | |
Greedy heuristics | |
Greedy Randomized | |
green vehicle routing | |
H | |
Hard combinatorial optimization | |
harmonic composition | |
headway optimization | |
Health care | |
heliostat field | |
Heterogeneous Fleet | |
Heuristic | |
Heuristic algorithms | |
Heuristics | |
Home Delivery | |
Humanitarian logistics | |
hybrid algorithms | |
hybrid approach | |
Hybrid flowshop | |
Hybrid heuristic | |
hybrid metaheuristic | |
Hybrid metaheuristics | |
Hybridization | |
I | |
Iaas | |
IEEE 802.11ac | |
IG | |
inconsistency | |
Incremental VMP | |
Industrial Application | |
Industrial problems | |
Integer programming | |
inteligencia colectiva | |
Internet of Things | |
inventory management | |
Inventory Routing Problem | |
IRP | |
Iterated Function Systems | |
Iterated Greedy | |
Iterated Greedy Algorithm | |
Iterated Local Search | |
Iterated-Local-Search | |
J | |
Job-Shop Scheduling | |
K | |
Kemeny ranking problem | |
Knowledge exploitation | |
Krill herd algorithm | |
L | |
large neighborhood | |
large neighborhood search | |
Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) | |
large neighbourhood search | |
Lead times | |
Less is more | |
Linear Area | |
linear programming | |
Loading constraints | |
Local Branching Heuristic | |
local search | |
logistics | |
logistics network | |
Líneas de productos mixtos | |
M | |
machine learning | |
maintenance scheduling | |
makespan | |
Mapping | |
Maritime container terminal | |
mat-heuristic | |
Material ordering | |
matheuristic | |
Matheuristics | |
Max Clique | |
Max Cut-Clique | |
Maximum Diversity Problem | |
maximum min-sum dispersion | |
Memetic algorithm | |
Meta-heuristics | |
Meta-heuristics in Finance | |
Metaheuristic | |
Metaheuristics | |
Metaheuristique | |
Metaheurísticas | |
Metaheurísticas locales | |
migrating birds optimization | |
Minería de patrones emergentes | |
Minimum Labelling bi-Connectivity | |
Minimum quartet tree cost | |
mixed fleet | |
mixed integer programming | |
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) | |
mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem continuous optimization | |
mixed-integer-programming-based local search | |
Mobile Application | |
mobility networks | |
Montecarlo simulation | |
Motion planning | |
Multi Cluster | |
Multi Depot | |
Multi Objective | |
Multi-agent scheduling | |
Multi-compartment vehicles | |
multi-mode mesource-monstrained project scheduling problem | |
Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem | |
Multi-neighbourhood | |
multi-objective | |
multi-objective heuristics | |
Multi-objective Optimisation | |
Multi-Objective optimisation model | |
Multi-objective Optimization | |
multi-start algorithms | |
Multi-temperature logistics | |
multi-trip vehicle routing problem | |
multi-vehicle covering tour problem | |
multi-wave optimization | |
Multidepot | |
Multimodal Transport | |
multiobjective optimisation | |
Multiobjective optimization | |
Multiple Bin-Size Bin Packing Problem | |
Multiple Driving Ranges | |
multiple-time-to-target plots | |
Mutation Operator | |
máquinas paralelas | |
N | |
Neighborhood | |
No-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Problem | |
Noise | |
Non-renewable resources | |
Non-smooth combinatorial optimization | |
nonlinear programming | |
NP-hard | |
NP-hardness | |
Number of Replication | |
O | |
Obnoxious location | |
Offshore Logistics | |
one-way carsharing | |
online courses | |
Online judge | |
Online Order Batching Problem | |
Open shop | |
operational decision level | |
Operational Research | |
operator based relocation | |
Optimal bucket order problem | |
Optimal planning | |
Optimal Scheduling | |
optimización multiobjetivo | |
optimización real | |
Optimization | |
optional activities | |
outsourcing | |
Overbooking | |
P | |
p-dispersion | |
p-median | |
Packaging Lines | |
Packet routing problem | |
Packing | |
Paralelismo | |
Parallel algorithms | |
Parallel Machine Scheduling | |
Parallel machines | |
Parallel metaheuristics | |
parallel optimization | |
Parameter Tuning | |
parcel distribution centre | |
parcel service provider | |
parcel transshipment terminal | |
Pareto front | |
Pareto local search | |
Particle swarm | |
Particle Swarm Optimization | |
Particle Therapy Patient Scheduling Problem | |
path relinking | |
path-relinking | |
period vehicle routing | |
permutation flow shop | |
permutation flowshop | |
Petri nets | |
Phased Local Search | |
Phylogenetic trees | |
Pick Up and Delivery | |
pickup and delivery problem | |
Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows | |
pollution routing | |
Port logistics | |
Portfolio optimization | |
Pre-positioning emergency supplies | |
Pre-Processing | |
Predictive scheduling | |
Predictive-reactive approach | |
Probabilistic Tabu Search | |
Programación genética basada en gramáticas | |
Project Portfolio Selection | |
project scheduling | |
Q | |
Q-learning | |
quadratic assignment problem | |
Quantity discount problem | |
Quay Crane assignment | |
R | |
racing | |
radiotherapy scheduling | |
randomized metaheuristics | |
Ranking | |
Real world problems | |
Real-world application | |
Reconstrucción filogenética | |
Redes de sensores | |
Referee assignment | |
Regresión simbólica | |
Representacion del conocimiento | |
resource allocation | |
Resource constraint | |
resource investment problem | |
Resources | |
restarts | |
Retail | |
review | |
Risk Analysis | |
RNA degradation | |
Robotics | |
Route synchronization | |
Routing | |
RRT algorithm | |
run time distributions | |
S | |
Sample Average Approximation | |
Scatter Search | |
scheduled lines | |
Scheduling | |
Scheduling baseline | |
Scheduling physicians | |
Scheduling problem | |
Scheduling problem with time restrictions | |
Secuenciación | |
Secuencias regulares | |
security | |
Sensor | |
Sequential loading | |
setup | |
Ship scheduling | |
Simheuristic | |
Simheuristics | |
Simulated Annealing | |
Simulation | |
Simulation and Optimization | |
simulation optimization | |
simulation-based optimization | |
Simulation-Optimization | |
Sistemas difusos evolutivos | |
Slot Planning | |
Smart Cities | |
Smart home | |
Smart Mobility | |
Sobrecarga | |
Social network analysis (SNA) | |
Social Networks | |
solar power tower plant | |
Spark | |
Speed Variations | |
Sport scheduling | |
stable activity starting times | |
state representation | |
Steelmaking and casting | |
Steiner traveling salesman problem | |
Steiner Tree Problem | |
Steiner Tree Problem graphs | |
Steiner tree problem in graphs | |
stochastic combinatorial optimization problems | |
Stochastic Demands | |
Stochastic Optimization | |
stochastic processing times | |
Stowage problem | |
STP | |
strategic oscillation | |
Successive Approximations Method | |
Supply chain design | |
Supply Chain Management | |
Sustainability Indicators | |
Swarm | |
symmetric quadratic traveling salesman problem | |
T | |
tabu search | |
Target Set Selection | |
Team Orienteering | |
Team orienteering problem | |
Technician routing | |
tiempos de post-proceso o de cola | |
tiempos de pre-proceso o de disponibilidad | |
time series segmentation | |
Time Slot Management | |
time windows | |
time-to-target plots | |
Time-Windows | |
Tooling | |
total tardiness | |
Tourist Trip Design Problem | |
Traffic light management | |
Traffic Monitoring | |
train unit assignment problem | |
train unit scheduling problem | |
Transmisiones seguras | |
Transport | |
transport management | |
Transportation | |
Transshipment | |
Traveling salesman problem | |
triangulations | |
Truck and Trailer | |
TSP | |
U | |
Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem | |
Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem | |
Uncertainty | |
unrestricted refinement | |
Urban Freight Transport | |
V | |
Variable Neighborhhood Search | |
Variable Neighborhood Descent | |
Variable Neighborhood Search | |
Vehicle routing | |
Vehicle Routing Problem | |
Vehicle routing problem with backhauls heuristics | |
Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints | |
vehicle routing problem with mixed backhauls | |
Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) | |
Vehicle Scheduling | |
Vehicle synchronization | |
Vertex Bisection | |
Virtual Machine Placement | |
Virtual machine planning | |
Visualization | |
VMP Reconfiguration | |
VND | |
VNS | |
VRP | |
W | |
waste collection | |
Waste Collection Management | |
Web-based Tool | |
weight distribution | |
Wireless networks | |
Y | |