This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
A* proof search | |
Abduction | |
ALC | |
algebra | |
Antichains | |
Antipatterns | |
automata theory | |
automated complexity analysis | |
automated reasoning | |
automated reasoning systems | |
automated theorem prover | |
Automated Theorem Proving | |
axiom selection | |
axiomatization | |
B | |
Basic Feasible Functionals | |
BBI | |
blocked clauses | |
Boolean Pythagorean Triples problem | |
bunched calculi | |
C | |
Chains | |
clause elimination | |
communication protocol | |
complexity | |
computational complexity | |
computational complexity of reasoning | |
Confluent Rewrite Relations | |
connection method | |
Constrained Horn clauses | |
constraint satisfaction | |
Context-free languages | |
Continuation passing style | |
Coq | |
Crowdsourcing | |
cut-elimination | |
D | |
deep inference | |
Deep Learning | |
description logic | |
Diagrammatic Reasoning | |
Dilworth's theorem | |
distributive substructural logics | |
domain specific language | |
DRAT proofs | |
Dunn-Mints calculi | |
E | |
educational logic software | |
epistemic logic | |
evaluation strategies | |
F | |
fair termination | |
First Order Theory | |
First-Order Logic | |
formal proofs | |
G | |
gossip protocols | |
Graph reachability | |
Graph Rewriting | |
Gödel logic | |
H | |
Hall's theorem | |
Higher order complexity | |
higher-order logic | |
Higher-Order Modal Logic | |
horn clause solving | |
Horn solving | |
hypersequents | |
I | |
implication problem | |
inclusion dependency | |
independence | |
independence atom | |
Inductive invariant | |
infinite lists | |
interactive theorem proving | |
interpolation | |
Interpretations | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
K | |
knowledge based programs | |
Knowledge Representation | |
L | |
large theories | |
linear arithmetic | |
linear logic | |
linear nested sequents | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
Linearization | |
logic of bunched implications | |
logical frameworks | |
LTL | |
LTL to automata translation | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Maximum independent set | |
MELL | |
Memory Management Unit | |
memory models | |
Mirsky's theorems | |
Model Checking | |
model expansion | |
modular systems | |
monadic fragment | |
multimodalities | |
N | |
nondeterminism | |
O | |
omega-automata | |
Ontologies | |
Operating Systems | |
Overlapping Rewrite Systems | |
P | |
Parallel Rewriting | |
paramodulation | |
Partial Model Checking | |
Partially ordered sets | |
Past Operators | |
preprocessing | |
probabilistic programs | |
Program analysis | |
Program Verification | |
Proof Assistant | |
proof automation | |
proof search | |
proof theory | |
propagators | |
Propositional satisfiability | |
Q | |
Quantitative Reasoning | |
query optimization | |
R | |
Rank-1 Polymorphism | |
reasoner | |
relational logic | |
Relational verification | |
resolution calculus | |
resource types | |
S | |
sat | |
SAT solving | |
Semantical Embedding | |
semi-deterministic automata | |
Semiring | |
separation logic | |
serious games | |
set of support | |
software model checking | |
solvers | |
Soundness | |
Stateflow | |
structural rules | |
superposition | |
symbolic transducer | |
system description | |
T | |
tableau proofs | |
Tableaux | |
term rewriting | |
Theorem Proving | |
theory reasoning | |
Tractable classes | |
Translation Lookaside Buffer | |
Type Theory | |
U | |
Unbounded model checking | |
uniformity | |
V | |
vampire |