Days: Monday, August 14th Tuesday, August 15th Wednesday, August 16th Thursday, August 17th Friday, August 18th Saturday, August 19th Sunday, August 20th
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– Welcome speech by Professor Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Vice Chancellor of Stockholm University
– Opening of the scientific programme by Mirna Dzamonja, chairman of the programme committee for Logic Colloquium 2017
09:15 | Assertion and request ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Stone duality and applications in computer science (1/3) ( abstract ) |
11:45 | Generic absoluteness for Chang models ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Irrationality Exponents and Effective Hausdorff Dimension ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Characterizing the continuous degrees ( abstract ) |
15:00 | On the first-order strength of Ramsey's theorem in reverse mathematics ( abstract ) |
14:00 | A herbrandized functional interpretation of classical first-order logic ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Strong Normalization for Simply Typed Lambda Calculus ( abstract ) |
15:00 | The extended predicative Mahlo Universe in Explicit Mathematics - model construction ( abstract ) |
14:00 | The hereditarily ordinal definable sets in inner models with finitely many Woodin cardinals ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Transversal of full outer measure ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Infinite utility streams and irregular sets ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Propositional sequent systems of two valued classical logic and many valued logics are no monotonous. ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Computable bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence relations ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Tomographs for Substructural Display Logic ( abstract ) |
17:00 | (Dynamic) epistemic interpretation for erotetic search scenarios ( abstract ) |
17:20 | A Decision Procedure Model for Finding the Missing Premise in Automated Reasoning ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On algebras of distributions for binary formulas of quite o-minimal theories with non-maximum many countable models ( abstract ) |
16:20 | On preserving properties under expanding models of quite o-minimal theories ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Easy and hard homogenizable structures ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Universal theories and compactly expandable models ( abstract ) |
17:20 | On distributions for countable models of quite o-minimal theories with non-maximum many countable models ( abstract ) |
17:40 | Some VC-combinatorial aspects of definable set systems ( abstract ) |
16:00 | The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Caristi's fixed point theorem and strong systems of arithmetic ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Nonstandard methods and construction of models of arithmetics ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Constructing and classifying stability-preserving substructures ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Reflection principles, bounded induction and axiomatic truth theories. ( abstract ) |
17:40 | On local induction rules: collapse and conservation properties ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Systems of propositions referring to each other: a model-theoretic view ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Revealing the 4D vector space within disquotational truth theory for self-reference statements ( abstract ) |
16:40 | A computable solution to Partee's puzzle ( abstract ) |
17:00 | G\"odel's second incompleteness theorem cannot be used as an argument against Hilbert's program ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Definability between temporal relations in dynamic mereology ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Teaching universalized-conditionals and Hazen’s Theorem. ( abstract ) |
16:40 | A modal operator in multi-modal mu-calculus and induced semiring structure ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Interpolation for modal mu-calculus ( abstract ) |
17:20 | On the Decidability of Mereological Theories with Local Complementation ( abstract ) |
17:40 | On the Admissibility of the Structural Rules in Kanger's Calculus with Restricted Equality Rules ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Boolean-valued models of ZFC and forcing in geometry and physics ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Keisler's order via Boolean ultrapowers ( abstract ) |
16:40 | On Approximations and Eigenvectors - looking at Quantum Physics via Metric Ultraproducts ( abstract ) |
17:00 | A plausibility model for regret games ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Dathematics: a meta-isomorphic version of classic mathematics based on proper classes ( abstract ) |
16:00 | The Semanticist's Guide to Ramification ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Negative Properties in First-Degree Entailment with Constructible Negation and an Extensional Semantics ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Volutionary deliberations ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Relation algebras, representability and relevant logics ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Meanings of contradicts. ( abstract ) |
17:40 | Truth as a Logical Property ( abstract ) |
Welcome reception in the City Hall, hosted by Stockholm City
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09:00 | Surreal differential calculus ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Stone duality and applications in computer science (2/3) ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Computability theory and asymptotic density ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Generalized Finite Automata over the Real Numbers ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Reducibilities and Higman-like theorems in symbolic dynamics ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Applications of computability theory in topology ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Enriching our view of model theory of fields with operators ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Non-amenablility of automorphism groups of generic structures ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Model theory of strongly ergodic actions ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Squeezing arguments and strong logics ( abstract ) |
14:30 | How to make an infinite decision ( abstract ) |
15:00 | On Hilbert’s Axiomatic Method ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On proof complexities for some classes of tautologies in Frege systems ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Genus of proofs as a measure of complexity ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Propositional Dynamic Logic for Bisimilar programs with Parallel Operator and Test ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Arithmetical transfinite Recursion and Relatives ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Diagrammatic Reasoning for Boolean Equations ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Type Theory of Restricted Algorithms and Neural Networks ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Describing limits of bounded sequences of measurable functions via nonstandard analysis. ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Nonstandard Analysis, Computability Theory, and metastbility ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On the Kierstead's conjecture ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Some Weak Yet Strong restrictions of Hindman's Theorem ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Brentano and Frege: The tunnel between analytic and continental theories of language with intentional inexistence and the judgement stroke. ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Are points (necessarily) unextended? ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Why Does Formal Deductive Logic Start With the Classical Greeks? ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Determinacy of Boolean combinations of $\Sigma^0_3$ games ( abstract ) |
16:20 | The tree property at $\aleph_{\omega+2}$ with a finite gap ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Algebraic new foundations ( abstract ) |
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09:00 | A stroll through some important notions of model theory and their applications in geometry ( abstract ) |
10:30 | On the verification of timed systems – and beyond (1/3) ( abstract ) |
11:30 | The Logical basis of a formal epistemology for social networks ( abstract ) |
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09:00 | Counting in weak theories ( abstract ) |
10:30 | Stone duality and applications in computer science (3/3) ( abstract ) |
11:30 | On the verification of timed systems – and beyond (2/3) ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Definability in the group of infinitesimal rotations ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Transseries as surreal analytic functions ( abstract ) |
15:00 | NIP fields and henselianity ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Adding a non-reflecting weakly compact set ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Negative partition relations from cardinal invariants ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Countable Borel chromatic numbers and Sigma^1_2 sets ( abstract ) |
14:00 | On some categorical aspects of homotopy type theory ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Discussions following the Category theory and type theory session ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Topos Theory For Descriptive Modeling ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Names in Topos Theory ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Models of set theory in path categories ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Stone duality for infinitary first-order logic ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Set-theoretic pathologies in accessible categories ( abstract ) |
17:40 | The Notion of Paradox ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Application of Kalmar's proof of deducibility in two valued propositional logic for many valued logic. ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Monotonic functions are logically four-valued ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Routley-Meyer semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Łukasiewicz logic, with coefficients ( abstract ) |
17:40 | A Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Disjunction ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Two theorems on provability logics ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Proof mining in convex optimization ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Connectives as relative modalities ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Intuitionistic tense logic. Some remarks. ( abstract ) |
17:20 | On the Provability of Consistency ( abstract ) |
17:40 | On completeness of epistemic theories ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Limitwise monotonic reducibility between sequences of sets and Sigma-definability of abelian groups ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Rogers semilattices in analytical hierarchy ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Gödel's second incompleteness theorem from scratch ( abstract ) |
17:00 | On Some Systems of Minimal Propositional Logic with History Mechanism ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Uniform Substitution and Replacement of Equivalents ( abstract ) |
17:40 | An Analysis of Peterson's Intermediate Syllogisms with Caroll's Diagrammatic Method ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Dynamic Belief Logic Based on Evidential Observation ( abstract ) |
16:20 | A solution to Frege's puzzle in Homotopy Type Theory ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Frege's Begriffsschrift and logicism ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Compositional vs game-theoretic semantics for alternating-time temporal Logics ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Logical dynamism as a way of understanding plurality of logics ( abstract ) |
17:40 | Two “Styles” of axiomatization: Rules versus Axioms. A Modern Perspective. ( abstract ) |
16:00 | A polarized partition theorem for large saturated linear orders ( abstract ) |
16:20 | On pcf spaces which are not Fréchet-Urysohn ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Happy and mad families ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Definable Maximal Independent Families ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Partition relations equiconsistent with $o(o(\ldots o(\kappa)\ldots)) = 2$ ( abstract ) |
17:40 | The tree property at the double successor of a singular cardinal ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On prefix realizability problems of infinite words for natural subsets of context-free languages ( abstract ) |
16:20 | On the computability of perfect subsets of sets with positive measure ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Hyperimmunity and $A$--computable numberings ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Refuting 'Converse to Tarski' Conjecture ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Some properties of central types for EPSCJ theories ( abstract ) |
17:40 | Compactness of maximal eventually different families ( abstract ) |
Dinner at Fjärilshuset.
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09:00 | Set-theoretic reflection of mathematical properties ( abstract ) |
10:30 | On the verification of timed systems – and beyond (3/3) ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Families on large index sets and applications to Banach spaces ( abstract ) |
14:00 | On some fixed point statements over Kripke Platek ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Inductive Dichotomy and Determinacy of Difference Hierarchya ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Type-Two Well-Ordering Principles and Pi^1_1-Comprehension ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Reasoning abhorrently ( abstract ) |
14:30 | Reasoning with counterfactual scenarios: from models to proofs ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Maddian interpretations and their derived notions of restrictiveness ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Models, Interpretations and the Initiallity Conjectures. ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Discussions following the Category theory and type theory session ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Non-decomposable connectives of Linear Logic ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Benchmarking Linear Logic ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Logical co-operation in multiplayer games ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Defining modal logics of relations between models ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Weakly precomplete dark computably enumerable equivalence relations ( abstract ) |
16:20 | A note on computably enumerable preorders ( abstract ) |
16:40 | On computability in hereditarily finite superstructures and computable analysis ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Structural properties of the cototal enumeration degrees ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Formula size games for modal logics ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Multirole Logic ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Plural Categoricals and Squares of Opposition ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Cut-free completeness for modal mu-calculus ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Investigating some effects of display property ( abstract ) |
17:20 | A normalizing system of natural deduction for relevant logic ( abstract ) |
16:00 | A quantitative analysis of a theorem by F.E.Browder guided by the bounded functional interpretation ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Effectivity proprties of Intuitionistic Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory with DCS principle. ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Intuitionistic logic is not complete for standard proof-theoretic semantics ( abstract ) |
17:00 | The Diller-Nahm model of type theory ( abstract ) |
17:20 | An invitation to proof mining: two applications in nonlinear operator theory ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Meanings of statement, proposition, and sentence. ( abstract ) |
16:20 | When one must strengthen one's induction hypothesis ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Ecumenism: a new perspective on the relation between logics. ( abstract ) |
17:00 | How could a logician help solving the P =? NP problem? ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Euclidean Geometry in Renaissance ( abstract ) |
17:40 | When Curry met Abel ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On decomposing Borel functions ( abstract ) |
16:20 | Strongly surjective linear orders ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Topology of isomorphism types of countable structures ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Definable connectedness and definable compactness in the weakly o-minimal context ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Remarks on satisfaction classes and recursive saturation ( abstract ) |
17:40 | A note on small stable theories ( abstract ) |
16:00 | On generalized Goodstein sequences ( abstract ) |
16:20 | On extending the general recursion theorem to non-wellfounded relations ( abstract ) |
16:40 | Some new bounds on the strength of restricted versions of Hindman's Theorem ( abstract ) |
17:00 | Open colorings on generalized Baire spaces ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Computable quotient presentations of models of arithmetic and set theory ( abstract ) |
17:40 | Canonical aspects of reflection principles ( abstract ) |
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09:00 | Avicenna sets up a modal logic with a Kripke semantics ( abstract ) |
10:30 | How far did Avicenna get with propositional logic? ( abstract ) |
11:00 | The Rise of Temporal Logic ( abstract ) |
11:30 | Gödel's reading of Gentzen's first consistency proof for arithmetic ( abstract ) |
14:00 | Sheaf models of type theory ( abstract ) |
14:45 | Polynomials and theories ( abstract ) |
16:00 | Gentzen's justification of inferences and the ecumenical systems ( abstract ) |
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09:10 | Normal Numbers, Logic and Automata ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Determinacy of Infinite Games: Perspectives of the Algorithmic Approach ( abstract ) |
11:20 | Recent directions in model theory ( abstract ) |
12:10 | Schema mappings: structural properties and limits ( abstract ) |