This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1. Labor Rights | |
2 | |
2. IHRM | |
3 | |
3. Multilatinas | |
A | |
academic career | |
academic human capital | |
Academic Intellectual Capital | |
academic researcher | |
Academic Tenure | |
ADR | |
advice network | |
Affective commitment | |
age | |
Age discrimination | |
Airline safety | |
Algeria | |
Alternative mentoring | |
ambidextrous | |
AMO framework | |
Antarctic | |
Applicant | |
Arab countries | |
Arab Middle East | |
Australia | |
Automation | |
Axes of Action | |
B | |
Behavior | |
behavioral strategies | |
Blue collar workers | |
Brazil | |
C | |
Career | |
career adaptability | |
career capital | |
career management | |
Career mobility | |
career outcomes | |
career strategies | |
Career success | |
career system | |
Careers | |
case study research | |
Central and Eastern Europe | |
Central and Eastern International Research Team (CEEIRT) | |
Challenges | |
Children of expatriates' adjustment | |
China | |
Civic behaviour | |
co-optation | |
Collaboration | |
Collective bargaining | |
Collectivism | |
Commercial airline pilots | |
Commitment | |
Comparative capitalism | |
Comparative career studies | |
Comparative HRM | |
Comparative Institutional Aspects | |
competence | |
Competences | |
competitiveness | |
complementary fit | |
Compressed Development | |
configurational approach | |
confirmatory factor analysis | |
conflict management systems | |
context | |
Contextualization | |
contingency approach | |
Convergence | |
Convergence Divergence | |
corporate social responsibility | |
corruption | |
Counterproductive Behaviours | |
Cranet | |
Creative talents | |
Creative workspaces | |
Creativity | |
criminological theory | |
Crisis | |
Critical incident technique | |
Cross cultural competence | |
cross cultural skills | |
Cross- Cultural | |
cross-cultural comparison | |
Cross-functional team | |
crowd work | |
crowdsourcing | |
Cuba | |
Cultural Context | |
Cultural differences | |
Cultural Dimensions | |
Cultural Intelligence | |
Cultural values | |
Cultural Intelligence | |
Culture | |
D | |
Data collection | |
Decision Making | |
Developing economies | |
Digital Age | |
diplomacy training | |
direct employee participation | |
Disability | |
Disability Inclusion | |
Discrimination at work | |
diversity | |
Diversity & Inclusion | |
diversity management | |
Downsizing | |
Dress code | |
Dual Career Couples | |
dual careers | |
dual working couples | |
Dyad demographic similarity | |
dynamic model | |
E | |
Effective implementation | |
Egypt | |
eHRM | |
emerging economy | |
Employability | |
Employee | |
Employee Engagement | |
employee health and safety | |
employee performance | |
Employee Well-being | |
employee-organization relationship | |
Employees | |
Employer attractiveness | |
employer branding | |
Employers' Attitudes | |
employment of people with disabilities | |
Employment Relations | |
empowerment | |
environmental dynamism | |
environmental management | |
ethics | |
expatriate | |
expatriate management | |
Expatriate performance | |
expatriate spouse | |
Expatriate Teachers | |
Expatriates | |
expatriation | |
Expatriation and careers | |
Experimental Vignette Methodology | |
Extrinsic motivation | |
F | |
Facades of Conformity | |
Facilitators for HR Analytics | |
FDI | |
Feedback intervention | |
feedback sign | |
firm innovativeness | |
Firm performance | |
Fixed effects model | |
Focus group | |
Follower characteristics | |
Forgiveness | |
Formal mentoring | |
Formal Relationships | |
G | |
gender | |
gender bias | |
Gender role | |
gender role ideology | |
generational cohorts | |
generational differences | |
Germany | |
Global Assignments | |
Global Bank | |
Global business organizations | |
global mobility | |
global norms | |
Global perspective | |
Global Talent Management | |
Global teams | |
Global Value Chains | |
globalisation | |
Globalization | |
Globalizing actors | |
Global Talent | |
Greece | |
Growth satisfaction in job | |
H | |
h-index | |
Happiness at work | |
hardship location | |
Haute cuisine restaurants | |
Health | |
healthcare | |
healthcare professionals | |
High Commitment HRM | |
high involvement work practices | |
High Performance Work Practices | |
High Performance Work Systems | |
higher education institutions | |
Hofstede | |
hospitals | |
HR Analytics | |
HR business partner | |
HR Business Partners | |
HR contributions to market entry success | |
HR implementation | |
HR partnership | |
HR practices | |
HR strategy | |
HR systems | |
HRM | |
HRM implementation | |
HRM in teams | |
HRM policies and practice | |
HRM practices | |
Human capital | |
human resource | |
Human Resource Development | |
human resource management | |
human resource management competencies | |
human resource policies | |
human resource practices | |
Human Resources | |
Human Resources Management | |
Human Resources Management Practices | |
Human Resources Manager | |
I | |
Identification | |
Immigrant employees | |
Immigrants | |
Importance of Human Resources | |
importance of work aspects | |
in-depth interview | |
india | |
Individual career | |
individual performance | |
informal network ties | |
Informal Relationships | |
innovation | |
Innovation Performance | |
innovative work behavior | |
insider status | |
Inspirational leadership | |
Institutional theory | |
Institutionalisation | |
instrument development | |
Intellectual Capital | |
Intention | |
Intention to Quit | |
Inter-organizational mentoring | |
Intercultural competence | |
intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) | |
international assignment | |
international assignments | |
international experience | |
International HR | |
International HR practices | |
international HRM | |
International Knowledge Workers | |
international mobility | |
international relations | |
International Schools | |
international work | |
international work experience | |
Interpersonal communication | |
Interpersonal communication satisfaction Transformational leadership | |
intersectionality | |
Intrinsic motivation | |
Iran | |
J | |
Job burnout | |
job crafting | |
Job leisure conflict | |
job satisfaction | |
Job search | |
job search abroad | |
Job stress | |
K | |
Kaizen | |
kaleidoscope career model | |
Kernel Density Estimation | |
Knowledge Hiding | |
knowledge management | |
knowledge sharing | |
knowledge worker | |
L | |
Latent Profile Analysis | |
Leader-Member Exchange | |
leadership | |
Lebanon | |
legal context | |
Libya | |
life satisfaction | |
Line managers | |
literature review | |
LMX | |
Local Business Environment | |
localization | |
Long Term Orientation | |
Longitudinal analysis | |
M | |
Macro Talent Management | |
Male trailing spouse | |
management | |
Management Innovation | |
Managerial innovation | |
Maritime Industry | |
Market entry | |
Married female medical doctors | |
Masculinity | |
Massive layoffs | |
Meanings | |
Measurement | |
medical personnel | |
Merco Talent Ranking | |
Metaanalysis | |
Methodology in HRM | |
Middle East | |
migrant | |
migration flows | |
migration trajectories | |
Millennials | |
Mixed method | |
Mixed methods | |
MNCs | |
model misspecification | |
Morocco | |
Morphological Analysis | |
Motivational job design | |
motives of expatriation | |
Multi National Enterprises | |
multi-generational | |
Multi-level TM framework | |
multi-source assessment | |
Multicultural experiences | |
Multilevel | |
Multinational | |
multinational companies | |
Multinational teams | |
N | |
National differences | |
national identity | |
non-financial rewards | |
Non-statutory benefits | |
Non-Western countries | |
North Africa | |
O | |
occupational satisfaction | |
Office design | |
Online MBA | |
Organisation Strategy | |
Organization-Based Self Esteem | |
Organizational Agility | |
Organizational citizenship behavior | |
Organizational commitment | |
Organizational Context | |
organizational culture | |
Organizational Cynicism | |
Organizational Engagement | |
Organizational environment | |
Organizational Innovation | |
organizational leadership | |
Organizational learning | |
organizational network analysis | |
Organizational performance | |
Overtime motives | |
P | |
Pakistan | |
Path dependence | |
pay dispersion | |
perceived external prestige | |
perceived investment in employee development perceived organisational support | |
Perceived organizational innovativeness | |
Perceived Social Support | |
perceived supervisor support | |
perception | |
Perceptions | |
performance | |
Person Group Fit | |
Person Organisation Fit | |
Person Supervisor Fit | |
Personal factors | |
Personnel selection | |
Poland | |
police | |
Political Context | |
polytechnics | |
Portuguese Air Force | |
Post-state-socialist capitalism | |
power | |
Power Dimensions | |
Power Distance | |
practices | |
pre-experimental design | |
Private Sector Schools | |
Proactive Behavior | |
proactivity | |
Productivity | |
professional socialization | |
Professional workers | |
professionalization | |
promotion system | |
psychological capital | |
psychological contract | |
Psychological Contract Violation | |
Psychological Empowerment | |
Psychological Hardiness | |
psychological outcome of expatriation | |
Psychological Ownership | |
public administration | |
public hospitals | |
Public sector | |
Public service sector | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative analysis | |
qualitative experiment | |
qualitative research | |
Qualitative Reserach | |
Quality of work | |
Quantitative | |
Quantitative analysis | |
R | |
Radical innovation | |
Re-employed Elderly Teachers | |
Reaction | |
Recruitment and selection | |
Recruitment selection | |
reflective and formative factor models | |
Regional | |
regulatory focus | |
Relational climate | |
Relationship building | |
Religious quotas | |
repatriation | |
Research access | |
Research and Development | |
Research design | |
research management | |
research productivity | |
Research teams | |
researcher positionality | |
resilience | |
Resilience at work | |
resilience capabilities | |
Restraints to HR Analytics | |
Retention | |
Review | |
ROI | |
Role Congruity Theory | |
Russia | |
S | |
satisfaction | |
satisfaction with life | |
Saudi Arabia | |
scale development | |
Scandinavian | |
Scientific performance | |
selection | |
Selection process | |
self initiated expatriates | |
self-initiated expatriates | |
Serbia | |
servant leadership | |
Short term assignment | |
short-term assignments | |
SHRM competencies | |
silence | |
simulation games | |
Singapore | |
skilled migration | |
Slovenia | |
small island states | |
SMEs | |
Social Capability | |
Social capital | |
social exchange | |
Social Identity | |
social identity theory | |
social media | |
Social network | |
social network analysis | |
Social networks | |
social support | |
Socialization | |
Socialization Tactics | |
Socially responsible human resource management | |
Socio-cultural Adjustment | |
South Korea | |
South Korean MNEs | |
Southeast Asia | |
Spouces/Significant others | |
Spousal roles | |
Sri Lanka | |
Stakeholder theory | |
strategic conflict management | |
Strategic expatriation | |
strategic HR | |
Strategic HRM | |
strategic integration | |
strategic knowledge management | |
strategic partner | |
Strategy | |
Stress | |
Structural Equation Modeling | |
Subgroup Formation | |
subsidiary staffing | |
supervisor support | |
supervisors | |
supervisory feedback | |
supplementary fit | |
sustainable career | |
sustainable HR practices | |
Sustainable HRM | |
T | |
Talent | |
Talent acquisition | |
talent attraction | |
talent challenges | |
talent configurations | |
Talent Management | |
talent retention | |
talent-based architecture | |
talents | |
task type | |
Taxonomy | |
team cultural intelligence | |
team diversity | |
team innovative work behavior | |
team leader cultural intelligence | |
Team work | |
teams | |
Territoriality | |
third culture | |
Thriving | |
Trade unions | |
Trainee characteristics | |
Training | |
Training and development | |
Training design | |
Transfer of training | |
transformational leadership | |
transformational leadershipç | |
trust | |
Tunisia | |
Turnover | |
Turnover Intention | |
turnover intentions | |
U | |
universalistic approach | |
University | |
US corporations | |
V | |
validation | |
Varieties of capitalism | |
virtual contract | |
virtual platforms | |
Virtual Teams | |
virtual work | |
Voice | |
Vulnerable groups | |
W | |
Wasta | |
Well-being | |
Wellbeing | |
WLB practices | |
WLB supportive culture | |
women | |
work aspects | |
Work engagement | |
Work environment | |
Work family conflict | |
Work intensity | |
work life balance | |
Work-family Conflict | |
Work-family enrichment | |
Work-family interface | |
Work-life balance | |
workforce Belarus | |
workforce participation | |
Working Conditions | |
Workplace | |
Workplace Bullying | |
Workplace meetings | |
Y | |
Young workers | |
youth |