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08:30-17:00 Session 18: On-site Registration, Virtual Session Rooms Information, Helpdesk


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09:00-10:50 Session 19A: ICTERI Workshop CoSinE. Session I: Modelling systems in education. Educational data mining and learning analytics
Serhiy Semerikov (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Andrii Striuk (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
Oleksandr Kolgatin (Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine)
Larysa Kolgatina (H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Nadiia Ponomareva (Kharkiv University of Technology "​STEP", Ukraine)
Computational modelling of stochastic processes for learning research

ABSTRACT. The objectives of our work were to use computer-based statistical modelling for comparison and systematisation of various approaches to non-parametric null hypothesis significance testing. Statistical model for simulation of null hypothesis significance testing has been built for educational purpose. Fisher's angular transformation, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Fisher's exact tests were analysed. Appropriate software has been developed and gave us possibility to suggest new illustrative materials for describing the limitations of analysed tests. Learning researches as the method of understanding inductive statistics have been suggested taking into account that modern personal computers provide acceptable time of the simulations with high precision. The obtained results showed low power of the most popular non-parametric tests for small samples. Students can't analyse the test power at traditional null hypothesis significance testing, because the real differences between samples are unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to change the accents in Ukrainian statistical education, including PhD studies, from using null hypothesis significance testing to statistical modelling as a modern and effective method of proving the scientific hypothesises. This conclusions correlate with observed scientific publications and the recommendation of the American Statistical Association.

Lyudmyla Bilousova (Independent researcher, Ukraine)
Liudmyla Gryzun (Simon Kusnets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine)
A Petri net-based simulation of synchronized curriculum for IT-specialists’ training
PRESENTER: Liudmyla Gryzun

ABSTRACT. The problems of synchronized curriculum shaping are discussed in the paper in the context of the challenges of contemporary IT specialists’ training in terms of permanent evolution and rapid expansion of computing. The authors’ technique of the curriculum simulation based on Petri net applying is presented. The theoretical framework which allowed us to elaborate the technique includes some didactical fundamentals of curriculum design and academic disciplines structuring as well as the theoretical basics of Petri nets in terms of their significant facilities for different processes synchronization. The technique of academic disciplines structuring based on frame model of knowledge representation is covered as a chain of stages which results in the net of disciplines modules (frames) including the proper learning elements along with preserving and spreading links between them. In order to solve the problem of synchronization of the learning elements mastering throughout the academic disciplines with regard of the established links in the frames, it is offered the practically-driven approach to curriculum modeling based on Petri nets simulation. The different types of the precedence relations for the learning elements (inputs and outputs of the frames) were distinguished. Using these precedence relations, we managed to simulate through Petri nets a learning element itself and the process of its mastering. Using the operations of Petri nets modifications and learning elements’ connections of different types, we could obtain a model of a curriculum discipline module and finally – a curriculum discipline model. Built Petri nets models represent all the evolution of the learning elements mastering by students in the curriculum courses. Synchronization of their mastering is guaranteed by the rules of Petri net execution and modifications. The peculiarities of the offered technique are analyzed. The benefits in terms of applying such a simulation to the building of synchronized curriculum for IT-specialists training are formulated. The prospects of the research are outlined in the lines of using the obtained results for special software development.

Alexander Kostikov (Donbass State Engineering Academy, Ukraine)
Kateryna Vlasenko (National University of "Kyiv Mohyla Academy", Ukraine)
Iryna Lovianova (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical Univeristy, Ukraine)
Sergii Volkov (The Institute of Chemical Technologies of the East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University, Ukraine)
Evgeny Avramov (Donbass State Engineering Academy, Ukraine)
The algorithm for knowledge assessment based on the Rusch model

ABSTRACT. In this paper the algorithm for adaptive testing of students'knowledge in distance learning and an assessment of its eectiveness in the educational process has been proposed. The paper provides an overview of the results of the application of modern test theory, a description and block diagram of the proposed algorithm and the results of its application in the real educational process. The eectiveness of using this algorithm for the objective assessment of students' knowledge has been experimentally shown.

Roman Tarasenko (The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine)
Stanislav Usenko (The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine)
Yevhenii Shapovalov (The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine)
Viktor Shapovalov (The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine)
Adrian Paschke (Fraunhofer FOKUS (with support of BMBF “Qurator” 03WKDA1F), Germany)
Iryna Savchenko (The National Center “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine)
Ontology-based Learning Environment Model of Scientific Studies

ABSTRACT. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of scientific articles. Due to this fact, it is hard to read and be familiar with all of them. Also, it is hard for a young scientist to understand the complicated terms and methods that are used in a spe- cific research domain. This problem was partially solved by bibliographic man- agement software and other specific software. This article is devoted to the de- velopment of an approach for structuration and processing sets of studies using the IT Platform Polyhedron using an ontology-based hierarchical model. In its structure, the ontological graph is complex because it has additional branches from child nodes. The basis of our solution was IMRAD which has been repre- sented in the view of nodes. Those nodes have been connected with specific rep- resentations of IMRAD elements. Specific articles have been represented in the view of leaf nodes. That could help to use the taxonomies for the structuration of the articles. Each data block is in the form of separate attributes of the ontological node. The proposed solution allows to obtain structured sets of studies and to separate their characteristics. Thus, the proposed ontology provides the possibil- ity to view all methods, measured parameters, etc. of the studies in a graph node structure and use them to find the studies where they were used.

09:00-10:30 Session 19B: ICTERI Workshop 3L-Person. Session I: ICT as a tool for teachers
Alexander Burov (Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Alexander Burov (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
3L-Person Workshop Opening
PRESENTER: Alexander Burov
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Nataliia Demeshkant (2Pedagogical University of Krakov, Poland)
Distance Learning in Primary School During the COVID 19 Pandemic: Results of the “SMART KIDS” Experiment

ABSTRACT. The paper analyzes the results of the introduction of the distance learning form (DLF) using electronic educational resources (EER) and the teacher’s virtual classroom in primary school. The experiment took place within the framework of the “Smart Kids” All-Ukrainian project during the long quar-antine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational process took place both synchronously and asynchronously. The present paper substanti-ates the model of organization of distance learning of primary school stu-dents using EER and outlines its three main components: the organization of learning; conducting online classes (explaining new material or practicing skills by students) and monitoring the quality of students’ independent per-formance of tasks. The results of the experiment prove that it is necessary to provide teachers and students with computer equipment, Internet access, dig-ital resources for teaching and assessment to implement DLF. It has been es-tablished that EER in distance learning can be used both on a regular basis – in each class, and periodically – to explain new material or train skills; the quality of tasks performed by students can be monitored in the virtual office of the teacher and shape an individual trajectory of students’ development. The teachers identified the following main problems of DLF implementation: internet interruptions; problems with providing new computer equipment to students and some teachers; lack of state aid in providing EER to all partici-pants in the educational process; limited access to students’ computers during complete isolation due to online work of parents. Despite the outlined prob-lems, the quality of distance learning of primary school students during the pandemic using EER was positively and highly assessed by teachers.

Mariia Boiko (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine)
Nataliia Morze (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine)
Olga Barna (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
The relevance of training primary school teachers computational thinking

ABSTRACT. The article describes the importance of modern school to develop students' problem-solving skills, including through digital tools, which in turn include the development of basic coding skills and digital literacy, the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on planning and analysis of situations. All these skills are the basis of computational thinking (CT). The authors analyze the concept of CT, existing denitions and its components. The list of subjects of curricula of different countries of the world on which the study of CT in primary school is carried out is given. It is emphasized that CT is a fundamental skill of everyone and it should be formed on the basis of integration of different disciplines to solve problems. The connection of the components of CT with the key competencies that should be formed in students by the standard of primary education. The results of a survey of more than 60 primary school teachers from different regions of Ukraine are presented about their understanding of the concept of computational thinking and their experience in the formation of skills related to all components of computational thinking in the teaching of primary school students. An analysis of open educational resources from around the world to support teachers in developing students' CT skills is presented. A model for the implementation of the concept of development of CT for future teachers and primary school teachers is presented.

Oksana Ovcharuk (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
Iryna Ivaniuk (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
A self-assessment tool of the level of digital competence of Ukrainian teachers in the context of lifelong learning: the results of an online survey 2021

ABSTRACT. Reforms in education today are due to many factors, including globalization, the transition to a digital economy and citizenship, the formation of a knowledge society. That is why human digital competencies are becoming increasingly important in the development of education and affect the quality of life of every person. Modern teachers must not only possess his professional knowledge and skills but must also be able to learn throughout life. And in this context, their digital competencies play a crucial role. An important role in clarifying the state of possession of strong digital skills of teachers is played by the need for distance learning, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, as well as in Ukraine. In order to clarify the level of digital competence of teachers in Ukraine, the Comparative Studies Depart-ment for Information and Education Innovations of the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraineconducted an all-Ukrainian online survey in January 2021 [1]. 1463 educators took part in the online survey, they answered five blocks of questions about their competence in the use of digital tools and instruments for distance learning and self-education: information and digital literacy, communication and cooperation, digital content creation, security and problem solving.The purpose of the article is to present the survey results and provide proposals regarding the development of teachers’ digital competence and professional development.

Oksana Melnyk (Institute of Educational Content Modernization, Ukraine)
Maryna Zhenchenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine)
Yaroslava Prykhoda (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine)
Igor Zhenchenko (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine)
Peculiarities of the use of electronic educational resources by Ukrainian teachers during distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic (March-May 2020)

ABSTRACT. The introduction of distance learning in Ukrainian schools during quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic has updated the study of the peculiarities of the use of different types of electronic educational resources by teachers to ensure quality distance learning. The online survey of 576 teachers in March–May 2020 determined that the introduction of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst and motivated 12% of the surveyed teachers to start using electronic educational resources to provide distance learning for students during the lockdown. The analysis of electronic educational resources recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for use in all schools of Ukraine made it possible to identify areas of educational activity that are insufficiently provided with electronic textbooks and electronic training manuals that have passed the state examination. The results showed that in 2016–2019, electronic textbooks were developed only in some subjects of the 1st, 2nd grades of primary school and 5th, 6th grades of middle school. The lack of peer-reviewed educational and demonstration and also control electronic educational resources is compensated by teachers with self-developed electronic educational resources: presentations, video lessons, tests and interactive exercises. Among the problems that reduce the effectiveness of distance learning in Ukrainian schools, teachers called the lack of a single portal (platform) with col-lections of quality electronic educational resources in various subjects for educational institutions, insufficient number of quality electronic educational resources and a lack of digital skills. The effective ways to overcome these problems can be: 1) creation of a state register of open electronic educational resources and the development of criteria for their quality; 2) launch of the National educational electronic platform, which will host electronic educational resources recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; 3) development of open online courses to increase the level of teachers’ digital competence.

09:00-10:30 Session 19C: ICTERI Workshop MROL. Session I: ICT, Models and Electronic Resources in Education
Hennadiy Kravtsov (KSU, Ukraine)
Olha Pronina (State Higher Educational Institution "Pryazovskyi State Technical University", Ukraine)
Olena Piatykop (State Higher Educational Institution "Pryazovskyi State Technical University”, Ukraine)
Predicting Students' Academic Performance Based on the Cluster Analysis Method
PRESENTER: Olena Piatykop

ABSTRACT. A mathematical model for assessing student performance based on cluster analysis has been developed. Assessment is based on two stages: assessment of applicants to identify patterns between the results of external independent testing and assessment based on the results of current assessments and exams of students. The developed model gives an idea of how well the student will study in the areas of disciplines that are related to external independent testing. And also, about how well the student will study, based on the results of intermediate certifications and sessions. This, in turn, makes it possible to draw attention to specific students who may have problems in a number of disciplines and topics. And also, on the contrary, to identify students that have a clear inclination to discipline and it may be worth deepening this knowledge. Thus, allowing the introduction of an individual training vector. Experimental studies have been carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the developed model for the first and second stages of assessment. The developed model based on cluster analysis makes it possible to use it in the future to analyze and predict the progress of students of any higher educational institution in Ukraine.

Lyudmila Dorogan-Pisarenko (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Oleksandr Bezkrovnyi (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Tetiana Pryidak (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Olha Leha (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Liudmyla Ialoveha (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Elena Krasota (Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Ukraine)
Designing a Tool for Economics Students Digital Competence Measurement
PRESENTER: Elena Krasota

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the essence, approaches, and tools for the development and measurement of economics students’ digital competence. Apps of general and professional purpose according to their functionality and relevance for Ukrainian enterprises are generalized. The importance of the ability to select apps for a rational solution of professional tasks and the development of the digital competence of specialists are emphasized. The results of the survey of students of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy (Ukraine) are presented, to determine the main problems, advantages, and needs in the development of their digital competence. Analysis of foreign approaches (DigComp, DigCompEdu, DigCompOrg, OpenEdu, DigCompConsumers, EntreComp, etc.) contributed to the creation of a framework for economics students’ digital competence measurement. The framework covers the abilities (working with data, communication, content development, safety, problem-solving), indicators, and levels of digital competence development. The expert evaluation revealed that most experts (93,4%) evaluate the proposed project positively, and it can serve as a basis for developing narrower frameworks for specific economic or related specialties.

Michael Lvov (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
Hennadiy Kravtsov (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
Ludmila Shishko (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
Olha Hniedkova (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
Irina Chernenko (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
Evgen Kozlovsky (Kherson State University, Ukraine)
About Electronic Textbook “Mathematical Tasks Programming. First Steps”
PRESENTER: Olha Hniedkova

ABSTRACT. The goal of knowledge quality improving of secondary school students in the field of exact sciences determines the relevance of creating interactive electronic educational resources for tasks solving of mathematical models programming. The paper presents the electronic textbook description, its content and structure, model, as well as design and software development technology. It is intended to improve qualitatively the preparation of high school students and junior university students in mathematics and programming. In particular, it can be used as a textbook at elective classes and young programmers clubs, as well as in the process of individual work to train schoolchildren and students for programming Olympiads. The content of the electronic textbook is based on a set of mathematical tasks. Each task contains a statement of the task, instructions for its solution and an algorithm for solving it, implemented in the form of program code in Pascal, C / C + and Python. The model of learning system using an electronic training manual is described. The e-tutorial software is a Web application and is built on client-server architecture. The basis of the Web-application is the "Textbook" software module, which contains a complex of mathematical tasks with the author's algorithms of solving. The web application contains a software module for expanding the electronic textbook content in the form of a built-in editor for mathematical tasks. A qualified user of the system has the opportunity to develop new tasks within the existing textbook format with a description of the algorithm for their solution. The automatic system of checking the proposed algorithm for task solving provides the basis for an expert opinion on placing a new task in the library for further use. The approbation of the Web-application in the educational process was carried out in secondary educational institutions of Kherson, and it received a positive assessment from students and teachers.

11:00-13:00 Session 20A: ICTERI Workshop 3L-Person. Session II: ICT as a Vocational Development Tool & Synthetic Learning Environment
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Tetiana Hodovaniuk (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Tetiana Makhometa (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Irina Tiahai (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Dariіa Voznosуmenko (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Vitalii Dubovyk (Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Use of the dynamic mathematical program of GeoGebra in classes in mathematical disciplines in the conditions of mixed learning

ABSTRACT. This article describes one of the universal tools for facilitating blended learning of mathematical disciplines is the dynamic mathematical program GeoGebra. This program helps to visualize the mathematical objects studied, demonstrate their properties, avoid routine actions, etc. Using GeoGebra makes it possible to improve the quality of the process of solving mathematical problems and improve the professional, mathematical and informational competence of future mathematics teachers. The results of student survey are analyzed and presented regarding the expediency of using this technology in future professional activity. It is established that the use of innovative teaching technologies in the process of professional training of future mathematics teachers contributes to the students’ awareness of the need to create and use of educational areas, which should become a powerful tool for students to develop critical thinking, self-disclosure of creative abilities, research skills, self-knowledge.

Svitlana Proskura (National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine)
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of information technologies and learning tools, Ukraine)
Olga Kronda (National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine)
The use of WEB-oriented technologies in the process of WEB-programming teaching for technical universities students

ABSTRACT. Abstract. The realities of the XXI century - informatization, digital transfor-mation, high technologies, WEB-technologies in particular - put Ukrainian state in front of global challenges of creating a digital state. It is the implementation of a number of digital projects which form the digital space of the state, in particular those coordinated by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The development of a significant number of applications requires the state to constantly update them, maintain them working, which requires qualified pro-grammers. The task of technical universities is to train competitive specialists in the IT field. This study analyzes the results of a survey of students of NTUU "Kyiv Poly-technic Institute. Igor Sikorsky ”, the purpose of which was to find out what inte-grated development environments and programming languages senior students independently choose when developing programs within the educational and pro-fessional programs of the faculty, and which correlate with software used by pro-grammers in the implementation of large IT-enterprises, in particular WEB-programming languages. The results of the study showed as well that the rating of programming lan-guages and the use of integrated development environments meet modern re-quirements for software development. 76.7% of graduates, while being students, are already employed in IT companies as full-time employees. The high percent-age of employment suggests that graduate students of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering of Igor Sikorsky NTUU KPI are competitive in the modern IT labor market.

Kateryna Osadcha (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university, Ukraine)
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university, Ukraine)
Vladyslav Kruglyk (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university, Ukraine)
Oleg Spirin (University Of Educational Management of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Modeling of the adaptive system of individualization and personalization of future specialists’ professional training in the conditions of blended learning

ABSTRACT. The model of adaptive system of individualization and personalization of future specialists’ professional training in the conditions of blended learning is offered. It includes the contextual, pedagogical and instrumental subsystems. In the system, the adaptability is planned to be implemented through the adaptation of educational materials, monitoring, devices, face-to-face classes; individualization involves the study of students’ individual features, support and assistance of student’s individual syllabus, individualization of the learning process, development of student’s individual features and formation of new characteristics according to student’s educational needs, monitoring of student’s individual progress; personalization involves the organization of the educational environment, including the electronic one.

Tamila Berezhna (Institute of Educational Content Modernization, Ukraine)
Svitlana Zaiets (Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine)
Svitlana Shybirina (Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine)
Formation and Self-Development of the Students' Digital Competencies Within the Lifelong Learning System

ABSTRACT. The impetuous development of digital technologies is changing the require-ments for specialists. In the modern world, a competitive analyst working in the field of economics must have not only professional competence, but also digital competence, which includes not only digital skills, but also a set of knowledge and views on the nature and role of information technologies and opportunities, as well as relevant legal and ethical principles. The article deals with the analyzes of the modern theoretical foundations and approaches to the development of digital literacy within the lifelong learning processes: namely, one of the tools for determining the level of formation of digital competence using Tsifrogram test (which is based on the conceptual model of digital competence of citizens DigComp – The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens) is described and analyzed in detail. The research was carried out in line with the competence-based, personal-ity-activity and communicative approaches. The training program for eco-nomic analysts used active and interactive teaching methods and practices. The results of the level of digital competence formation among students of economic specialties of the university are presented. The main recom-mendations for increasing the level of the students’ digital competence are analyzed, identified, and highlighted. In the future, it is planned to develop a roadmap for increasing the level of students’ digital competence during their studies at the university.

Hanna Varina (Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Olga Goncharova (Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Serhii Sankov (Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Ukraine)
Features of introduction of components of gamification in the course of development of constructive strategies of overcoming of life crises at youth

ABSTRACT. Information technology is becoming an integral part of the lives of modern youth, opening wide opportunities for their use in various fields of public practice. The statistics presented in the article on increasing the demand for products of the gaming IT industry update the search for ways to implement components of gamification in the educational space in order to optimize the process of professional development of a competitive specialist. The article considers the introduction of gamification in the educational process of higher education institutions in order to develop stress resistance of the indi-vidual, as a factor in choosing constructive strategies for overcoming life cri-ses in adolescence. Based on the analysis of scientific research, the concept of gamification is investigated. The advantages of using gamification in the educational and psychocorrectional process are determined. The use of simulator games with elements of augmented and virtual reality in the pro-cess of development of constructive coping strategies of individual behavior in conditions of uncertainty and overcoming life crises is substantiated. The article presents the experience of interdisciplinary research in the framework of scientific cooperation between STEAM-laboratory, Laboratory of Psy-chophysiological Research and Laboratory of Health Psychology of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University. The paper describes in detail the step-by-step empirical study on the introduction of gamification components and augmented and virtual reality technologies in a comprehen-sive training program aimed at developing resilience, emotional stability, as a predictor of constructive strategies for overcoming life crises in adolescence. The implementation of the experience is described in the implementation of the ascertaining and shaping stages of the study. According to the results, it was found that the implementation of a psycho-correctional program with el-ements of gamification helped to increase the level of emotional stability and stress resistance of the individual. Representatives of the experimental group, who underwent active training using gamification elements and AR / VR technologies, in contrast to the control group, which did not undergo training, showed significant changes in the choice of constructive strategies for over-coming life crises.

11:00-13:00 Session 20B: ICTERI Workshop MROL. Session II: Augmented, Virtual Reality and Immersive Technologies in Education
Pawel Plaskura (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland, Poland)
Oksana Klochko (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Vasyl Fedorets (Communal Higher Education Institute "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuous Education", Ukraine)
Svitlana Tkachenko (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Iryna Babiichuk (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Tetiana Galych (Public High Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”, Ukraine)
Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Teaching Computer Science at Secondary School
PRESENTER: Oksana Klochko

ABSTRACT. The article presents the study of virtual reality technologies to computer science teaching in the secondary school. In this context, the use of virtual reality technologies for teaching computer science has been analyzed. The virtual reality applications had been developed by us for teach students algorithmization, programming, and spreadsheets. The assessment of the efficiency of virtual reality tools for teaching computer science in the secondary school and the process of defining the ways of improving the components of the scientific-methodological system of virtual reality technologies was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics. The innovative nature with the use of the virtual reality technologies is a methodological condition for increasing the students’ interest in learning, activating their study process, revealing their cognitive and personal potentials as well as developing digital competences, independence and individuality etc. The authors emphasize that the use of virtual reality technologies based on digital technologies requires thorough development of the virtual learning environment, a detailed selection of the study content and its adaptation to the concrete groups of students. By stating this we mean the search for more effective and systemic ways of achieving learning objectives: the methods; the selection of digital tools for presenting lecture materials, development of supplementary tasks; correction of the theoretical materials and the tasks on the basis of the study results and achievements of the students; motivating students to work with the study materials on their own etc.

Nataliia Soroko (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Svitlana Lytvynova (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The Benefits of Using Immersive Technologies at General School

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the problem and benefits of the use immersive technologies at general school. Immersive technologies are an important tools for future improving the educational process, and important to study their impact on the mental and physical condition of young people, which will depend on the effectiveness of the use of VR in education at various levels. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of immersive technologies for school learning and to identify the basic benefits of using immersive tech-nologies at general school. We made a comparative description of traditional learning and learning using immersive technologies. WE can highlight the main advantages of IT: providing the ability to change the relative size of the pre-investigated objects, which leads to the visualization of objects of the micro and macro world; creation of models of the phenomena or processes which cannot be directly and clearly registered by bodies of senses of the person; visualization of abstract models and production of objects that have no form in the real world; focusing students on the study of specific objects without distraction to external stimuli, which gives them the opportunity to focus fully on the material.

Serhii Voloshynov (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Halyna Popova (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Vasyl Cherniavskyi (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Andrii Petrovskyi (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Tamara Pindosova (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Quality assessment of future navigators’ training by means of VR-technologies

ABSTRACT. The article presents the specific features of using VR technology in the training of future marine specialists on the example of the discipline "Navigation information systems". The recent studies on the use of such systems have already proven the need for their integration into the educational process. The complexity of assessing of navigational circumstances that are constantly changing, the complexity of ECDIS interface do not allow navigator to respond promptly to changing circumstances. So during training, they must be prepared on models as close to reality as possible. A model for the use of VR system has been chosen in order to increase training efficiency for dynamic control systems. The requirements for software and hardware parts of the proposed model for consolidating practical navigation skills are formulated. The studies have shown that initially students had almost the same level of knowledge, and after using of VR technology to acquire the skills of correct actions in navigation situation assessing, the researched group increased the speed of actions, contributed to more successful exercise on a simulator. The t-criterion of Student was used to assess the value of statistical data analysis. Possible ways of developing such systems have been identified in the planning of education in specialized disciplines, the practical part of which consists of managing dynamic systems in a simulated reality and requiring maximum attention to the data set..

11:20-13:20 Session 21: ICTERI Workshop CoSinE. Session II: Learning virtualization. AI in education
Serhiy Semerikov (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Andrii Striuk (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
Dmytro Antoniuk (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Tetiana Vakaliuk (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Vladyslav Didkivskyi (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Oleksandr Vizghalov (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Oksana Oliinyk (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Valentyn Yanchuk (Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine)
Using a business simulator with elements of machine learning to develop personal finance management skills
PRESENTER: Dmytro Antoniuk

ABSTRACT. Any person, not even a financier, should be knowledgeable in the field of personal finance management. As a result of the survey, it was concluded that schoolchildren and students should be interested in the study of personal finance, even within other disciplines in the form of separate sections. Successful personal experience and knowledge of the teacher in the field of personal finance is an important component of the effectiveness of the formation of competence of pupils, students, and adults in the field of personal finance. Business simulators come in handy here. That is why the authors developed a business simulator for the development of personal finance management skills, which was developed in the form of a web service. The main features of this simulator, which are presented in different sections of the simulator, are considered. It is shown what skills of personal finance management are developed using this business simulator. Since this simulator was designed to develop personal finance management skills, an attempt was made to apply machine-learning elements to make this business simulator work even better. The proposed simulator can be used in the future to teach the elements of personal finance management to people who are not sufficiently knowledgeable in the field of such finance. Moreover, the web application can be useful even for school-age children, so the simulator can complement the educational process within the economic courses not only in higher education institutions but also in secondary education institutions of Ukraine.

Oksana Buinytska (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine)
Svitlana Vasylenko (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine)

ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the research, which was carried out for several years to model the system of internal certification of educational resources for blend-ed and e-learning in Higher education. The authors describe the prerequisites for the internal certification system modeling and the features of recent changes in the process of internal certification of educational resources, ap-proved by the university regulations, which is related to the requirements of the situation with Covid-19. The article describes the current model of the system of internal certification of educational resources, which is based on the approbation of the pilot model of e-learning courses (hereinafter - ELC) certification. The key components of the internal certification system are three mandatory expertise (professional, resource and technical). Based on the results of which, the methodological commission decides on the quality of educational resources of the ENC and its certification. Expectations from the current system of internal certification of ELC imple-mentation were justified to a high degree, in particular, we have the follow-ing advantages of their use: the creation of quality educational resources, ex-panding access to various categories of participants in the educational pro-cess to educational content; ensuring the individualization of the educational process under the needs, characteristics and capabilities of learners; improv-ing the quality and efficiency of the educational process through the use of digital and innovative educational technologies; ensuring systematic monitor-ing of the quality of education, implementation of blended and e-learning in higher education.

Oleksii Ignatenko (Institute of Software Systems, Ukraine)
Strategic learning towards equilibrium. Exploratory analysis and models

ABSTRACT. Behavioral game theory typically investigate difference between game-theoretic solution and real behavior, one can observe from experiments. The research question, formulated in this work, is how players learn in complex strategic situations which they never faced before. We examine data from different games, played during lectures about game theory and present findings about players progress in strategic learning while competing with other players. We proposed four “pick a number” games, all with similar-looking rules but very different properties. These games were introduced (in the body of scientific popular lectures) to very different groups of listeners. We model and analyse data from the experiments to explain different models of thinking, agent can apply in the games. All data gathered are available in open repository for replication and analysis. Finally, we discuss the findings propose hypothesis to investigate and formulate open questions for future research.

Zarema Seidametova (Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Some ways of increasing the efficiency of teaching data structures

ABSTRACT. Nowadays computer modeling and simulation widely use in computer science education. There are several ways of increasing the efficiency of educational process. One of the such ways is visualization, other way is flipped classroom concept. The aim of this study is to present some ways of increasing the efficiency of teaching data structures (hashing, trees) during Algorithms and data structures course. We conducted two experiments with four study groups of two subjects of the Algorithms and Data Structures – (1) Hashing, (2) Trees (BST, RBT, AVL), – taught second year bachelor students. In the first experiment study groups were prepared on the subjects (1) and (2) by the same level of teaching technique with or without visualization tools. Unlike the first experiment, in the second experiment we used flipped classroom concept for one study group and a standard way of teaching for another group.

Olena Piatykop (Priazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine)
Olha Pronina (Priazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine)
Iryna Tymofieieva (Mariupol State University, Ukraine)
Ihor Palii (Priazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine)
Using Augmented Reality for Early Literacy
PRESENTER: Olena Piatykop

ABSTRACT. Currently, augmented reality is one of the most actively developing technologies, which has also found its application in the field of education. Analysis of various publications has confirmed that AR technology opens up new opportunities for teachers and increases the attractiveness of learning for students of different ages. mobile AR apps allow the student to see a real-world environment with overlaid or composite virtual objects. This is especially true for young children. The article identifies the activities that provide a child's personal experience using AR technology. Comparison of existing AR applications for learning the alphabet is given. A new AR application is described, which was developed using Unity, C #, Vuforia. The developed mobile AR application provides an opportunity to study the Ukrainian alphabet, the names of numbers, the sounds of animals. Thanks to this application, the learning process is accompanied by three-dimensional visualization and sounding of each letter and number. An analysis of a survey of teachers and parents showed that when using an AR application, the interest and self-efficacy of children in learning letters and numbers significantly increased. The use of the AR application increased the speed of memorizing the material and helped to retain the child's attention while learning a new material

14:00-15:30 Session 22A: ICTERI Workshop 3L-Person. Session II: ICT Adaptive and Applied Tools
Alexander Burov (Institute of Information Technology and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Evgeniy Lavrov (Sumy State University, Ukraine)
Yana Chybiriak (Sumy State University, Ukraine)
Olga Siryk (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine)
Victoriya Logvinenko (Sumy national agrarian University, Ukraine)
Anna Zakharova (Sumy State University, Ukraine)
Training of Specialists for Adaptive management. Tech-niques for Teaching Computer Analysis of Automated Production Systems in the FlexSim Environment
PRESENTER: Yana Chybiriak

ABSTRACT. The article deals with the problem of teaching students and practitioners in methods of searching for reserves to increase the efficiency and reliability of automated control systems for various purposes. The article shows that in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution, the requirements for the efficiency and quality of variant analysis of the “what if?” type. The necessity of using a new generation of simulation modeling environments in making management decisions has been substantiated. The analysis of the simulation modeling software used in practice and in the educational process of the universities of the world has been carried out. The advantages of the FlexSim software environment are described and the expediency of switching to the use of this environment in the practice of variant analysis of automated systems as well as in the educational process of universities and in the retraining of specialists is shown. A library of typical FlexSim models has been developed, providing training for a specialist who is able to analyze current problem situations in the design and operation of automated production and control systems. The authors have developed a methodology for the continuous use of FlexSim in the preparation of IT students. The method is designed for use in classical and technical universities, focused on training IT specialists, analysts and managers in structures for advanced training and retraining of personnel for modern automated production as well as for self-education.

Serhii Voloshynov (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Ivan Riabukha (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Olena Dobroshtan (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Halyna Popova (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Tatyana Spychak (Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine)
Adaptive Learning Environment Design in the System of Future Maritime Specialits’ Training

ABSTRACT. Under the conditions of constant technical and informational development of work conditions for training modern and competitive specialists of maritime industry the issue of adaptive information environment creation be-comes relevant. This environment should be based on implementation of an adaptive technologies for education and training of maritime students, there-fore, article provides investigation of pedagogical problem of future navigators’ professional culture building in training system of adaptive information environment of maritime educational establishment. Feasibility of adaptive learning technologies implementation is grounded as a tool for future navigators’ professional culture building in the process of their fundamental education and training. Example of higher mathematics adaptive learning implementation for future marine navigators at Kherson State Maritime Academy is considered. Higher mathematics adaptive learning for future navigators was introduced through: adaptive feeding of educational content of the course; problems solving support based on examples and pre-created typical algorithms for solving typical problems of the course; adaptive testing; analysis of test tasks answers; system teacher support and consulting; creation of constant support conditions for students’ individual tasks completion; adaptive course navigation, etc. As the result of experiment there was found out that higher mathematics adaptive learning for future navigators presupposes: individual learning path designing (learning pace, complexity level, terms of individual tasks completion); possibility to timely provide advising and objective control as well as evaluation of students’ learning activity; enhancement of cognitive and motivation of learning activity through improved degree of autonomy; promotion of students’ research skills development; creation of cooperation, partnership and maritime brotherhood atmosphere.

Olha Pinchuk (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of the NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Alla Prokopenko (The National Defence University of Ukraine after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Ukraine)
Actual areas of development of digital competence of officers of the armed forces of Ukraine

ABSTRACT. The purpose of the study is to find ways to solve the current problem of improving the military education system. The relevance and needs in the formation and development of digital competencies of military management officers in different competence areas were studied: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety and problem solving are studied. The application of the concept of STEM as an innovative approach in education is of great interest to teachers and researchers. Our attention is focused on the possibility of implementing transdisciplinary integration in the system of advanced training of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The subject of the study, among other things, was the formation of readiness to use STEM-technologies in professional activities. The study reviewed modern STEM-approaches in the educational process and analyzed the experience of countries such as the United States, Australia, China, Britain, Israel, Korea, Singapore. The results of the survey among the students of advanced training courses at The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi are highlighted. In particular, the attitude and needs of military management officers to training and professional development were clarified; needs and educational interests are identified.

Oleksandr Burov (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
Olha Pinchuk (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Ukraine)
Extended Reality in Digital Learning: Influence, Opportunities and Risks’ Mitigation

ABSTRACT. The paper discusses AR/VR/MR/XR technologies in learning namely their influence/ opportunity and risks’ mitigation. Main aspects are as follows: methodology (factors influencing a student’s cybersickness in AR/VR/MR/XR, the improved model of the cognitive activity in synthetic learning environment). It has been developed the technique and ICT to study psychophysiological changes in normal and stressed conditions. The experimentation results demonstrated that decrease in myocardial tension index under cognitive performance conditions in immersive activity over time of observation was more significant and this fact could be accounted in measurement of influence of the synthetic environment on students, as well as the technique to measure AR/VR/MR influence. The technique proposed by the authors is based on modified ICT and used in previous re-search: to assess influence of AR/VR/MR/XR as changes of short cognitive/perceptual tests (3 minutes before the work and afterwards) with registration of physiological indices informative in our research.

14:00-15:30 Session 22B: ICTERI Workshop MROL. Session III: Cloud Technologies in Open Learning and Research
Mariya Shyshkina (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Vasyl Oleksiuk (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Oleg Spirin (University Of Educational Management of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
The Experience of Using Cloud Labs in Teaching Linux Operating System
PRESENTER: Vasyl Oleksiuk

ABSTRACT. The paper is devoted to the problem of studying the Linux operating system (OS) by future computer science teachers. The authors have developed a learning tool - the cloud lab (CL-OS). Based on an analysis of related research, they concluded that a cloud lab is a system that uses cloud computing technology to provide the desired user interface to access computing resources. The authors have systematized some experience of using mass open online courses (MOOC) and remote access laboratories. They made assumptions about the possibility and necessity of creating cloud laboratories in universities and colleges. This article described the experience of deploying an authors` cloud laboratory. It is based on integrating the NDG Linux Essentials course from Cisco NetAcad and the Apache CloudStack cloud platform. The authors have analyzed the specifics of training under the conditions of using their cloud laboratory. In particular, some limitations and problems of students' work under the conditions of the real educational process (both face-to-face and online) were identified. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the author's approaches. Its results were verified using statistical methods.

Oleksandr Nosenko (National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine)
Yuliia Nosenko (Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine)
Roman Shevchuk (National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine)
Telegram Messenger for Supporting Educational Process under the Conditions of Quarantine Restrictions
PRESENTER: Yuliia Nosenko

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the problem of using Telegram messenger in the educational process in supporting the higher school under the conditions of forced quarantine restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Modern messengers (Telegram, Viber, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp) are analyzed via pre-defined criteria (commerciality, functionality, architecture, security) and the range of indicators, the benefits of using Telegram messenger to support the educational process are outlined. The essence, benefits, and possibilities of using Telegram ChatBot are characterized. The main steps for creating Telegram ChatBot are described. Recommendations are provided to improve the pedagogical effect of using Telegram ChatBots. The analysis of results of educational interaction via Telegram messenger is presented (112 students’ survey, evaluation of learning outcomes in experiment (112 students) and control (110 students) groups). The empirical research has shown that Telegram messenger allowed supporting the educational process in the conditions of unexpected and forced quarantine restrictions, with no loss of qualitative indicators, achieving the pedagogical goals

Mariya Shyshkina (Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання НАПН України, Ukraine)
Julia Grek (IPsLR, Ukraine)
Online Learning at High Education Institutions in Ukraine: Achievements, Challenges, and Horizons
PRESENTER: Mariya Shyshkina

ABSTRACT. Online learning has shown considerable growth over the last decade, as the internet and education were combined to serve millions of people to gain new skills. This paper outlines benchmarking studies of the current online learning trends. We have demonstrated the weak points in organizing and conducting online classes, identified the shortcomings of excessive digitalization of education, and suggested several problem-solving alternatives. We strongly believe that the appropriate optimization of distance learning is impossible without getting feedback from all participants of the learning process. Our study represents the benefits and challenges of distance learning noticed by students. The given study is the initial stage of the multi-level research. To receive a qualitative and valid result, we developed a questionnaire with cross-sectional questions, which allowed analyzing each question from multiple perspectives. After examining the data obtained, we have managed to single out the following aspects: ICT optimization in the learning organization, balanced learning workload, and communication between teacher and student; coordination within the institution to avoid students' overload, which leads to demotivation and physical fatigue to cope with the scope of learning materials. The findings of this study indicate weaknesses in the organization and use of ICT in education. Based on these findings, we offered strategies for successful distance and blended learning. Besides, our findings must be taken into account when organizing blended learning.

15:45-16:15 Session 23: ICTERI 2021 Closing and Farewell
Aleksandr Spivakovsky (Kherson State University, Ukraine)