This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abduction | |
Abstract concepts | |
Abstraction | |
Access to Water | |
Act-person dissociations | |
Action | |
Activation likelihood estimation (ALE) | |
active learning | |
actively open-minded thinking | |
ADHD | |
Agent-Based Model | |
Algorithms | |
ambiguity | |
ambiguity aversion | |
analogy | |
Analytic cognitive style | |
Analytic vs Intuitive Thinking | |
Anchoring | |
anchoring bias | |
Anchoring effect | |
Animal communication | |
Anthropology | |
argument evaluation | |
Argumentation | |
asset allocation | |
Associative judgment | |
Asymmetry | |
attribution error | |
Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
automatic stereotyping | |
AX-CPT | |
B | |
Base Rate Neglect | |
bat-and-ball problem | |
bayes | |
Bayesian | |
Bayesian data analysis | |
bayesian inference | |
Bayesian Models | |
Bayesian network | |
Bayesian networks | |
Bayesian reasoning | |
behavioral decision making | |
Behavioral Ethics | |
Belief Revision | |
Belief updating | |
Believability | |
Bias | |
biased belief | |
biases | |
biconditional events | |
big data | |
blame | |
blame attribution | |
Boden | |
bounded optimal | |
bounded rationality | |
brain imaging | |
Bridge problem | |
C | |
categorization | |
causal | |
causal asymmetry | |
Causal Bayes nets | |
Causal explanation | |
causal induction | |
Causal inference | |
causal invariance | |
causal mechanisms | |
Causal models | |
causal perception | |
causal reasoning | |
causal understanding | |
Causality | |
causation | |
CEM | |
centering | |
Centipede game | |
character | |
Charitable giving | |
Churchland | |
co-evolution | |
Coevolution | |
cognition | |
cognitive biases | |
cognitive control | |
Cognitive development | |
Cognitive Fluency | |
Cognitive functions of inferences | |
cognitive reflection | |
cognitive reflection ability | |
Cognitive reflection test | |
Cognitive Reflection Test - Verbal | |
cognitive resources | |
cognitive strategy | |
coherence | |
coherence models | |
collaboration | |
Combinatorial Games | |
Combined Policy | |
common interest game | |
communication | |
Comparative psychology | |
complex cognition | |
Complex Emergent Modularity Theory | |
complexity only | |
Compositionality | |
computation | |
Computational modeling | |
computational modelling | |
concepts | |
conceptual analysis | |
conceptual change | |
Conceptual development | |
Conditional Inference | |
conditional random quantities | |
Conditional reasoning | |
conditional syllogisms | |
conditionals | |
Confidence | |
Confidence measure | |
conflict | |
conflict detection | |
Conjunction fallacy | |
Consciousness | |
consensus game | |
context-dependent decisions | |
control | |
controllability | |
Conviction | |
cooperation | |
coordination | |
Counterfactual thoughts | |
counterfactuals | |
creativity | |
Credibility | |
criticality-pivotality model | |
cross-frequency coupling | |
cross-species comparisons | |
CRT | |
cultural cognition | |
Cultural difference | |
cultural differences | |
culture | |
D | |
daydreaming | |
death | |
Debiasing | |
decision making | |
Decision-making | |
Deduction | |
Deductive reasoning | |
delay discounting | |
Dennett | |
development | |
developmental psychology | |
Dewey | |
dispositional theory | |
dispositions | |
Distributed Cognition | |
Distributional semantics | |
distributive justice | |
diversification | |
Diversity effect | |
Dretske | |
Drift-diffusion models | |
Dual Process | |
Dual process theories | |
Dual Process Theory | |
dual processes | |
dual systems | |
dual-process reasoning | |
Dual-process theory | |
Dynamic Inference | |
Dyslexia | |
E | |
Economic Inequality | |
Economics | |
education | |
egalitarianism | |
Embodied Cognition | |
embodiment | |
Emergence | |
emergency services | |
emergency training | |
Emotion | |
Emotions | |
enablers | |
Energy Decisions | |
Energy Efficiency | |
enthymeme | |
Environment | |
Environmentalism | |
epistemic information | |
epistemologically suspect beliefs | |
error correction | |
essentialism | |
Ethics | |
evidential | |
Evidential Reasoning | |
executive control | |
experimental philosophy | |
Expertise | |
Explanation | |
Explanation type preference | |
explanations | |
explore-exploit tradeoffs | |
Exponential Reasoning | |
Extrinsic Simon task | |
Eye tracking | |
F | |
fairness | |
Fallacies | |
familiarity | |
fatigue | |
Feelings | |
fictional worlds | |
Finance | |
financial decision making | |
fire and rescue service | |
fluency | |
fluid intelligence | |
fMRI | |
folk psychology | |
Food choice | |
Forecasting accuracy | |
formal semantics | |
Function Learning | |
Future Generations | |
future thinking | |
G | |
Game theory | |
games | |
Gaussian Process | |
Global Governance | |
Global Workspace Theory | |
Gricean principles | |
group decision making | |
group-centred morality | |
GWT | |
H | |
Harm | |
Health | |
healthcare professionals | |
Heuristic Search | |
heuristics | |
Heuristics and biases | |
high/low-context culture | |
history of science | |
HPV vaccination | |
human computer interaction | |
human experimentation | |
Human reasoning | |
hybrid logic | |
Hyperbolic Discounting | |
Hypothesis Generation | |
I | |
Idea generation | |
imagining events | |
impetus | |
impulsiveness | |
Incompatibility | |
individual differences | |
Inductive reasoning | |
inequity aversion | |
influence | |
Influence diagram | |
informal reasoning | |
information exchange | |
information search | |
Inhibition | |
innovation | |
Insight | |
insight problem solving | |
intelligence | |
Intensionality test: tool to check how the understanding of opacity unfolds in pre-school children | |
Intention | |
Interactivity | |
Intercultural Validation Joint Decisions | |
interdisciplinarity | |
interference resolution | |
Intergenerational Equity | |
interpretative function | |
intertemporal choice | |
intervention | |
intuition inhibition | |
Intuitive cognitive style | |
intuitive physics | |
investing | |
investment decisions | |
irrationality | |
is-ought inference | |
J | |
Joint intention | |
Judgment and Decision Making | |
Judgment and decision-making | |
judgments | |
Judgments of Solvability | |
K | |
knowledge transfer | |
L | |
Lakoff | |
Landauer | |
language | |
Learning | |
legal | |
Legal reasoning | |
lexical semantics | |
Liking measure | |
Literature | |
Logical reasoning | |
longitudinal studies | |
Looking at nothing | |
Loss Aversion | |
M | |
machine learning | |
market research | |
Markov chain Monte Carlo | |
Markov condition | |
mathematical ability | |
mathematical anxiety | |
mathematical reasoning | |
mathematics | |
memory | |
Mental models | |
mental processing | |
mental representation | |
mental states | |
mental time travel | |
merit | |
Meta-analysis | |
Metacognition | |
Metacognitive Reasoning | |
methodology | |
Millikan | |
mind-wandering | |
Minimizing mutual information | |
Mixed methods | |
Mixtures of strategies | |
modal logic | |
modeling | |
Modelling | |
Modularity | |
moral action | |
moral cognition | |
Moral decision-making | |
Moral dilemmas | |
moral judgment | |
Moral judgments | |
moral psychology | |
moral reasoning | |
Morality | |
Motivated Cognition | |
motivated reasoning | |
multi-arm bandit problems | |
multi-attribute decisions | |
multiply embedded possessives | |
multiply embedded sentential complements | |
N | |
Naive theories | |
nanotechnology | |
Narrative | |
natural deduction proofs | |
Nested sets | |
networks | |
Neuroimaging | |
neuronal oscillations | |
Neurophilosophy | |
Neuroscience | |
New paradigm | |
new paradigm psychology of reasoning | |
Newcomb's problem | |
Non-linear Reasoning | |
Normative Ethics | |
normativity | |
novels | |
Nudge | |
number line | |
numeracy | |
numerical cognition | |
Numerical probabilities | |
O | |
object collisions | |
Ocean sustainability | |
Opacity: distinctive trait of mental representations | |
option generation | |
organ transplantation | |
Outcome | |
Outcomes | |
overconfidence bias | |
Ozone Layer | |
P | |
p-validity | |
paramedic practitioners | |
paranormal belief | |
paranormal beliefs | |
Pattern Recognition | |
Pearl | |
Pedagogy | |
perception | |
personal relevance | |
personality regulation | |
pertinence | |
PET | |
philosophy | |
Policy Bundling | |
Policy-making | |
positive testing | |
posner cueing | |
possibility | |
Post-Decision Confidence | |
pragmatics | |
Prediction | |
Preference | |
prejudice | |
Preschool | |
prior beliefs | |
Probabilistic forecasting | |
probabilistic programs | |
probabilistic reasoning | |
probability | |
Probablistic Models | |
problem solving | |
Process model | |
prospection | |
protocol analysis | |
Prototype deployment | |
pseudoscience beliefs | |
psycholinguistics | |
psychological experiments | |
psychology of reasoning | |
punishment | |
Purity | |
Q | |
question asking | |
Quine-Duhem | |
R | |
racial bias | |
rational analysis | |
Rational thinking | |
rationality | |
Raven test | |
Real-world outcomes | |
reasoning | |
reasoning ability | |
Reasoning in cognitive contexts | |
reciprocity | |
recursion | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relational learning | |
Relational reasoning | |
Reliability | |
religious beliefs | |
representation | |
resource distribution | |
Resource Rationality | |
response time | |
responsibility | |
retirement | |
riddles | |
Risk Communication | |
risk interpretation | |
risk perception | |
risk perceptions | |
Risk-taking | |
S | |
sampling | |
Science and the Humanities | |
science communication | |
science education | |
scientific reasoning | |
Scoring rules | |
search | |
second-order false-belief tasks | |
second-order false-beliefs | |
self control | |
self-locating evidence | |
semantic conflict | |
semantics | |
sense-making | |
Sequential diagnostic reasoning | |
sequential sampling | |
set-inclusion | |
Shannon | |
sharing | |
Signal detection | |
Simulation | |
Simulation Semantics | |
sleeping beauty problem | |
social cognition | |
social decision making | |
Social learning | |
social norms | |
Social value orientation | |
Source credibility | |
source reliability | |
Spatial reasoning | |
Statistical evidence | |
Stereotypes | |
Stories | |
Strategy selection | |
structural information | |
Superior parietal lobe | |
Suppression of valid inferences | |
surprise | |
syllogism | |
T | |
taxonomies | |
teaching | |
team reasoning | |
Teleosemantics | |
Temporal Framing | |
test reliability | |
test validity | |
testimony | |
The binding problem | |
The disjunction problem | |
The Equation | |
the self | |
Thematic relation | |
Theology | |
Theory | |
theory of mind | |
Theory of Mind: a quasi-technical concept used in developmental psychology | |
thinking | |
thinking dispositions | |
Thought Experiments | |
time | |
time diversification | |
Toddlers | |
topic modeling | |
training study | |
Transfer | |
transitive inferences | |
Trolley problem | |
Trust | |
two-process theories | |
U | |
Uncertain deduction | |
Uncertainty | |
unconscious analytic thought | |
understanding | |
utilitarian | |
Utilitarian judgment | |
V | |
Validity | |
Verb types | |
Verbal probability expressions | |
Virtual Reality (VR) | |
Visual reasoning | |
visualization | |
Visuospatial reasoning | |
W | |
Want/Should | |
WAT theory | |
Weird belief | |
well-being | |
William James | |
Within-individual variability | |
Witness testimony | |
word meaning | |
Word vectors | |
world knowledge |