This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
active learning | |
Activity assignment | |
adaptive sampling | |
Affine controls | |
agent-based modeling | |
Agent-based Simulation | |
Aircraft Spare Parts | |
Airport control | |
algebraic modeling | |
algebraic modeling language | |
Algorithm | |
algorithm development | |
Algorithms | |
alternate optimal flux states | |
alternating direction method of multipliers | |
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) | |
ambulance relocation | |
AMPL | |
Analytics | |
Anomaly detection | |
Antibiotic Resistance | |
APIs | |
Appointment scheduling | |
approximate dynamic program | |
Approximate dynamic programming | |
approximate dynamice programming | |
approximation algorithms | |
Arc | |
area coverage | |
artificial intelligence | |
Assembly flowshop | |
Attribute selection | |
Augmented Lagrangian | |
augmented Lagrangians | |
Automatic Discretization | |
B | |
balance optimization | |
Battery storage system | |
Bayesian Inference | |
Bayesian linear regression | |
Bayesian statistics | |
Benchmark Policy | |
Benders algorithm | |
Benders Decomposition | |
benders' decomposition | |
Benford's Law | |
bilevel optimization | |
bilevel programming | |
Binary Decision Diagram | |
binary decision diagrams | |
biobjective mixed integer | |
blogs | |
BONUS algorithm | |
Branch and Bound | |
Branch and Bound Algorithm | |
Branch and bound methods | |
Branch and Cut | |
branch-and-price | |
branch-cut-and-price | |
branching | |
Branching Methods | |
building design | |
C | |
calibration | |
Call center | |
Capacitated | |
capacitated facility location | |
Capacity | |
Cartesian product decomposition | |
causal inference | |
Chance constraint | |
Chance Constraints | |
children's advocacy center | |
Circle Method | |
Closed-loop supply chain | |
Closures | |
CO2 emissions | |
coinor | |
Colombian manufacturing industries | |
column generation | |
combinatorial optimization | |
Combined Cycle | |
competition | |
Completely positive programing | |
Complexity | |
compromise decisions | |
computational complexity | |
computational performance | |
Conditional value-at-risk | |
conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) | |
Confidence interval | |
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients | |
conic constraints | |
Connectivity | |
Constrained Clustering | |
constrained quadratic optimization | |
constraint filtering strategies | |
Constraint Optimization Problems | |
Constraints | |
Consumer Behavior | |
continuous mixing | |
Convergence under multiple time scales | |
Convex hull | |
convex optimization | |
Convex stochastic optimization | |
cost-effectiveness | |
coverage models | |
CP | |
Cut Generating Pairs | |
Cut generation algorithm | |
cutting plane | |
cutting plane algorithm | |
Cutting Plane Method | |
Cutting planes | |
Cutting-planes | |
CVaR | |
cyber-security | |
Cybersecurity | |
D | |
Dantzig-Wolfe | |
data driven | |
Data envelopment analysis | |
data management | |
Data mining | |
Data Mining Software | |
data structure | |
Data-Driven Stochastic Optimization | |
DC transmission switching | |
decision analytics | |
decision diagram | |
decision guidance | |
decision optimization | |
Decision Sciences | |
decision support | |
Decision support systems | |
Decomposition | |
Demand | |
Demand charge reduction | |
design of experiments | |
diabetes | |
diabetic retinopathy | |
Diagnostics | |
diameter constrained network | |
Differential Equations | |
Dijkstra's algorithm | |
dimensionality reduction | |
direct current optimal power flow | |
direct search | |
Discrete Mathematics | |
discrete optimization | |
discrete-time Markov model | |
Disjunctive cuts | |
disparity | |
distributed branch and bound | |
distributional information | |
Dividing Rectangles | |
Duality | |
duration-based contracts | |
Dynamic Discrete Choice | |
Dynamic Lookup Table | |
dynamic network models | |
Dynamic Optimization | |
dynamic programming | |
dynamic programming/optimal control | |
Dynamic routing problem | |
E | |
edge connectivity | |
electronic medical data | |
emergency medical services | |
Empirical Model Comparison | |
energy | |
Energy Applications | |
Energy efficiency | |
Energy Markets | |
Equitable dispersion problems | |
Error | |
Error handling and recovery | |
exact algorithm | |
Exact algorithms | |
Exact mathematical programming | |
Experimental Design | |
extreme ray | |
extreme value distribution | |
F | |
Facets | |
Facility Layout Problem | |
facility location | |
Faro Shuffle | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
fathoming | |
first-order method | |
flight safety | |
Forecasting | |
Foundry Scheduling | |
fuel cycle | |
Fully connected graph | |
Functional ANOVA Model | |
functional programming | |
Future Internet | |
G | |
Gabriel graph | |
game theory | |
gaussian process | |
Generalized Assignment Problems | |
Generate Start-up Sequencing | |
genetic algorithm | |
genetics algorithms | |
geocoding | |
global optimality | |
gradient estimation | |
green networking | |
green transportation | |
Ground delay optimization | |
H | |
health care | |
healthcare | |
healthcare applications | |
Heuristic | |
heuristic algorithm | |
heuristic evaluation | |
Heuristics | |
High dimensional inference | |
homeland security | |
Homotopy Methods | |
Hospital readmission | |
Hub Location | |
human microbiome data | |
humanitarian logistics | |
hybrid optimization | |
Hypergraph | |
I | |
increasing penalty | |
independent pathways | |
Industrial Gases Supply Chains | |
Infeasibility Certificate | |
infectious disease modeling | |
Infinite group problem | |
Influence Diffusion | |
influence maximization | |
influenza vaccine | |
Information relaxation | |
information retrieval | |
information sharing | |
Integer Linear Program | |
Integer Programming | |
integrating heterogeneous data | |
intelligence | |
interdiction | |
Interior point method | |
inventory | |
inventory allocation problems | |
Inventory Management | |
inventory routing | |
Inverse optimization | |
Inverse Reinforcement Learning | |
J | |
Job Shop Scheduling | |
K | |
k nearest neighbor | |
K-best reliable paths | |
k-nearest neighbor | |
Knapsack Facets | |
knapsack problem | |
kNN | |
knowledge gradient | |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test | |
L | |
l0 norm minimization | |
L1-norm best-fit line | |
L1-norm regularization | |
Label setting algorithm | |
Lagrange | |
Lagrangian decomposition | |
Lagrangian Relaxation | |
Large scale problem | |
Large-scale dynamic programming | |
LDA | |
least squares temporal differences | |
Library | |
linearization techniques | |
Load uncertainty | |
local PCA | |
local search | |
Logistics | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Makespan | |
Marketing | |
Marketing Research | |
Markov decision process | |
Markov decision processes | |
Markov Random Field | |
Markov-chain | |
Master knapsack polytope | |
Mathematical Program with complementarity constraints | |
Mathematical Programming | |
matrix factorization | |
Matrix factorizations | |
Maximum likelihood inverse problems | |
Maximum machine cost | |
meta-heuristics | |
metabolic reconstruction | |
metaheuristics | |
military manpower | |
military medicine | |
MILP | |
Min-Max K | |
Minimum enclosing ball | |
minimum robust-cost path | |
Mixed integer linear programming | |
Mixed Integer Optimization | |
Mixed Integer Programming | |
mixed integer second order conic optimization | |
Mixed Integer Stochastic Programming | |
Mixed-integer conic programming | |
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming | |
mixed-integer nonlinear programming | |
mixed-integer program | |
Mixed-integer programming | |
mixed-integer trilinear programming | |
Model averaging | |
model transformations | |
model uncertainty | |
modeling | |
modeling languages | |
modeling systems | |
modified subgradient method | |
moment uncertainty set | |
Monotone Policy | |
Monotone value functions | |
Multi-activity shift scheduling | |
multi-armed bandit | |
Multi-criteria optimization | |
multi-echelon inventory theory | |
Multi-fidelity simulation | |
multi-objective | |
Multi-Periodicity | |
Multiple providers | |
multiple ranges | |
multistage stochastic programming | |
Multivariate risk-aversion | |
N | |
N-1 reliability | |
narrative structure | |
National Science Foundation Poster Session | |
natural gas transmission networks | |
Neighborhood Analysis | |
Network applications | |
Network Design | |
network design on trees | |
Network Interdiction | |
network optimization | |
networks | |
networks and data compression | |
No-shows | |
nonlinear belief models | |
Nonlinear dynamic models | |
Nonlinear Minimization | |
Nonlinear Optimization | |
nonlinear programming | |
nonlinear stochastic programming | |
NP-hard | |
nuclear | |
O | |
observational data | |
OCBA | |
One class classification | |
Online Stochastic Optimisation | |
Open | |
open source | |
Open-Source | |
open-source code | |
open-source modeling | |
Operations Research | |
OPSM | |
optimal computing budget allocation | |
Optimal hedging | |
optimal learning | |
Optimal Policy | |
optimal power flow | |
optimal reliable path | |
optimal sampling | |
optimization | |
Optimization under Uncertainty | |
ordinal transformation | |
ordination | |
Overbooking | |
P | |
p-center problem | |
Panel data models | |
parallel | |
parallel algorithm | |
parallel computing | |
parallel implementation | |
Parallel machines | |
parallelism | |
Parameter estimation | |
parameter tuning | |
Pareto set | |
Pastoralism | |
Patterns in relational databases | |
performance | |
personnel workload | |
phase-type distribution | |
Planning under uncertainty | |
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles | |
Polyhedral theory | |
Polynomial Optimization | |
polynomial programming | |
portfolio optimization | |
Post-model-selection Inference | |
Postman | |
Power grid | |
Power Grid Interdiction | |
Power System Operations | |
Power Systems | |
Power Systems' Restoration | |
prediction | |
Predictive Analytics | |
Pricing American Options | |
principal component analysis | |
principal components analysis | |
privacy | |
Probability Distributions | |
process improvement | |
process modeling | |
Progressive Hedging | |
protein alignment | |
pseudocosts | |
Pyomo | |
Python | |
Q | |
quad-tree | |
quadratic assignment problem | |
quality of service | |
Quantile regression | |
R | |
R | |
R&D project selection | |
railroad classification yard | |
ramp loss | |
Ranking and Selection | |
ranking heuristic | |
Real time optimization algorithm | |
real-time | |
Recommender Systems | |
rectangle positioning | |
Reduced Cost Fixing | |
reduced RLT representations | |
Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) | |
Regularization | |
Reinforcement learning | |
reinforcement learning policy-search | |
Relational data mining | |
Reliability | |
Reliability Branching | |
Renewable energy | |
Renewable Energy Integration | |
Requirements Management | |
Resource Allocation | |
Resource-constrained shortest path | |
reusable optimization | |
risk assessment | |
Risk Management | |
risk-aware kidney exchange | |
robust analysis | |
robust optimization | |
robustness | |
Rolling Horizon | |
root finding | |
Roundoff errors | |
Routing | |
Rural | |
S | |
S-Free Sets | |
sample average approximation | |
SB-VRP | |
scenario generation | |
Scheduling | |
scheduling models | |
Scheduling Problem | |
screening | |
scripting | |
Second order conic optimization | |
Second-order cone programming | |
Secretary Problem | |
security | |
security-constrained unit commitment | |
seed selection | |
Self Scheduling | |
semi-infinite linear program | |
Semi-infinite programming | |
Semidefinite Programming | |
Sensitivity functions | |
Sequential Assignment | |
Sequential Quadratic Programming | |
service operation | |
Service Operation Applications | |
Service operations | |
service-oriented Internet | |
services | |
Set Covering Problems | |
Set Partitioning Problem | |
Setup times | |
Shooting experiment | |
Simplex like algorithms | |
Simulated Annealing | |
simulation | |
simulation optimization | |
simulation-optimization methods | |
Smart Manufacturing | |
social network | |
Social Networks | |
SOCP | |
Solution Diversity | |
solution enumeration | |
Solution Quality | |
Solving linear systems | |
Source | |
Sparse Additive Models | |
spatio-temporal decision problems | |
Spectral clustering | |
spherical cap packing | |
Split cuts | |
Sport Scheduling | |
Sport Scheduling Problems | |
SPSS Modeler | |
spurious correlation | |
stable principal component pursuit | |
stochastic | |
stochastic approximation | |
Stochastic Bandits | |
Stochastic compositional gradient methods | |
Stochastic container loading | |
Stochastic Customer Requests | |
stochastic decomposition | |
Stochastic demands | |
stochastic derivative free | |
stochastic dynamic program | |
stochastic integer program | |
Stochastic Integer Programming | |
Stochastic knapsack | |
stochastic minimum cost flow | |
stochastic mixed integer program | |
Stochastic Mixed Integer Programming | |
stochastic networks | |
stochastic nonlinear programming | |
stochastic optimization | |
Stochastic programming | |
stochastic recursions | |
Stochastic service times | |
stochastic simulation optimization | |
Stochastic travel times | |
stochastic trust region | |
stochastic variational inequality | |
Strategy | |
Strong Duality | |
Strong Formulation | |
Strong Valid Inequality | |
Structure Learning | |
structured and unstructured data | |
Student Travel Award | |
subspace fitting | |
supply chain | |
supply chain risk management | |
Support Vector Machine | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable Development | |
SVDD | |
SVM | |
Swap Body | |
Sybil node attack | |
Symmetry | |
synthesis of stationary Gaussian fields | |
Systems Engineering | |
T | |
tabu search | |
Temporal Lagrangean Decomposition | |
testing | |
Testing and Debugging aids | |
text mining | |
Therapist Scheduling | |
Time dependent networks | |
Top-K | |
topology | |
Total tardiness | |
total unimodularity | |
Trailer | |
Train | |
Tree partition problem | |
Truck | |
Two dimensional load balancing | |
two stage stochastic linear programming | |
Two-stage integer programming | |
Two-stage stochastic integer programs | |
Two-stage stochastic program | |
Two-stage stochastic programming | |
Type 2 diabetes | |
U | |
uncertainty | |
Unit Commitment | |
unmanned aerial vehicles | |
V | |
valid inequalities | |
valid inequalities for conic optimization | |
Value Function | |
Value Function Approximation | |
value of information | |
value-at-risk (VaR) | |
Variable Neighborhood Descent | |
variational inequalities | |
vehicle routing | |
Vehicle Routing Problem | |
vertex connectivity | |
Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search | |
VRP | |
W | |
What-if analysis | |
Windy | |
workforce planning | |
workload | |
Worst case analysis | |
ε | |
ε-neighborhood |