This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1. Bank Performance | |
2 | |
2. Financial Sector Stability | |
3 | |
3. Market Structures | |
A | |
Absenteeism | |
Access to Credit | |
Accountability | |
adaptive models | |
adverse selection | |
advertising | |
age-at-arrival | |
Ambiguity | |
Anderson-Darling | |
Applied IO | |
approximate factor model | |
ARIMA model | |
Asset Prices | |
asset pricing | |
asset-pricing model | |
attendance | |
Attitudes Towards the State | |
attrition | |
Audit | |
Audit publicity | |
Autoregressive representation | |
B | |
Backtesting | |
Bail in | |
Bail out | |
Bandwidth | |
Bank balance sheet characteristics | |
Bank lending channel | |
Bank of International Settlements data | |
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive | |
Banks | |
Basel II | |
Bayesian estimation | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian methods | |
Bayesian nonparametrics | |
Bayesian Robustness | |
Beta-pricing models | |
bias correction | |
bid-ask spread | |
big data | |
Binary Classification | |
Bloomberg forecasters | |
Bond markets | |
Bond Risk Premia | |
bootstrap | |
bounded rationality | |
bounds | |
bridge-model | |
Buffer stock | |
business cycle | |
C | |
Capital flows | |
capital requirements | |
car manufacturers | |
carnivals | |
Causal effect | |
causality | |
cautiously optimistic asset allocation | |
CDS | |
CDS spreads | |
Child development | |
Childcare | |
civil war | |
Co-integration | |
cognitive skills | |
Cointegration | |
college enrollment | |
Common Trends | |
comparison across indicators | |
competition | |
conditional CAPM | |
Conditional inference | |
Conditional model | |
Conditional Moment Restrictions | |
Conditional variance | |
Consistency | |
contagion | |
Contagion Risk | |
Contributing firms | |
control function | |
Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy | |
Copula | |
corporate finance | |
corruption perceptionsù | |
Covariance matrix | |
Cramer-von Mises | |
credit shocks | |
Crime | |
Cross-equation restrictions | |
cubature Kalman filter | |
D | |
Decomposition | |
Deep Learning | |
Default Probabilities | |
Degree of fi nancing constraints | |
Density forecasts | |
density prediction | |
Difference-in-difference | |
Differences in Differences | |
Differential Condition | |
Dirichlet Process | |
disability | |
Disaggregate Data | |
Disaggregation | |
Disclosure Policy | |
Discrete Choice Experiment | |
Discrete Spectral Measures | |
diversity | |
Doom Loop | |
Double hurdle | |
DSGE | |
duration models | |
dynamic component models | |
Dynamic Conditional Correlation | |
Dynamic mixture models | |
dynamic panel model | |
E | |
Econometrics | |
economic and policy uncertainty | |
economic performance | |
Education | |
Effective Lower Bound | |
Efficiency | |
EM algorithm | |
Emergence and Persistence of Cultural Attitudes | |
Emerging Markets | |
Empirical Likelihood | |
employment | |
Employment Protection | |
Endogenous Network Formationm | |
england | |
entry | |
Entry and Exit | |
Environmental Factors | |
Error Correction | |
estimation | |
euro area | |
Europe | |
European Banking Union | |
European economy | |
European Monetary Union | |
ex-post econometric verification | |
Ex-post risk premia | |
exogeneity | |
Expected Utility Function | |
F | |
Factor Analysis | |
Factor Augmented Regression | |
factor error structure | |
factor model | |
Factor models | |
Fairness | |
family | |
Fan Charts | |
Feedback | |
Female labour | |
fertility | |
Finance | |
finance-based | |
financial crisis | |
financial deepening | |
Financial Econometrics | |
Financial Forecasting and Simulations | |
financial indicator | |
financial markets efficiency | |
Financial regulation | |
Financial Risk and Risk Management | |
financial stability | |
Financial stress | |
Financing constraints | |
Firm Dynamics | |
firm performance | |
Fitness for work | |
Fixed effects | |
fixed-b asymptotics | |
forecast | |
forecast combination | |
Forecast combinations | |
Forecast Uncertainty | |
Forecasting | |
Forward guidance | |
fractionalization | |
Free choice and control | |
Fully Modified Least Squares | |
G | |
GARCH Models | |
GARCH processes | |
gender dierences | |
Gender quota | |
generalized linear models | |
Generalized Method of Moments | |
geography | |
government expenditure | |
Granger causality | |
Graphical Representation | |
Gravity Equation | |
Gross capital inflows | |
GVAR | |
H | |
Hawkes processes | |
Health Economics | |
heterogeneity | |
Heterogeneous firms | |
Heterogeneous Panels | |
Heteroskedasticity | |
Hierarchical Bayes | |
high frequency | |
High Frequency data | |
High frequency identification | |
High-dimensional integration | |
highly indebted EU countries | |
Hilbert spaces | |
History of Political Sovereign Entities | |
Hospital choice | |
household consumption | |
Household Isolation level | |
Housing | |
human capital | |
I | |
I(1) | |
I(2) | |
Identification | |
identification through heteroscedasticity | |
IM-OLS | |
immigrants | |
incidental parameters | |
Inconsistency | |
Independent Component Analysis | |
Indirect inference | |
inflation | |
Inflation Expectations | |
Information criteria | |
Inheritance | |
Instrumental Variable | |
instrumental variables | |
integer valued process | |
interactive effects | |
interactive fixed effects | |
interdependence | |
Intergenerational transmission | |
internal models | |
international migration | |
International Trade | |
Internet searches | |
interpretation of latent factors | |
Intertemporal choice | |
Intertemporal choices | |
Investment cash flow sensitivity | |
Investment Expectations | |
IRB | |
iterative algorithm | |
J | |
Jacobian | |
Job contracts | |
jumps | |
K | |
kernel | |
Knightian Uncertainty | |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | |
Kuhn-Tucker test | |
Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion | |
Kurtosis | |
L | |
L-functionals | |
l1-norm penalty | |
language | |
Large Factor Model | |
Large N asymptotics | |
large panel | |
Large VAR | |
Latent Heterogeneity and Endogeneity | |
latent threshold | |
latent variables | |
Least-squares estimators | |
Limited Depdendent Variables | |
linear systems | |
linguistic distance | |
Liquidity constraints | |
LM tests | |
local projections | |
Local-to-unity asymptotics | |
Local-to-zero variance | |
logit model | |
long memory | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Mackey-Glass test | |
Macro-financial linkages | |
macroeconomic effects of uncertainty | |
Many moment inequalities | |
Market Reaction | |
Markov Switching | |
Markov-switching regimes | |
matching | |
Matrix exponential | |
Matrix Geometric Mean | |
Maximum Likelihood | |
MCMC | |
media | |
media bias | |
Micro BLP model | |
Migration | |
MIME | |
Misspecification | |
mixed causal-noncausal models | |
Mixed frequency data | |
mixed frequency variables | |
mixed-frequency | |
Mixture models | |
mobility | |
Model Averaging | |
model selection | |
monetary policy | |
Monetary Policy Efficency | |
Monetary policy pass-through | |
Monetary policy shocks | |
Monte Carlo | |
Moral hazard | |
mortgages | |
Moving Average representation | |
multi-layer network | |
multi-step forecasting | |
Multilayer networks | |
Multinomial logit | |
Multiplicative Error Model | |
Multivariate conditional mode | |
Multivariate density estimation | |
Multivariate GARCH | |
Multivariate GARCH model | |
Multivariate Student t Distribution | |
Mutually exciting processes | |
N | |
Natural experiment | |
network combination | |
New Keynesian Phillips Curve | |
news | |
news-based | |
news-media | |
newspapers | |
Non cognitive skills | |
non-causal autoregressions | |
non-cognitive skills | |
non-stationary factor models | |
noncausality | |
Nonfundamentalness | |
Nonlinear models | |
Nonlinear panel | |
Nonlinear panel data | |
nonlinear restrictions | |
Nonlinearities | |
nonlinearity | |
Nonparametric Location-Scale | |
nonparametric statistics | |
Nonprofit sector | |
nonstandard asymptotic theory | |
Nowcast ADL model | |
O | |
obesity | |
occasionally binding constraints | |
Offshoring | |
oil supply | |
Omitted variablesMis | |
Ordered Probit | |
organized crime | |
output composition | |
output concentration | |
Overnight Realized Covariance | |
overweight | |
P | |
Panel data | |
Parametric Functions | |
Partial Identification | |
Partial system | |
Pay Differential | |
pharmaceutical submarkets | |
Phillips curve | |
Police | |
policy evaluation | |
political budget cycle | |
Political contributions | |
Political Economics | |
Politico-Economic Equilibria | |
Pre-Industrial Economic Development | |
Precautionary savings | |
predetermined covariates | |
Prediction | |
Predictive accuracy | |
Predictive Densities | |
Preference Elicitation | |
Preferences for redistribution | |
present-value model | |
Presenteeism | |
pricing errors | |
primary deficit | |
principal-agent model | |
Probability Integral Transform | |
productivity | |
products launch | |
Propaganda | |
Proxy-SVAR | |
pseudo-conditional inference | |
Public procurement | |
Q | |
QLR test | |
quality time | |
quantile causality | |
quantile regression | |
Quantitative Trade models | |
Quasi-natural experiment | |
R | |
R squared decomposition | |
Random Probability Measures | |
Rational expectations | |
Rationality | |
realized beta | |
Realized covariance | |
realized volatility | |
recursive decomposition | |
Recursive Estimation Error | |
Reduced Form Credit Risk Model | |
reflection problem | |
Regime-Switching | |
regional economic activity | |
regional government | |
regulation models | |
Remittances | |
Rent-seeking | |
Residuals | |
restrictions on the loadings | |
returns to education | |
revealed preference | |
revision errors | |
revolution | |
Risk | |
Risk Assessment | |
Risk Aversion | |
risk concentration | |
risk factor | |
risk premia | |
risk-adjusted performance | |
risk-weights | |
Robust forecast evaluation | |
Robust Frontier | |
Robust regression | |
S | |
Sample selection models | |
Sample separation | |
Score Driven models | |
seasonal adjustment filters | |
seasonality | |
Sectors | |
Semiparametric estimation | |
semiparametric regression | |
semivolatility | |
sentiment analysis | |
Serial correlation | |
series estimation | |
Set identification | |
shrinkage estimation | |
Sick leave insurance | |
Simultaneous equations | |
Skewness | |
Skill upgrade | |
Smooth Transition | |
Smooth Transition VAR | |
social interactions | |
Sovereign Bailout | |
Sovereign risk | |
Sparsity | |
Spatial Autoregressive Model | |
Spatial correlation | |
Spatial panel | |
Spatial panel model | |
specialisation | |
Specication test | |
specification | |
specification test | |
spillovers | |
standardised approach | |
State dependence | |
State Space | |
State space model | |
state space models | |
State-Space Model | |
stationarity | |
Statistical inference | |
Statistical Significance | |
stochastic choice | |
Stress Test | |
strict exogeneity | |
Structural Break | |
Structural Change Tests | |
structural econometrics | |
Structural Estimation | |
Structural Factor Models | |
structural model | |
Structural Models | |
structural VAR | |
subjective freedom | |
Supremum test | |
Survey Data | |
Survey of Professional Forecasters | |
survey-based | |
SVAR | |
Symmetric Multivariate alpha-stable Distribution Latent Factor Models | |
Systemic risk | |
Systemic risk measure | |
T | |
targeting | |
Tax compliance | |
Tax elasticity | |
Tax enforcement | |
Tax evasion | |
Tax policy change | |
Taylor Curve | |
Tensor decompositions | |
Tensor Regression | |
Test | |
tests for bubbles | |
text mining | |
Textual news | |
the Great Recession | |
Threshold cointegration | |
threshold regression | |
Threshold VECM | |
Time aggregation | |
time allocation | |
Time series | |
time use | |
time varying parameters | |
Time-Varying Efficiency Measures | |
total and directional connectdness | |
tourism | |
Transfer entropy | |
Transformation | |
Truncated Normal Distribution | |
Turnover | |
Two-pass cross-sectional regression | |
Two-step estimation | |
U | |
U.S. equity data | |
Unbalanced panel | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty measures | |
Unconventional monetary policy | |
Underidentified parameters | |
unobserved components | |
US commodity prices | |
Utility Function | |
V | |
Value-at-Risk | |
VAR | |
VAR models | |
VAR with instrumented proxy | |
VARS | |
VECM | |
Vector autoregression | |
Vector Autoregressions | |
vector autoregressive processes | |
Vector error correction models | |
Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive Model | |
Venice | |
volatility | |
Volatility evaluation | |
Voting | |
W | |
Wald test | |
WALS | |
Weak identi fication | |
Wealth accumulation dynamics | |
Wealth effects | |
Wiener Kolmogorov Kalman smoother | |
Wiener-Hopf factorization | |
World Cup | |
World War II | |
Z | |
zero lower bound |