This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Multi-)Cointegration | |
1 | |
19th century economic history | |
A | |
Academic job market | |
Adaptive algorithms | |
age at immigration | |
agglomeration economy | |
aggregate agent | |
Aggregate Productivity | |
Alternative fuel vehicle | |
alternative investment | |
Applied auction theory | |
Asset Allocation | |
Asymmetries | |
asymptotic normality | |
asymptotic relative efficiency | |
Asymptotic theory | |
B | |
Bank Lending Channel | |
Bank of England fan charts | |
bayesian econometrics | |
Bayesian Graphical Models | |
Bayesian Inference | |
Bayesian Model Averaging | |
Bayesian model choice | |
beauty contest | |
BEKK | |
bias | |
Big data | |
Binding function | |
bipower variation | |
body mass index | |
Bond Yield Spread | |
Bubbles | |
Business Cycle | |
business cycles | |
C | |
CAPM | |
Career concerns | |
Childcare | |
choice | |
Chover-type Law of the Iterated Logarithm | |
Civil War | |
classification | |
Co-integration rank | |
cognitive skills | |
Cointegration | |
cointegration rank | |
common factors | |
Common Pool | |
Common trends | |
Common volatility | |
Compensating variation | |
competition | |
Conditional cash transfer | |
Conditional Factor Models | |
Conditional inference | |
Connectedness | |
consistency | |
Constant Conditional Correlation models | |
consumer’s information | |
Consumption | |
Contract incompleteness | |
Control function | |
convergence | |
Cooperative banks | |
Copula | |
Corporate finance | |
Corporate investment | |
Corporate liquidity | |
Correlated Shocks | |
Covariates | |
Credit shocks | |
Cross Section Dependence | |
cross-section average augmentation | |
cross-section dependence | |
Cross-Section of Expected Returns | |
Crude Oil | |
cycles | |
D | |
Data Revisions | |
DCC | |
decentralised health systems | |
Default modeling | |
demand elasticity | |
Density Forecasts | |
derived demand | |
Difference-in-difference | |
Difference-In-Differences | |
Discouraged borrowers | |
Discrete choice | |
Discrete Time Duration Model | |
distance to the frontier | |
distribution dynamics | |
distributional regression | |
Diversification | |
Drug consumption | |
DSGE models | |
Dynamic logit model | |
dynamic model | |
Dynamic Model Averaging | |
Dynamic panel data models | |
Dynamic principal components | |
dynamic risk exposure | |
E | |
early childhood conditions | |
Econometric forecasting | |
Economic development | |
Economic Fluctuations | |
economic fundamentals | |
Education | |
educational attainments | |
Efficiency | |
empirical pricing kernel | |
endogeneity | |
endogenous stratification | |
Entry | |
Environmental Factors | |
EPK puzzle | |
Equity Market | |
Equity Return Dispersion | |
Equivalent variation | |
Ethnic Capital | |
Europe | |
event study | |
exchange rates | |
Expectation Hypothesis | |
Export | |
Exports | |
Extremum tests | |
F | |
Factor models | |
Family Firms | |
Female Labour Supply | |
financial connectedness | |
financial crisis | |
Financial globalisation | |
Financial markets | |
Financial tweets | |
Financing constraints | |
finite mixture | |
finite moments | |
finite sample | |
First-order Markov model | |
Fiscal multipliers | |
Flexible Nonparametric Location-Scale Frontier in Heterogeneous Panels | |
Forecast combination | |
Forecast Evaluation | |
Forecasting | |
forecasting performance | |
foreign currency exposure | |
Foreign Investments | |
Frequency Domain Methods | |
Frequentist estimation | |
functional Delta-method | |
Futures | |
G | |
Gaussian processes | |
General Variance Decomposition | |
Generalised linear models | |
Generalized dynamic factor model | |
Generalized impulse responses | |
Geography | |
Germany | |
Global Financial Crisis | |
Global value chains | |
global VAR | |
GMM | |
GMM estimation | |
Gold Market | |
Governance | |
Governmental policy | |
Granger Causality | |
Granger-causal priority | |
Granger-noncausality | |
Gravity | |
gravity model | |
Gravity Models | |
group interaction | |
GVAR | |
H | |
Heaping | |
Heavy tails | |
hedging | |
Herding | |
Heterogeneity | |
Heterogeneity of agents | |
Heterogeneous Peer Effects | |
Heteroskedasticity | |
High Frequency Data | |
high risk offenders | |
High-dimensional Models | |
higher order beliefs | |
Higher-order moments | |
Home invitation | |
homeownership | |
hospital | |
hospital admissions | |
household finance | |
housing tenure | |
Human Capital | |
hyperbolically decaying coefficients | |
Hypothesis Testing | |
I | |
I(2) | |
I(d) | |
ICT | |
Identification | |
Immigrant | |
Immigrant students | |
immigration | |
Impulse-Response Functions | |
Incentive Provision | |
Income inequality | |
Inconsistency | |
Index models | |
Indirect inference | |
Indirect Treatment Effect | |
inequality | |
Infinite variance | |
Inflation | |
Inflation Expectations | |
Information criteria | |
Information Rigidity | |
Innovation | |
input output linkages | |
Instrumental variable | |
instrumental variables | |
Integer Autoregression | |
Integrated Variance | |
Inter-municipal cooperation | |
Interacted-VAR | |
Interconnections | |
Internal Migration | |
International capital markets | |
Inventory models | |
Investment determinants | |
Islands | |
Italy | |
Iteratively reweighted least squares | |
J | |
job mobility | |
job search | |
Jobseeker's Allowance | |
Jumps | |
K | |
Kalman filter | |
L | |
labor force participation | |
labor supply shocks | |
Lag length | |
large-m and fixed-m asymptotic theory | |
latent heterogeneity | |
Latent variable models | |
Laurent series expansion | |
least squares estimation | |
leverage effect | |
liberalization | |
Lifetime income | |
likelihood function | |
likelihood inference | |
linear location model | |
linear process | |
Liquidity constraints | |
Living arrangements | |
LM tests | |
Local Government Spending | |
Local judiciary efficiency | |
Local Scoring Rules | |
Local taxation | |
location-scale models | |
long memory | |
long run variance estimation | |
Long-run inference | |
M | |
Macro-econometric models Uncertainty | |
macroeconometrics | |
Macroeconomic Fundamentals | |
market structure | |
market uncertainty | |
Markov chain | |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Markov-Regime-Switching models | |
Markov-switching | |
markup | |
Matrix inversion | |
Matrix valued functions | |
maximum likelihood estimation | |
mean stationarity | |
Measurement Error | |
meat consumption | |
Medical treatment | |
MEM | |
Mercalli scale | |
Migrants Selection | |
Mincer equation | |
Minimum distance method | |
minimum variance portfolio | |
Mixed Data Sampling | |
Mixture Distributions | |
Mixtures of normals | |
Model combinations | |
Moment conditions | |
Monetary policy | |
monetary policy effectiveness | |
Monetary policy shocks | |
Monitoring | |
Morningstar rating | |
multi-country vector autoregressive model | |
Multi-Jumps | |
Multilateral Resistance | |
Multinational Companies | |
multinomial choice | |
multinomial probit | |
Multiple hypothesis testing | |
multiple testing | |
multiple time series | |
Multiplicative Error Models | |
Multivariate Autoregression | |
Multivariate GARCH | |
multivariate probit | |
multivariate random volatility | |
N | |
Natural disasters | |
near unit roots | |
near-I(2) | |
negative binomial regression | |
Neonatal Mortality | |
Nepotism | |
Nested Models | |
Network | |
networks | |
news | |
Noise Shocks | |
Non Parametric Distribution of wages | |
non-cognitive skills | |
non-linear Structural VAR | |
Nonlinear Models | |
nonlinear panel data methods | |
nonparametric identification | |
nonparametric methods | |
Nonstationary volatility | |
Nowcasting | |
Number of factors | |
O | |
Oil Market | |
option prices | |
Options | |
ordered choice | |
Orthogonal GARCH | |
Outright Monetary Transactions | |
overidentification | |
P | |
Pane data | |
panel data | |
panel probit | |
Parameters on the Boundary | |
patent | |
Peer effects | |
Pension Funds | |
permutation bootstrap | |
pharmacies | |
PMI | |
Poisson models | |
polarization | |
policy evaluation | |
Policy Experiment | |
political economy | |
Portfolio choice | |
posterior consistency | |
Premium for supervisory position | |
Preventive health care | |
price competition | |
Pricing Anomalies | |
pricing kernel | |
Principal Component Analysis | |
productivity | |
Publications | |
Q | |
Quadratic exponential model | |
Quadratic Utility Function | |
Quadratic Variation | |
quality | |
Quantile regression | |
Quantile Treatment Effects | |
Quasi-experiment | |
Quasi-Rational Expectations | |
R | |
R&D | |
R&D Investment | |
randomised tests | |
randomized controlled trials | |
Rank testing | |
Rational Expectations | |
Real-time data | |
Realized Variance | |
Realized Volatility | |
regression discontinuity | |
regulation | |
Repo | |
Return and Risk Measurement | |
Risk | |
risk exposure | |
risk taste | |
S | |
Scalar | |
Score driven models | |
Sectoral employment | |
selection bias | |
sentiment shocks | |
Sequential MCMC | |
Severance Pay | |
sieve estimator | |
signals | |
Singular information matrix | |
Sistemi Locali del Lavoro | |
skewed individual effects | |
Soccer | |
Social Security Systems | |
Sparse Graphical Models | |
spatial autoregression | |
Spatial Autoregressive Model | |
spatial dependence | |
Spatial differencing | |
Spatial Matrix | |
spatial models | |
spatial spillovers | |
Spectral Decomposition | |
Spectral maximum likelihood | |
spillover | |
Spillovers | |
State dependence | |
state dependent utilities | |
state space models | |
State-Space model | |
Static factor model | |
Stationarity | |
Statistical Decision Theory | |
Stochastic Betas | |
Stochastic volatility | |
Stochastic Volatility models | |
stock prices | |
Stocks and flows | |
Strong Law of Large Numbers | |
structural breaks | |
Structural Change | |
Structural VAR | |
Structural VARs | |
structural vector autoregression | |
student performance | |
Subspace estimation | |
survey data | |
Survey Expectations | |
Survey Forecasts | |
Surveys | |
survival analysis | |
Switzerland | |
Synthetic control method | |
Systematic risk | |
Systemic risk | |
T | |
t-test | |
tail dependence | |
Tail Risk | |
teacher quality | |
teaching practices | |
Technical efficiency | |
Territorial diversification | |
Threshold VAR | |
time series | |
Time Series Analysis | |
time series clustering | |
Time varying parameters | |
time varying VAR | |
Time Varying Vector Autoregression | |
Time-Varying Conditional Efficiency Measures | |
Time-varying parameters | |
Time-Varying Risk | |
total factor productivity | |
Tournaments | |
Trace statistic | |
Trade | |
Trade debt | |
Trade in tasks | |
trade liberalization | |
Trading Activity | |
Trading Volume | |
treatment effects | |
Treatment Response | |
Two-Stage Least Squares | |
Two-step Estimation | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty shocks | |
unemployment benefit | |
unemployment duration | |
unemployment insurance | |
unit root test | |
Unit roots | |
Unobserved heterogeneity | |
V | |
VAR | |
VAR models | |
VAR Testing | |
Variance Risk Premium | |
Vector Autoregression | |
Vector Autoregressions | |
vector autoregressive model | |
Volatility | |
Volatility Risk Premium | |
voluntary work | |
voting | |
W | |
wage mark-up shocks | |
wages | |
Wealth Accumulation | |
Whittle estimation | |
Wiener-Kolmogorov filter | |
Wild bootstrap | |
World War II | |
Y | |
Youth emancipation | |
Z | |
Zero Lower Bound |