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09:00-10:00 Session 43A: Map design
Claudia Robbi Sluter (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Location: Auditorium 2
09:00 | Panel of sensitive mapping experiments with respect to various sources of information PRESENTER: Laurence Jolivet |
09:20 | A Study of “Map Sense” that Supports the Accuracy of Maps Through Interviews with Imaginary Map Creators PRESENTER: Momoko Yoshida |
09:40 | Map design of the building cultural heritage in Maputo city – Mozambique PRESENTER: Sergio Come |
09:00-10:00 Session 43B: Earth observation and cartography
Matthew Rice (George Mason University, United States)
Location: Room 1.41 & 1.42
09:00 | Investigating spatiotemporal trends of large wildfires in California (1950 – 2020) PRESENTER: Sarah Ostertag |
09:20 | Comparing the efficiency of RADAR and optical remote sensing in mapping burnt areas within a grassland biome PRESENTER: Talya Molema |
09:00-10:00 Session 43C: Maps and graphics for blind and partially sighted people
Marieke Kuijer (Kadaster, Netherlands)
Location: Room 1.63 & 1.64
09:00 | The DF interactive thematic map built by and for deaf students: An interesting practice using Scratch and Makey Makey |
09:20 | Tailoring tactile maps based on blind users’ needs PRESENTER: Marieke Kuijer |
09:00-10:00 Session 43D: User experience
Arzu Çöltekin (University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland)
Location: Room 1.43 & 1.44
09:00 | Research Approaches in Cartography: A Preliminary Review PRESENTER: Carolyn Fish |
09:20 | Deconstructing cartographic communication paradigms in the United Nations in the era of Data for action |
09:40 | Affordances and Models of Cartographic Communication PRESENTER: Michael Peterson |
09:00-10:00 Session 43E: Digital twins
Peter Newmarch (South African Geomatics Institute, South Africa)
Location: Room 1.61
09:00 | Using Map-based Dashboard to Improve Geo-knowledge Communication: a use case on Digital Twins PRESENTER: Chenyu Zuo |
09:20 | PRESENTER: Yiping Chen |
09:40 | Digital technologies as a basis for building a museum of geodesy, photogrammetry and cartography PRESENTER: Temenoujka Bandrova |
09:00-12:30 Session 43G: 19th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association
Tim Trainor (International Cartographic Association, United States)
Location: Hotel Sky
10:30-12:30 Session 45A: Cartography in early warning and crisis management
Milan Konečný (Masaryk university, Faculty of Science, Geographical Departement, Czechia)
Location: Auditorium 2
10:30 | Analyzing the Variability of Wildfire Susceptibility in Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda PRESENTER: Derrick Robert Irumba |
10:50 | Mapping and spatial modeling of the passage of bushfires in a context of protected areas in northern Cameroon: contribution of time series of sentinel-2 images. PRESENTER: Markus Bakaira |
11:10 | Possibilities of Geographic Virtual Environments within the Crisis Management PRESENTER: Zdeněk Stachoň |
11:30 | Research on multi-dimensional disaster information perception and fusion service technology in underground and shelter space ![]() PRESENTER: Shenghua Xu |
10:30-12:30 Session 45B: Maps for mobile devices
Zahn Munch (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Location: Room 1.41 & 1.42
10:30 | Seize: A Mobile Augmented Reality Walking Game through Critical Making PRESENTER: Haoran Chang |
10:50 | At the Intersection of Mobile Thematic Cartography and Data Journalism |
11:10 | Fast high accuracy kinematic smartphone positioning for location-based services PRESENTER: Yang Gao |
10:30-12:30 Session 45C: Cartography and GIScience for climate change
Anne Ruas (IFSTTAR, France)
Location: Room 1.63 & 1.64
10:30 | Water sources for Irrigation in headwater catchment over the Czech Republic in changing climate PRESENTER: Petr Kavka |
10:50 | The historic distribution of Biomphalaria pfeifferi and Bulinus globosus in the Vhembe district, Limpopo province. PRESENTER: Dolley Thibedi |
11:10 | Modelling and visualisation of land surface temperature in urban areas represented by 3D city models |
11:30 | Integrating spatial analytics in power system planning techniques for the green energy transition PRESENTER: Keagen Liebenberg |
10:30-12:30 Session 45D: Cartographic communication, education and training
Sulette van der Merwe (SITA, South Africa)
Location: Room 1.43 & 1.44
10:30 | Didactic Atlas of the National Geographic Institute of Spain PRESENTER: Laura Alemany Gómez |
10:50 | Experiences with distance teaching and learning in cartography – a European perspective PRESENTER: Wangshu Wang |
11:10 | Issues of Subjectivity and Objectivity in Ubiquitous Mapping |
11:30 | Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Generation of Cartographers PRESENTER: Robert Emmett Roth |
10:30-12:30 Session 45E: Generalisation and multiple representation
Timofey Samsonov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Russia)
Location: Room 1.61
10:30 | A Point Cluster Generalization Method based on Graph Convolutional Network PRESENTER: Tianyuan Xiao |
10:50 | PolygonTranslator - learning to simplify building footprints from one scale to another PRESENTER: Yu Feng |
11:10 | Addressing the unresolved proximity conflicts during the generalization of buildings using CartAGen PRESENTER: Jagadish Boodala |
11:30 | Interlevel information loss in hexagonal discrete global grid systems PRESENTER: Anastasia Shurygina |
10:30-12:30 Session 45F
Location: Room 1.62
12:30-14:00 Session 46A: Meeting: Commission on Topographic Mapping
Alexander Kent (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
Location: Auditorium 2
12:30-14:00 Session 46B: Meeting: Commission on Toponymy (ICA-IGU joint commission)
Peter Jordan (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Austria)
Location: Room 1.41 & 1.42
12:30-14:00 Session 46C: Meeting: Commission on Ubiquitous Mapping
Yoshiki Wakabayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Location: Room 1.63 & 1.64
12:30-14:00 Session 46E: Meeting: Commission on Visual Analytics
Anthony Robinson (The Pennsylvania State University, United States)
Arzu Çöltekin (University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland)
Arzu Çöltekin (University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland)
Location: Room 1.61
12:30-14:00 Session 46F: Meeting: Commission on Sensor-driven Mapping
Jonathan Li (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Location: Room 1.62
14:00-16:00 Session 47: Closing Session
Tim Trainor (International Cartographic Association, United States)
Location: Auditorium 2