This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Tullock) contests | |
A | |
Abel mean | |
Abrupt Information | |
ACA method | |
accelerating externalities | |
Accountability | |
action gaps | |
Action Selection | |
Ad Auctions | |
adaptation | |
adaptive learning | |
Additive reward-additive transition stochastic game | |
adjacent non manipulability | |
Adjusted proportional rule | |
adjusted winner | |
adjustment cost | |
adjustment to equilibrium | |
Administrative Processes in Public Organizations and Corruption | |
Admissibility | |
adverse selection | |
Advertising | |
Advice | |
advisory committees | |
Affirmative Action | |
agenda formation | |
agent based simulation | |
Aggregate Monotonicity | |
Aggregation and voting rules | |
aggregation rules | |
aggregative game | |
Agreeing to disagree | |
Algorithm | |
algorithms | |
all-pay auction | |
all-pay auctions | |
All-pay Contest | |
All-pay contests | |
Alleles | |
alliances | |
allocation of power | |
Allocation rules | |
Allocation without transfers | |
Almost common-value auction | |
almost exchangeable | |
Alternating moves | |
Alternative for Matrices | |
altruism | |
Altruistic behavior | |
ambiguity | |
Ambiguity Averse Players | |
analogy-based expectation equilibrium | |
Anarchy | |
announcement proofness | |
anonymity | |
Anonymous Reserves | |
Anti-Imitation | |
Apology | |
Application of the Boston Mechanism | |
approachability | |
appropriation | |
Approval Voting | |
approximate equilibrium | |
approximation | |
arborescence problems | |
Arrivals and Exits | |
ascending price | |
Assignment | |
Assignment game | |
assignment games | |
assignment model | |
assignment problems | |
assortative matching | |
assortativity | |
Asymmetric Bidders | |
Asymmetric contests | |
asymmetric equilibrium | |
Asymmetric information | |
asymmetric type distributions | |
Asymmetric Updating | |
Asymptotic Efficiency | |
Asymptotic Learning | |
asymptotic stability | |
asymptotics of the value | |
Attacker-defender game | |
attractive evolutionary equilibria | |
Auction | |
Auction Failures | |
Auction Theory | |
auctioneer competition | |
Auctions | |
Auctions and Procurement Auctions | |
Auditing | |
Authoritarian Politics | |
axiomatic approach | |
axiomatization | |
B | |
backward induction | |
Balanced Collections | |
balanced contribution | |
balanced contributions | |
Bandit Experimentation | |
Bandits | |
Bank runs | |
Banking crisis | |
Bankruptcy or rationing problem | |
bankruptcy problem | |
Bankruptcy Problems | |
Banzhaf value | |
Bargaining | |
Bargaining Alternatives | |
Bargaining environment | |
Bargaining problem | |
Bargaining solutions | |
Bargaining Theory | |
bargaining with private values | |
barganining | |
Bayes Correlated Equilibrium | |
Bayesian equilibrium | |
Bayesian game | |
Bayesian games | |
Bayesian games with infinite type and action spaces | |
Bayesian Incentive Compatibility | |
Bayesian Learning | |
Bayesian Nash equilibria | |
Bayesian Nash equilibrium | |
Bayesian Observational Learning | |
Bayesian Persuasion | |
Bayesian Updating | |
Bayesianism | |
Beauty contest | |
Behavioral game theory | |
behavioral heterogeneity | |
Behavioral Theory | |
behavioural variation | |
belief elicitation | |
Belief free strategies | |
belief hierarchies | |
Belief hierarchy | |
belief revision in games | |
Beliefs | |
Benchmarking | |
Bertrand equilibrium | |
best-response dynamics | |
Better Reply Security | |
Better Response Dynamics | |
better-reply secure games | |
betweenness criterion | |
beyond worst-case synthesis | |
Biased Belief | |
Bid cap | |
Bid Premium | |
bidding | |
bidding consortia | |
bidding games | |
Bidding ring | |
Bilateral Incentive Compatibility | |
Bilateral Trade | |
bilinear programming | |
bimatrix game | |
Bimatrix games | |
Blotto games | |
bluffing | |
Borda Rule | |
Borel measurable payoffs | |
Boston Mechanism | |
bounded confidence | |
Bounded Depths of Rationality | |
Bounded Memory | |
bounded rationality | |
Bounded Reasoning | |
Bribeproof | |
Budget Balance | |
Budget Constraint | |
Budget Constraints | |
budget-balance mechanisms | |
budget-constrained | |
Bunching | |
buyout | |
Böhm-Bawerk horse market games | |
C | |
Cadet-Branch Matching | |
cake-cutting | |
calibration | |
Capacity Constraint | |
Capacity Constraints | |
Capacity-constrained competition | |
Career Concerns | |
Cartel | |
cartel damages | |
casting vote | |
Catalog Games | |
catch-up rule | |
Categorization | |
Causal effects | |
CD games | |
CEEI | |
Censorship | |
centipede game | |
Centipede games | |
Centralised union | |
centrality measures | |
centralization | |
certifiable dominance | |
Cesaro mean | |
Chain-concave best reply | |
Chairman’s paradox | |
changing tastes | |
Characteristic function | |
characteristic function game | |
characterization | |
Characterization of Equilibria | |
characterization of equilibrium outcomes | |
characterization of Nash equilibria | |
cheap talk | |
cheap-talk messages | |
choice theory | |
choices and preferences | |
circulation | |
citation index | |
Citation indices | |
Citizen-Candidate Model | |
claims problem | |
claims problems | |
Climate finance | |
climate treaty | |
cloning-consistency | |
cluster formation | |
Co-positive program | |
coalition | |
coalition configurations | |
Coalition formation | |
coalition structure | |
coalition structures | |
coalition-proof equilibrium | |
Coalition-Proofness | |
coalitional bargaining | |
coalitional belief | |
Coalitional merge convexity | |
Coalitional strategy proofness | |
Coalitional strategy-proofness | |
Coase-conjecture | |
Coauthorship network | |
Cognition | |
cognitive bounds | |
Cognitive hierarchy | |
collective choice | |
Collective decision | |
Collective decision making | |
collusion | |
Colonel Blotto game | |
combinatorial auction | |
combinatorial auctions | |
Commitment | |
Commitment types | |
common belief in future rationality | |
Common knowledge | |
common knowledge of rationality | |
common object ranking domain | |
common prior assumption | |
common project | |
common tiered object domain | |
Common Value Elections | |
Common-Values | |
communication | |
Communication Equilibrium | |
communication game | |
Communication Networks | |
community enforcement | |
Comparative statics | |
Competing Auctions | |
Competing Mechanisms | |
Competing Sellers | |
Competition | |
competitive equilibria | |
Competitive Equilibrium | |
competitive equilibrium with networks | |
complementarities | |
complements | |
complements vs. substitutes | |
Complete Information | |
completely mixed strategies | |
Completely positive program | |
Complex networks | |
complexity | |
Compromise stability | |
computation | |
computational economics | |
Computational game theory | |
computational social choice | |
Computer Poker | |
concealment | |
Conditional Contribution | |
conditional cooperator | |
Conditional probability | |
Conditional Probability System | |
Conditional probability systems | |
Conditional Reasoning | |
Condorcet Jury Theorem | |
Condorcet winner | |
configuration value | |
conflict | |
Conflict of interest | |
Conflicts of Interest | |
Conformism | |
Conformity | |
congestion | |
Congestion externalities | |
Conjectural variations | |
connectedness | |
conscious and unconscious | |
consensus | |
consistency | |
Conspicuous consumption | |
constellation | |
constrained dynamics | |
constrained efficiency | |
constrained stability | |
Constrained-efficiency | |
consumer behavior | |
Consumer Learning | |
Contagion | |
contamination | |
Contest | |
Contest Design | |
contest success function | |
contests | |
Contingent Variables | |
continuous opinions | |
Continuous Space | |
Continuous strategy space | |
Continuous Time | |
continuum of players | |
contract design | |
contract theory | |
Contracting | |
Contractive games | |
Contracts | |
convergence | |
convergence dynamics | |
convergence time | |
converse Lyapunov theorem | |
convex games | |
Convex interval spaces | |
Convex preferences | |
convexity | |
cooperation | |
cooperative bargaining | |
cooperative game | |
cooperative game theory | |
cooperative game with fuzzy coalitions | |
cooperative games | |
Coordination | |
coordination failure | |
Coordination games | |
core | |
Core cover | |
core selection | |
Core stability | |
Core-periphery | |
Core-selecting auction | |
corporate culture | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
correct beliefs assumption | |
correlated equilibrium | |
Correlated Private Information | |
Correlated signals | |
correspondence principle | |
Corruption | |
cost allocation | |
cost overruns | |
Cost shares | |
cost sharing | |
cost sharing games | |
cost-monotonicity | |
Costly monitoring | |
costly state verification | |
Costly verification | |
costs of change | |
costs of reform | |
Cottle and Dantzig algorithm | |
Counter-terrorism | |
counterfeiting products | |
Couples | |
Cournot | |
Cournot duopoly | |
Cournot Nash | |
Cournot oligopoly | |
Credence goods | |
Credible deviation | |
credit crunch | |
credit rationing | |
critical level policy | |
Critical node sets | |
Critical nodes | |
Crowdfunding | |
Cryptography | |
cultural aversion | |
Cultural capital | |
Cumulative offer process | |
Curiosity | |
currency crisis | |
current power distribution | |
cursed equilibrium | |
Cyclic preferences | |
D | |
D-rationalizability | |
damage allocation | |
damaged goods | |
Dark Pools | |
De Tocqueville | |
Deadline | |
Decentralised union | |
decentralization | |
Decentralized Clearing | |
Decision support system | |
decision theory | |
decision under ambiguity | |
decision-making | |
Decision-Making Ability | |
decomposability | |
decomposition | |
deep learning | |
Default | |
deferred acceptance | |
DeGroot model | |
delay | |
delayed recovery | |
Delays | |
Delegated Agency Games | |
delegation | |
Delegation Games | |
Delegation Principle | |
demand schedule competition | |
democracy | |
Democratic Mechanisms | |
Depositor Beliefs | |
Diagonal Transfert Continuity | |
Diamond equilibrium | |
differentiable manifold | |
differential evolution | |
differential game | |
Differentiated markets | |
differentiated products | |
diffusion | |
Directed graph | |
Directed networks | |
directed search | |
Disclosure | |
discontinuity | |
Discontinuous Games | |
Discounted repeated games | |
discounted Shapley value | |
Discounted Stochastic Games | |
Discrete choice | |
discrete fixed points | |
discrete-time dynamic programming | |
Distance | |
distributed control | |
Diversity | |
Diversity of talents | |
divide-and-choose | |
divided majority problem | |
Divisible Goods | |
Division problems | |
differential games | |
dollar auction | |
Domain restriction | |
dominance of strategies | |
dominance solvability | |
dominance structure | |
dominant diagonal | |
dominant punishment strategy | |
double auction | |
Drèze Equilibrium | |
DS Puzzle | |
dual agent | |
dual processes | |
Dually essential coalitions | |
Duopoly | |
durable goods | |
Dynamic Agency | |
Dynamic auction | |
Dynamic Bayesian Persuasion | |
dynamic competition | |
Dynamic Consistency | |
Dynamic Contests | |
Dynamic contracting | |
dynamic decision problem | |
Dynamic duopoly | |
dynamic elections | |
dynamic game | |
Dynamic Games | |
Dynamic games with complete information | |
dynamic global games | |
dynamic inconsistency | |
Dynamic matching | |
dynamic mechanisms | |
dynamic model of oligopoly | |
Dynamic programming principle | |
Dynamic Reserves | |
Dynamic Signalling | |
Dynamic Stability | |
dynamic stability of equilibrium | |
Dynamic stochastic oligopoly | |
dynamic zero sum games | |
dynamical system | |
dynamics | |
E | |
e-auctions | |
eBay | |
economic crises | |
Economic Governance | |
Economies in distributional form | |
ecosystem restoration | |
efficiency | |
efficient auction | |
efficient fair assignment | |
efficient information aggregation | |
Efficient path | |
efficient payoffs | |
effort provision | |
egalitarian and utilitarian solutions | |
egalitarian Shapley value | |
Election Design | |
Elections | |
Electoral College | |
electricity auctions | |
emotions | |
endogenous claims | |
endogenous commitment | |
endogenous entry | |
Endogenous fluctuations | |
Endogenous frictions | |
Endogenous Network Formation | |
endogenous priority structure | |
Endogenous prize contests | |
endogenous screening | |
Endowment Effect | |
Endowment Lower Bound | |
enforcement | |
English auction | |
ENSC method | |
entrepreneurial finance | |
Entry | |
Entry deterrence | |
Envy | |
epistemic game theory | |
Epistemic models | |
epsilon-equilibrium | |
equal representation | |
equilibria | |
equilibrium | |
Equilibrium Characterization | |
Equilibrium Computation | |
Equilibrium distributions | |
equilibrium finding | |
equilibrium index | |
equilibrium learning | |
equilibrium payoff set | |
equilibrium payoffs | |
Equilibrium Refinements | |
Equilibrium selection | |
Equilibrium selection problem | |
equilibrium stability | |
equilibrium under ambiguity | |
Equity auctions | |
equivalence | |
Equivalent transformations | |
error term | |
Espionage | |
event-related potentials (ERPs) | |
Evolution | |
evolution of preferences | |
evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary competition | |
evolutionary dynamics | |
evolutionary equilibrium | |
Evolutionary game dynamics | |
evolutionary game theory | |
evolutionary games | |
evolutionary implementation | |
evolutionary oligopoly | |
Evolutionary Population Dynamics | |
Evolutionary stability | |
ex post investment | |
ex-ante efficiency | |
ex-ante stability | |
Ex-post Risk | |
excess | |
Exchange | |
Exchange Economy | |
exchange-stability | |
exchangeability | |
exclusion oracle | |
executive control | |
existence | |
existence of an equilibrium | |
existence of Nash equilibrium | |
Exit Problems | |
Exogenous News | |
expectancy violation | |
expected capability to manage emerging states | |
expected cost | |
Experience | |
experiment | |
experimental economics | |
Experimental evidence | |
Experimentation | |
Experiments | |
expert | |
expertise | |
Experts | |
Experts Testing | |
Extended Imputations | |
extensive form rationalizability | |
Extensive Form Refinements | |
extensive game | |
extensive games with perfect information | |
Extensive-form game | |
Extensive-Form Games | |
extensive-form rationalizability | |
externalities | |
externality | |
extremal optimization | |
F | |
fads | |
fair division | |
Fair Division Theory | |
fairness | |
Farsighted Stability | |
farsighted stable set | |
Farsightedness | |
fashion | |
favoring higher ranks | |
Favoritism | |
FCC spectrum auctions | |
fear of mis-coordination | |
Feasible elimination procedure | |
feasible payoffs | |
feedback | |
Field experiment | |
financial accelerator | |
Financial Analysts | |
Financial crises | |
financial markets | |
Finite Dynamic Game | |
finite games | |
Finite Mechanism | |
finite memory | |
finite recall | |
finite-horizon paradox | |
finitely additive strategies | |
firm pricing strategies | |
firms | |
First Price Auction | |
first-mover advantage | |
fixed bribe | |
Fixed or random deadlines | |
fixed point index | |
fixed points | |
Fixed Prices | |
Fixed Pricing | |
Flexible information acquisition | |
flourishing trap | |
focal point | |
focal points | |
Folk rule | |
folk theorem | |
forced contribution | |
forecasts | |
foreign direct investment | |
formal methods | |
Formation | |
Formation games | |
forward induction | |
Forward-induction | |
free recall | |
Free-rider problem | |
Free-Riding | |
frictions | |
full agreement | |
Full Bayesian Updating | |
full effort equilibrium | |
full implementation | |
full revelation | |
Functional monotone class theorem | |
Fundamental Equilibrium | |
Fuzzy game theory | |
fuzzy set | |
G | |
gambling | |
Game Abstraction | |
Game Analysis | |
game theory | |
game with zero sum | |
Games in Partition Function Form | |
games with ambiguity | |
Games with Ambiguity Averse Agents | |
Games with Incomplete Information | |
games with many players | |
Games/group decisions: cooperative | |
gamma-core | |
gender difference | |
gender equality | |
General allocation problems | |
General equilibrium | |
general learning | |
General Lotto game | |
Generalized bimatrix game | |
Generalized Nash equilibrium | |
Generalized Stable Set | |
generalized Vickrey rule | |
generation map | |
generic finiteness | |
generic property | |
Generous Tit-For-Tat | |
Genotypes | |
gift exchange | |
Global game | |
global games | |
governance | |
graph | |
gratification | |
Gravity model | |
Green-Laffont mechanism | |
Group contests | |
group decision | |
group formation | |
group work | |
groups | |
GSP | |
H | |
Handicap | |
Harsanyi dividends | |
HBS Draft | |
Head Start | |
Hedonic Games | |
Herding | |
Hereditarity | |
Hessian Riemannian metrics | |
heterogeneity | |
heterogeneous beliefs | |
heterogeneous experts | |
hidden Markov models | |
hide and seek | |
Hierarchical delegation | |
Hierarchies of Beliefs | |
Higher Education | |
higher-order beliefs | |
highway problem | |
Hillman's political economy games | |
Hirsch index | |
Hobbes | |
Hold-up | |
homogeneous products | |
honesty | |
horizontal differentiation | |
horizontal subcontracting | |
Hotelling | |
human capital | |
hyper-preferences | |
hypergraph | |
I | |
idempotent duality | |
identification | |
Ideology | |
image scoring | |
Imitation | |
imitation game | |
Imitative dynamics | |
immediate acceptance mechanism | |
Imperfect Information | |
Imperfect Observation | |
Imperfect Private Monitoring | |
Imperfect Public Monitoring | |
Imperfect-information game | |
Implementation | |
Implementation Core | |
impluse response dynamics | |
Impossibility result | |
impulse balance theory | |
Imputation distribution procedure | |
In-Group/Universal Fairness | |
Incentive compatibility | |
Incentive Compatible Multilayered Networks Delegated Networking Principle | |
Incentives | |
Incentives in Engineering | |
inclusive set | |
inclusiveness | |
income effect | |
Income Inequality | |
Incomparability of Marginal Gains | |
Incomparability of Marginal Losses | |
Incomplete Information | |
Incomplete Information Games | |
Inconsistent Beliefs | |
Incumbent Competition | |
independence of totally irrelevant alternatives | |
independent blocking | |
independent domain | |
indirect reciprocity | |
Individual Based Model | |
Individual Decisions | |
individual improvement chain | |
individuals choosing among themselves | |
Indivisibilities | |
Indivisibility | |
indivisible goods | |
induced price of anarchy | |
induced price of stability | |
Industrial espionage | |
inequality | |
Infinite games | |
infinitely many players | |
Influence | |
influence network | |
Information | |
Information acquisition | |
Information Aggregation | |
Information asymmetry | |
Information Cascades | |
Information Design | |
information diffusion | |
Information Disclosure | |
information elicitation | |
Information Externality | |
Information orders | |
Information perturbations | |
information pooling game | |
Information Processing | |
information structure | |
Information Structures | |
Information Transmission | |
information-processing | |
Informational Cascades | |
Informational herding | |
informed principal | |
inhibition | |
Initiation of Negotiation | |
Innovation | |
insincere agents | |
inspection game | |
inspection games | |
Institutional Design | |
institutions | |
Integer and modulo game | |
interactions | |
interactive learning | |
interactive multi-portfolio optimization | |
interchangeability | |
Interdependency | |
interdependent values | |
Interim Efficiency | |
interim-efficiency | |
Interior-point methods | |
Intermediaries | |
intermediation | |
Intermediation centrality | |
international conflicts | |
international law | |
international relations | |
Internet | |
Internet trade | |
Interval | |
Interval computing | |
Interval cooperative game | |
interval ranking | |
Introspection | |
Intuitionistic fuzzy set | |
inventory/production: applications | |
inverse problem | |
investment | |
Investment Complementarity | |
investment efficiency | |
Investment firms | |
investment funding | |
Investment game | |
investment opportunities | |
irreversible investment | |
Iterated deletion of weakly dominated strategies | |
iterated dominance | |
Iterated elimination of weakly dominated strategies | |
Iterated elimination procedures | |
Iterated Weak Dominance | |
iterative deferred acceptance | |
iterative models | |
iterative revelation mechanism | |
J | |
Job Design | |
Job matching | |
Joint-Strategies | |
judgment aggregation | |
jump bidding | |
jury | |
jury selection | |
Jury Theorem | |
Justification | |
K | |
k+1-Price Auctions | |
Kemeny property | |
Kidney exchange | |
Knaster procedure | |
Knightian uncertainty | |
Knowledge-belief space | |
Ky Fan Inequality | |
L | |
labor market competition | |
Laboratory Experiment | |
Labour Market | |
land monotonicity | |
land reassignment | |
land rental | |
Language | |
large deviations principle | |
Large economies | |
Large games | |
Large Markets | |
lattice | |
Law of Effect | |
Leadership | |
Learning | |
Learning Algorithms | |
learning in games | |
Learning of the game | |
Least square prenucleolus | |
Lebesgue unit interval | |
leftover cost matrix | |
Legal Institutions | |
legal remedies | |
Legislative bargaining | |
Lemke's algorithm | |
Lemke–Howson algorithm | |
level-k | |
level-k model | |
leveling the playing field | |
liberal peace | |
Licensing | |
licensing scheme | |
limited attention | |
limited commitment | |
limited communication | |
limited foresight | |
Limited liability | |
limited memory | |
Lindahl prices | |
linear complementarity problem | |
Linear preferences | |
linearization | |
liquidity auctions | |
liquidity crisis | |
Listed Corporations | |
lobbying | |
Local Interactions | |
Local public goods | |
Local reasoning | |
Local Sufficiency | |
location games on networks | |
lock-in | |
Logit Choice Rules | |
Logit Dynamics | |
Logit response | |
Long and Short-lived Players | |
long cheap talk | |
long-lived vs. short-lived agents | |
long-time dynamics | |
Loss aversion | |
Lotteries | |
Lottery | |
Lottery Contests | |
Lyapunov function | |
M | |
Macro Stress Tests | |
Majority | |
majority rule | |
Make-Take Fees | |
Managerial Bonuses | |
manipulability | |
many-to-many assignment markets | |
Many-to-many matchings | |
marginal surplus | |
Market | |
Market Concentration | |
Market Design | |
Market Fragmentation | |
market impact cost split | |
Market Microstructure | |
market-testing | |
Markov Chain | |
Markov chains | |
Markov decision processes | |
Markov Equilibrium | |
Markov games | |
Markov perfect equilibrium | |
marriage markets | |
Maskin monotonicity | |
Matches | |
Matching | |
matching markets | |
Matching Theory | |
Matching with Contracts | |
mathematical programming | |
mathematics: convexity | |
matrix approach | |
Maximal Element | |
Maximal Lotteries | |
Maximax strategies | |
Maximin strategy | |
Maxmin Expected Utility | |
Mean Residual Lifetime | |
mechanism | |
Mechanism Design | |
Mechanism Design with Ambiguity Averse Agents | |
Mechanism design with limited transfers | |
Mechanism Design without transfers | |
Media | |
medial frontal negativity (MFN) | |
median | |
Median Voter Theorem | |
Mediated communication | |
mediation | |
Mediator | |
Memory | |
merge-proofness | |
Merger and Acquisition | |
mergers | |
meta-stability | |
Metastable Distribution | |
Midpoint | |
Milestones | |
Mindsets | |
minimal overlap rule | |
minimal rights | |
minimax | |
Minimax strategies | |
Minimum Coalition | |
Minimum cost spanning tree problems | |
Minimum costa spanning tree problems | |
minimum incoming cost rules | |
minimum price Walrasian rule | |
minority games | |
MINthenMAX decision model | |
MINthenMAX equilibrium | |
Mirage equilibrium | |
mistakes | |
Mixed Bundling Prices | |
mixed duopoly | |
mixed strategies | |
mixed strategy Nash equilibrium | |
mixture-of-types models | |
Models | |
modified dictator game | |
monopoly | |
Monopoly pricing | |
monotone perfect Bayesian-Nash equilibrium | |
Monotonic strategies | |
Monotonicity | |
Monte Carlo simulation | |
Moral hazard | |
Moreau-Yosida regularization | |
most informative equilibrium | |
multi-agent model | |
multi-armed bandits | |
Multi-battle contest | |
multi-demand preferences | |
Multi-dimensional capacity | |
Multi-Dimensional Discrimination | |
Multi-dimensional screening | |
Multi-game | |
Multi-layered Financial Network | |
multi-object | |
Multi-period Matching | |
multi-player games | |
Multi-Player Ultimatum Game | |
multi-product auction | |
multi-rationality | |
multi-regional migration | |
Multi-sender cheap talk | |
multi-sided assignment games | |
multi-stage game | |
Multi-Unit Auctions | |
Multi-winner Contest | |
Multicriteria game | |
multidimensional policies | |
multidimensional screening | |
Multilateral Bargaining | |
Multilateral enforcement | |
multilateral negotiations | |
multilinear extension | |
Multiobjective programming | |
Multipartner matching | |
Multiplayer Bargaining | |
multiple agents | |
Multiple Dimensions | |
Multiple Receivers | |
Multiple references | |
Multiple Senders | |
Multiple sources | |
multiple-choice test | |
Multiproduct Price Competition | |
Multitask | |
multi–leader–follower games | |
Mutation | |
Mutual Knowledge of Rationality | |
Myerson value | |
Myerson's optimal auction | |
N | |
n-player Cournot games | |
naivete | |
Nash and Coalitional Equilibria | |
Nash bargaining problem | |
Nash bargaining solution | |
Nash Demand Game | |
Nash dynamics | |
Nash equilibria | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Nash equilibrium computation | |
Nash equilibrium uniqueness | |
Nash implementation | |
Nash program | |
Nash solution | |
nearly pure Nash equilibrium | |
Negotiations | |
neologism proofness | |
network | |
Network centrality | |
network community structure | |
Network flexibility | |
Network flow | |
Network Formation | |
Network Formation Game | |
network game | |
network games | |
Network performance | |
Network Routing | |
Network-formation | |
Networks | |
Nice game | |
no commitment | |
No veto power | |
no-envy | |
no-regret learning | |
Noisy Communication | |
Non cooperative mechanisms | |
Non-benevolence | |
non-connected honesty standards | |
Non-convexity | |
Non-cooperative foundation | |
non-cooperative games | |
non-linear pricing | |
non-manipulability | |
non-monetary domain | |
Non-Monotone Learning | |
non-parametric test | |
non-quasi-linear preferences | |
non-wastefulness | |
noncooperative coalitional bargaining | |
Noncooperative game | |
Noncooperative Games | |
Nonlinear complementarity problem | |
nonmonotone comparative statics | |
Normal form games in Banach spaces | |
Normal-form information set | |
Normal-form invariance | |
NTU-bankruptcy game | |
NTU-bankruptcy problem | |
Nucleolus | |
Number of equilibria | |
O | |
Obfuscation | |
Object Allocation | |
Object Re-allocation | |
Observability | |
observable payoffs | |
observable restrictions | |
Observables | |
Observational learning | |
offers for incentive payments | |
oil market | |
Oligopoly | |
Oligopoly equilibrium | |
On-the-match search | |
online behavioral experiment | |
Online dating | |
Online social network | |
Opaque Goods | |
open loop | |
Open-loop equilibrium | |
opinion formation | |
optimal auction | |
optimal budget ratio | |
Optimal Contracts | |
Optimal Control | |
Optimal Demand | |
Optimal information disclosure | |
Optimal mechanism | |
Optimal Reward Schemes | |
Optimal Selling Strategies | |
optimal stopping | |
optimal taxation | |
optimization | |
Optimization heuristics | |
optional verification | |
order independence | |
Order preservation | |
Ordinal convexity | |
ordinal potential | |
Organizational Behavior | |
Organizations | |
Outcome mechanism | |
outside option | |
Overbidding | |
overcharging | |
overconfidence | |
Overlapping generations | |
Owen value | |
Owen-Shapley spatial power index | |
P | |
Pairwise Stable | |
pairwise unanimity | |
panopticon | |
paradox of choice | |
Pareto efficiency | |
Pareto equilibrium | |
Pareto Nash equilibrium strategy | |
Pareto optimal mechanism | |
Pareto optimality | |
Partial Commitment | |
partial equilibrium analysis | |
Partial honesty | |
partial inspection | |
Partial Strategyproofness | |
partial-honesty | |
partially informed consumers | |
partially verifiable messages | |
Participation constraints | |
partition function | |
partitions | |
Partnership Dissolution | |
Partnership Dissolving | |
Partnerships | |
passive beliefs | |
passivity | |
Patent | |
Patents | |
Path Selection | |
Paul Samuelson | |
Pay-as-bid auction | |
payoff information | |
Payoff monotonicity | |
payoff-dominant | |
payoff-irrelevant cue | |
peer prediction | |
Peer Referrals | |
peer review | |
perceived fairness | |
percentile queries | |
perception biases | |
Perfect Competition | |
Perfect Equilibrium | |
Perfect information games | |
perfect interim equilibria | |
personality | |
Personnel economics | |
persuasion game | |
persuasion games with binary actions | |
phase transitions | |
Piece-rates | |
pillage game | |
piracy | |
platforms | |
Plurality Rule | |
plurality voting | |
Poisson Bandits | |
Poisson games | |
poker | |
Political campaigns | |
Political Communication | |
political economy | |
Political institutions | |
political polarization | |
Polling | |
polling systems | |
pooling | |
Pooling equilibria | |
population game | |
Population growth | |
population processes | |
population-monotonicity | |
Portfolio management | |
Position value | |
Positive Feedback | |
Post-auction investment | |
Posted Price | |
posted prices | |
Posted Pricing | |
potential | |
Potential games | |
power | |
power contests | |
power index | |
power indices | |
Power of incentives | |
Power-sharing systems | |
pre-election polls | |
pre-play communication | |
prediction markets | |
predictive models | |
preemption | |
preference aggregation | |
Preference evolution with incomplete information | |
preference information | |
Preference type space | |
Preferences | |
Presidential Elections | |
Price caps | |
Price competition | |
Price Controls | |
Price Discrimination | |
Price Dispersion | |
price equilibrium | |
Price mechanism selection | |
Price of anarchy | |
Price of stability | |
pricing | |
Pride | |
Principal-Agent | |
principal-agent model | |
Principal-Agent models | |
Principle Agent | |
Principle of Minimum Differentiation | |
priority rules | |
prisoner dilemma | |
Prisoner's Dilemma | |
Privacy | |
Private Agenda | |
Private Information | |
Private monitoring | |
probabilistic assignment | |
Probabilistic Rule | |
Probabilistic Serial | |
probability weighting | |
Procurement | |
procurement auction | |
procurement auctions | |
Product Choice Game | |
Product Differentiation | |
Product innovation | |
Product market competition | |
production | |
Productive and destructive effort | |
Productivity | |
productivity dispersion | |
Profit-sharing | |
promises | |
Promotion | |
property rights | |
proportional bribe | |
Proportional Representation | |
Proportionality | |
Proposal Power | |
propositional calculus | |
Prospect theory | |
public and private information | |
Public bads | |
public economics | |
Public good | |
Public good externality | |
Public Goods | |
Public Information | |
public procurement | |
Public Resources | |
punctuated equilibrium | |
punishment and reward | |
Pure and mixed Nash equilibrium | |
pure equilibria | |
pure Nash equilibrium | |
pure strategy | |
Purifiability | |
Purification | |
Purification Theorem | |
Q | |
q-mechanisms | |
Quadratic programming | |
quality competition | |
quantal response | |
quantal response equilibrium | |
quantitative objectives | |
quantity competition | |
quantity externalities | |
Quantum algorithms | |
Quantum games | |
quantum theory | |
quasi-monotone functions | |
Quasi-Perfect Equilibrium | |
quasiconcave | |
quasiconcavity | |
Queues | |
queues: applications | |
R | |
R&D | |
R&D Networks | |
Random Auditing | |
Random Dictatorship | |
random matching | |
Random Network | |
random paths | |
random walks | |
Randomized Social Choice | |
Rank dependent utility | |
rank-respecting unavailable-type- invariance | |
Ranking methods | |
Rating Systems | |
rational attention | |
Rational inattention | |
Rational preferences | |
rational voting | |
rationality | |
rationality threshold | |
rationalizability | |
rationalizing | |
re-election hurdles | |
real authority | |
real options | |
Reallocation | |
Reasoning | |
Reasoning in Dynamic Games | |
reciprocity | |
recommended retail prices | |
recursive core | |
recursive games | |
Recursive methods | |
Recursive Optimization | |
recursive preferences | |
recursive utility | |
Redistribution | |
Redistributive politics | |
reference dependent preference | |
reference dependent preferences | |
reference points | |
Referenda | |
refinements of equilibrium | |
Regime Change | |
Regular equilibrium | |
Regulated competition | |
regulation | |
regulatory approval | |
regulatory commitment | |
reinforcement | |
Reinforcement learning | |
rejection-proof core | |
relational contracts | |
relative and team performance pay | |
relative contribution | |
relative responsibility | |
Renegotiation | |
rent-extraction | |
rent-seeking | |
rent-seeking contest | |
Repeated Game | |
repeated games | |
repeated games with incomplete information | |
repeated multi-coalitional games | |
Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma | |
Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma | |
Replicator Dynamic | |
Representation of preferences | |
Reputation | |
reputation concerns | |
Reputation Systems | |
Research Tournament | |
resource sharing | |
resource-monotonicity | |
Response times | |
responsibility | |
restless bandit | |
Restless bandits | |
Restricted cooperation | |
Restricted Domain | |
revealed preferences | |
Revenue | |
Revenue cap | |
Revenue Equivalence | |
revenue maximization | |
Reward Schemes | |
Ride Sharing | |
Riemannian geometry | |
Risk | |
risk attitudes | |
risk aversion | |
risk aversion and robustness | |
risk of breakdown | |
risk preferences | |
risk-dominant | |
robust control | |
robust implementation | |
robust mechanism design | |
Robust Social Influence | |
robustness | |
role-reversal | |
Role-switching | |
roommate problem | |
Roommates Problem | |
round-robin tournaments | |
routing | |
Rubinstein game | |
ruling coalition | |
rumours | |
S | |
saddle | |
salience | |
saliency | |
same-sex marriage | |
Sampling | |
Savage | |
scale-invariant | |
school assignment | |
School Choice | |
school choice problem | |
scoring rules | |
Screening | |
Search | |
Search frictions | |
search without priors | |
Second-Chance Offers | |
Second-degree price discrimination | |
second-mover advantage | |
Second-price auctions with interdependent values | |
secret and public reserve prices | |
secret handshake | |
Secret Sharing | |
Secure Communication | |
Segmentation | |
Segregation | |
selection of equilibria | |
self fulfilling expectations | |
self-categorization | |
self-control | |
Self-evidence | |
Self-selection | |
semi algebraic sets | |
Semilattice | |
sender-receiver game | |
sender-receiver games | |
Separable Preferences | |
separation | |
sequencing games | |
sequential | |
Sequential Auctions | |
sequential equilibria | |
sequential equilibrium | |
sequential rationality | |
Sequential screening | |
sequential search | |
sequential voting | |
Serial Dictatorship Mechanism | |
set theory | |
set–valued maps | |
Sexual Reproduction | |
Sexual vs. asexual reproduction | |
Shadow Banking | |
Shapley value | |
Share equilibrium | |
Shared effort games | |
Sharing Rule | |
Side information | |
Signaling | |
signalling | |
Silent timing game | |
simple game | |
simplicial polytope | |
Simulation | |
Simulation software | |
simultaneous ascending auctions | |
Simultaneous moves | |
Single-Crossing | |
Single-dipped preferences | |
Single-Peaked Domains | |
Single-peaked preferences | |
Skewness | |
slowly varying function | |
Small Bias | |
Smooth Path-Following Method | |
soccer (penalty shootout) | |
Social capital | |
Social Choice | |
Social choice correspondence | |
Social choice problems with reference points | |
social choice rule | |
Social comparison | |
social dilemma | |
social distance | |
social identity | |
Social interactions | |
Social Learning | |
Social mobility | |
social network | |
social network games | |
Social Networks | |
social norms | |
Social optimum | |
Social preferences | |
Social Status | |
Social Storage | |
Social Welfare | |
soft information | |
software | |
solutions of 2-player games | |
Sophisticated Voting | |
Sophistication | |
Sorting | |
sovereign crisis | |
spare parts pooling | |
spatial game | |
Spatial Learning | |
Spatial models | |
Spatial Voting | |
spectral analysis | |
spillovers between skilled and low skilled labor | |
Spite | |
split-award auctions | |
sponsored search | |
sports rules | |
spread | |
square root rules | |
stability | |
Stability of Cournot-Nash equilibrium | |
stable allocations | |
Stable equilibria | |
Stable marriage | |
Stable marriage problem | |
Stable matching | |
Stable Outcomes | |
Stable Set | |
stable sets | |
stable/contractive/negative definite games | |
stag hunt | |
standard for two-person | |
state capacity | |
stationary strategies | |
statistical equilibrium | |
Statistics | |
Status | |
status-quo bias | |
sticky prices | |
Stochastic and Dynamic Games | |
stochastic approximation | |
Stochastic contracts | |
Stochastic Control | |
Stochastic Dominance | |
stochastic evolutionary games | |
stochastic game | |
Stochastic games | |
stochastic shortest path problem | |
Stochastic stability | |
Stochastic timing games | |
strategic alliance | |
strategic ambiguity | |
strategic bargaining | |
Strategic Behavior | |
strategic communication | |
strategic complementarities | |
Strategic complementarity | |
Strategic Complements | |
Strategic Complements and Substitutes | |
Strategic Decision Making | |
Strategic Dependence | |
Strategic Equilibrium | |
Strategic Equivalence | |
Strategic Experimentation | |
Strategic information transmission | |
strategic learning | |
strategic manipulation | |
Strategic market games | |
strategic player | |
strategic reasoning | |
strategic straightforwardness | |
Strategic substitutes | |
strategic teaching | |
Strategic uncertainty | |
strategic voting | |
strategical advantage | |
Strategy evolution | |
strategy method | |
strategy proofness | |
strategy revision opportunities | |
Strategy space reduction | |
strategy-proofness | |
Strategyproofness | |
Strict strategy-proofness | |
strong belief in rationality | |
Strong Equilibrium | |
Strong Nash equilibrium | |
Strong substitutability | |
Structured stochastic games | |
stubborn agents | |
subgame perfect | |
Subgame perfect core | |
subgame perfect equilibrium | |
Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium | |
subgame perfect nash equilibrum | |
subgame prefect $\epsilon$-equilibria | |
Subgame-perfect equilibrium | |
subgame-perfection | |
subgame–perfect equilibrium | |
Subjective evaluation | |
subjective expected utility | |
subsolution | |
substitutes | |
succinct games | |
Supermodularity | |
Supervision | |
surplus division | |
surplus extraction | |
Swing Voter's Curse | |
switching control stochastic game | |
switching controller stochastic game | |
symmetric game | |
Symmetric games | |
synergies | |
Systemic Risk | |
T | |
tacit bargaining | |
take-it-or-leave-it offers | |
Talmud rule | |
target-based preferences | |
targeting | |
tau-value | |
Tauberian theorem | |
Teachers assignment | |
team experimentation | |
Teams | |
teamwork | |
technology transfer | |
tennis (tiebreaker) | |
terrorism studies | |
Test Manipulation | |
Testing | |
The minimal p-norm solution | |
the minimum price Walrasian rule | |
the two-system decision-making | |
Theory | |
thick priorities | |
threshold | |
threshold bank-run analysis | |
Tick Size Constraints | |
tie-breaking rules | |
Tiebout sorting | |
time consistency | |
time inconsistency | |
Time-consistency | |
time-inconsistent preferences | |
time-variability aversion | |
Timeability | |
Tinder | |
Top convexity | |
Top Trading Cycles | |
topological space | |
tops-only | |
Tournament | |
tournament design | |
Tournament game | |
Tournament games | |
tournament solutions | |
Tournaments | |
transferable utility | |
Transferrable Utility Games | |
Transformation | |
transparency | |
Treasury auctions | |
Trembling hand perfect equilibrium | |
trembling-hand mistakes | |
Trial-and-error | |
triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers | |
trigger games | |
Truncated Leximin solutions | |
Trust | |
trust game | |
Truthful Implementability | |
TU game | |
Tullock Contests | |
turnout paradox | |
Twin crises | |
Two-armed Bandit | |
two-armed exponential bandit | |
two-dimensional optimal stopping | |
Two-Part tariff | |
two-person zero-sum games | |
two-player games on graphs | |
Two-sided markets | |
Two-sided matching | |
Two-Sided Private Information | |
Two-stage voting | |
type-monomorphic | |
Type-symmetric randomized equilibria | |
U | |
ultimatum game | |
Unanimity | |
unanimity rule | |
Unawareness | |
Uncertain monitoring | |
uncertain needs | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncovered Set | |
unequal discount rates | |
Uniform Price Auction | |
Union utility | |
unipolarity | |
unit vector game | |
unit-demand preferences | |
universal type space | |
university | |
upgrades | |
upper semi-continuous functions | |
US Stock Exchange Competition | |
Utilitarian aggregation | |
utilitarianism | |
utility function | |
utility games | |
Utility Proportional Beliefs | |
Utility representation | |
Utility theory | |
Utility Transfer Analysis | |
V | |
Valence | |
value evolution | |
value of a game | |
Value of Public Information | |
VCG | |
VCG auction | |
VCG mechanism | |
vector field index | |
vector-utility | |
Venture Capital | |
verifiable evidence | |
Verifiable information | |
verifiable messages | |
verification and synthesis | |
verification control | |
verification-proofness | |
vertical linear complementarity problem | |
vertical product differentiation | |
VFJS Model | |
Vickrey auction | |
Vickrey outcome | |
Virtual utility | |
voluntary partnerships | |
vote buying | |
Vote trading | |
Voter turnout | |
voter's behavior | |
Voting | |
Voting by Committees | |
voting by veto | |
voting equilibrium | |
voting games | |
Voting Power | |
Voting systems | |
voucher | |
W | |
wage dispersion | |
Wald's MiniMax principle | |
Walras | |
War and Peace | |
War of Attrition | |
Wardrop equilibrium | |
weak monotonicity | |
weighted Shapley value | |
Welfare | |
welfare comparison | |
welfare costs of competition | |
well-being | |
Winner's Curse | |
Z | |
Zero-Determinant Strategies | |
zero-sum game | |
zero-sum games | |
Zerosum games |