Days: Wednesday, October 9th Thursday, October 10th Friday, October 11th
Wednesday, October 9th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:50-09:00 Opening FM 2019
Location: AWS
10:30-12:30 Session 2A: Verification
Location: AWS
10:30 | Provably Correct Floating-Point Implementation of a Point-in-Polygon Algorithm (abstract) |
11:00 | Formally Verified Roundoff Errors Using SMT-based Certificates and Subdivisions (abstract) |
11:30 | Mechanically Verifying the Fundamental Liveness Property of the Chord Protocol (abstract) |
12:00 | On the Nature of Symbolic Execution (abstract) |
10:30-12:30 Session 2B: Synthesis Techniques
Location: Arrabida
10:30 | GR(1)*: GR(1) Specifications Extended with Existential Guarantees (abstract) |
11:00 | Counterexample-Driven Synthesis for Probabilistic Program Sketches (abstract) |
11:30 | Synthesis of Railway Signaling Layout from Local Capacity Specifications (abstract) |
12:00 | Pegasus: A Framework for Sound Continuous Invariant Generation (abstract) |
14:00-15:00 Session 3: Lucas Award
Location: AWS
15:30-17:00 Session 4A: Concurrency
Location: Arrabida
15:30 | A Parametric Rely-Guarantee Reasoning Framework for Concurrent Reactive Systems (abstract) |
16:00 | Verifying Correctness of Persistent Concurrent Data Structures (abstract) |
16:30 | Compositional Verication of Concurrent Systems by Combining Bisimulations (abstract) |
15:30-16:00 Session 4B: Journal First Presentation 1
Location: AWS
15:30 | Alloy*: a general-purpose higher-order relational constraint solver (abstract) |
16:00-17:00 Session 5: Model Checking Circus
Location: AWS
16:00 | Towards a Model-Checker for Circus (abstract) |
16:30 | Circus2CSP: A Tool for Model-Checking Circus Using FDR (abstract) |
Thursday, October 10th
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09:00-10:00 Session 7: Keynote 2
Location: AWS
09:00 | Formal Methods for Security Functionality and for Secure Functionality (abstract) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8A: Model Checking
Location: AWS
10:30 | How Hard is Finding Shortest Counter-Example Lassos in Model Checking? (abstract) |
11:00 | From LTL to Unambiguous Büchi Automata via Disambiguation of Alternating Automata (abstract) |
11:30 | Generic Partition Refinement and Weighted Tree Automata (abstract) |
12:00 | Equilibria-Based Probabilistic Model Checking for Concurrent Stochastic Games (abstract) |
10:30-12:30 Session 8B: Analysis Techniques 1
Location: Arrabida
10:30 | Abstract Execution (abstract) |
11:00 | Static Analysis for Detecting High-Level Races in RTOS Kernels (abstract) |
11:30 | Parallel Composition and Modular Verification of Computer Controlled Systems in Differential Dynamic Logic (abstract) |
12:00 | An Axiomatic Approach to Liveness for Differential Equations (abstract) |
15:00-15:10 Introducing FM 2021
Location: AWS
Friday, October 11th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 Session 10: Keynote 3
Location: AWS
09:00 | Successes in Deployed Verified Software (and Insights on Key Social Factors) (abstract) |
10:30-12:30 Session 11A: Analysis Techniques 2
Location: AWS
10:30 | Local Consistency Check in Synchronous Dataflow Models (abstract) |
11:00 | Quantitative Verification of Numerical Stability for Kalman Filters (abstract) |
11:30 | Concolic Testing Heap-Manipulating Programs (abstract) |
12:00 | Gray-Box Monitoring of Hyperproperties (abstract) |
10:30-12:30 Session 11B: Specification Languages
Location: Arrabida
10:30 | Formal Semantics Extraction from Natural Language Specifications for ARM (abstract) |
11:00 | GOSPEL - Providing OCaml with a Formal Specification Language (abstract) |
11:30 | Unification in Matching Logic (abstract) |
12:00 | Embedding High-Level Formal Specifications into Applications (abstract) |
14:00-15:30 Session 12A: Reasoning Techniques
Location: Arrabida
14:00 | Value-Dependent Information-Flow Security on Weak Memory Models (abstract) |
14:30 | Reasoning Formally about Database Queries and Updates (abstract) |
15:00 | Abstraction and Subsumption in Modular Verification of C Programs (abstract) |
14:00-14:30 Session 12B: Journal First Presentation 2
Location: AWS
14:00 | Unifying separation logic and region logic to allow interoperability (abstract) |
14:30-15:30 Session 13: Modelling Languages
Location: AWS
14:30 | IELE: A Rigorously Designed Language and Tool Ecosystem for the Blockchain (abstract) |
15:00 | APML: An Architecture Proof Modelling Language (abstract) |
16:00-17:30 Session 14A: Learning-Based Techniques and Applications
Location: Arrabida
16:00 | Learning Deterministic Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (abstract) |
16:30 | L*-Based Learning of Markov Decision Processes (abstract) |
17:00 | Star-Based Reachability Analysis of Deep Neural Networks (abstract) |
16:00-16:30 Session 14B: Journal First Presentation 3
Location: AWS
16:00 | Conditions of contracts for separating responsibilities in heterogeneous systems (abstract) |
16:30-17:30 Session 15: Refactoring and Reprogramming
Location: AWS
16:30 | SOA and the Button Problem (abstract) |
17:00 | Controlling Large Boolean Networks with Temporary and Permanent Perturbations (abstract) |