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09:00-10:00 Session 5: Keynote
Location: Simula
AVACS: Automatic Verification and Analysis of Complex Systems Highlights and Lessons Learned
SPEAKER: Werner Damm
10:30-12:30 Session 6A: Case Studies: Verification in Practice
Location: Simula
Semantics-Preserving Simplification of Real-World Firewall Rule Sets

ABSTRACT. The security provided by a firewall for a computer network almost completely depends on the rules it enforces. For over a decade, it has been a well-known and unsolved problem that the quality of many firewall rule sets is insufficient. Therefore, there are many tools to analyze them. However, we found that none of the available tools could handle typical, real-world iptables rulesets. This is due to the complex chain model used by iptables, but also to the vast amount of possible match conditions that occur in real-world firewalls, many of which are not understood by academic and open source tools.

In this paper, we provide algorithms to transform firewall rulesets. We reduce the execution model to a simple list model and use ternary logic to abstract over all unknown match conditions. These transformations enable existing tools to understand real-world firewall rules, which we demonstrate on four decently-sized rulesets. Using the Isabelle theorem prover, we formally show that all our algorithms preserve the firewall's filtering behavior.

Automated Verification of RPC Stub Code
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Formal verification has been successfully applied to provide strong correctness guarantees of software systems, but its application to large code bases remains an open challenge. The technique of component-based software development, traditionally employed for engineering benefit, also aids reasoning about such systems. While there exist compositional verification techniques that leverage the separation implied by a component system architecture, they implicitly rely on the component platform correctly implementing the isolation and composition semantics they assume. Any property proven using these techniques is vulnerable to being invalidated by a bug in the code of the platform itself. In this paper, we show how this assumption can be eliminated by automatically generating machine-checked proofs of the correctness of a component platform’s generated Remote Procedure Call (RPC) code. We demonstrate how these generated proofs can be composed with hand-written proofs to yield a system-level property with equivalent assurance to an entirely hand-written proof. This technique forms the basis of a scalable approach to formal verification of large software systems.

Rigorous Estimation of Floating-Point Round-off Errors with Symbolic Taylor Expansions
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Rigorous estimation of maximum floating-point round-off errors is an important capability central to many formal verification tools. Unfortunately, available techniques for this task often provide overestimates. Also, there are no rigorous approaches for transcendental functions. We have developed a new approach called Symbolic Taylor Expansions that avoids this difficulty, and implemented a new tool called FPTaylor embodying this approach. Key to our approach is the use of rigorous global optimization, instead of the more familiar interval arithmetic, affine arithmetic, and/or SMT solvers. In addition to providing far tighter upper bounds of round-off error in a vast majority of cases, FPTaylor also emits analysis certificates in the form of HOL Light proofs. We release FPTaylor along with our benchmarks for evaluation.

A Fully Verified Container Library

ABSTRACT. The comprehensive functionality and nontrivial design of realistic general-purpose container libraries pose challenges to formal verification that go beyond those of individual benchmark problems mainly targeted by the state of the art. We present our experience verifying the full functional correctness of EiffelBase2: a container library offering all the features customary in modern language frameworks, such as external iterators, and hash tables with generic mutable keys and load balancing. Verification uses the automated deductive verifier AutoProof, which we extended as part of the present work. Our results indicate that verification of a realistic container library (135 public methods, 8,400 LOC) is possible with moderate annotation overhead (1.4 lines of specification per LOC) and good performance (0.2 seconds per method on average).

10:30-12:30 Session 6B: IDay Papers
Location: Smalltalk
Using Simulink Design Verifier for Automatic Generation of Requirements-based Tests
SPEAKER: Rodrigo Reis
Practices for Formal Models as Documents: Evolution of VDM Application to ``Mobile FeliCa" IC Chip Firmware
SPEAKER: unknown
Formalizing the Concept Phase of Product Development at Philips Healthcare
SPEAKER: unknown
Analyzing the Restart Behavior of Industrial Control Applications
SPEAKER: unknown
Software Development and Authentication for Arms Control Information Barriers
SPEAKER: Neil Evans
14:00-15:30 Session 7A: Memory Models
Location: Simula
Verifying Opacity of a Transactional Mutex Lock
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Software transactional memory (STM) provides programmers with a high-level programming abstraction for synchronization of parallel processes, allowing blocks of codes that execute in an interleaved manner to be treated as an atomic block. This atomicity property is captured by a correctness criterion called opacity. Opacity relates histories of a sequential atomic specification with that of STM implementations.

In this paper we prove opacity of a recently proposed STM implementation (a Transactional Mutex Lock) by Dalessandro et al. The proof is done within the interactive verifier KIV and proceeds via the construction of an intermediate level in between sequential specification and implementation, leveraging existing proof techniques for linearizability.

A framework for correctness criteria on weak memory models
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The implementation of weak (or relaxed) memory models is standard practice in modern multiprocessor hardware. For efficiency, these memory models allow operations to take effect in shared memory in a different order from that which they occur in a program. A number of correctness criteria have been proposed for concurrent objects operating on such memory models, each reflecting different constraints on the objects which can be proved correct. In this paper, we provide a framework in which correctness criteria are defined in terms of two components: the first defining the particular criterion (as it would be defined in the absence of a weak memory model), and the second defining the particular weak memory model. The framework facilitates the definition and comparison of correctness criteria, and encourages reuse of existing definitions. The latter enables properties of the criteria to be proved using existing proofs. We illustrate the framework via the definition of correctness criteria on the TSO (Total Store Order) weak memory model.

Property-Driven Fence Insertion using Reorder Bounded Model Checking
SPEAKER: Saurabh Joshi

ABSTRACT. Modern architectures provide weaker memory consistency guarantees than sequential consistency. These weaker guarantees allow programs to exhibit behaviours where the program statements appear to have executed out of program order. Fortunately, modern architectures provide memory barriers (fences) to enforce the program order between a pair of statements if needed. Due to the intricate semantics of weak memory models, the placement of fences is challenging even for experienced programmers. Too few fences lead to bugs whereas overuse of fences results in performance degradation. This motivates automated placement of fences. Tools that restore sequential consistency in the program may insert more fences than necessary for the program to be correct. Therefore, we propose a property-driven technique that introduces reorder-bounded exploration to identify the smallest number of program locations for fence placement. We implemented our technique on top of CBMC; however, in principle, our technique is generic enough to be used with any model checker. Our experimental results show that our technique is faster and solves more instances of relevant benchmarks as compared to earlier approaches.

14:00-15:30 Session 7B: IDay Papers
Location: Smalltalk
Autofunk: an inference-based formal model generation framework for production systems.
SPEAKER: unknown
Eliminating Static Analysis False Positives using Loop Abstraction and Bounded Model Checking
SPEAKER: unknown
Formal Virtual Modelling and Data Verification for Supervision Systems
Case Study: Static Security Analysis of the Android Goldfish Kernel
SPEAKER: unknown