Days: Wednesday, March 21st Thursday, March 22nd Friday, March 23rd
Wednesday, March 21st
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10:20-11:00 Session 3: Framework I
10:20 | Mixed-dimensional coupled finite elements in FEniCS ( abstract ) |
10:40 | XDMF and ParaView: checkpointing format ( abstract ) |
11:30-12:50 Session 4: Framework II
11:30 | Diderot: A Domain-Specific Language for Visualizing FEniCS Functions ( abstract ) |
11:50 | Developing a compiler to understand finite element data ( abstract ) |
12:10 | PyROL: a new optimization backend for dolfin-adjoint/pyadjoint ( abstract ) |
12:30 | A Julia wrapper for the FEniCS Finite Element Toolbox ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:00 Session 5: Discretizations I
14:00 | Obtaining full-order Galerkin accuracy when the boundary is polygonally approximated ( abstract ) |
14:20 | DGFEMs for nondivergence form equations on piecewise curved domains ( abstract ) |
14:40 | A Stokes-Biot stable H(div)-based mixed method for generalized poroelasticity ( abstract ) |
15:30-16:50 Session 6: Adjoints & PDE constrained optimization I
15:30 | A conservative particle-mesh projection using PDE-constraints ( abstract ) |
15:50 | Surface Elements for Smooth and Non-Smooth Inverse Problems ( abstract ) |
16:10 | Algorithmic differentiation for mixed FEniCS-Tensorflow models ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Simulating Brain Tumour Mass-Effect ( abstract ) |
17:00-17:40 Session 7: Multiple meshes
17:00 | Multimesh: Finite element methods on arbitrarily many intersecting meshes ( abstract ) |
17:20 | Cut finite elements methods for two-phase flows in FEniCS ( abstract ) |
19:00-22:00 Session : Conference Dinner
Oriel College, Champneys Room,
Oxford OX1 4EW
Thursday, March 22nd
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09:00-09:40 Session 8: Discretizations II
09:00 | $C^0$ IPDG Method for Fourth Order Total Variation Flow and Optimal Control Module for MOOC-HPFEM ( abstract ) |
09:20 | Towards a hybridized finite element dynamical core for numerical weather prediction ( abstract ) |
10:00-11:00 Session 9: Preconditioning
10:00 | Multigrid smoothers for problems with low quality meshes ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Parameter-robust discretization and preconditioning of multiple-network poroelasticity equations ( abstract ) |
10:40 | A Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for the Time-Harmonic curl-curl Maxwell's Equations using FEniCS ( abstract ) |
11:30-12:50 Session 10: Adjoints & PDE constrained optimization II
11:30 | FEniCS Based Optimization Tool for Non-Smooth Semilinear Elliptic PDE Constrained Optimization ( abstract ) |
11:50 | Topology Optimisation of Adsorbed Natural Gas Tanks using FEniCS and Dolfin-Adjoint ( abstract ) |
12:10 | Automated Mechanical Engineering Design using Open Source CAE Software Packages ( abstract ) |
12:30 | Design of bistable structures based on nonlinear buckling using the topology optimization method ( abstract ) |
14:00-15:00 Session 11: Applications I
14:00 | Automated high-performance CFD and multi-physics simulations with Unicorn/FEniCS ( abstract ) |
14:20 | Numerical Modelling of Compressible & Nonisothermal Viscoelastic flow ( abstract ) |
14:40 | A biphasic model for flow of viscoelastic fluids in porous media: theoretical formulation and implementation in Fenics ( abstract ) |
15:30-16:30 Session 12: Applications II
15:30 | Space-Time Variational Principle implemented in FEniCS for mechanical application ( abstract ) |
15:50 | Use of FEniCS for the 4D modeling of thermal processes ( abstract ) |
16:10 | Poroelasticity model with discrete fractures. ( abstract ) |
16:30-18:30 Session 13: Poster Session & Drinks Reception
16:30 | Towards Algorithmic Differentiation of shape optimization problems with time-dependent PDE-constraints ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Implementation of a stabilized finite element method for compressible flow computations on triangles ( abstract ) |
16:30 | An Application of FEniCS: Particle–Mesh Modelling of Instruments in Ionospheric Plasma ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Predicting Reynolds-dependent phenomena with Direct FEM in Unicorn/FEniCS ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Balanced norms and mesh generation for singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problems ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Effects of the electrode-electrolyte interface and dielectric tissue properties on cortical electrodes ( abstract ) |
16:30 | An XFEM Approach for Mesh Conforming Interface Conditions with FEniCS-HPC ( abstract ) |
16:30 | A posteriori error estimation using a Bank-Weiser type estimator ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Femtosecond drift-diffusion with FEniCS ( abstract ) |
16:30 | A mixed finite element single-phase flow and multicomponent transport model in porous media at laboratory scale in FEniCS ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Two-phase flow simulation through discrete-fractured porous media ( abstract ) |
16:30 | A domain-specific language for localized linear algebra on finite element tensors ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Towards numerical modelling of the role of glial cells in cerebral interstitial fluid movement ( abstract ) |
16:30 | \texttt{miXFEM} - an XFEM toolbox to tackle multiphysics problem with \texttt{FEniCS} ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Preconditioners for viscoelastic flows in FEniCS ( abstract ) |
16:30 | A multiscale finite element framework for parabolic equations ( abstract ) |
Friday, March 23rd
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09:40-11:00 Session 14: Applications III
09:40 | MOOC-HPFEM: Teaching High performance FEM with Unicorn/FEniCS to 5000+ students ( abstract ) |
10:00 | Phaseflow: FEniCS applied to the monolithic simulation of convection-coupled phase-change ( abstract ) |
10:20 | Multi-Scale Modeling of Plasticity: a Coupling between Dislocation Dynamics and FEniCS ( abstract ) |
10:40 | A two-phase flow and transport model in porous media for simulating laboratory tests implemented in FEniCS ( abstract ) |
14:00-14:40 Session 16: Framework III
14:00 | Complex-valued PDE support in UFL and Firedrake ( abstract ) |
14:20 | Automated cross element vectorization in Firedrake ( abstract ) |