This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
adaptivity | |
advection-diffusion equation | |
algorithmic differentation | |
Anisotropic mesh adaptation | |
Array optimisation | |
Arrhythmia | |
automated computing | |
automatic code generation | |
B | |
Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints | |
Baroclinic flow | |
Bayesian | |
Bayesian inverse problems | |
beams | |
BEM++ | |
Benney-Luke equations | |
blood flow | |
Blood flow simulation | |
Blood Volume | |
boundary elements | |
C | |
cardiac mechanics | |
CO2 Sequestration | |
Coastal ocean | |
code generation | |
Compatible finite elements | |
Compressible flow | |
contact problems | |
Continuous Galerkin FEM | |
crystal plastcity | |
D | |
data assimilation | |
Diderot | |
diffuse interface models | |
discontinuous Galerkin | |
discontinuous Galerkin finite element method | |
Discrete de Rham complex | |
Docker | |
dolfin | |
dolfin-adjoint | |
Domain Decomposition | |
domain specific language | |
domain-specific language | |
E | |
eigenvalue | |
Einstein-Vlasov | |
elasticity | |
elliptic equation | |
Entropy viscosity | |
error estimation | |
error indicator | |
Estuarine circulation | |
F | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
Feedback | |
FEM | |
FEM-BEM coupling | |
FEM/BEM coupling | |
FEniCS | |
FEniCS Project | |
FETI methods | |
fieldsplit | |
filtering | |
finite element | |
finite element assembly | |
finite element method | |
finite elements | |
Firedrake | |
float glass process | |
fluid dynamics | |
fluid-structure interaction | |
flux reconstruction | |
Fredkin-Koehler method | |
FSI | |
functional programming | |
G | |
generalised stability problems | |
Goal oriented adaptivity | |
Gradient-based optimisation | |
H | |
Haskell | |
HDF5 | |
Heart Electrophysiology | |
Heart model | |
Heart Rate Variability | |
Hele-Shaw | |
hemodynamics | |
High order | |
High Performance Computing | |
Holzapfel-Ogden model | |
HPC | |
hyperbolic equations | |
hyperelasticity | |
I | |
image analysis | |
Implicit LES | |
Index Notation | |
Indicator Dilution Techniques | |
Interface problem | |
interpolation operator | |
inverse problems | |
isoparametric elements | |
L | |
Lagrange multipliers | |
Level Set | |
level set method | |
Linear Molecules | |
Linux containers | |
locking | |
M | |
magnetism | |
magnum.fe | |
manifold | |
marine renewable energy | |
mass correction | |
mathematical software | |
maximum aposteriori point | |
Maxwell equations | |
Mesh | |
Mesh adaptivity | |
mesh movement | |
Mesh-independent optimisation | |
micromagnetics | |
micropillar compression | |
minimum residual method | |
MITC | |
Mixed finite element | |
model parameters | |
Monodomain Model | |
moving boundary | |
Multi-Physics | |
Multigrid | |
Multiple Domains | |
N | |
Navier-Stokes | |
nedelec | |
Nitsche's method | |
non-destructive testing | |
nonlinear PDEs | |
Nonlinear water waves | |
Numerical weather prediction | |
O | |
Ocean modeling | |
open-boundary problem | |
Orbitals | |
P | |
parallel algorithm | |
parameter identification | |
partitioning | |
PDE constrained optimization | |
PDE-constrained optimisation | |
PermonFLLOP | |
PermonQP | |
PETSc | |
plates | |
poroelasticity | |
Porous media | |
Potential flow shallow water equations | |
preconditioning | |
Python | |
Q | |
quadrilateral mesh | |
R | |
refinement | |
reinitialization | |
renumbering | |
Reservoir simulation | |
Riesz's representation | |
S | |
scaling | |
Sensitivity analysis | |
Shallow water equations | |
shells | |
SOLD | |
Soliton splash | |
stabilized methods | |
Stokes problem | |
Streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin | |
Structural optimization | |
superconvergence | |
SUPG | |
symbolic manipulation | |
T | |
theory of mixtures | |
Thermo-hydro-mechanics | |
Tidal power | |
Tidal turbine farm layout | |
Timespace methods | |
toolbox | |
topology | |
turbine farm optimisation | |
Turbine parametrisation | |
Turbulence | |
U | |
UFL | |
uflacs | |
unbounded | |
uncertainty quantification | |
Unfitted FEM | |
Unicorn | |
V | |
Variable density flow | |
variational inequalities | |
Variational methods | |
variational problem | |
visualization | |
W | |
water waves | |
Wave maker | |
wave propagation problems | |
X | |
XDMF | |