This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Accident Severity | |
adaptation | |
Adolescence | |
Adolescent | |
adolescent health | |
adolescents | |
Adolescents’ alcohol use prevention | |
advancing prevention science | |
Adverse effect | |
Advocacy | |
Afgahnistan | |
Afghanistan | |
aggression | |
Aggressive behaviour | |
Alcohol | |
alcohol and drugs | |
alcohol concentration | |
alcohol consumption | |
alcohol prevention | |
alcohol problems prevention | |
Alcohol Use | |
alcohol use prevention | |
Arab Youth Resiliency | |
Assessment Quality Criteria Checklist | |
Assimilation | |
Asylum Seekers | |
at-risk youth | |
attachment theory | |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | |
attitudes toward consumption | |
B | |
basic psychological needs | |
Behavioral and educational theories | |
Behavioral Influence | |
benefits of prevention | |
Bioethics | |
Body Mass Index | |
Brain | |
Branded program | |
Brazilian Northeast | |
brief counseling letter intervention | |
bullying | |
C | |
Calories | |
Cancer primary prevention | |
Cannabis | |
cannabis consumption | |
Care in the Community | |
Child | |
Child behaviour | |
Child Prevention | |
Child welfare | |
Children | |
Children in need | |
client satisfaction | |
Cluster randomised controlled trial | |
cluster randomized controlled trial | |
Co-production | |
Coaches | |
Cognition | |
Collective action | |
Collective Impact | |
Communities that Care | |
community coalitions | |
Community-based intervention | |
computer-based intervention | |
consent | |
content analysis | |
Contributions in kind | |
control causality orientation | |
Cooperation | |
Coproduction | |
costs | |
crime | |
Crime Prevention | |
Criminal Justice System | |
Cross-governmental collaboration | |
Cross-Sectional Analysis | |
Cultural Adaptation | |
Cultural Adaption | |
D | |
Dark logic | |
data mining | |
dating violence | |
decision making | |
decision-makers | |
Decline | |
Degree analysis | |
delivery | |
Depression | |
depression prevention | |
Design Thinking | |
development | |
Diabetes | |
Diet | |
Difusion | |
disability | |
Dissemination | |
divorce | |
Doctoral thesis research design | |
Doping | |
drug | |
drug addiction prevention | |
Drug Consumption Rooms | |
drug education | |
Drug Policy | |
Drug Prevention | |
drug use | |
Drug use misconceptions | |
drug use prevention | |
Drug-related crime | |
Drug-related nuisance | |
Drugs | |
Drugs prevention | |
drunkenness | |
E | |
e-cigarette | |
e-cigarettes | |
E-health | |
E-Mental-Health | |
Early childhood interventions networks | |
Early intervention | |
Eating Disorders | |
ecological perspective | |
economics | |
education | |
education system | |
Educational - didactical principles | |
Effective messaging | |
effective prevention | |
effectiveness | |
Effekt programme | |
efficacy | |
efficiency | |
Empirical validity | |
empowerment | |
Engagement | |
England | |
enhancing quality and dissemination | |
environmental prevention | |
Envisioning a Prevention Infrastructure | |
European Drug Prevention Quality Standards (EDPQS) | |
European project | |
Evaluation | |
evaluation method | |
Evidence | |
evidence base | |
evidence based | |
Evidence-based health promotion programs | |
Evidence-based intervention | |
Evidence-Based Interventions | |
Evidence-Based Practice | |
evidence-based program | |
F | |
Facilitator’s characteristics | |
Families | |
Families at risk | |
Family | |
family intervention outcomes | |
family prevention | |
Family Program | |
Family relationships | |
family research | |
family resilience | |
Family services | |
Family Skills | |
family skills training | |
Family-based Interventions | |
feasibility study | |
fidelity | |
Financial innovation | |
first-year college | |
Focus group findings | |
focus groups | |
Food | |
formative evaluation | |
foster care | |
G | |
gambling | |
gaming | |
gaps | |
Gender and health | |
Gender identity | |
Gender Outcomes | |
general population youth | |
global prevention | |
Group model building | |
H | |
Harm Reduction | |
Health and Wellbeing | |
health care quality | |
Health Condition | |
Health inequality | |
health policies | |
Health promotion | |
Health psychology | |
Health systems | |
high quality drug prevention | |
High quality Practice | |
High-risk youth | |
HIV | |
Home-Learning Environment | |
Homeless people | |
Homelessness | |
hospital | |
Housing | |
I | |
I-Change Model | |
illegal drugs | |
illicit drug use | |
implementation | |
Implementation barriers | |
Implementation intentions | |
Implementation Practice | |
Implementation Science | |
Implementation Specialist | |
Indicated prevention | |
Influencing policy | |
Information Technology | |
Inter-Agency | |
International Standards on Drug Use Prevention | |
intersectoriality | |
intervention | |
intervention development | |
intervention effectiveness | |
Intervention in context | |
Intervention program | |
Intervention protocol | |
J | |
Juvenile corrective institutions | |
L | |
Language Development | |
Leisure Sports | |
level | |
Licensed premises | |
Life Skills | |
life-style | |
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence | |
local | |
logic model | |
logic models | |
lotteries | |
M | |
Meaning in life | |
media | |
Media Campaigns | |
mediators | |
Mental health | |
mentalization-focused group intervention | |
meta-analysis | |
methodology | |
methods for implementation research | |
Mexican adolescents | |
Migrant health | |
Migrants | |
mindfulness | |
Missing preventive infrastructure | |
Mobile health | |
municipalities | |
music | |
Mutual aid | |
N | |
national | |
National lessons | |
nightclubs | |
Nightlife | |
Normative beliefs | |
Northern Ireland | |
nPrevention | |
Nurturing Schools | |
O | |
opioid substitution treatment | |
P | |
Parent-Child Interaction | |
parental drug abuse | |
parental education | |
parental substance use | |
Parenting | |
Parenting programmes | |
Parenting skills | |
parents | |
Parents’ attitudes | |
participatory development | |
participatory reserach | |
Pay for Success | |
peer-led intervention | |
peers | |
physical activity | |
pilot randomized controlled trial | |
policies | |
Policy guide | |
Policy Innovation | |
policy making | |
population time-trends | |
Positive behaviour strategies | |
Positive Outcomes | |
Positive parenting | |
practice based research | |
prevent the abuse of psychoactive substances children and adolescents | |
Prevention | |
Prevention Acknowledgement | |
Prevention education and training | |
prevention of behavioral health disorders | |
prevention programs | |
prevention science | |
prevention systems | |
Prevention workforce | |
preventive activities | |
Primary Prevention | |
problem behavior | |
Process Evaluation | |
Professional Development | |
program design | |
program evaluation | |
program providers | |
Program Scale Up | |
programe theory | |
programme registries | |
programs | |
Protective and Risk Factors | |
protective factors | |
Psychiatric Nursing | |
psychoactive medication | |
psychosocial determinants | |
Psychosocial Rehabilitation | |
Public health | |
public health savings | |
public impact | |
Q | |
Quali-Quantitative analysis | |
qualitative | |
qualitative comparative analysis | |
Qualitative content analysis | |
Qualitative Evaluation | |
Qualitative Methodology | |
quality | |
Quality standards | |
Quaternary Prevention | |
R | |
random-effects modelling | |
Randomised Controlled Trial | |
Rapid cycle Innovation | |
RCT | |
RE-AIM framework | |
Reach strategies | |
Realist evaluation | |
Reasoning | |
Refugee | |
Refugees | |
regional | |
research | |
research ethics | |
Research plateform | |
Resilience | |
responsible gambling training | |
risk behavior | |
risk factors | |
Risk pattern | |
risk reduction | |
S | |
safeguarding | |
Safety Engineers | |
Safety Training | |
savings | |
School | |
school context | |
school substance misuse policy | |
School support staff | |
School-Age Children | |
school-based prevention | |
schools | |
schools of general education | |
Secondary economies | |
secondary school | |
sedentary behaviour | |
Service design | |
Sexual and reproductive health and rights | |
sexual health | |
Sexual risk behavior | |
sexual violence | |
sexually transmitted diseases | |
SFP | |
SFP and Ireland | |
shelters | |
Short-Term Psychotherapy | |
smoking | |
social context | |
Social crime prevention | |
Social Impact Bonds | |
Social Innovation Organisations | |
Social Innovations | |
social markers | |
Social Network Sites | |
Social Norms | |
social problems | |
social representations | |
social Skills | |
social support | |
Social-Validity | |
Socio Emotional Learning | |
sociodemography | |
socioeconomic determinants | |
Solution Focused Approach | |
Spain | |
special needs | |
Sports | |
staff training | |
Stakeholder perspectives | |
standards of evidence | |
standards of prevention | |
statistical techniques | |
STI | |
strengthening of family | |
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | |
students | |
Substance | |
substance abuse | |
Substance Abuse Prevention | |
Substance Misuse | |
substance use | |
substance use prevention | |
Substance Use Risk Profile Scale | |
Supplement | |
Supplements | |
survey research | |
Swiss Model for Outcome Classification | |
System dynamics modelling | |
System reform | |
systematic review | |
T | |
teacher professional development | |
teacher training | |
telemedicine | |
theory based program | |
three-yearly survey | |
tobacco | |
traditional gender roles | |
Training conditions | |
Training design | |
Training needs | |
Training target group: policy - decission - opinion makers | |
transferability | |
translation | |
Trauma | |
treatment and prevention interventions | |
Trial | |
U | |
Unintended consequences | |
Universal | |
Universal prevention | |
Universal Prevention Curriculum | |
Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) | |
Unplugged | |
UPC-Adapt | |
V | |
violence | |
Violence Prevention | |
vulnerability | |
Vulnerable groups | |
W | |
Warsaw | |
Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales | |
Web-based | |
Web-based training | |
What works | |
whole school approach | |
workplaces | |
Y | |
young adults | |
Young people | |
youth | |
Youth at-risk | |
Youths |