This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- EEG | |
- training | |
- Visual expertise | |
2 | |
2-D Phase | |
2AFC disparity discrimination task | |
3 | |
3-D object perception | |
3-D perception | |
3-D Perception from motion | |
3D | |
3D display | |
3D image | |
3D mental rotation | |
3d perception | |
3D plastic surfaces | |
3D shape | |
3D shape from shading | |
3D Space | |
3D surface | |
3D surface texture | |
3D vision | |
A | |
abstract patterns | |
Acceleration | |
accentuation | |
accommodation | |
accuracy | |
Achromatic | |
acousto-optic modulation | |
action | |
Action anticipation | |
Action capacity | |
Action Induced Blindness | |
action observation network | |
action perception | |
Action recognition | |
action understanding | |
action video game | |
action-effect | |
Active learning | |
active observers | |
Active Touch | |
actual body transfer | |
Acuity | |
Adaptation | |
Adaptive optics | |
ADHD | |
adult attachment dimensions | |
Aesthetic Aha | |
aesthetic evaluations | |
aesthetic experience | |
aesthetic measure | |
Aesthetic pleasure | |
aesthetic preference | |
Aesthetic primitve | |
aesthetics | |
Affect | |
affect grid | |
Affective Perception | |
Affective startle | |
affine transformation | |
Affordances | |
After-effect | |
aftereffect | |
Aftereffects | |
age | |
age estimation | |
age perception | |
age-related macular degeneration | |
age-related maculopathy | |
Ageing | |
agency | |
Agent | |
Aging | |
albedo | |
alertness | |
Alienation | |
Alpha | |
alpha frequency | |
Ambient lighting | |
Ambiguity | |
Ambiguous Figures | |
amblyopia | |
amodal completion | |
amplitude spectrum | |
an occluded moving object | |
analytic processing | |
anger | |
anger superiority effect | |
Animacy | |
Animal model | |
Animation | |
anisotropy | |
Anomaloscope | |
Anomalous motion in still figures | |
anterior temporal lobe | |
anxiety | |
apparent motion | |
Apparent speed | |
appearance | |
Applied vision | |
arc | |
architecture | |
arousal | |
arrows | |
Art | |
art perception | |
artificial scotoma | |
ASD | |
aspect ratio | |
assimilation | |
associative priming | |
Attachment | |
attention | |
Attention Blink Task | |
attention capture | |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | |
attention selection | |
Attentional allocation | |
attentional and oculomotor capture | |
attentional bias | |
Attentional Blink | |
attentional capture | |
attentional control | |
attentional inhibition | |
attentional load | |
attentional orienting | |
attentional resources | |
attentional scope | |
Attentional Selection | |
attentional state | |
attentional templates | |
attentional zooming | |
attitude | |
attractiveness | |
Attribution | |
audio | |
audio-spatial perception/cognition | |
audio-visual | |
audio-visual integration | |
audio-visual synchrony | |
Audiovisual | |
Audiovisual Integration | |
audition | |
Auditory | |
Auditory Gestalt perception | |
auditory rhythms | |
auditory working memory | |
Augmented Reality | |
Autism | |
autism spectrum conditions | |
Autism spectrum disorder | |
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | |
Autism spectrum disorders | |
autistic traits | |
Autistic-like traits | |
autoencoder | |
automatic imitation | |
avatars | |
Average | |
average faces | |
Averaging | |
Avoidance | |
avoiding glare | |
awareness | |
B | |
backward masking | |
Backwards Priming | |
balance | |
ball catching | |
Basic level | |
Bayes' theorem | |
Bayesian approaches | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian model | |
Bayesian modelling | |
Bayesian models | |
beauty | |
behavioral oscillations | |
Behaviour | |
Beta | |
Bi-stable perception | |
bias | |
bilateral symmetry detection | |
Bilingualism | |
bimodal representation | |
Binary noise | |
Binding | |
binocular | |
Binocular combination | |
Binocular disparity | |
Binocular Energy Model | |
binocular integration | |
binocular Kanizsa effect | |
binocular luster | |
binocular rivalry | |
Binocular Saliency | |
binocular stereopsis | |
binocular vision | |
Biofeedback | |
Biological motion | |
Bishop Berkeley | |
bistable perception | |
blind-drawing | |
Blindness | |
blindsight | |
blink rate | |
blue&black dress | |
Blur | |
Blur adaptation | |
Blur perception | |
Blur sensitivity | |
BMI | |
bodily self-consciousness | |
body | |
body compatibility | |
Body Image | |
Body Ownership | |
Body-expressions | |
Body-selective brain regions | |
Border ownership | |
Bottom-up processes | |
Bouma's law | |
boundary extension | |
Braille writing | |
Brain | |
Brain asymmetry | |
Brain correlate | |
brain imaging | |
brain lesion | |
brain oscillation | |
Brain plasticity | |
Brain stimulation | |
Brain-computer interface (BCI) | |
Brain-machine interface (BMI) | |
brightness | |
Brightness Contrast | |
Brightness illusion | |
Brightness Judgment | |
bubles method | |
C | |
calibration | |
Calligraphy Arts | |
Callosal Hypothesis | |
Camouflage | |
capacity | |
Car front images | |
carry-over effect | |
cataracts | |
Categorical perception | |
Categories | |
Categorisation | |
Categorization | |
Category | |
Central tendency | |
central vision | |
central vision loss | |
centre of mass | |
Cerebellum | |
Cerebral Visual Impairment | |
change blindness | |
Change detection | |
character size | |
character spacing | |
child | |
Childhood | |
children | |
Chimpanzees | |
Chinese words | |
Choice | |
Chromatic | |
Chromatic Detection | |
Chromatic sinusoidal gratings | |
circle size | |
clarity | |
classical conditioning | |
classification | |
classification image | |
classification images | |
Clinical | |
clinical applications | |
Clinical psychophysics | |
Clinical Tests | |
clinical vision | |
Clothing | |
clustering | |
CNV | |
cocktail party effect | |
coding | |
Cognition | |
cognitive ageing | |
Cognitive control | |
Cognitive ethology | |
Cognitive flexibility | |
cognitive load | |
cognitive performance | |
cognitive psychology | |
cognitive strategies | |
cognitive style | |
cognitive tasks | |
coherence | |
Coherency | |
colinear facilitation | |
Collective Intelligence | |
collinear facilitation | |
Collinear grouping | |
Collinearity | |
color | |
Color & brightness induction | |
color adaptation | |
color appearance | |
color assimilation | |
color cast | |
color completion | |
color constancy | |
Color contrast | |
Color management system | |
Color matching | |
Color perception | |
color scaling method | |
Color similarity | |
Color vision | |
Color Vision Deficiency Test | |
color-dependent | |
Colour | |
Colour and shape | |
Colour appearance | |
Colour blindness | |
Colour categories | |
Colour cognition | |
Colour constancy | |
colour discrimination | |
colour matching | |
colour matching function | |
Colour naming | |
colour perception | |
Colour rendering | |
Colour segmentation | |
Colour tests | |
Colour vision | |
Colour vision deficiencies | |
colour-word associations | |
Coloured illumination | |
Coloured lighting | |
Columbia card task | |
Comfort | |
Common Coding | |
Common magnitude system | |
communication disorder | |
Comorbidity | |
Comparative psychology | |
Comparative Vision | |
compatibility | |
compatibility effects | |
Competition | |
complexion | |
complexity | |
compulsory averaging | |
computational measures | |
Computational model | |
computational modeling | |
computational modelling | |
Computational vision | |
computer graphics | |
computer vision | |
computing | |
concavity | |
conceptual knowledge | |
cone | |
cone-opponency | |
cone-opponent | |
Confidence | |
confidence rating | |
configural processing | |
Configurational face information | |
Conflict | |
congruence effect | |
conjunction search | |
conjunctions | |
Connectivity | |
Conscious awareness | |
consciousness | |
constancy | |
constraints | |
construct validity | |
contemporary art | |
context | |
context effect | |
context effects | |
contextual cueing | |
Contextual cuing | |
contextual integration | |
Contextual Modulation | |
Contingent Negative Variation | |
continuous flash suppression | |
Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS) | |
contour | |
contour categorization | |
contour grouping | |
contour integration | |
contour interpolation | |
contours bridging gaps | |
contrast | |
contrast detection | |
contrast discrimination | |
contrast dissimilarity | |
contrast filling-in | |
contrast gain control | |
contrast perception | |
contrast polarity | |
contrast sensitivity | |
contrast threshold | |
Contrast-modulation | |
Conversation | |
convexity | |
COP | |
correlated color temperature | |
cortical distortions | |
cortical feedback | |
cortical hypoerexcitability | |
Cortical inhibition | |
cortical magnification | |
cortical plasticity | |
cortical ventral stream | |
Covert attention | |
creativity | |
cricket | |
cross maze | |
cross-cultural | |
cross-modal | |
Cross-modal facilitation | |
cross-modal interaction | |
Cross-orientational inhibition | |
cross-recurrence | |
crossing hemifield | |
Crossmodal | |
Crossmodal correspondences | |
Crossmodal development | |
crossmodal plasticity | |
crowding | |
cue combination | |
cue integration | |
Cue reliance | |
Cue-combination | |
cueing | |
Curvature | |
curvature extrema | |
curvature judgement | |
curvature/angularity | |
cutaneous sensation | |
cutaneous vection | |
D | |
dance expertise | |
Data annotation | |
Data mining | |
daylight | |
daylight locus | |
Dazzle | |
DCR | |
dead zone of attention | |
Deaf | |
deafferentation | |
death-thought-accessibility | |
Decision making | |
decision-making | |
Decisions | |
decoding | |
decoding EEG | |
delay | |
depiction | |
Depth | |
depth constancy | |
depth cue combination | |
depth cues | |
Depth Fused 3D | |
depth information | |
Depth Magnitude | |
depth perception | |
depth-from-motion | |
depth-inversion illusions | |
development | |
Developmental | |
Developmental approach | |
Developmental prosopagnosia | |
developmental trajectory | |
DFD | |
diabetic retinopathy | |
diagonal axis | |
dichoptic | |
dichoptic color mixing | |
dichoptic masking | |
dichoptic presentation | |
dichoptic stimulus | |
dichromacy | |
diffusion tensor imaging | |
diffusion-model | |
diffusion-weighted MRI | |
digital imaging | |
Direct perception model | |
direction change | |
direction of retinal photoreceptor cells | |
directional asymmetry | |
discontinuous motion | |
Discrete patterns | |
discrimination | |
discrimination task | |
disengagement | |
Disparities | |
Disparity | |
disparity discrimination | |
Disparity vergence | |
display contrast | |
dissimilarity | |
Dissociation | |
Distance Estimation | |
distance judgments | |
distance perception | |
distractor | |
Distractor devaluation | |
distractor effect | |
distractor effects | |
distractor processing | |
Distributed cognition | |
Distributed Representation | |
divided attention | |
Domestic chick | |
Domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) | |
Dorsal & Ventral Pathways | |
dorsal processing stream | |
dorsal stream | |
Dorsal stream vulnerability | |
dorsal streams of visual processing | |
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex | |
dot-probe task | |
drawing | |
Dress | |
drift illusions | |
Driving simulation | |
dual focus contact lenses | |
dual pulse | |
Dual-task | |
DWI | |
Dynamic Causal Modeling | |
dynamic facial expression | |
dynamic identity location binding | |
dynamic range | |
dynamic signals | |
Dynamic visual behaviour | |
dynamics | |
Dyslexia | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
early blind vs sighted | |
early face processing | |
early visual cortex | |
Early visual processing | |
Early-onset cannabis use | |
East/West comparisons | |
Easy-on-the-mind | |
Ebbinghaus | |
Ebinghaus illusion | |
Eccentricity | |
Ecological psychology | |
Ecological Validity | |
EDA | |
edge detection | |
Edge Filtering | |
edge integration | |
EEG | |
EEG μ rhythm | |
effect of color | |
Efficiency | |
efficient coding | |
ego-motion | |
Electroencephalogram | |
electroencephalography | |
electroencephalography (EEG) | |
Electrophysiological Correlates | |
electrophysiological neural correlate | |
electrophysiology | |
elite | |
Embedded Figures Test | |
Embodiment | |
emergence | |
Emotiion perception | |
emotion | |
Emotion attribution | |
Emotion Induced Blindness | |
emotion perception | |
emotion recognition | |
Emotion Words | |
emotional expression | |
Emotional faces | |
Emotional facial expression | |
emotional valence of words | |
emotions | |
Empathy | |
empirical aesthetics | |
Empirical Horopter | |
encoding advantage | |
endogenous attention | |
ensemble coding | |
ensemble perception | |
Ensemble representation | |
ensemble statistics | |
Entrainment | |
entropy | |
environmental factors | |
EOG | |
Epilepsy | |
Epilepsy surgery | |
episodic representations | |
equivalent noise | |
ERP | |
ERPs | |
error | |
Error distribution | |
Error monitoring | |
Error prediction | |
ethology | |
event history analysis | |
Event related potentials | |
event-related brain potentials | |
event-related potential | |
event-related potential (ERP) | |
event-related potentials | |
Evoked Potentials | |
Evolution | |
executive functions | |
exercise | |
exogenous | |
Exogenous attention | |
Exogenous Spatial Attention | |
Experience | |
Experimental Aesthetics | |
experimental phenomenology | |
Expertise | |
Express saccade makers | |
express saccades | |
expression | |
Expression Categorisation | |
extra-retinal signals | |
Extrafoveal vision | |
extrapolation | |
Extrastriate visual cortex | |
Eye | |
Eye diseases | |
eye gaze | |
eye movement | |
eye movement features | |
Eye Movement Strategies | |
eye movements | |
Eye movements model | |
eye tracking | |
Eye-gaze | |
eye-movement measures | |
eye-movements | |
Eye-of-origin | |
Eye-tracker | |
eye-tracking | |
Eye-witness | |
eyetracking | |
F | |
face | |
face adaptation | |
face attractiveness | |
face detection | |
face distortion aftereffects | |
face identification | |
face learning | |
face perception | |
Face perception and recognition | |
face processing | |
Face recognition | |
face symmetry | |
face viewpoint | |
face-specific processing | |
face-to-trait inference | |
faces | |
faces recognition | |
facial age perception | |
facial attractiveness | |
facial expression | |
Facial expression categorization | |
Facial expressions | |
Facial expressions of emotion | |
Facial gender | |
facial movement | |
facial properties | |
facial prototypes | |
facial representations | |
facial skin | |
facilitation | |
Falls | |
false positives | |
familiar faces | |
Familiar Size | |
familiarity | |
Familiarity and Identification | |
fascination | |
fashion | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
fast periodic visual stimulation | |
fatigue | |
fatmass | |
FAÇADE theory | |
feature binding | |
feature extraction | |
feature map | |
Feature-based attention | |
fiber tracking | |
Fidelity | |
Field of view | |
field-dependence | |
field-independence | |
figural aftereffects | |
figure-ground | |
Figure-ground organization | |
figure-ground segregation | |
filled duration illusion | |
filter hypothesis | |
filtering | |
fingertip force control | |
First-order | |
fixation cluster | |
fixation eye movements | |
fixational stability | |
flanker paradigm | |
flanker task | |
Flicker | |
Flicker perception | |
Flow parsing | |
fluency | |
Fluency amplification model | |
fluids | |
fMRI | |
fMRI-guided TMS | |
Focus | |
Foraging | |
forced choice | |
Form perception | |
forward masking | |
foveal | |
Foveal vs. Peripheral Visual Cortex | |
fractal model | |
fractals | |
fragmented figures | |
Frame Effect | |
Framework for perception | |
Fraser Wilcox | |
Fraser-Wilcox | |
free viewing | |
frequency tagging | |
frequency-tagging | |
Frontal | |
functional connectivity | |
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging | |
Functional MRI | |
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy | |
functional treatment | |
fusion | |
G | |
GABA | |
Gabor detection | |
Gabor patch | |
Gain Control | |
Gamma | |
Gamma oscillations | |
gaze | |
Gaze cue | |
gaze interactions | |
gaze orienting | |
Gaze perception | |
gaze-contingent display | |
gender | |
Gender difference | |
gender differences | |
gender recognition | |
Gene therapy | |
generative model | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
gestalt | |
Gestalt factors | |
Gestalt principles | |
Gist processing | |
glare | |
glare illusion | |
Glass patterns | |
glaucoma | |
global advantage effect | |
Global and local face processing | |
global color-based selection | |
Global form | |
Global motion | |
global motion processing | |
Global pooling | |
global precedence | |
global shape | |
global shapes | |
global/local | |
gloss | |
gloss perception | |
glossiness | |
go-nogo | |
Gradation | |
gradients | |
graspability | |
Grasping | |
grating | |
gravity | |
ground truth | |
group perception | |
Group Psychophysics | |
grouping | |
Guided-Search | |
gymnastics | |
H | |
hallucinations | |
hand | |
Hand grip | |
hand-proximity effect | |
handedness | |
haptic | |
Haptic perception | |
Haptic sensing | |
Haptic signaling | |
Haptics | |
harmony | |
HAROLD model | |
Head mounted display | |
head orientation | |
head-centered coordinate | |
head-mounted display | |
Head-Up displays | |
health | |
hearing | |
heaviness perception | |
Hedonic Fluency Model | |
hemianopia | |
hemispheric specialization | |
heterophoria | |
Hidden Markov Models | |
hierarchical (local-global) perception | |
hierarchical coding | |
high luminance | |
high-field | |
high-level visual adaptation | |
high-resolution fMRI | |
hills and dales | |
History | |
holistic | |
holistic processing | |
hollow-mask illusion | |
Holographic Model | |
Homeostatic Plasticity | |
horizontal axis | |
Horizontal effect | |
horizontal selectivity | |
hormones | |
Hue scaling | |
Human and animal behavior | |
Human echolocation | |
human multisensory impression | |
human perception | |
Human subjects | |
Human vision | |
human visual cortex | |
Human-Computer Interaction | |
human-shaped board | |
Hyperacuity | |
hypo-priors | |
I | |
IAPS pictures | |
iconic memory | |
Identity | |
Identity discrimination | |
illness frequency | |
Illumination | |
Illumination color | |
Illumination discrimination | |
illumination geometry | |
Illumination/shadows | |
illusion | |
illusions | |
illusory contour | |
Illusory contours | |
illusory motion | |
Illusory movement | |
Illustrations | |
Image | |
image distortions | |
Image Perception | |
image processing | |
image quality | |
image resolution | |
image sensors | |
image statistics | |
Imagery adaptation | |
Immersive Environments | |
Implicit learning | |
Implicit processing | |
implicit visual memory | |
Implied Motion | |
Implied Presence | |
impulse response | |
Impulsivity | |
inattentional blindness | |
Independent Subspace Analysis | |
Indeterminacy | |
Individual color perception | |
Individual difference | |
individual differences | |
Infancy | |
infants | |
inference | |
infinite regress illusion | |
Inflight correction | |
inhibition | |
inhibition of return | |
Inhibition of Saccadic Return | |
Inhibitory Control | |
inhibitory mechanisms | |
inhibitory processing | |
Insect Cinema | |
Insight | |
intact visual field | |
Integrability | |
integration | |
Intensity | |
intention | |
Intentional action | |
Intentional Binding | |
Intentions | |
interaction | |
Interception | |
Interceptive timing | |
interestingness | |
interference mechanism | |
Interhemispheric connections | |
Internal Clock | |
Internal model of gravity | |
Internet based testing | |
Interoception | |
Interoceptive sensitivity | |
interocular grouping | |
Interocular suppression | |
intersubject correlation (ISC) | |
interval filling | |
Intraparietal cortex | |
Intuition | |
inverse optics | |
Inverse problem | |
Inversion | |
inversion effect | |
IOR | |
Isoluminance | |
IT cortex | |
J | |
Japanese | |
Joint attention | |
Joint Perception | |
judgments | |
Juggling | |
K | |
Kinematics | |
kinesthetic information | |
kinetic illusion | |
kitsch | |
kitsch perception | |
Kuleshow effect | |
L | |
Lag-1 Sparing | |
landing | |
landmarks | |
language comprehension | |
language development | |
latency | |
Lateral effect | |
lateral interactions | |
Lateral Occipital Complex | |
lateral occipital cortex | |
Lateral Presentation | |
Lateralization | |
learning | |
LED | |
legibility | |
lesion | |
letter | |
letter confusion matrix | |
Levelt's propositions | |
Lexical decision | |
LGN | |
LiFE | |
Light | |
light direction | |
Light source | |
lighting from above prior | |
lightness | |
lightness induction | |
lightness perception | |
lightness/brightness | |
Likelihood | |
Liking | |
linear perspective | |
lineup identification | |
liquids | |
literacy | |
LO1 | |
local and global analysis | |
Local and global grouping | |
local elements | |
local luminance adaptation | |
Local sign | |
localization | |
locomotion | |
longitudinal study | |
low emotional intensity | |
low luminance | |
low vision | |
low-level image properties | |
luminance | |
Luminance contrast | |
luminance sensitivity | |
luminance transients | |
Luminance-modulation | |
luminosity | |
M | |
M/EEG | |
macaque | |
machine learning | |
machine vision | |
macular degeneration | |
maculopathy | |
magnetic resonance imaging | |
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | |
magnetoencephalography | |
Magnetoencephaloraphy | |
magnitude estimation | |
magno and parvo subsystems | |
magnocellular | |
Magnocellular and Parvocellular system | |
magnocellular pathway | |
magnocellular system | |
makeup | |
male gaze | |
manual movements | |
masking | |
masking effectiveness | |
Material appearance | |
material perception | |
material properties | |
material-weight illusion | |
mathematical model | |
maximum likelihood | |
maximum likelihood estimation | |
MD regions | |
Mean emotion | |
meaning | |
Measures of awareness | |
Mediational model | |
Meditation | |
Medium | |
MEG | |
Melanopsin | |
memory | |
memory search | |
menstrual cycle | |
Mental Image | |
mental practice | |
mental rotation | |
mere exposure effect | |
meridional anisotropy | |
mesopic | |
meta analysis | |
Meta-cognition | |
Metacognition | |
Metamer | |
Metameric Mismatching | |
Metaphysics | |
methods | |
Mexican Hat modulation | |
microgenesis | |
microsaccades | |
mid-level mechanism | |
migraine | |
Mirror illusion | |
Mirror neuron mechanism | |
mirror neurons | |
Mirror-gazing | |
Mixed perception | |
Mixed-methods | |
Mixture modelling | |
modality | |
modality discrimination | |
mode of color appearance | |
model | |
modeling | |
modelling | |
models of appliance | |
modulation | |
Monitoring outcomes of behaviour | |
monkey | |
monocular | |
monocular vision | |
morphing faces | |
mortality salience | |
motion | |
Motion & Form Processing | |
Motion adaptation | |
motion after effect | |
Motion aftereffect | |
motion and flicker perception | |
motion coherence | |
Motion correspondence | |
Motion Extrapolation | |
motion illusion | |
motion induced blindness | |
Motion parallax | |
Motion perception | |
motion perceptual learning | |
motion processing | |
motion shift | |
motion SRC | |
Motivation | |
Motor action | |
Motor activation | |
motor control | |
Motor Expertise | |
motor fusion | |
Motor inhibition | |
Motor movements | |
motor skills | |
Motor system | |
movement | |
Movement control | |
movie psychology | |
MRI | |
Muller-Lyer illusion | |
multi dimensional IAT | |
multi-materials | |
Multi-primary Image Projector | |
Multi-sensory | |
Multi-stability | |
multi-stable perception | |
multi-voxel analyses | |
Multi-voxel pattern analysis | |
multidimensional scaling (MDS) | |
Multifocal Attention | |
Multimedia learning | |
Multimodal effects of color and aroma | |
Multimodality | |
multiple identity tracking | |
multiple object tracking | |
Multiple symmetry | |
Multiple-object tracking | |
Multisensory | |
multisensory integration | |
multisensory perception | |
multisensory processing | |
multisensory stimulation | |
multistable perception | |
multivariate pattern analysis | |
music | |
mutual information | |
MVPA | |
myopia progression | |
N | |
n-back task | |
N1 | |
N170 | |
N2pc | |
N400 | |
name agreement | |
naming speed | |
natural | |
Natural image | |
Natural image statistics | |
natural images | |
Natural perspective | |
natural scene | |
Natural scene processing | |
Natural Scene Statistics | |
natural scenes | |
Natural Scenes fMRI | |
navigation | |
Navon task | |
near work | |
Necker cube | |
Negative compatibility | |
negative compatibility effect | |
Neural correlates | |
neural dynamics | |
Neural mechanisms | |
neural noise | |
Neural oscilations | |
neural oscillations | |
Neural response | |
neurodegeneration | |
neurodevelopmental disorder | |
Neuromodulation | |
Neuronal mechanisms | |
neuropeptide | |
neuropsychology | |
neurostimulation | |
neutral grey | |
new illusion | |
Newborns | |
noise | |
Noise masking | |
Non-Duchenne smile | |
non-retinotopic processing | |
non-verbal | |
Nt170 | |
Number | |
Number-Space | |
Numerical cognition | |
numerosity | |
nystagmus | |
O | |
object | |
object category | |
Object color | |
object commonality hypothesis | |
Object Contours | |
object individuation | |
Object motion | |
Object perception | |
object processing | |
object recognition | |
Object substitution masking | |
Object Tracking | |
object-based | |
Object-mediated updating | |
oblique effect | |
observation distance | |
Obstacle crossing | |
occipital face area | |
occlusion | |
OCT | |
ocular difference | |
Ocular proprioception | |
ocular summation | |
oculomotor | |
oculomotor activation | |
Oculomotor corollary discharge | |
oculomotor plasticity | |
odd-effect | |
ODOG | |
OLED | |
Online vision | |
onset | |
ophthalmology | |
Optic array | |
optic flow | |
Optic-flow processing | |
optical background distortion | |
optical environment | |
optical illusion | |
optical material appearance | |
Optical tunnel | |
optimality | |
optimised algorithms | |
optokinetic nystagmus | |
orbitofrontal cortex | |
Organic light emitting diode (OLED) sleep mask | |
orientation | |
orientation discrimination | |
orientation specificity | |
orientation tuning | |
oscillations | |
other-race effect | |
Overt attention | |
Own Race Bias | |
own-race advantage | |
ownership | |
P | |
P1 | |
P200 | |
P400 | |
Pantomimes | |
parallel | |
Parallel processing | |
parallel search | |
parallelness | |
Parietal | |
parity judgement | |
Parkinson's disease | |
part-whole organization | |
partially occluded contours | |
pathological completion | |
Patient | |
pattern | |
Pattern Recognition | |
pattern vision | |
peak velocity | |
perceived distance | |
perceived duration | |
Perceived self-motion | |
perception | |
Perception and action | |
perception of art | |
Perceptual adaptation | |
perceptual ambiguity | |
perceptual averaging | |
Perceptual awareness | |
perceptual bias | |
Perceptual biases | |
perceptual completion | |
perceptual constancy | |
Perceptual Decision Making | |
perceptual descriptions | |
perceptual development | |
perceptual encoding | |
perceptual error | |
perceptual feature | |
Perceptual fluency | |
perceptual function | |
Perceptual Goodness | |
Perceptual grouping | |
Perceptual Groups | |
Perceptual illusion | |
Perceptual illusions | |
Perceptual independence | |
Perceptual integration | |
perceptual judgement | |
Perceptual judgements | |
perceptual learning | |
perceptual load | |
perceptual merging | |
perceptual momentum | |
Perceptual object | |
perceptual organization | |
perceptual span | |
perceptual transformations | |
perceptual transparency | |
perceptually ambiguous social groups | |
Performance | |
periodic motion | |
Peripersonal space | |
peripheral | |
peripheral vision | |
person perception | |
personal traits | |
personality | |
Phase invariance | |
phenomenology | |
Philosophy of perception | |
photic driving | |
photopic | |
Photorealism | |
Pictorial space | |
picture naming | |
Picture Perception | |
place recognition | |
plaid | |
plaid motion | |
plaid perception | |
plaids | |
plasticity | |
pleasure | |
Poggendorff figure | |
Point Light Walker | |
pointing | |
Polychromatic stimuli | |
Ponzo | |
pooling | |
Population coding | |
population model | |
population receptive fields | |
position coding | |
Position perception | |
positional bias | |
Power Law Function | |
Praying Mantis | |
precision | |
preconscious processing | |
Predicted palatability | |
predicting parameters | |
prediction error | |
prediction-error | |
predictive coding | |
predictive coding framework | |
predictive eye movements | |
Preference | |
preferences | |
preferred retinal locus of fixation | |
Presence | |
preview benefit | |
Primary qualities | |
Primary visual cortex | |
priming | |
principal components analysis | |
Prior beliefs | |
priors | |
Prism adaptation | |
Probabilistic learning | |
Probe detection | |
procedural texture | |
Processing capacity | |
Processing fluency | |
Projection | |
Projection Mapping | |
proprioception | |
prosopagnosia | |
prosthetics | |
prototypicality | |
Pseudoisochromatic stimulus | |
Pseudoneglect | |
psycho physics | |
Psychometric | |
psychophysical testing | |
psychophysics | |
Psychophysiological effects | |
pupil dilation | |
Pupil dynamics | |
Pupil size | |
Pupillary changes | |
pupillary responses | |
Pupillometry | |
R | |
race model inequality | |
Radial frequency pattern | |
Radial Frequency patterns | |
random dot patterns | |
random dot stereograms | |
random-dot kinematogram | |
rank-order | |
ranking | |
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation | |
RDK | |
re-entrant processing | |
reach curvature | |
Reach-to-grasp movements | |
Reaching | |
reaching and grasping | |
reaching movement | |
reaction time | |
reaction times | |
readability | |
reading | |
reading acquisition | |
reading difficulties | |
reading performance | |
Reading skill | |
reading speed | |
real world | |
Real-World - Immersive Environments Comparisons | |
Realism | |
Reality | |
recognition | |
Recognition levels | |
red | |
red or blue | |
reference frames | |
reflectance | |
reflection | |
reflexive attention | |
refractive index | |
regularity | |
rehabilitation | |
releasers | |
relevant component parts of an object | |
Reliability | |
remote monitoring | |
Representation | |
Representational Gravity | |
representational momentum | |
representational similarity analysis | |
resource model | |
Response bias | |
response priming | |
Response selection | |
response times | |
Response-response compatibility | |
retinal area | |
retinal coordinate | |
Retinal Corresponding Points | |
retinal display | |
retinal flow | |
retinal ganglion cells | |
retinotopic mapping | |
Retinotopy | |
reverse correlation | |
Reverse Hierarchy Theory | |
reverse perspective | |
reverse-contrast | |
Revised Paranormal Belief Scale | |
Reward | |
reward size | |
RF patterns | |
Riesz Transform | |
right occipito-temporal cortex | |
Risk | |
Rivalry | |
Role of feedback | |
room | |
Rorschach test | |
Route Complexity | |
Route Encroachment | |
RSVP | |
RT | |
RT-distributions | |
Rubber Hand Illusion | |
rugby league | |
S | |
S Cones | |
S-cone | |
saccade | |
Saccade execution | |
Saccade preparation | |
saccade target selection | |
saccades | |
saccadic adaptation | |
Saccadic Eye Movement | |
Saccadic eye movements | |
saccadic inhibition | |
Saccadic suppression | |
salience | |
Salience Map | |
Saliency | |
Sampling limit | |
saturation | |
Scalar Property | |
scale-invariance | |
Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope | |
scatter | |
Scene categorisation | |
Scene categorization | |
scene perception | |
Scene Understanding | |
scenic view | |
Schizophrenia | |
scotopic | |
Screen Centre Bias | |
Screening instrument | |
Search | |
second language vocabulary learning | |
Second-order | |
second-order motion | |
Secondary qualities | |
Seeing in 3D | |
Segmentation | |
selection | |
selective attention | |
selective processing | |
self | |
self-motion | |
self-motion perception | |
self-reference | |
Semantic | |
Semantic memory | |
Semantic Processing | |
semantic search | |
Semisolid and liquid milk beverages | |
Sense of agency | |
sensitivity | |
sensorimotor learning | |
sensorimotor mappings | |
Sensory feedback | |
Sensory integration | |
Sensory loss | |
sensory modality | |
sequential effects | |
serial | |
Serial processing | |
serial search | |
Set Size | |
SF x SIZE map | |
Shade | |
shading | |
shadow | |
shadows | |
shape | |
shape completion | |
shape from shading | |
shape perception | |
Shape recognition | |
shape representation | |
Shape skeletons | |
shape-from-shading | |
Shared attention | |
shift-invariance | |
ship navigation | |
Short term-memory | |
short-term memory | |
shuffled sequence | |
Signal detection theory | |
Simon effect | |
simple features | |
Simple reaction times | |
Simulation | |
simulation experiments | |
simulation of scotoma | |
simulations | |
Simultaneity judgments | |
Simultaneous contrast | |
Simultaneous contrast illusion | |
Simultaneous processing | |
Single cone psychophysics | |
single trial | |
Single-cell recording | |
single-trials | |
Size | |
Size constancy | |
Size estimation | |
size illusions | |
size judgment | |
size perception | |
size-weight illusion | |
skewness | |
Skin | |
Skin colour Appearance | |
Skin colour gamut | |
Skin colour variation | |
Sleep diary | |
sliding motion | |
sLoreta | |
slot model | |
smooth pursuit | |
snapshot | |
social | |
Social attention | |
social brain | |
Social cognition | |
social context | |
social desirability | |
social hierarchy | |
Social inferences | |
social interaction | |
Social interactions | |
Social orienting | |
social perception | |
Social predispositions | |
Social Presence | |
Softness exploration | |
somatosensory targets | |
Space | |
space perception | |
sparse coding | |
spatial | |
spatial attention | |
spatial cognition | |
spatial compatibility | |
spatial cone-excitation ratios | |
spatial configuration | |
spatial configurations | |
Spatial crowding | |
spatial extrapolation | |
Spatial filtering | |
spatial frequencies | |
spatial frequency | |
Spatial integration | |
spatial location | |
Spatial perception | |
spatial prioritization | |
spatial SRC | |
Spatial suppression | |
Spatial Temporal Expectation | |
spatial vision | |
spatial working memory | |
spatiotemporal analysis | |
specificity | |
spectral density | |
spectral sensitivity function | |
specular flow | |
specularities | |
speech discrimination | |
Speech perception | |
Speed | |
speed change | |
speed perception | |
sport | |
Stabilized viewing | |
Startle eyeblink | |
static threshold perimetry | |
statistical learning | |
statistical models of images | |
Statistical Processing | |
statistics | |
steady state response | |
Steady state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) | |
Steady visual evoked potentials | |
steady-state | |
steady-state EEG | |
steady-state visual evoked potential | |
Steady-state visual evoked potentials | |
stereo imaging | |
stereo matching problem | |
Stereo Vision | |
stereoacuity | |
stereopsis | |
stereoscope | |
stereoscopic | |
Stereoscopic displays | |
stereoscopic viewing | |
Stereoscopy | |
Stimulation methods | |
Stimulus magnification | |
stimulus-response correspondence | |
Stochastic accumulation | |
strabismus | |
straightness | |
Strange-face-in-the-mirror illusion | |
stress prediction | |
String Quartet | |
stripes | |
stroboscopic alternative motion | |
stroke | |
Stroop effect | |
Stroop paradigm | |
Stroop task | |
structural connectivity | |
structure-from-motion | |
subitization | |
subjective contours | |
Subjective reports | |
Subliminal | |
Subordinate level | |
substitution | |
Summary Statistics | |
Superior Colliculus | |
Superior search skill | |
suppression | |
surface | |
surface attitude | |
surface depth | |
surface images | |
Surface perception | |
surfaces | |
Surround suppression | |
Sustained Posterior Negativity | |
Symbolic cues | |
symmetry | |
Symmetry perception | |
synaesthesia | |
Synesthesia | |
Synoptophore | |
T | |
tactile ambiguity apparent motion | |
tactile feels | |
target detection | |
Target disappearance | |
task anticipation | |
Task co-representation | |
task difficulty | |
Task interference | |
task interruption | |
Task solving | |
Task-relevance | |
TBS | |
tDCS | |
teeth-exposure | |
Telecommunication | |
temporal attention | |
Temporal bisection task | |
Temporal contrast sensitivity | |
temporal crowding | |
Temporal Dynamics | |
Temporal flicker | |
temporal frequency | |
temporal integration | |
Temporal interval reproduction | |
temporal perception | |
temporal pole asymmetry | |
Temporal predictions | |
Temporal processing | |
Temporal Recalibration | |
temporal segregation | |
Temporally modulated background | |
Test development | |
tetrachromacy | |
textile | |
texture | |
Texture perception | |
Thather illusion | |
The attention networks test | |
The dress | |
Thematic roles | |
theory of mind | |
Threat | |
three dimensional | |
three- and two-dimensional objects | |
tilt aftereffect | |
Tilt illusion | |
tilt judgment | |
tilt shift illusion | |
time | |
time course of experimental procedure | |
Time Estimation | |
Time perception | |
TMS | |
tone | |
tool use | |
tools | |
Top-down | |
top-down effect | |
top-down feedback | |
top-down neural process | |
top-down processes | |
Top-down processing | |
touch | |
tracking | |
training-plus-exposure | |
Transcranial direct current stimulation | |
transfer | |
translation | |
transparent layer constancy | |
Transsaccadic memory | |
Transsaccadic updating | |
transsaccadic vision | |
tRNS | |
Two-colour faces | |
Two-step saccades | |
Two-Thirds power law | |
Typical development | |
U | |
Ukraine Crisis | |
ultra-rapid categorization | |
Unawareness | |
uncanny valley | |
Uncertainty | |
unconscious visual processing | |
Unfamiliar face identification | |
unfamiliar faces | |
urban | |
urbanisation | |
useful field of view | |
user identification | |
utility | |
V | |
V1 | |
Valence | |
Value | |
Variability in colour naming | |
vection | |
veiling luminance | |
vein | |
ventral | |
ventral stream | |
ventral streams of visual processing | |
VEPRs | |
vergence amplitude | |
vergence facility | |
Veridical perception | |
veridicality | |
Vernier acuity | |
vertical axis | |
vestibular information | |
Vestibular perception | |
Vestibular stimulation | |
vestibule | |
vibration | |
Video displays | |
video line-up | |
view generalization | |
View-point | |
viewpoint | |
viewpoint dependence | |
Virtual lines | |
virtual locomotion | |
virtual reality | |
viscosity | |
visibility | |
visibility matching | |
visibility of characters | |
visibility ratings | |
visibility threshold | |
vision | |
vision & action | |
Vision assessment | |
vision research | |
Visual | |
visual acuity | |
Visual adaptation | |
Visual Aesthetics | |
visual aftereffects | |
visual ambiguity | |
visual analysis by synthesis | |
visual and auditory perception | |
visual attention | |
visual awareness | |
Visual bias | |
visual categorization | |
visual cognition | |
visual complexity | |
Visual contrast | |
visual cortex | |
Visual cortical plasticity | |
visual crowding | |
Visual decision making | |
visual deprivation | |
visual detection | |
visual development | |
visual digit classification | |
visual direction | |
visual discomfort | |
Visual Distance Perception | |
visual distortions | |
Visual evoked cortical potential | |
visual evoked potential | |
Visual Evoked Potentials | |
visual experience | |
Visual expertise | |
visual fatigue | |
visual field | |
Visual field defect | |
visual field distortions | |
Visual field maps | |
visual fields | |
visual function self-testing | |
visual functions | |
Visual Gestalt perception | |
Visual guidance | |
visual identification | |
Visual Illusion | |
visual illusions | |
Visual imagery | |
visual information integration | |
visual integration | |
visual learning | |
Visual load | |
Visual Marking | |
visual masking | |
visual memory | |
visual metaphors | |
visual motion | |
visual N1 event-related potential | |
Visual Neglect | |
visual neuroscience | |
Visual noise | |
Visual object processing | |
Visual object size | |
visual oscillations | |
visual pathways | |
visual perception | |
visual perceptual learning | |
visual performance | |
Visual periphery | |
Visual plasticity | |
Visual Preference | |
Visual Priming | |
visual processing | |
Visual psychology | |
visual psychophysics | |
visual recognition memory | |
visual search | |
visual selective attention | |
visual short term memory | |
Visual short-term memory | |
Visual space | |
visual span | |
Visual stability | |
Visual stimuli | |
Visual system | |
visual threat | |
visual uncertainty | |
visual working memory | |
visual-guidance | |
visual-motor integration | |
visual-search | |
visual-spatial attention | |
visual-vestibular integration | |
visual-vestibular perception | |
Visually guided movements | |
visually-guided action | |
visually-guided saccades | |
visuo-motor delay | |
visuomotor control | |
visuomotor interaction | |
Visuotactile simultaneity window | |
Vocalization | |
Voice | |
Voluntary control | |
Voluntary smooth pursuit maintenance | |
voxel-based tuning functions | |
W | |
walking | |
war & peace | |
weak central coherence | |
Weakly Supervised Learning | |
Weber's law | |
weight | |
Wellbeing | |
white | |
White illusion | |
white point | |
White-matter pathway | |
Williams Syndrome | |
wind direction | |
window | |
Wisdom of the Crowds | |
Word Processing | |
working memory | |
Workload | |
world coordinate | |
writing |