This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Affine jump-diffusion models | |
Algorithmic Trading | |
Allocation | |
Alternative asset class | |
alternative investments | |
Ambiguity aversion | |
Arbitrage | |
Arbitrage Pricing | |
Asset allocation | |
Asset classes | |
Asset Pricing | |
Asymmetric BEKK Model | |
Asymmetric volatility | |
B | |
Backtesting | |
Backwardation | |
Basis-momentum | |
Basket Options | |
Bayesian Markov Switching Vector Autoregression Impulse Response Functions | |
Biased Beliefs | |
Biodiesel markets | |
biofuel | |
Bjerksund-Stensland | |
bonds | |
bootstrap bias correction | |
Brent | |
Brent crude oil | |
Brownian motion | |
bubble | |
business cycle | |
C | |
Calendar spread options | |
Calibration | |
capacity surplus | |
Capital budgeting | |
Carbon Finance | |
Carbon futures | |
Carbon Markets | |
Carbon Tax | |
Carbon Trading | |
Cash Flow Extrapolation | |
cash-and-carry arbitrage | |
Certainty Equivalent | |
certificates | |
Characteristic Function | |
China’s slowdown | |
CHP plant | |
Clean energy | |
Clean spark spread | |
CLN | |
Closed-form formula | |
Co-integration | |
CO2 Emission Allowances | |
cogeneration | |
cointegration | |
Cointegration with breaks | |
Collateral | |
Commodities | |
Commoditization | |
Commodity | |
Commodity Financialization | |
commodity futures | |
Commodity Futures Markets | |
commodity futures options | |
Commodity futures returns | |
Commodity futures volatility Financialization | |
Commodity Index | |
Commodity index trading | |
Commodity indices | |
Commodity Market | |
commodity markets | |
Commodity Price Modelling | |
Commodity prices | |
Commodity Return Volatility | |
commodity storage | |
Commodity swap | |
Comovement | |
competitive storage model | |
conditional CAPM | |
Congestion | |
Congestion revenue right | |
Consumption | |
Contango | |
Convenience yield | |
Correlation | |
correlations | |
Counterparty Credit Risk | |
Coupling | |
Credit Value Adjustment | |
Cross-market linkages | |
cross-sectional analysis | |
cross-sectional asset pricing | |
Crude Oil | |
crude oil futures | |
Crude oïl | |
CVar | |
D | |
Dated Brent | |
Day-ahead forecasting | |
Day-ahead Prices | |
Decoupling | |
default | |
Default supply auctions | |
Delta Hedging | |
diesel | |
disagreement | |
Dispatch optimization | |
Diversification | |
Dynamic Conditional Correlations | |
E | |
Electricity forward prices | |
electricity load modeling | |
Electricity market | |
Electricity markets | |
electricity plant evaluation | |
electricity price process | |
Electricity prices | |
Electricity spot price | |
Emission Allowances | |
Emissions Allowances | |
Emissions Markets | |
Emissions permit markets | |
Emissions trading | |
Emissions Trading Systems | |
Energy | |
Energy Derivatives | |
energy forward markets | |
Energy Imbalance Market | |
energy markets | |
Energy Mix | |
Energy Policy | |
energy prices | |
Energy storage | |
environment | |
equilibrium | |
Equity returns | |
Equity variance risk premium | |
ETF | |
EU ETS | |
EU ETS Reform | |
EU-ETS | |
European energy markets | |
event study | |
exchange rates | |
Expected shortfall | |
expectile | |
exponential GARCH | |
extreme value estimator | |
Extreme value theory | |
Extreme values | |
F | |
factor model | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
FCOJ prices | |
Financial and Electricity Markets | |
financial contagion | |
Financial crisis | |
Financial demand | |
Financial Markets | |
financial return | |
Financial risk and risk management | |
Financial transmission right | |
Financialization | |
Forecasting oil prices | |
Forward Bias | |
forward premium | |
Forward Prices | |
Fourier inversion | |
Fourier inversion methods | |
fracking | |
fuel switch | |
functional data analysis | |
fundamentals | |
Funds | |
Futures | |
Futures curve modelling | |
Futures Markets | |
futures options pricing | |
futures Premium | |
Futures price | |
G | |
G7 equities | |
Gap Risk | |
GARCH models | |
gas storage models | |
Gas storage valuation | |
General Equilibrium | |
Global financial crisis | |
Global market | |
Global Minimum Variance Portfolio | |
gold | |
Gram-Charlier expansion | |
Granger Causality | |
Greeks | |
H | |
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation | |
HAR | |
HAR-RV | |
hedge | |
hedge funds | |
Hedgers | |
Hedging | |
Heterogeneous Agents | |
Heterogeneous Preferences | |
heteroskedasticity | |
high frequency data | |
high frequency trading | |
hybrid model | |
I | |
ICE Brent Crude futures | |
Implied Volatility | |
index construction | |
index investors | |
Index Traders | |
Indexing | |
Indifference Pricing | |
Industrial organization-Market structure | |
industry stock returns | |
information assimilation | |
Institutional traders | |
Integration of Markets | |
Intra-Day electricity market | |
Intraday Data | |
Intraday Jump | |
inventories | |
Inventory | |
Iran | |
J | |
Jump activity | |
jump-diffusion stochastic processes | |
K | |
Kalman Filtering | |
Kirk | |
Knightian uncertainty | |
L | |
law of one price | |
Limit order book | |
limits to arbitrage | |
Liquidity | |
log-GARCH | |
Long-dated crude oil derivatives | |
Long-term seasonal component | |
Lottery-like payoffs | |
Lévy processes | |
M | |
M-estimator | |
Macroeconomic uncertainty | |
Mark-to-Market | |
market efficiency | |
Market integration | |
market making | |
market microstructure | |
Market Stability Reserve | |
market structure | |
Markov switching | |
Markov-switching model | |
maturity-specific hedging pressure | |
maximum likelihood | |
MCS | |
Mean-Reverting Variance Gamma processes | |
measures of speculation and hedging | |
merit order | |
Metal Return Volatility | |
metals | |
Methanol | |
model risk | |
Model specification | |
momentum | |
Monte-Carlo simulations | |
mortgage | |
Multi-factor stochastic volatility | |
multiple structural changes | |
multivariate | |
Multivariate GARCH | |
Multivariate GARCH-in-mean | |
multivariate regression | |
N | |
Natural experiment | |
natural gas | |
natural gas market | |
Natural Resources | |
Netting | |
Networks | |
New Zealand | |
News | |
noise traders | |
non-parametric | |
nonparametric estimation | |
numerical differentiation | |
NZ ETS | |
O | |
oil | |
oil company stock price | |
Oil futures curve | |
oil futures markets | |
oil futures price | |
Oil industry | |
Oil price | |
Oil Price Volatility | |
oil prices | |
Oil risk | |
oil storage | |
Optimal Control | |
Optimal stochastic control | |
Optimal Trading | |
option market volatility | |
Option pricing | |
Options | |
orange juice | |
Outlier | |
P | |
pair trading | |
Pairs trading | |
parameter risk | |
Pass-Through | |
pca | |
penalisation | |
Performance | |
Performance evaluation | |
physical oil benchmark | |
plant outage | |
Policy Design | |
Portfolio choice | |
portfolio diversication | |
portfolio diversification | |
Portfolio strategies | |
power derivatives | |
power options | |
precious metals | |
Predictability | |
price | |
Price Discovery | |
price fixing | |
Price formation | |
price forward curves | |
Price Shocks | |
price spikes | |
price volatility | |
prices | |
principal component analysis | |
probabilistic forecasting | |
Production | |
providers of last resort | |
public information announcements | |
R | |
random walk | |
Rate of Convergence | |
Real Options | |
Realized Beta | |
Realized Volatility | |
reduced rank regression | |
regime shifts | |
Regime-switching | |
renewable energy | |
Renewable Energy Sources | |
renewables | |
reserve capacity | |
reserve margin | |
Resilience | |
Responsiveness | |
Risk | |
Risk Management | |
Risk Measures | |
risk premia | |
risk premium | |
Risk premiums | |
Risk Shifting | |
Risk-Aversion | |
risk-neutral measure | |
Robust modeling | |
Robust Pricing | |
rolling regression | |
rollover | |
RSDC model | |
S | |
safe haven | |
safe heaven | |
Sanctions | |
save haven | |
scarcity function | |
scenario analysis | |
seasonal risk premiums | |
Sentiment Analysis | |
Shaping Coefficients | |
Shipping Market | |
Shocks | |
simulation | |
skew-Student asymmetric BEKK | |
Skewed-t | |
Skewness | |
Spanning tests | |
spatio-temporal models | |
Speculation | |
Speculators | |
Spillovers | |
spot and forward prices | |
Spot and Futures Prices | |
spot oil markets | |
Spread options | |
Stable price-inventory relationship | |
State space modeling | |
Stochastic backwards dynamic programming | |
Stochastic control | |
Stochastic Dominance | |
Stochastic dominance efficiency | |
stochastic interest rates | |
stochastic process | |
stochastic volatility | |
stock and commodity market correlation | |
stock market | |
stock market panic | |
Stock returns | |
storage | |
Storage valuation | |
strategic asset allocation | |
Structural breaks | |
Structural change | |
structural changes | |
structural model | |
Style effect | |
Supply Management Mechanism | |
supply stack | |
T | |
Tail risks | |
Tanker freight rates | |
tastes | |
Thermal asset | |
Threshold Model | |
time-varying risk premia | |
time-varying volatility spillovers | |
Trading | |
Trading Activity | |
Trading Volume | |
transaction costs | |
Transmission | |
U | |
U.S. Business Cycle | |
UK Economy | |
uncertainty | |
uncertainty forecasting | |
unevenly spaced observations | |
unexpected wealth shock | |
utility maximization | |
V | |
value | |
Value-at-Risk | |
VAR | |
Variance risk premia | |
Variance swaps | |
VECM with breaks | |
Vector autoregression | |
Vector Autoregressions | |
Vessel Valuation | |
Virtual Power Plant | |
Volatility | |
Volatility forecasting | |
volatility impulse-response function | |
Volatility indices | |
Volatility Persistence | |
Volatility regimes | |
volatility risk | |
volatility smile | |
volatility spillover | |
Volatility spillovers | |
W | |
Wavelet | |
wind | |
Wrong and Right way risk | |
WTI | |
Z | |
zero beta asset |