This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
accuracy | |
Animation | |
Animation design | |
Animation Processing Model | |
Anxiety | |
Appearance-based trait inference | |
Argumentative Text | |
assessment | |
Attention | |
attention cueing | |
attitude | |
attitude change | |
Awareness | |
B | |
Blind people | |
C | |
children | |
climate change | |
Cognitive Fluency | |
Cognitive load | |
color | |
Competence | |
Competence assessment | |
Competitor | |
complexity | |
Composition | |
comprehension | |
Comprehension and Memory | |
Concept mapping | |
conceptual change | |
conceptual understanding | |
concreteness | |
Conflicting texts | |
congruency of text and pictures | |
construct validity | |
content validity | |
context effect | |
critical thinking | |
CSCL | |
cultural symbols | |
D | |
data visualization | |
decision-making | |
declarative knowledge | |
decorated graphs | |
demonstrating | |
Demonstration | |
Design | |
desirable difficulties | |
diagnostic assessment | |
Didactics | |
digital textbook | |
distributive justice | |
Diversity | |
documentary | |
drawing | |
Duration of Touch | |
dynamic | |
Dynamic vs. static visualizations | |
E | |
Educational track | |
efficiency | |
Elementary School | |
elementary school children | |
Emotion Awareness Tool | |
Emotional design | |
Emotions | |
Empirical study | |
epistemic beliefs | |
equality | |
equity | |
evaluation | |
expert disagreement | |
Expertise reversal | |
expertise reversal effect | |
eye movement modeling | |
eye tracking | |
eye tracking methodology | |
eye-tracker | |
eye-tracking | |
F | |
Fluency | |
G | |
Gender | |
graph comprehension | |
graph design | |
graph title | |
Graphic organizer | |
Graphic User Interface | |
graphs | |
H | |
Hand-Proximity | |
heart rate variability | |
High-level strategies | |
Higher education | |
home energy consumption | |
Home language | |
hypervideo | |
I | |
IAT | |
implementation intention | |
Implementation intentions | |
Implicit feedback | |
individual differences | |
individual interest | |
Inference generation | |
infographics | |
information processing | |
instructional animation | |
instructional design | |
instructional methods | |
Instructional Quality | |
instructional strategies | |
instructional support | |
interference hypothesis | |
K | |
knowledge | |
knowledge crafters | |
L | |
learner characteristics | |
learner-generated drawing | |
Learning | |
learning achievement | |
learning strategies | |
learning strategy | |
learning tasks | |
Learning techniques | |
learning with a video | |
learning with multiple representations | |
learning with music | |
learning with text | |
Learning with text and picture | |
learning with text and pictures | |
left vs. right | |
literacy | |
M | |
magnitude | |
manipulable model | |
Mastery goals | |
Media | |
medical education | |
Medical Guidance text | |
mental comparisons | |
mental imagery | |
Mental model | |
mental model quality | |
message framing | |
Meta Representational Competence | |
meta-analysis | |
metacognition | |
metalinguistic awareness | |
mnemonics | |
model as medium | |
model as method | |
molecular visualization | |
Monitoring | |
monitoring accuracy | |
monitoring and control processes | |
Multi-Touch Displays | |
Multiculturalism | |
Multimedia | |
multimedia learning | |
multimedia principle | |
Multiple documents | |
multiple representations | |
multiple texts | |
multiple-documents reading | |
N | |
non-experts | |
number writing | |
O | |
offline cognition | |
online courses | |
online learning | |
P | |
Paper | |
perceptual cues | |
Performance | |
Performance goals | |
personalization principle | |
Photograph | |
phylogenetic trees | |
physiological measures | |
Practice testing | |
primary education | |
priming | |
prior knowledge | |
procedural knowledge | |
procedural task | |
Process data | |
Prompting | |
prosody | |
Psychology of touch | |
Q | |
quantity concept | |
questionnaire | |
R | |
rational-experiential thinking | |
ray optics | |
reading | |
reading comprehension | |
Reading Goals | |
Reading motivation | |
Reading strategies | |
refutation graphic | |
refutation text | |
Relation sets | |
representational competence | |
reward allocation | |
rhetoric | |
rhetorical text-structure | |
rubric | |
S | |
scale | |
science textbook | |
Self critique | |
Self-generated representation | |
Self-questioning | |
simulation game | |
singling | |
situational interest | |
social cognition | |
Social-cue hypothesis | |
Socio-economic status | |
Source | |
Source evaluation | |
spatial ability | |
Spatial dynamic reasoning | |
static | |
static graphics | |
statistical graphics | |
stimulus design | |
Students' Reading Texts and Pictures | |
Submit | |
T | |
Tactile pictures | |
Task experience | |
Task-oriented reading | |
teacher enthusiasm | |
Teacher training | |
Teachers' Professional Competencies | |
teaching/learning strategies | |
Test | |
text and picture | |
text cohesion | |
text comprehension | |
Text Evaluation | |
Text processing | |
Text-graphic processing | |
Text-picture comprehension | |
text-picture-integration | |
think-aloud protocols | |
Topic familiarity | |
Truthiness | |
U | |
undergraduate biology | |
University | |
using melody as an anchor | |
V | |
validation | |
Verbal | |
verbal redundancy | |
video | |
Video Analysis | |
video clips | |
video learning | |
Visual | |
visual clutter | |
visual communication | |
visualization | |
visualization format | |
visualizations | |
Visuospatial and Semantic Learning | |
vocational education | |
W | |
Word learning | |
Writing | |
writing as design |