This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$L$-ensembles | |
A | |
Active learning | |
adaptive algorithms | |
Adaptive Data Analysis | |
Adaptive Sampling | |
Adaptivity | |
adversarial bandits | |
agnostic learning | |
algebraic manifolds | |
algorithm configuration | |
algorithmic randomness | |
alternating minimization | |
applied probability | |
Approximate sampling | |
approximation algorithms | |
B | |
bandit | |
bandits | |
basis reduction | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian Networks | |
Bayesian optimization | |
Bernstein inequality | |
Best arm identification | |
best of both worlds | |
Boosting | |
Bounded space | |
Bracketing conditions | |
C | |
center based objectives | |
chaining | |
clustering | |
co-training | |
combinatorial bandits | |
combinatorial optimization | |
community detection | |
Complexity of learning | |
computational complexity | |
computationally efficient and sample efficient meta-algorithms | |
concentration | |
Concentration inequalities | |
constraint satisfaction problems | |
Continuation | |
control theory | |
Convex Body | |
Convex optimization | |
covariance estimation | |
Crowdsourcing | |
cryptography | |
Cumulative regret | |
D | |
Deep neural networks | |
Depth Separation | |
Determinantal point processes | |
dictionary learning | |
Differential Privacy | |
Discrimination | |
Disjunction of predicates | |
distributed stochastic optimization | |
distribution learning | |
distribution testing | |
DNF formulas | |
Dropout | |
dual averaging | |
E | |
elicitation | |
Empirical risk minimization | |
ensemble | |
Exact learning | |
exact recovery | |
Excess Risk | |
expectation - maximization | |
Exploration-Exploitation | |
F | |
Fairness | |
fast rates | |
Finito | |
Fourier transform | |
function approximation | |
G | |
Gap-Entropy | |
Gaussian processes | |
Gaussian smoothing | |
generalization | |
Generalization bounds | |
generalized linear models | |
generative model | |
global optimization | |
GMM | |
Gradient descent | |
graphical models | |
Grothendieck inequality | |
group synchronization | |
H | |
hardness | |
Hardness of Approximation | |
Hellinger Distance | |
Hidden Gaussian | |
Hidden Hubs | |
High-dimensional inference | |
Hitting time | |
Homotopy | |
hypothesis testing | |
I | |
ICA | |
Inductive bias | |
Instance Optimality | |
Instantaneous regret | |
integer quadratic programming | |
iterative projection method | |
J | |
jump systems | |
K | |
k-extendible systems | |
k-systems | |
kernel methods | |
L | |
Langevin | |
Langevin algorithm | |
Le Cam's method | |
learning discrete mixtures | |
learning mixtures of product distributions | |
Learning under classification noise | |
Learning with communication constraints | |
Learning with Noise | |
Limited adaptivity | |
Linear Algebra | |
linear classifier | |
linear programming | |
Linear regression | |
Littlestone's Dimension | |
Local entropy | |
log-concave densities | |
logistic regression | |
loss functions | |
Lower bound | |
Lower Bounds | |
M | |
Machine learning reduction | |
manifold learning | |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods | |
Markov decision processes | |
martingales | |
matrix completion | |
Matrix factorization | |
matrix norm bounds | |
matrix polynomials | |
max-cut | |
MaxCut | |
Maximum likelihood | |
Membership queries | |
memory and communication efficiency | |
method of moments | |
minibatch prox | |
Minimax testing | |
mirror descent | |
Mixing | |
Mixtures of Gaussians | |
Most biased coins | |
Multi-arm Bandits | |
Multi-Armed Bandit | |
Multi-armed bandits | |
multiarmed bandits | |
Multinomial Logit Choice Model | |
N | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
noise | |
Noise conditions | |
noisy recovery | |
Non-convex | |
Non-convex Optimization | |
Nonconvex optimization | |
nonparametric | |
Nonparametric classification | |
nonparametric density estimation | |
O | |
online | |
online learning | |
Online optimization | |
optimal control | |
optimization | |
orthogonal tensor | |
outlier | |
Outliers | |
P | |
PAC learning | |
Partial information | |
PCA | |
phase retrieval | |
Phase transitions | |
population recovery | |
prediction markets | |
pricing | |
Program synthesis | |
proper learning | |
property elicitation | |
Property Testing | |
pseudorandomness | |
Pure Exploration | |
Q | |
quadratic constraints | |
quantum golfing | |
R | |
Random graph | |
Ranking from pairwise comparisons | |
Rates of convergence | |
Recursive teaching dimension | |
Recursive teaching model | |
reductions | |
refutation | |
regret | |
Regularization | |
reliable | |
ReLU | |
ReLU activation function | |
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space | |
reweighting | |
Robust PCA | |
robustness | |
Robustness in learning | |
S | |
SAG | |
SAGA | |
sample complexity | |
Sample compression | |
SDCA | |
Second moment method | |
semi supervised learning | |
semidefinite programming | |
shortest vector problem | |
singular value thresholding | |
sparse random graphs | |
sparsity | |
spectral algorithm | |
Spectral Methods | |
spin glasses | |
Stability | |
Statistical estimation | |
statistical learning | |
statistical learning theory | |
Statistical Queries | |
Statistical Query | |
Statistical query learning | |
stochastic and adversarial | |
stochastic approximation | |
stochastic bandits | |
Stochastic Convex Optimization | |
Stochastic differential equations | |
Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics | |
Stochastic multi-armed bandit problem | |
Strict saddle | |
Subadditivity | |
submodular | |
submodular maximization | |
Subset-Selection | |
subspace clustering | |
sum of squares | |
sum-of-squares method | |
Supervised Learning | |
systems of polynomial inequalities | |
T | |
tail bounds | |
tensor completion | |
tensor decomposition | |
Tensor PCA | |
Thompson Sampling | |
Time-series charts | |
Time-space tradeoff | |
Top-k ranking | |
Transportation inequalities | |
Two-sample test | |
U | |
UCB | |
Uniform Distribution | |
unsupervised learning | |
V | |
Variable selection | |
VC dimension | |
VC-dimension | |
W | |
Wasserstein distance |