This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
accelerator | |
Accelerator architectures | |
access pattern | |
acyclic partitioning | |
Additive Homomorphic scheme | |
admission control | |
agent-based modeling | |
Allocation | |
Alluxio | |
Amazon EC2 C4 | |
analytics-as-a-service | |
Anomaly Detection | |
anonymization | |
Apache Flink | |
Apache Spark | |
APHiD | |
Application Composition Mode | |
Application-aware detection | |
approximate-computing network | |
asynchronous communications | |
Auto-scaling | |
B | |
Backfilling | |
backprojection | |
bandwidth tapering | |
Bayes Probability Model | |
benchmarking | |
Bid price estimation | |
Big Data | |
Big Data Analytics | |
big data computing | |
block mining | |
block withholding | |
blockchain | |
buffer pool | |
C | |
C5 | |
cache replacement algorithm | |
cache update | |
Capacity Allocation | |
capacity planning | |
CAPE | |
CBase | |
Certification | |
Charm++ | |
Checkpointing-Aide Parallel Execution | |
climate impact indicator | |
Cloud | |
Cloud Bursting | |
Cloud Compliance | |
cloud computing | |
Cloud computing paradigm | |
Cloud Data Outsourcing | |
cloud deployment | |
Cloud Security | |
Cloud service selection | |
cloud services | |
Cloud storage | |
Cloud Troubleshooting | |
Cloud Workbench | |
cloud-based computation | |
cloud-based data analytics platform | |
cloudlet number minimization | |
Cloudlet placement | |
Cluster | |
cluster toolkits | |
Coarray | |
Collective I/O | |
CoMD | |
communication engine | |
communication middleware | |
communication software | |
community micro-clouds | |
Computer Vision | |
Container | |
Container technologies | |
container virtualization | |
containers | |
Controller | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Cost Analysis | |
Cost Effective Execution | |
Cost Model | |
CPS | |
CT | |
Cuckoo Filter | |
CUDA | |
Cyber-Physical Systems | |
D | |
DAGs | |
Data analysis | |
Data analytics | |
data center | |
Data deduplication | |
data distribution | |
Data integrity | |
Data Locality | |
data management | |
Data mining | |
data partitioning | |
Data Privacy | |
data protection | |
data provenance | |
data replication | |
data simulation | |
Data stream analysis | |
Data-driven approaches for energy-aware Cloud forecasting | |
data-intensive computing | |
DBaaS | |
De Bruijn Graph | |
decision tree search | |
DeepLearning | |
Descriptive statistics | |
Design of experiments | |
Differential Evolution | |
directed graph | |
Distribute scheduling | |
Distributed Computing | |
Distributed Computing Infrastructures | |
distributed energy monitoring | |
Distributed File System | |
Distributed Graph Processing | |
distributed ledger service | |
distributed processing | |
distributed sequence alignment | |
distributed systems | |
Docker | |
double caching | |
Dragonfly Networks | |
Dynamic Access Control Infrastructure (DACI) | |
dynamic control | |
E | |
Ebola virus | |
Edge Clouds | |
Edge Computing | |
edge-centric | |
elasticity | |
EMD | |
Energy | |
Energy awareness | |
Energy Budget | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Energy-aware task assignment | |
Energy-efficient | |
epidemiology | |
Erasure coding | |
event correlation | |
exascale | |
Execution time | |
Experiments | |
F | |
Facilitate power management | |
Fail-stop errors and Silent Data Corruptions | |
fat-tree topology | |
Fault tolerance | |
Fault-tolerance | |
Federated cloud | |
FedRAMP | |
File System Design | |
File transfer | |
flexible | |
flow-stat triggering | |
Fog Computing | |
Formal modeling | |
Framework | |
Functional Consistency | |
Fuzzy Logic | |
G | |
Game theory | |
Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problem | |
genome analysis | |
genome assembly | |
genomics | |
Gini coefficient | |
Global resource view | |
GPU | |
GPUDirect Async | |
graph analytics | |
graph processing | |
Graphic Processing Unit | |
Green | |
guaranteed performance | |
H | |
Hadoop | |
Handling error in user-estimated job execution times | |
HBase | |
HDFS | |
heterogeneous infrastructure | |
heterogeneous multi-core | |
heterogeneous storage | |
heuristic algorithms | |
High Performance Computing | |
High Performance Computing Systems | |
high-performance computing | |
High-performance file systems | |
High-performance interconnects | |
hip | |
HPC | |
HPC applications | |
HPC Log Analysis | |
HPC Systems | |
human braing modeling | |
Hybrid Cloud | |
Hybrid storage | |
I | |
I/O and Data Management | |
I/O scheduler | |
I/O Severity | |
I/O system | |
IaaS | |
Image similarity | |
In-memory Computing | |
in-memory storage | |
In-Situ Analytics | |
independent tasks | |
InfiniBand | |
integrating | |
Intel Xeon Phi | |
Intercloud Federations Framework (ICFF) | |
Intercloud Security Framework (ICSF) | |
interconnection networks | |
Internet of Things | |
Intrusion detection systems | |
IoT | |
ISO | |
J | |
Job Scheduling | |
K | |
K-means Clustering | |
key-value store | |
Key-value stores | |
Knights Landing | |
KPI-agnostic controller | |
KVM | |
L | |
Large Flow | |
Layered Hidden Markov Model | |
learning power models | |
Live VM migration | |
load measurements | |
LogGP | |
Loosely-Coupled Components | |
LTTng | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Many Integrated Core (MIC) | |
MapReduce | |
MapReduce with SLAs | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
Markov models | |
Massive Data load | |
Matlab | |
MCTS | |
media bit rate | |
Memcached | |
memory deduplication | |
Mesos | |
microservices architecture | |
Microsoft Azure | |
migration | |
Millicluster | |
MIMO Controller | |
Ming Correlation of Failures | |
Mobile Applications | |
Mobile Cloud Computing | |
mobility | |
Model | |
Modeling | |
molecular docking | |
moving target defense | |
MPC controller | |
MPI | |
MPI collectives | |
MPI I/O | |
Multi-agent system | |
multi-armed bandit | |
Multi-clouds | |
multi-cluster | |
Multi-Core and Many-Core Nodes | |
Multi-core computing | |
Multi-cores | |
multi-objective optimization | |
Multi-tenancy | |
multilevel partitioning | |
N | |
n-gram | |
Naive Bayes | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Nested Virtualization | |
network scalability | |
network services | |
Network topologies | |
neurocomputing | |
NewSQL | |
Next Generation Sequencing | |
NLP | |
non-preemptive | |
NoSQL | |
NUMA | |
NVMe SSD | |
O | |
object-based storage | |
on-line scheduling | |
One-sided communication | |
OpenACC | |
OpenMP | |
OpenSHMEM | |
OpenStack | |
Optimal control | |
optimization | |
Orchestration | |
Order-preserving homomorphic scheme | |
OTF2 | |
OTFX | |
overlay network | |
P | |
page cache | |
parallel computing | |
parallel discrete-event simulation | |
parallel file system | |
Parallel I/O | |
Parallel Metaheuristics | |
Parallel programming | |
parallel simulation | |
Parallel Systems | |
parallelization | |
Pareto optimal set | |
Partial replication | |
Partitioning | |
peer-to-peer | |
Performance | |
Performance Analysis | |
performance evaluation | |
performance modeling | |
Performance Modeling and Evaluation | |
Performance Modelling and Prediction | |
performance models | |
performance of complex services | |
Performance optimization | |
Performance prediction | |
Performance Simulation in HPC | |
performance-cost index | |
Performanceevaluation | |
PGAS | |
pipeline | |
placement | |
pool mining | |
Power | |
power cost | |
power estimation | |
Power Limiting | |
power meter | |
power modeling | |
power monitoring | |
power-law | |
Preemptive scheduling | |
privacy | |
probabilistic verification | |
process mining | |
Process State | |
procurement cost | |
programmable cloud federation | |
programmable infrastructure | |
programmable service composition | |
proof-of-work | |
ptrace | |
Python | |
Q | |
Q-Learning | |
QoS | |
Queue Configurations | |
R | |
RAMCloud | |
Random forest | |
Rank remapping | |
rCUDA | |
RDMA | |
reactivation | |
Recommendation systems | |
reconfigurable | |
Reconfiguration | |
redirections | |
reliability | |
Renewable energy | |
Reproducibility | |
Reproducible Research | |
Resilience | |
resilient distributed dataset | |
resource allocation | |
Resource allocation and scheduling | |
Resource configuration | |
Resource efficiency | |
Resource Management | |
Resource Prediction | |
Resource Scaling | |
Resource Virtualization and Provisioning | |
Response time or throughput control | |
Robust Optimization | |
Robust queues | |
RPU | |
rtp/rtcp | |
S | |
Sample-based scheduling | |
Sampling | |
Scalability | |
Scalable | |
scaling | |
Scheduling | |
scheduling algorithms | |
scheduling with background load | |
science gateways | |
scientific computing | |
scientific workflows | |
SDN | |
seccomp | |
secure computing | |
Secure storage | |
security | |
Security properties | |
selective | |
Selective replication | |
Semantic Gap | |
Server consolidation | |
service computing | |
service placement | |
service power consumption | |
setup delay | |
SFC | |
Shared Responsibility Mode | |
Shared-memory | |
SIMD instruction | |
Similarity-based Data Mining | |
simulation | |
sliding-window aggregations | |
small-world networks | |
SOC | |
softlayer | |
Software Component Model | |
software configuration | |
software-defined environments | |
software-defined federation | |
Software-Defined Networks | |
software-defined service composition | |
Spark | |
Split table | |
Spot market | |
SSD | |
Standard | |
storage | |
stream allocation | |
Stream Processing | |
streaming analytics | |
stretch | |
Sub-optimal decision | |
Supercomputer batch queues | |
Supercomputers | |
Swift | |
synchronization | |
System Architecture | |
System Call Monitoring | |
System performance | |
T | |
T-VMI | |
Tabu Search | |
tapered topologies | |
Task placement | |
Task scheduling | |
Task-Based | |
telecom billing system | |
TensorFlow | |
testing | |
Thiel Index | |
threads | |
Three-layer image structure | |
Tianhe-2 | |
Time | |
Tools | |
TraceCompass | |
Traces | |
Transactional memory systems | |
transient failures | |
Transparency | |
trust attributes | |
Trusted Bootstrapping Protocol | |
TrustZone | |
U | |
UCX | |
V | |
variable selection | |
VCF | |
vertex-centric | |
Vertical auto-scaling | |
victim cache | |
Virtual Infrastructures | |
Virtual Machine Migration | |
virtual machine placement | |
Virtualization | |
Virtualized datacenters | |
Visibility | |
VM allocation | |
VM consolidation | |
VM Migration | |
VM storage migration | |
VNF placement and chaining | |
W | |
wake-up | |
weak-scaling | |
webrtc | |
work-driven | |
Workflow | |
X | |
Y | |
Yarn |