![]() | Daniela Traficante
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Bio Personal Information Name Daniela Traficante Affiliation Catholic University of Sacred Hearth – Milan (italy) Telephone number +39 02 72343649 Fax number +39 02 72342280 E-mail address daniela.traficante@unicatt.it Current Position March 2015- Associate Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology, March 2003-15 Assistant Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology, March 2017 National scientific qualification as full professor in the sector 11-E2 – Developmental and educational psychology February 2014 National scientific qualification as associate professor in the sector 11-E2 – Developmental and educational psychology Education 1993–97 PhD in Social and Developmental Psychology, Catholic University of Milan 1997-98 Degree in Psychology, University of Turin 1990-93 Post-Lauream Specialization in Life-span Psychology cum laude, University of Pavia 1985-90 Degree in Philosophy cum laude, University of Pavia Visiting Research October 2018 Visiting research period at School of Social Sciences of Dundee University (Scotland) to work with Lynne Duncan to an editorial project. October 1999 Research activitiy at "Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics", Interfaculty center, Katholieke Universiteit of Nijmegen (Netherlands). Grant from C.N.R. – Department for International Relationship, Short-term mobility European program for the project "Morphological processing in lexical comprehension and production", directed by dr. C. Burani (ISTC ,CNR, Roma) in collaboration with prof. R. Schreuder and dr. R. H. Baayen. Theaching Courses at the Faculty of Psychology, Catholic University of Milan 2015- Psychology of assessment and intervention in school difficulties 2015- Psycho-diagnostic research methods and assessment tools 2015- Psychology of intervention in educational contexts Publications Marelli, M., Traficante, D., Burani, C. (2021). Reading morphologically complex words: experimental evidence and learning models (pp. 553-592). In V. Pirrelli, I. Plag, W. U. Dressler (Eds.), Word knowledge and word usage: a cross-disciplinary guide to the mental lexicon, De Gruyter, Berlin. Traficante, D., Luzzatti, C., Silveri, M.C. (2019). Beyond grammatical category: The role of distributional properties of Italian language in processing nouns and verbs. In S. Sulpizio, L. Barca, S. Primativo, Arduino L.S. (eds.), Word recognition, morphology and lexical reading, College Pubblications, ISBN: 978-1-848980-304-3. Traficante, D., Marelli, M., Luzzatti, C. (2018). Effects of reading proficiency and of base and whole-word frequency on reading noun- and verb-derived words: an eye-tracking study in Italian primary school children. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02335 Burani, C., Marcolini, S., Traficante, D., Zoccolotti, P. (2018). Reading derived words by Italian children with and without dyslexia: The effect of root length. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, n. 647. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00647 Di Tella, S., Baglio, F., Cabinio, M., Nemni, R., Traficante, D., Silveri, M. C. (2018). Selection processing in noun and verb production in left- and right-sided Parkinson's Disease patients. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, n. 1241. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01241 Ripamonti, E., Luzzatti, C., Zoccolotti, P., Traficante, D. (2018). Word and pseudoword superiority effects: Evidence from a shallow orthography language. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 1911-1920. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2017.1363791 Silveri, M. C., Traficante, D., Lo Monaco, M. R., Iori, L., Sarchioni, F., & Burani, C. (2018). Word selection processing in Parkinson's disease: When nouns are more difficult than verbs. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 100, 8-20. doi:http://0-dx.doi.org.opac.unicatt.it/10.1016/j.cortex.2017.05.023 Traficante, D., Friedmann, N., Rizzi, G., and Luzzatti, C. (2017). Multiple patterns of dyslexia in a shallow orthography: Principles for a diagnostic screening of developmental dyslexias. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 55th Annual Meeting . doi: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2017.223.00001 Marinelli, C.V., Traficante, D., Zoccolotti, P. (2014). Does pronounceability modulate the letter string deficit of children with dyslexia? A study with the rate and amount model. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, n. 1353. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01353 Traficante, D., Burani, C. (2014). List context effects in languages with opaque and transparent orthographies: a challenge for models of reading. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, n. 1023. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01023 Ripamonti, E., Traficante, D., Crippa, F., Luzzatti, C. (2014). Word and pseudoword superiority effects in shallow orthography language: The role of hemispheric lateralization. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 118, 411-428. DOI: 10.2466/22.19.PMS.118k20w6 Traficante, D., Marelli, M., Luzzatti, C., Burani C. (2014). Influence of verb and noun bases on reading aloud derived nouns: Evidence from children with good and poor reading skills, Reading and Writing. 27, 1303-1326. DOI 10.1007/s11145-013-9488-6 Marinelli C.V., Traficante D., Zoccolotti P., Burani C. (2013). Orthographic neighborhood-size effects on the reading aloud of Italian children with and without dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading, 17:5, 333-349, DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2012.723080 Traficante D. (2012). From graphemes to morphemes: An alternative way to improve skills in children with dyslexia. Revista de investigación en Logopedia, 2, 163-185. Traficante, D., Marcolini, S., Luci, A., Zoccolotti, P., Burani, C. (2011) How do roots and suffixes influence reading of morphological pseudowords: A study on Italian dyslexic children, Special issue of Language and Cognitive Processes on “Morphology and Language Comprehension, Production and Acquisition”, 28 (4-5-6), 777-793. Marcolini, S., Traficante, D., Zoccolotti, P., Burani, C. (2011). Word frequency modulates morpheme-based reading in poor and skilled Italian readers, Special issue of Applied Psycholinguistics on “Morphological Processing in Word Reading and Spelling”, 32, 513-532. Marelli, M., Traficante, D., Aggujaro, S., Molteni, F., Luzzatti, C. (2011), Grammatical and semantic effects in reading derived nouns: A study of deep dyslexia. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 69-70. ISSN: 1877-0428