Microservice the way to create evolvable automation Systems!?
ABSTRACT. The world is struggling to implement Industry 4.0 while the front runners already discussed Industry 5.0 both driven by short and long term green and sustainable societal requirements. This calls for foundational automation technologies having flexibility and evolution as a key properties. This to enable automation life times beyond one or two decades.
Prof. Jerker Delsing received the M.Sc. in Engineering Physics at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1982. In 1988 he received the PhD. degree in Electrical Measurement at the Lund University. During 1985 - 1988 he worked part time at Alfa-Laval - SattControl (now ABB) with development of sensors and measurement technology. In 1994 he was promoted to associate professor in Heat and Power Engineering at Lund University. Early 1995 he was appointed chaired professor in Industrial Electronics at Lulea University of Technology where he currently is chaired professor in Cyber Physical Systems. His present research profile can be entitled IoT/SoS Automation, with applications to automation in large and complex industry and society systems. Prof. Delsing and the EISLAB group http://www.ltu.se/eislab has been a partner of several large EU projects in the field, e.g. Socrades, IMC-AESOP, Arrowhead (coordinator), FAR-EDGE (WP lead), Productive4.0 (WP lead) and Arrowhead Tools (coordinator).