This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1. Holistic Time | |
2 | |
2. Subjective Time | |
3 | |
3. Objective Time | |
4 | |
4. Idiosyncratic-Temporal Orientation | |
5 | |
5. Socio-Temporal Orientation | |
6 | |
6. Conceptual Framework | |
A | |
absorptive capacity | |
Acculturation | |
Acculturation Agents | |
Activation | |
active earning | |
Active white space | |
Activity | |
Actual Purchase | |
Ad Appeals | |
adaptability | |
adaptive marketing capabilities | |
adjectives | |
Administration | |
Administrative Innovations | |
advert | |
advertised exclusivity | |
Advertisement | |
Advertising | |
advertising attitudes | |
Advertising Creativity | |
Advertising Credibility | |
Advertising Effectiveness | |
Advocates | |
AdWords | |
Aesthetics | |
Affiliate marketing | |
Airline Services | |
Altruism | | | |
Ambidexterity | |
Ambient scent | |
Ambiguity | |
Analytics education | |
Anchoring Effect | |
anger | |
Animal Companion | |
antecedents | |
Anthropomorphism | |
anti-brand communities | |
App Loyalty | |
apparel | |
Approach-Avoidance Theory | |
Arousal Theory | |
Art | |
Art marketing | |
assessment | |
Asset Specificity | |
Associative Network | |
assortment format | |
Astrology | |
Astrometry | |
asymmetric testing | |
Attachment | |
Attitude | |
Attitude Change | |
Attitude toward endings | |
attitude towards brand | |
attitudes | |
attractiveness | |
Attribution | |
Attribution of Financial Depletion | |
attribution theory | |
attributional search | |
Augmented reality | |
B | |
B2B | |
B2B Buyer-seller | |
B2B sales | |
B2C | |
Baby Nutrition | |
Babyish-appearing | |
Balance Theory | |
Basket composition | |
Bayesian | |
Bayesian Analysis | |
Bayesian learning | |
Bayesian Statistics | |
Behaviors | |
Belief in fate | |
Beliefs | |
benchmarking | |
Benevolence | |
bibliometric analysis | |
Big Data | |
Bilinguals | |
BJP | |
Blockers | |
Bottom-of-the-pyramid | |
Bourdieu | |
Brand | |
Brand Affiliation | |
Brand Animosity | |
Brand Architecture | |
Brand Associations | |
Brand Attachment | |
Brand Attachment Strength | |
Brand Attitude | |
Brand Authenticity | |
brand categorization | |
Brand Characters | |
Brand Choice Model | |
Brand communication | |
Brand Community | |
brand community identification | |
Brand Derision | |
Brand engagement | |
Brand Equity | |
Brand evaluation | |
Brand experience | |
brand extension | |
brand hate | |
brand heritage | |
Brand identification | |
Brand Image | |
Brand Lands | |
Brand Love | |
Brand Loyalty | |
brand management | |
Brand Name | |
Brand Name Support | |
Brand Personality | |
brand polarization | |
Brand portfolio | |
Brand quality perceptions | |
Brand Tribalism | |
Brand Values | |
Brand Worlds | |
Brand-Equity | |
Branding | |
brick-and-mortar retailer | |
Bundling | |
Business ethics | |
Business model | |
Business relationship | |
business sustainability | |
Business to Business | |
Business-to-business | |
Buyer-Seller Relationships | |
C | |
Cancer Screening | |
capability approach | |
car technology | |
Carsharing | |
Case analysis | |
Case Study | |
Cash Conversion Cycle | |
Cat Lover | |
Cause Alliance | |
Cause Marketing | |
Cause related marketing | |
Cause-marketing | |
cause-related marketing | |
causes | |
Celebrity endorsement | |
CEO | |
Certification | |
channel choice | |
Channels of distribution | |
Characteristics | |
Charitable Behavior | |
Charitable donation | |
Charitable Donations | |
charitable giving | |
Checkout Charity | |
Childhood Obesity | |
Children | |
China | |
choice architecture | |
choice overload | |
Cigarette Industry | |
Cinema | |
Classification Methods | |
Classification Scheme | |
classroom simulations | |
CMO | |
co-branding | |
Co-Creation | |
Co-creation Processes | |
Cognitive Depletion | |
Collaboration | |
Collaborative consumption | |
colleges | |
Commitment | |
commitment intentions | |
commodity theory | |
Community engagement | |
community management | |
comparison sites | |
Compensation | |
Compensation method | |
Competence retention | |
Competitive Advantage | |
Competitive aggressiveness | |
competitive intensity | |
competitive knowledge | |
competitive psychological climate | |
complaint management | |
complaint satisfaction | |
completeness heuristic | |
complexity theory | |
computer-mediated communication | |
Conceptual | |
Conceptual fluency | |
Conceptual framework of social media | |
Conceptual Model | |
Conflict | |
conflict management styles | |
Confucian ethics | |
Confucianism | |
Congruence | |
Congruity theory | |
connectedness | |
Connection | |
consciousness | |
consideration set | |
Consistent PLS | |
Conspicuous Consumption | |
Construal level | |
Construal Level Theory | |
consumer | |
Consumer Analytics | |
Consumer Attitudes | |
Consumer Behavior | |
Consumer behaviour change | |
Consumer Choice | |
consumer collaboration | |
consumer contamination | |
consumer cosmopolitanism | |
Consumer Decision | |
Consumer Decision Making | |
Consumer decisions | |
Consumer Entitlement | |
consumer ethnocentrism | |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | |
consumer financial services | |
Consumer Health | |
consumer ideology | |
Consumer Information Processing | |
Consumer misbehavior | |
Consumer Online Engagement | |
Consumer price knowledge | |
consumer price search behavior | |
Consumer Privacy | |
Consumer Product Return Behavior | |
Consumer Satisfaction | |
Consumer Satisfaction/dissatisfaction | |
Consumer style inventory | |
consumer to consumer know-how exchange | |
consumer transgressions in services | |
consumer vulnerability | |
Consumer-based brand equity | |
Consumers | |
consumption | |
consumption focus | |
Consumption Habit Formation | |
contagion | |
content analysis | |
content marketing | |
context dependence | |
context effect | |
Control system | |
Cooperation | |
corporate attributions | |
Corporate Brand Reputation | |
corporate decisions | |
Corporate Image | |
Corporate Social Responsability | |
Corporate Social Responsibility | |
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) | |
Cosmopolitanism | |
Counterfeit | |
counterfeit goods | |
Counterfeiting Resistance | |
Country of Origin | |
Country of Origin Perceptions | |
Coupons | |
Creativity | |
Creativity capability | |
Credibility | |
credit card | |
Credit Cards | |
Credit Terms | |
crisis communication timing | |
crisis response | |
crisis type | |
Cross Functional Collaboration | |
Cross-channel Advertising | |
cross-channel behaviour | |
Cross-Cultural | |
cross-cultural services marketing | |
Crossmodal congruency | |
Crossmodal correspondences | |
Crowdedness | |
Crowdfunding | |
Crowdsourcing | |
CSI | |
Cultural Difference | |
cultural orientations | |
Cultural Products | |
cultural symbolism | |
culture | |
Culture differences | |
Curative Marketing | |
Curriculum | |
Customer | |
Customer Citizenship Behavior | |
customer citizenship behaviour | |
customer collaboration | |
customer competence | |
customer deviance | |
Customer disengagement | |
customer empowerment | |
Customer Engagement | |
Customer Experience | |
Customer experience management | |
Customer Feedback | |
customer interaction | |
Customer online revenge | |
Customer orientation | |
customer participation | |
Customer Product Ratings | |
Customer readiness | |
Customer relationship | |
Customer Relationship Management | |
Customer return | |
Customer Satisfaction | |
Customer-company identification | |
Customer-organization relationships | |
Customer-society relationships | |
Customers’ negative behavioural reactions | |
Customization | |
D | |
Dark-Side | |
Data visualization | |
Data-Driven Marketing Practices | |
deceptive advertising | |
Decision Makers | |
decision making | |
decision satisfaction | |
Decision Weights | |
Delay | |
delphi study | |
Demand and supply integration | |
Demeanor | |
descriptive statistics | |
Deservingness | |
Design Complexity | |
desire for unique products | |
destination marketing organization | |
Developed Markets | |
Developing countries | |
Diabetes | |
diffusion of innovations | |
digital business model | |
Digital health | |
digital marketing | |
Digital Media | |
digital piracy | |
digitalization | |
Dirichlet model | |
Disaster plan formulation | |
Disaster plan implementation | |
Discount Credibility | |
Discounting of Discounts | |
Discourse analysis | |
Discovery | |
discussion | |
Disidentificaton | |
Disney | |
Displacement Performance | |
disposal | |
Disruption | |
disruptive technologies | |
dissatisfaction | |
Dissertation | |
distal search | |
Distinction Bias | |
Distinctiveness theory | |
Diversity | |
Dog Lover | |
Dominance | |
Donation | |
donations | |
donor behavior | |
Drivers and Barriers | |
dyadic data | |
Dynamic capabilities | |
Dynamic Managerial Capabilities | |
Dynamic Model | |
E | |
E-commerce | |
e-Marketing Capability | |
e-servicescape | |
E-tailer’s Image | |
Editorial Reviewers' Solutions | |
Education | |
Effort | |
eGeneration | |
elderly consumers | |
electronic word of mouth | |
electronic word-of-mouth | |
ELM | |
Embodied Cognition Theory | |
Emergency management planning | |
Emerging market | |
Emerging Markets | |
Emolabeling | |
Emoticons | |
emotion | |
Emotional advertising | |
emotional appeal | |
Emotional Contagion Theory | |
Emotional Intelligence | |
Emotions | |
Employee | |
encounter satisfaction | |
Engagement | |
Enjoyment | |
entertainment marketing | |
Entertainment Media | |
Entrepreneurial Orientation | |
entrepreneurship | |
Entry mode | |
environmental eating | |
environmental turbulence | |
Environmentally Responsible Consumption | |
Equity Theory | |
Erotic advertising | |
Ethical | |
Ethical Behavior | |
ethical climate | |
ethical framing | |
Ethical Leadership | |
ethical marketing | |
ethical selling behaviors | |
ethnicity | |
Ethnocentrism | |
Ethnomethodology | |
Evaluation Mode | |
Event Marketing | |
event study | |
evolutionary psychology | |
eWOM | |
Exaggerated Warranty | |
Exchange Relationship | |
Exchange Theory | |
exclusive products | |
exclusivity | |
exclusivity promotions | |
Expatriate | |
Experience | |
Experiential consumption | |
Experiential Marketing | |
experiment | |
Experimental industry | |
experimental study | |
Expert Social Power | |
Expressive Disclosure | |
Extended Self | |
Eye Tracking | |
F | |
Facebook brand fan pages | |
Faculty | |
Fairness | |
Faith | |
Fan identification | |
Fashion | |
Fashion blog | |
fashion consciousness | |
Fast Fashion Brand | |
fear of missing out | |
Female Consumer Behavior | |
field experiment | |
Financial Decision Making | |
Financing | |
Firm Created Content | |
Firm Orientations | |
Firm Performance | |
firm value | |
Firm-initiated service termination | |
Fit | |
FitBit | |
Fitbit activity tracker | |
Fitness | |
Flagship Stores | |
Flow | |
fluency | |
fluency heuristic | |
Fluency Theory | |
focus groups | |
FOMO | |
Food Choices | |
Food Consumption | |
food distributors | |
Food Marketing | |
Food Perception | |
Food Retailing | |
food suppliers | |
Foodies | |
Football | |
Foreign market selection | |
Formulation-implementation dichotomy | |
Framing | |
Franchising | |
free | |
Free-to-play | |
Freemium | |
front labels | |
Front-line employee | |
Frugality | |
future | |
future research | |
Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis | |
G | |
Gain-and-Loss Analysis | |
Gamification | |
GenY | |
Global brand | |
Global Myth | |
glocal brand | |
Goals and Goal-Striving | |
Google Glass | |
Gratefulness | |
Gratuity | |
Green advertising | |
Green appeals | |
Green consumption | |
Green Consumption Value | |
green cues | |
Green marketing | |
Grocery | |
grocery retailing | |
grounded theory | |
group | |
Growth modeling | |
guilt | |
H | |
Hailer | |
hate-acknowledging advertising | |
Health Behaviour Change | |
Health care | |
Health Messaging | |
healthcare | |
Healthful Consumption | |
healthy consumption | |
Healthy Diet | |
healthy eating promotion | |
Hedonic | |
Hedonic price function | |
Hedonic Travel Motivation | |
Hedonism | |
Heritage | |
Hierarchical Linear Modeling | |
Hierarchical Structure | |
hierarchical value map | |
Higher Education | |
higher education branding | |
Higher Education Institutions | |
Hope | |
HPV testing | |
humanity | |
I | |
Idealized imagery | |
identification | |
Identity | |
Illegal Behavior | |
imagery perspective | |
immigrants | |
immigrants consumption | |
implicit information processing | |
Implicit Measures | |
implicit sacrifice | |
important constructs and relationships | |
Impression Management | |
impressions | |
impulsivity | |
In-store activity | |
In-store marketing | |
in-store retailing factors | |
In-store shopping | |
Index Development | |
India | |
Indian Luxury Brands | |
Indian Luxury Consumers | |
Indian Premier League | |
Indian Voters | |
Indirect vs Direct Comparative Advertising | |
Individual difference | |
Individualism | |
Industrial Marketing | |
Industry demand | |
Industry Research | |
Influence Perception | |
Influencer | |
information overload | |
Information Processing | |
Informational Advertising | |
Innovation | |
Innovation capability | |
innovation orientation | |
innovation speed | |
Innovative Service Business Models | |
Integration | |
intelligence dissemination | |
intentions | |
Interaction | |
Interactional justice | |
Interactive | |
interactive technology | |
Interactivity | |
interbrand communications | |
interbrand relationships | |
Intercultural service encounters | |
Internal Marketing | |
international | |
international business | |
International Consumers | |
International Marketing | |
Internet of Everything | |
Internet of People | |
Interpretivism | |
Interruption | |
intraorganizational navigation | |
Intrinsic religiosity | |
Intuitive decision making | |
Inventory Turnover | |
Involvement | |
IRT | |
Islamic banking | |
isomorphism | |
IT Capabilities | |
item analysis | |
item difficulty | |
iWatch | |
J | |
Jackknifing Methodology | |
Job Market | |
Joint Effects | |
Journal of Consumer Behaviour | |
Journal of Wine Research | |
Journal Review Process | |
K | |
knowing | |
Knowledge | |
Knowledge Sharing | |
Korean Market | |
Korean Wave | |
L | |
Laddering | |
language | |
large-scale data analytics | |
Latent Semantic Analysis | |
lateral display | |
Latin American Consumers | |
Leadership | |
learning | |
Legal Contracts | |
legitimacy | |
Legitimate Social Power | |
less-is-more effect | |
limited quantity by demand | |
limited quantity by supply | |
linguistic analysis | |
List of Values | |
Literature review | |
Local brand | |
Location | |
Logistics | |
logo design | |
long term decision making | |
Longitudinal research | |
loyalty | |
Luck | |
Luxury | |
Luxury Brand | |
luxury goods | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Magazine Advertising | |
Magical thinking | |
magnitude of failure | |
Malinchism | |
Management | |
Management Training | |
Manuscript Difficulties and Issues | |
market competitiveness | |
Market Orientation | |
market potential | |
Market shaping | |
Market-Oriented Dominant Logic | |
marketer-provided information | |
Marketers | |
Marketing | |
marketing across borders | |
marketing alliance | |
Marketing analytics | |
Marketing and R&D Interface | |
marketing capabilities | |
Marketing Communication | |
Marketing controversy | |
marketing education | |
Marketing Education Review | |
marketing model | |
marketing of connected car technology | |
Marketing performance | |
Marketing Placebo Effects | |
Marketing Research | |
Marketing Research Methodology | |
marketing strategies | |
Marketing Strategy | |
Marketing's Influence | |
mating cues | |
Meaning Transfer Theory | |
means-end chain | |
Measurement | |
Measurement Framework | |
Measurement invariance | |
measurement scale development | |
Measuring Brand Equity | |
media | |
media context | |
Mediation | |
mental price premium | |
Merchandizing | |
Merchant-affiliate relationship | |
message quality | |
meta-analysis | |
Metaphors | |
Methodology Teaching | |
Mexico | |
mHealth | |
micro-politics | |
Middle East | |
Millenials | |
millennials | |
mindful marketer | |
mindfulness | |
Minimalistic Design | |
Minorities | |
Mixed Methods | |
MOA | |
mobile advertising | |
Mobile Apps | |
mobile banner ads | |
mobile marketing | |
mobile search behavior | |
mobile shoppers | |
mobile technology | |
mobile technology capabilities | |
Models of subsidiary exit | |
Moderation | |
mood | |
moral emotions | |
Moral Perception | |
moral standards | |
motivation | |
motorsport | |
Movie Sequels | |
Movie Title | |
Movies | |
multi-channel behaviour | |
multi-channel retailing | |
Multilevel data | |
multiple-choice questions | |
Multiracial | |
Music | |
Music File Sharing | |
N | |
Narcissism | |
narrative advertising | |
Narratives | |
narrow interpretation conjecture | |
National Brand | |
native advertising | |
Natural disasters | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Need for Achievement | |
Need for Cognition | |
Need for Touch | |
Need for Variety | |
negative | |
Negotiations | |
NEP (New Environmental Paradigm) | |
Netnography | |
network | |
Networking | |
Neuroeconomics | |
Neuromarketing | |
Neuroscience | |
New Assistant Professor | |
New Product Development | |
new product differentiation | |
New Product Innovation | |
new products | |
Newly hired salespeople | |
Non-Profit | |
non-profits | |
non-selling activity | |
Norway | |
Nostalgia | |
nouns | |
NSD management | |
O | |
Obesity | |
Objective performance | |
Offline | |
Omnichannel | |
On-line engagement | |
online | |
Online brand community identification | |
online business model | |
online channel | |
Online Communities | |
online community | |
online complaints | |
online consumer review | |
Online Consumer Reviews | |
Online Daily Deals | |
Online environment | |
Online health community | |
online intermediaries | |
Online Marketing | |
Online Reputation | |
online retailer | |
Online retailing | |
online retailing factors | |
online reviews | |
online service medium | |
Online shopping | |
Online trust | |
online video advertising | |
Online Word-of-Mouth (WOM) | |
Opportunism | |
opportunity cost | |
option presentation | |
Oral Movements | |
Organizational buying | |
Organizational commitment | |
Organizational failure | |
organizational identification | |
organizational identity | |
Organizational Learning | |
organizational reputation | |
Organizational Strategy | |
Orientation | |
Output Quality | |
outshopping | |
P | |
packaging | |
Panel Data | |
Partial invariance | |
participation | |
participative pricing | |
Passive Social Power | |
patient satisfaction | |
patronage behavior | |
Patronage Motivation | |
Pay-on-scan | |
Pay-What-You-Want | |
Payment Modes | |
Pedagogy | |
Peer relational identification | |
peer-to-peer | |
People Management | |
Perceived brand greenness | |
perceived deception | |
Perceived depreciation | |
Perceived justice | |
Perceived Ownership | |
Perceived point of sale experience | |
Perceived retail crowding | |
Perceived Risk | |
perceived variety | |
Perceptions of Sales Pressure | |
Persistent Innovation | |
personal selling | |
personal value structure | |
Personalization | |
persuasion knowledge | |
persuasion knowledge model | |
Peruvian Toy Stores | |
Phenomenology | |
Planned Purchase | |
Pleasure | |
Point of sale | |
Policy | |
Policy Delphi | |
policy implication | |
Political Brand Image | |
Political Branding | |
Political ideology | |
Political Marketing | |
political skill | |
Politics | |
popularity | |
Portion Size | |
Post contents | |
Post-purchase Behavior | |
Power | |
Practices | |
pre-crisis communication | |
Preference Construction | |
Premature Adoption of Innovations | |
Preview Design | |
Previous Spendings | |
Price | |
Price Concession | |
Price Discounts | |
Price endings | |
Price estimation | |
Price Fairness | |
Price Judgments | |
Price knowledge | |
Price Promotions | |
Price Tier | |
Pricing | |
pricing cues | |
pricing strategy | |
pride | |
Private Label | |
Private label branding | |
Pro-environmental | |
Processing Fluency | |
Product bundles | |
product category | |
Product Design | |
product development | |
Product Durability | |
product involvement | |
Product Packaging | |
Product portfolio | |
Product ratings | |
product return | |
Product Return Management | |
Product Returns | |
Product reviews | |
product scarcity | |
Product Success | |
Product Trial | |
Product warranties | |
Professional Service Co-Creation | |
professional services | |
profits | |
Program Quality Perceptions | |
project buying | |
Prospect Theory | |
PSA | |
Psychological Continuum Model | |
psychological distance | |
Public Policy | |
Public Relations | |
purchase behavior | |
Purchase Decisions | |
purchase intent | |
Purchase Intention | |
purchase intentions | |
Purchase risk | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative Marketing Research | |
qualitative method | |
Qualitative Research | |
qualitative study | |
Quality Signal | |
quality signals | |
quantitative study | |
question difficulty classifications | |
Questionnaire Survey | |
R | |
Radical Innovations | |
Ratings | |
Reaction Time Measurement | |
Real-Time Bidding Advertising | |
Recession | |
Reciprocity | |
Recommender Systems | |
Recovery | |
recovery expectations | |
Reference Groups | |
reference price | |
Reflective and Formative Constructs Multidimensional Construct | |
Regain customer | |
Region-ß paradox theory | |
regression | |
Regulation | |
Regulatory environment | |
regulatory focus | |
Relational Third Place theory | |
Relational View | |
Relationship building with social media | |
Relationship Effectiveness | |
Relationship investments | |
relationship life cycle | |
relationship marketing | |
Relationships | |
Reliability | |
Remaining relationships | |
Repurchasing Behavior | |
reputation | |
Resource based theory | |
Resource exchange theory | |
Resource-advantage theory | |
resource-based view | |
restitution | |
Retail | |
Retail atmospherics | |
Retail environment | |
Retail internationalization | |
Retail internationalization strategy | |
Retail product production | |
Retail Store Size | |
Retailer Advertising | |
retailer exclusive products | |
retailer exclusives | |
retailers | |
Retailers' Resistance | |
Retailing | |
retailing cues | |
retention | |
return fraud | |
Return Policy | |
reverse alliesthesia | |
review quantity and quality | |
review rationality | |
review source | |
review valence | |
reward | |
Righteousness | |
risk | |
risk avoidance | |
Risk Perceptions | |
Risk-seeking | |
Rivalry | |
role theory | |
S | |
sadness | |
sale price | |
Sales and operations planning | |
Sales Leadership | |
Sales management | |
Sales performance | |
Sales Promotions | |
Sales strategy | |
sales success | |
salespeople | |
Salesperson Credibility | |
Salesperson Management | |
Salesperson performance | |
Satisfaction | |
Scale Development | |
scandal | |
scarcity ad | |
scent | |
second-hand market | |
Secondhand | |
secondhand goods | |
Self construals | |
Self efficacy | |
Self Enforcement | |
Self presentation theory | |
Self-assessment of Participation | |
self-construal | |
Self-control | |
Self-efficacy | |
self-expansion | |
Self-presentation | |
Self-service technology | |
Selfie | |
Sense of Self | |
sensory evaluations | |
sensory marketing | |
Sentiment analysis | |
SEO | |
service | |
Service Encounter | |
service failure | |
Service failure and recovery | |
Service Innovation | |
service language | |
Service learning | |
Service Marketing | |
service meaningfulness | |
service novelty | |
Service Profit Chain Framework | |
Service Quality | |
Service Quality Dimensions | |
service recovery | |
service satisfaction | |
service website | |
Service-dominant logic | |
Services | |
Services marketing | |
Sex in Advertising | |
sexual selection | |
Sexual Self-Schema (SSS) | |
Shareholder value | |
Shariah compliance | |
Sharing | |
Sharing Economy | |
Shoppable Videos | |
Shopper Marketing | |
Shopper Marketing Research | |
Shopping channel preference | |
Shopping motivations | |
Signal Theory | |
Signaling | |
Signaling theory | |
Simulator Games | |
Site stickiness | |
skepticism | |
slice-of-death | |
slice-of-life | |
Slogans | |
Small Hotels | |
SME | |
SMEs | |
Smiley Faces | |
Smileys | |
Social Comparison | |
Social Distance | |
social eating scenario | |
Social exchange | |
Social identity | |
Social Identity Theory | |
Social Influence | |
social influences on consumer behavior | |
Social irritants | |
Social Marketing | |
social media | |
social media engagement | |
Social Media Links | |
Social Media Marketing | |
Social media measurement | |
Social media ROI | |
Social media usage | |
Social media value chain | |
social motivation | |
Social network | |
Social networking sites | |
social networks | |
Social norm | |
Social norms | |
Social Payments | |
Social Reputation | |
Social Responsibility | |
Social Similarity | |
Social traditionalism | |
social variables | |
Social Video Advertising | |
Sociology of expectations | |
source credibility | |
South Korea | |
Spatial Distance | |
spending prediction | |
spoilers | |
Spokescharacters | |
Sponsor | |
Sponsorship | |
sponsorship disclosures | |
Sponsorship-Linked Marketing | |
Sport | |
Sport event | |
sport events | |
Sport Marketing | |
Sport Teams | |
Sporting Transgression | |
sports | |
Sports brand | |
Sports marketing | |
Stakeholder and Consumer Identity | |
Stakeholder Theory | |
Statistical Text Processing | |
Stereotype | |
Stereotypes | |
stereotyping | |
store image | |
store patronage | |
store price image | |
Storytelling | |
strategic brand alliances | |
Strategic Collaboration | |
Strategic Management | |
Strategic Marketing | |
Strategy | |
Stress | |
Structural Equations Model | |
Student Motivation | |
student performance | |
Students | |
Superstar Theory | |
Superstitious beliefs | |
supplier collaboration | |
supplier-buyer relationship | |
support theory | |
suspense | |
Suspension of disbelief | |
Sustainability | |
sustainable business | |
sustainable practices | |
Sustainable Seafood | |
Symbolic Brand Equity | |
sympathy | |
Synergy Sensitivity | |
Systematic literature review | |
T | |
Taiwan | |
TAM | |
TaxI | |
Team dynamics | |
Technological Innovations | |
Technological Turbulence | |
Technology | |
Technology Acceptance | |
technology adoption | |
Technology agency | |
Technology marketing | |
technology perception | |
Technostress | |
Television Advertising | |
Template Analysis | |
Tempo | |
Tenure | |
text mining | |
The sharing economy | |
theory of planned behavior | |
Theory of Planned Behaviour | |
Tipping | |
tipping behavior | |
top management | |
Top Management Team | |
Tourism | |
Tourism experience | |
tourist | |
trade policy | |
trade show | |
trailer advertising | |
transaction cost economics | |
Transformational learning | |
Transtheoretical Model | |
Travel | |
triple bottom line | |
Trolling | |
Trust | |
trustworthiness | |
typicality | |
U | |
UK | |
uncertainty avoidance | |
Unfamiliar Brands | |
uniqueness | |
universities | |
unpacking | |
Unplanned Purchase | |
Upward Counterfactual Potency | |
Upward Counterfactuals | |
user experience | |
User Generated Content | |
user satisfaction | |
user-generated content | |
uses and gratification theory | |
Uses and Gratifications | |
Utilitarian | |
Utilitarian Travel Motivation | |
V | |
value | |
Value co-creation | |
value-co-creation | |
vengeance | |
verbs | |
Video Creation | |
Video games | |
Viewing Intention of Foreign Television Programs | |
Virtual Items | |
Virtual travel community | |
Visitor Journey | |
Visual Cues | |
volunteering | |
W | |
wardrobing | |
Warehouse Transportation Distance | |
warmth | |
Warning Message | |
Wearable Technology | |
Wearables | |
Wellbeing | |
Western Eastern cultures | |
willingness to buy foreign products | |
willingness to pay | |
Willingness to transact | |
Wine | |
WOM | |
Women | |
word of mouth | |
word-of-mouth | |
word-of-mouth valence | |
Work Engagement | |
Work ethics | |
Working Capital Strategy | |
Working hard | |
Working smart | |
X | |
Xenocentrism | |
Y | |
Young Families | |
Young sales professionals | |
Z | |
Zeigarnik | |
zero-price | |
ZMET | |
Zodiac sign | |
Zodiac signs | |
‘ | |
‘Double-Eleven’ Day |