Days: Monday, June 5th Tuesday, June 6th Wednesday, June 7th Thursday, June 8th Friday, June 9th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00 | It's an Engineering Challenge (abstract) |
10:00 | Data Driven Water Resources Management in Maryland under Future Climate Impacts (abstract) PRESENTER: Masoud Negahban-Azar |
10:20 | Stakeholder-Driven Assessment of the Environmental and Economic Sustainability of the Floridan Aquifer (abstract) PRESENTER: David Kaplan |
10:40 | Efficacy of environmental site design in protecting channel stability under changing climate (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Sami Towsif Khan |
11:00 | Evaluating the Benefits of Natural and Nature-Based Features to Inform Climate Adaptation in Maryland (abstract) |
11:20 | Constructed Treatment Wetlands as Habitat and Recreational Amenities (abstract) PRESENTER: Scott Knight |
10:00 | The 4G Ranch Wetlands: 6 Years of Aquifer Recharge and Beneficial Reuse (abstract) PRESENTER: Allison Lewis |
10:20 | Towards Fully Biodegradable Floating Treatment Wetlands (abstract) PRESENTER: William Strosnider |
11:00 | Monitoring chlorophyll concentration using Sentinel-2 imagery in an urban retention pond upon treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Matthew Chaffee |
11:20 | 32 variables measured over 24 years at the large Prado Wetland, Orange County, CA. (abstract) |
11:40 | Evaluating how sulfate and plant carbon additions modulate trade-offs between wetland denitrification and methanogenesis rates (abstract) PRESENTER: Meghan Ciupak |
10:00 | Characterizing Water Quality Status, Trends and Potential Watershed Management Opportunities from National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Barbara Doll |
10:20 | Removal of dissolved metals from roof runoff using a downpipe treatment system (abstract) PRESENTER: Jessika Souza de Carvalho |
10:40 | Effects of residential landscape maturation, soil amendment incorporation and reduced irrigation rate on turfgrass quality and soil-water relationships. (abstract) |
11:00 | Can Permeable Pavements Mitigate Environmental Release of Tire Particles and Their Leachable Contaminants? (abstract) PRESENTER: Chelsea Mitchell |
11:20 | Exploring the performance of woodchips and drinking water treatment residuals in bioretention systems for treating stormwater runoff (abstract) PRESENTER: Samantha Brewer |
11:40 | Blueprint Columbus: Stormwater flow reduction and water quality improvement from green infrastructure across 120 hectares of residential sewersheds (abstract) PRESENTER: Jay Martin |
13:00 | Assessing Changes in Metabolic Reef Functionality Following Coral Restoration in the Florida Reef Tract (abstract) PRESENTER: Michelle Platz |
13:20 | Leveraging natural succession of foundation species to improve coastal dune restoration along frequently disturbed coastlines (abstract) PRESENTER: Hallie Fischman |
13:40 | The role of a faunal engineer, Geukensia demissa, in modifying carbon and nutrient sequestration services in salt marshes (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Sydney Williams |
14:00 | Application of Nature-based Solutions to Enhance Coastal Resiliency in Louisiana (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Andrew McQueen |
14:20 | Quantifying Red Tide Dynamics in Southwest Florida (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicholas Chin |
14:40 | Living or Nature-Based Shorelines: Designs for Water Quality and Habitat Improvements (abstract) |
13:00 | Effect of Organic Matter Loading on Methylmercury Production in Mildly Contaminated Wetland Soils (abstract) PRESENTER: Naivy Dennise Rodal Morales |
13:20 | Removal of exotic chemicals including Disinfection ByProducts (DBPs) at Prado Wetland, Orange County, California. (abstract) |
13:40 | Nitrogen Removal in Bioretention Systems with Hydraulic Controls (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Ullom |
14:00 | Assessing Effects of Natural Microbiome on Duckweed Exudation (abstract) PRESENTER: Molly Robles |
14:20 | Quantifying the influential factors affecting performance variation of stormwater treatment systems: an example from a stormwater membrane treatment system (abstract) PRESENTER: Forrest Bilek |
14:40 | Can cattail replace peat moss as a potting medium? (abstract) PRESENTER: Kyle Boutin |
13:00 | Coastal plain stream, floodplain and wetland restoration using wood structures harvested from the project site (abstract) |
13:20 | CO2 and CH4 diffusive fluxes of a regulated and urban river shoreline (abstract) |
13:40 | To prevent erosion, roots bind soils and soil microbes provide the glue (abstract) PRESENTER: Theresa Wynn-Thompson |
14:00 | An Examination of the Impact of Urbanization on Stream Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function (abstract) PRESENTER: Anthony Roux |
14:20 | Flood Mitigation: Stream debris removal versus enhancing stream-floodplain function (abstract) PRESENTER: Jack Kurki-Fox |
14:40 | Quantifying and Predicting Streambank Erosion in the Ridge and Valley and Blue Ridge Physiographic Regions of Virginia to Benefit Eastern Hellbender Populations (abstract) PRESENTER: Layla El-Khoury |
15:20 | Sediment release of nutrients and metals from two contrasting eutrophic California reservoirs under oxic, hypoxic and anoxic conditions (abstract) PRESENTER: Shelby Defeo |
15:40 | Nitrate addition to support simultaneous nitrification-denitrification in a water reuse reservoir as a nature-based alternative for water quality improvement (abstract) PRESENTER: Francisco Cubas |
16:00 | Integrated modeling approach for Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in freshwater reservoir systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Krueger |
16:20 | Lake Operation Optimization of Nutrient Exports: Design Lake discharges to improve water quality. (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Osama Tarabih |
16:40 | Targeted Wetland Placement for Phosphorus Reduction in the Maumee River Watershed (abstract) PRESENTER: Michelle Platz |
17:00 | Multiple Water Quality Parameter Estimation by Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy and Machine Learning: Background, Current Research, and Implications for Ecological Engineering (abstract) PRESENTER: Joe Carter |
15:20 | Fate and Transport of Nanopesticides in Field Scale Agricultural Applications (abstract) PRESENTER: William Rud |
15:40 | Factors affecting phosphorus retention in restored riparian wetlands on formerly farmed land (abstract) PRESENTER: Tiffany Chin |
16:00 | What’s going on in the headlands? Temporal analysis of soil nutrient concentrations in agricultural fields under 4R nutrient management. (abstract) PRESENTER: Nathan Stoltzfus |
16:20 | Critical focus on Controlled Environment Agriculture as an Ecologically Engineered System (abstract) |
16:40 | Targeting Phosphorus Removal Structures to Legacy Phosphorus Sources (abstract) PRESENTER: Jay Martin |
15:20 | Treatment Wetlands as a Cost-Effective AWT Upgrade for Springs Protection (abstract) PRESENTER: Chris Keller |
15:40 | Stormwater subsurface gravel wetland hydraulics, phosphorus retention, and chloride dynamics in cold climates (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Roy |
16:00 | Gainesville’s Sweetwater Wetlands Park – 6-year Operational Performance Review (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Amy Goodden |
16:20 | Excess detritus accumulation can be an internal N source that reduces constructed wetland treatment performance (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Burchell |
16:40 | Treatment Wetlands in Florida: Past, Present, and Future (abstract) |
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09:00 | Getting Tampa Bay Back on Track: New Initiatives to Address Nutrient Loading to the Bay (abstract) |
09:20 | Recognizing and responding to the impacts of climate change on coastal habitats in Sarasota Bay (abstract) |
10:20 | Bringing Ecological Engineering Research into the Classroom: Lessons Learned from 3-Years of CUREs (abstract) PRESENTER: Randall Etheridge |
10:40 | Review of the Certified Ecological Designer program for AEES (abstract) |
11:00 | The Student Design Competition: A Look at Back at a Society Tradition (abstract) |
11:20 | The Crawfish Project: Enhancing Engineering Education through Project-Based Training (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Gabriela Itokazu |
11:40 | Ripples From an Ecological Design Charrette (abstract) |
10:20 | Quantifying drivers of water quality trends in floodwaters using statistical learning methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Emine Fidan |
10:40 | Weather Forecast-guided Environmental Time Series Forecasting Transformer and Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Input Factors (abstract) PRESENTER: Enrique Orozco Lopez |
11:00 | A data-driven modeling approach for predicting estuarine water quality response to changes in upstream land use, management, and climate (abstract) PRESENTER: David Kaplan |
11:20 | Stochastic Simulation & Hydraulic Modeling of Compound Flooding in the South Carolina Lowcountry (abstract) |
11:40 | Modeling the Impact of Hydraulic Reconnection on Estuary Hydrodynamics (abstract) PRESENTER: Megan Kramer |
10:20 | Natural Capital Accounting for Gulf Coast Restoration Projects: Estimation of Ecological Stocks and Flows from Nature Based Projects (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Eldon Blancher |
10:40 | Large pilots for huge projects: Design of demonstration scale projects for sea-based measures to eliminate coastal dead zones (abstract) PRESENTER: David Austin |
11:00 | The Role of the Oyster in the Geomorphology of South Carolina Salt Marsh and Tidal Creeks (abstract) |
11:20 | The EG Simmons Park Shoreline Protection and Artificial Reef Success Story-A Demonstration of Engineered Solutions for Advanced Environmental Restoration (abstract) PRESENTER: Mark Flint |
11:40 | Sediment records of historical discharges from a phosphogypsum facility in Tampa Bay (abstract) PRESENTER: Amanda Chappel |
HT Odum Center for Wetlands Symposium
13:00 | A (Not-So-Complete) Retrospective of Research Done at the Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands – a 50-year co-evolution of research, teaching, and policy formulation (abstract) |
13:20 | The Energetic and Transformational Magic of the H.T. Odum Center for Wetlands during the 1990's (abstract) |
13:40 | H. T. Odum and Self-Organization of Treatment Wetlands (abstract) |
14:00 | Depressional water storage: drivers and functions at local to landscapes scales (abstract) |
14:20 | Nature-Based Solutions and Ecological Engineering: Our best hopes for restoring lakes, rivers, and estuaries and protecting human health (abstract) |
Poster session with emphasis on climate resiliency, restoration, watershed processes, and education.
Flooding Impacts of Hurricane Ian in Charlotte Harbor (Florida): What was the mitigation role of coastal wetlands? (abstract) PRESENTER: Megan Kramer |
Rehabilitating Neglected Stormwater Ponds in East Tampa: A Student-led, Community-engaged Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Adriana Mayr Mejia |
Watershed-Coastal Connections: Climate change and land-use sensitivity of Peace River flow and nutrient loading to Charlotte Harbor (abstract) PRESENTER: Yvanna Serra |
Mapping Salty Soils (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Haight |
Envisioning How Historical, Current, and Future Climate Relate to Urban Stormwater Control Measure Effectiveness (abstract) PRESENTER: Cassidy Brozovich |
Assessing the impact of climate change on physical conditions of water ecosystem (abstract) PRESENTER: Mohammad Mohsin |
Developing Low Cost, User-Friendly Methane Flux Chambers (abstract) PRESENTER: Anya Emerson |
GatorByte – An Internet of Things-based Low-Cost, Spatiotemporal, and Real-time Water Resource Monitoring Buoy (abstract) PRESENTER: Piyush Agade |
Reimagining Stormwater and Food Production for Improved Nutrient Management in Tampa Bay (abstract) PRESENTER: Estenia Ortiz |
A Holistic Assessment Framework for Stormwater and Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiayi Hua |
Effectiveness of “living shoreline” bank stabilization methods as a solution for stormwater mitigation programs (abstract) |
Impact of Soil Texture on Phosphorus Loss from Legacy-P Fields (abstract) PRESENTER: Erin Ebersbach |
Evaluating Alternative Oyster Garden Structures and Materials in a Residential Canal System (abstract) PRESENTER: Adrian Sakr |
Developing an Undergraduate Level Hands-on Ecological Engineering Course (abstract) PRESENTER: Niroj Aryal |
Designing active and passive solar installation microgrid retrofits for climate equity and justice in Greenbelt, Prince George's County, Maryland (abstract) PRESENTER: Isabel Cummings |
Bioretention Monitoring with Underdrain and Material Configurations for Nutrient Removal in Alachua County (abstract) |
Development and Demonstration of a New Method for Implementing and Conducting a Container Nursery BMP for Monitoring Substrate Fertility (abstract) PRESENTER: Michelle Ezequelle |
Coupled Effects of Future Rainfall and Land Use on Urban Stormwater Drainage System in Tampa, Florida (USA) (abstract) PRESENTER: Chao Ye |
An analysis of the carbon impact and alternative energy, waste and water use for the annual Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada, USA (abstract) PRESENTER: Matthew Prinn |
Increasing Carbon Conversion Efficiency of Fermented Food Waste (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily McCoy |
Response of Soil Nitrogen Cycling to Induced Drought (abstract) PRESENTER: Jacob Murray |
The Cost of Carbon Reduction: An Embodied Energy/Life Cycle Assessment Evaluation of the University of Maryland’s Solar Decathlon Competition Entries (abstract) PRESENTER: Rena Edery |
Development of a stormwater manual for urban small businesses in Maryland (abstract) PRESENTER: Julianne Guerra |
An analysis of the carbon sequestration potential of bioretention facilities and green infrastructure at public schools in Montgomery County, Maryland (abstract) PRESENTER: Imani Halley |
How many wetlands does it take to clean a watershed? (abstract) PRESENTER: Kyle Boutin |
Importance of holistic restoration and integrating stormwater management/stream restoration with shoreline projects as a nature-based solution to improve resilience for coastal communities. (abstract) |
Status of the Ecological Engineering Body of Knowledge (abstract) PRESENTER: T. Wynn Thompson |
Fire and Flood Pulse Disturbance Effects on Amazon Floodplain Forest Stability (abstract) PRESENTER: David Kaplan |
Poster session with emphasis on treatment and remediation, as well as wetland design.
The Transport and Characteristics of Microplastics in a Large Constructed Wetland in Florida, USA (abstract) PRESENTER: Jessica Boyer |
Hydrodynamics of an Integrated Fish and Periphyton Recirculating Aquaculture System (abstract) PRESENTER: Adam Bell |
Land Use Practices and their Resulting Impacts on Surface Water Quality: A Case Study Across Four Kentucky Streams (abstract) PRESENTER: Emily Nottingham |
Performance of edge-of-field filters for phosphorus removal from agricultural drainage (abstract) PRESENTER: Harrison Myers |
Demonstration of Biochar-Amended Bioretention for Treatment of Runoff from Plant Nurseries (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicholas Richardson |
Feasibility Study of the Utilization of Craft Brewery Wastes in Various Fields: Turn Trash into Treasure (abstract) PRESENTER: Yan Zhang |
Anaerobic Digestion of Craft Brewery Waste (abstract) PRESENTER: Dhanashree Rawalgaonkar |
Development of a Novel Bead Reactor for Aquaculture Wastewater Treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Marisa Rodriguez McGehee |
Renewable Energy from Fermented Food Waste (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Na |
Reducing the Size of Stormwater Wetlands: A New Flow-Through Design Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Amanda Van Pelt |
Characteristics and Fate of Plastic Pollution in Urban Stormwater Ponds (abstract) PRESENTER: Jenna Brooks |
Advancing the Use of DWTRs in Stormwater Treatment Features to Enhance Phosphorus Removal for Transportation Projects (abstract) PRESENTER: Micayla Schambura |
Removal of Pyrethroid Insecticides in Agricultural Wastewater using Passive Woodchip Biofilter (abstract) PRESENTER: James Pinkney |
The removal of selected agricultural pollutants in simulated agricultural runoff through hybrid constructed wetland microcosms. (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominae Smith |
Approaching phosphorus reduction targets by managing legacy phosphorus fields (abstract) PRESENTER: Madison Kacica |
Sphalerite and oyster shells promote nutrient removal from wastewater in autotrophic denitrifying sequencing batch biofilm reactors (abstract) PRESENTER: Erica Dasi |
Aquaponics as an Educational Eco-design Tool at the University of Vermont (abstract) PRESENTER: Hailey Sanphy |
Adsorbent Media Selection for Aquatic Nutrient Reduction Barriers (abstract) PRESENTER: Rachael Cooper |
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in a Nature Based Mine Drainage Treatment Bioreactor (abstract) PRESENTER: Leif Olson |
Phosphorus accretion in restored riparian wetlands in an agricultural landscape (abstract) PRESENTER: Tyler Sullivan |
Greenhouse Ecosystem to Treat Craft Beverage Wastewater in Michigan (abstract) PRESENTER: Carley Allison |
Biological Nitrogen Removal in Passive Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Seawater-Flushing Toilets (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Delgado |
BioPod Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment Systems for Stormwater (abstract) PRESENTER: Mark Vicciardo |
Evaluating the Influence of Plant Community Composition on Methane and Denitrification Rates in Wetland Mesocosms (abstract) PRESENTER: Ian Chesla |
Design and Testing of Lab-Bench Scale Algal Turf Scrubbers for Investigating Bacteria-Algae Interaction During Attachment (abstract) PRESENTER: Helen Ko |
Development of an Algal Turf Scrubber integrated with anaerobic digestion of biomass at Bladensburg Waterfront Park on Anacostia River, Maryland (abstract) PRESENTER: Willem Brown |
Zeolite/Biochar Amended Hybrid Constructed Wetlands for Enhanced Landfill Leachate Treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Misty Lam |
Trial Approach for Bench Scale Experimental Filamentous Algae Growth (abstract) PRESENTER: Melisa Shaffer |
Proposal of Exploration of Novel Cultivation Scenarios for the Alga, Asparagopsis taxiformis for climate mitigating biochemicals (abstract) PRESENTER: Caroline Sanders |
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09:00 | Microplastic distribution and characteristics across a large river basin: Insights from the Neuse River in North Carolina, USA (abstract) PRESENTER: Jack Kurki-Fox |
09:20 | Resource recovery tradeoffs: Biogas potential and microplastic content of mechanically depackaged food waste (abstract) PRESENTER: Katherine Porterfield |
09:40 | Food Waste Biological Conversion into Bioenergy and Bioplastics (abstract) PRESENTER: Naresh Kumar Amradi |
09:00 | Defining the Regeneration Principle for Nature Based Solutions (abstract) |
09:20 | Baffling Beaver Biogeochemistry: Management Effects on Nitrate and Carbon Gas Dynamics in Beaver Impounded Wetlands (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Bright |
09:40 | Prioritizing Urban Streams for Ecological Restoration Based on Restoration Potential (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Juncheng Lu |
This panel will feature senior professionals who will share their experience working as ecological engineers in the private sector, public agencies, and academia:
Ms Allison Lewis, Project Technologist, Jacobs
Dr. Michael Burchell, Professor, North Carolina State University
Dr. Sean King, Minimum Flows Office Chief, Suwanne River Water Management District
This session is targeted to students, who will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists and ask questions to the fantastic group of panelists.
10:20 | Development and Implementation of Environmental Minimum Flows in the Suwannee River Basin (abstract) |
10:40 | Quantifying Length of Record Requirements for Ecologically Significant Hydropatterns in Reference Wetlands (abstract) PRESENTER: Renee Price |
11:00 | Drivers of wetland carbon storage across the United States (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexis Jackson |
11:20 | Do legacy-P agricultural fields discharge greater nutrient loads? (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Brooker |
11:40 | Modelling pollutant generation from urban surfaces: a tool for improving catchment management (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Frances Charters |
10:20 | Wetland Accretion Rate Model of Ecosystem Resilience (WARMER) and Its Application to Coastal Transportation Infrastructure (abstract) PRESENTER: John Anderson Jr |
10:40 | Alternative Delivery for Water Quality and Ecological Restoration Projects – A Case Study for Siting Criteria for the Turnkey Project Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Mary Szafraniec |
11:00 | Triple Yield Production: Combining Sustainable Agriculture and Rainwater Harvesting with Solar Energy Generation (abstract) PRESENTER: Annabelle Arnold |
11:20 | Designing ecosystems to combat climate change: long-term soil development of constructed wetlands. (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel Ruane |
11:40 | Towards climate adaptive engineering: implications on mangrove poleward expansion across Florida Gulf Coast (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Yiyang Kang |
10:20 | Restoration of Teaneck Creek Park from an Abandoned Rubble Fill to a Sand Seepage Wetland Treating Urban Stormwater Runoff and Creating Wildlife Habitat (abstract) PRESENTER: Joseph Berg |
10:40 | Lick Run Watershed Sediment Load Reduction Scenarios and Costs (abstract) PRESENTER: Kiara Macdonald |
11:00 | Identifying Priority Sites for Rain Gardens in Lower Puyallup River Watershed (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Mugal Dahal |
11:20 | A novel approach to integrate green stormwater infrastructure in urban planning for flood reduction and resiliency (abstract) PRESENTER: Fouad Jaber |
11:40 | Bioretention Cells as Reproductive Habitat for Monarch Butterflies in Urban Areas (abstract) |
13:40 | Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) of Aquaponic and Hydroponic farming systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Nazia Nowshin |
14:00 | Assessing the impact of Veterinary Antibiotic species on Treatment Wetland Nutrient Removal at the Mesocosm Scale (abstract) PRESENTER: Matthew Russell |
14:20 | Relationship of wetland size with ecosystem primary production, methanogenesis, and denitrification (abstract) PRESENTER: Jacob Hosen |
14:40 | Increasing Food Waste Treatment Efficiency through Biological Treatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Amro Hassanein |
13:40 | Aquaponics with Scavenging Materials to Support Life Off Earth (abstract) PRESENTER: Jonas Lee |
14:00 | Coagulation for dewatering algal turf scrubber (ATS) algae prior to anaerobic digestion (abstract) PRESENTER: Danielle Delp |
14:20 | Algal Turf Scrubber Community Growth: A Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Gabriela Itokazu |
13:40 | Ecological Engineering ABET Accreditation Update (abstract) PRESENTER: Trisha Moore |
14:00 | Ecological engineering as an approach to STEM recruitment (abstract) PRESENTER: Natasha Bell |
14:20 | Core principles for effective, equitable, and resilient stream restoration (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara McMillan |
14:40 | Multifunctional Urban Riverscapes: Environmental Equity and Spatial Prioritization (abstract) PRESENTER: Holly Yaryan Hall |
15:30 | Reimagining Graduate STEM Pathways to Increase Diversity and Inclusion in Ecological and Environmental Engineering (abstract) PRESENTER: Bernard Batson |
15:45 | ITEK: Where the Rubber Meets the Road for Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge into Everglades Restoration (abstract) |
16:00 | Equitable Nature-Based Solutions: Engaging Communities on Reef-Lined Coasts (abstract) |
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