This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Parameterized) complexity | |
- | |
- GTEP: Auctions and Market-Based Systems | |
- GTEP: Equilibrium | |
- MAS: E-Commerce | |
- MAS: Mechanism Design | |
1 | |
1-Euclidean | |
1-UIP clauses | |
A | |
abductive reasoning | |
ABox abduction | |
Absorption time | |
Acoustic echoes | |
action and change | |
action languages | |
action recognition | |
active learning | |
active surveillance planning | |
activities of daily living | |
activity recognition | |
Actual Cause | |
Adaptation-Guided Case-Based Maintenance | |
Adaptive Behavior | |
Adaptive Consistencies | |
adaptive opponents | |
adaptive submodular optimization | |
Adaptive submodularity | |
additional heuristics | |
ADMM | |
advisors | |
aerosol optical depth | |
affect | |
Age Prediction | |
agenda management | |
agent behavior model prediction | |
Agent-Centered Search | |
AI | |
Algorithm Portfolios | |
Algorithm Tuning | |
Algorithms | |
alternating direction method of multipliers | |
Alzheimer's Disease | |
Alzhemier's Disease | |
analogical reasoning | |
analogue systems | |
Analogy | |
Analytical solution | |
AND/OR search | |
angular distance | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Anytime optimization | |
application | |
applications of planning | |
Approximate Nash Equilibrium | |
approximate near neighbor search | |
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search | |
Approximation | |
approximation algorithms | |
Artificial Neural Nets | |
asserting clauses | |
associative memory | |
atrial fibrillation | |
auctions | |
Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier method | |
Augmented Langrange Multiplier Method | |
automated reasoning | |
Automatic statistician | |
Autonomous Electricity Trading Agents | |
Autonomous Robotics | |
Autonomous Systems | |
Auxiliary Data Retrieval | |
B | |
Backdoor criterion | |
backdoor set | |
Backdoors | |
bag-of-words | |
Bag-of-words Model | |
bagging | |
barrier removal | |
Battery Estimation | |
bayesian | |
Bayesian extensive games | |
Bayesian Inference | |
Bayesian Learning | |
Bayesian network | |
Bayesian networks | |
Bayesian nonparametric modeling | |
Bayesian nonparametrics | |
Bayesian optimization | |
Bayesian probabilistic tensor factorization | |
Behavior Prediction | |
Behavior Propagation | |
Belief Change | |
Belief Propagation | |
belief-adjustment | |
benchmark planning problems | |
best-first search | |
Bi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization | |
Bias Removal | |
big data | |
bimodal sparse representation | |
Binary Codes | |
binary embedding | |
binary signature | |
Biological pathways | |
Biometrics | |
Block-Diagonal Constraints | |
boolean optimization | |
boosting | |
bootstrapping | |
Bounded Approximate Inference | |
bounded rationality | |
bounded suboptimal search | |
Brain-Computer Interfaces | |
bribery | |
C | |
Cake cutting | |
Calibration | |
campaign management | |
candidate availability | |
Canine Learning | |
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) | |
Case-Based Maintenance | |
Case-Based Reasoning | |
Case-control studies | |
category matching | |
Causal Inference | |
causal models | |
Causal Reasoning | |
causality | |
Chinese Microblogs | |
choosing weak learners | |
Citation Network | |
CiteTextRank | |
Citizen Science | |
Class Sequential Rules | |
classical music | |
classical planning | |
Classification | |
Classwise Block-Diagonal Structure | |
clause learning | |
Clustering | |
clustering on graph | |
Co-occurrence Graph | |
coaching robots | |
Coactive Learning | |
coevolutionary networks | |
cognition | |
cognitive architecture | |
Cognitive Modeling | |
cognitive robotics | |
Cognitive Systems | |
Collaborative Filtering | |
collaborative models | |
collapsed Gibbs sampling | |
Color Refinement | |
Column Generation | |
combinatorial design | |
common-sense reasoning | |
commonsense knowledge | |
Community detection | |
Comparative queries | |
comparison shopping agents | |
Competition relationships | |
Competitive assortment optimization | |
Competitive Contagion | |
compilability | |
compilation | |
compilation based approach | |
Complex Contracts | |
Complexity | |
complexity of query answering | |
Composite Gradient Mapping | |
composite regularization | |
compositional model | |
compression code | |
computational (in)tractability | |
Computational Advertising | |
computational aesthetics | |
computational complexity | |
computational creativity | |
Computational economics | |
computational linguistic features | |
Computational social choice | |
Computational Statistics | |
Computational Sustainability | |
computer algebra | |
computer vision | |
Computer-Aided Education | |
Computing policies under uncertainty | |
CoMSS | |
concept learning | |
concept-level sentiment analysis | |
Conditional Gradient | |
conditional planning | |
Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machine | |
Conformant probabilistic planning | |
Congestion games | |
conjunctive queries | |
Connected Row Convex Constraints | |
Connectivity | |
consistency checking | |
Constraint Optimization | |
Constraint Programming | |
constraint satisfaction | |
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) | |
Constraint Satisfaction Problems | |
constraint solving | |
constraint-based clustering | |
Constraint-based planning | |
constraints | |
constraints over a sequence | |
Constructive Arguments | |
context | |
context matching | |
Context-awareness | |
contingent planning | |
Continuous Optimization | |
Contrastive Divergence | |
control | |
control of elections | |
Conversation modeling | |
Convex Algorithm | |
convex optimization | |
convex relaxation | |
convolutional neural networks | |
cooperation | |
Cooperative Agents | |
Cooperative game theory | |
coordinate descent | |
Coordination & Collaboration | |
Coordination Games | |
Correction and Editing | |
correlation | |
cost-optimal planning | |
Counterfactual Regret Minimization | |
counting | |
covariance | |
covariate shift | |
CP-nets | |
Cross Lingual | |
cross lingual classification | |
cross-domain learning | |
Cross-View Learning | |
Cross-view Similarity Search | |
Crowd-Sourcing | |
Crowdsourcing | |
CRRA utilities | |
CSAI: Modeling the interactions of agents with different and often conflicting interests | |
CSP | |
D | |
Data Augmentation | |
Data Management | |
Data Privacy | |
Data Quality | |
data selection | |
data-driven methods in education | |
Dataless Text Classification | |
datalog | |
Dataset | |
DCOP | |
DCOPs | |
De-anonymization | |
Deception | |
Decision Diagrams | |
Decision Diagrams (ADD - AADD - OBDD - SLDD) | |
Decision making | |
decision utility | |
Decision-making | |
deduplication | |
Deep Belief Network | |
Deep belief networks | |
Deep Belief Propagation | |
Deep Learning | |
deep representations | |
delete-free planning | |
Density Matrix | |
Density-based algorithm | |
density-ratio estimation | |
dependent sampling | |
Description Logic | |
Description Logic Programs | |
Description Logics | |
design | |
determinantal point process (DPP) | |
Deterministic Parallelization | |
Diagnosis and Abductive Reasoning | |
Diagram Understanding | |
dialog analysis (emotional or information roles) | |
dichotomy theorems | |
dictionary learning | |
diffusion network | |
Dimension reduction | |
dimensionality reduction | |
direct model counting | |
Disaster Informatics | |
discriminant analysis | |
disease mapping | |
Disjunctive constraint | |
disjunctive datalog | |
distance estimates | |
distance learning | |
Distance Metric Learning | |
Distributed AI | |
Distributed Auctions | |
Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems | |
Distributed CSP | |
Distributed Problem Solving | |
distribution change | |
DL-Lite | |
Do-calculus | |
document classification | |
Document editing interfaces | |
document visualization | |
domain adaptation | |
domain consistency | |
domain predictive control | |
domain-dependent knowledge | |
Double Configuration Checking | |
Doubly Regularized Portfolio | |
Dropout traning | |
Dynamic Controllability | |
Dynamic Hierarchical Dirichlet Process | |
Dynamic Problem | |
dynamic programming | |
E | |
Earth mover's distance | |
Echo-State Network | |
Ecology | |
eCommerce | |
educational data mining | |
efficiency | |
efficient inference | |
Eigenfunction Extrapolation | |
elections | |
Electric Vehicles | |
electricity tariff | |
elementary loops | |
Elimination orderings | |
Embedding | |
Emergency Management | |
Emotion | |
Emotion Classification | |
emotion inference | |
emotions extraction | |
Empirical | |
empirical hardness models | |
empirical risk minimization algorithm | |
Endogenous budgets | |
Endowment effect | |
energy disaggregation | |
energy efficiency | |
Ensemble learning | |
entity matching | |
entity search | |
Envy-free allocation | |
epidemic control | |
Equilibria Computation | |
Equilibrium analysis | |
Equilibrium computation | |
Equilibrium existence | |
Equilibrium preserving transformation | |
equilibrium theory | |
Equivalence class | |
EV charging | |
event recommendation | |
evolution of cooperation | |
Evolutionary game theory | |
Exchange | |
exchangeability | |
execution monitoring | |
experienced utility | |
experimentation | |
explanation generation | |
explanation-based learning | |
Extensive form games | |
extensive-form games | |
External Sources | |
F | |
Face recognition | |
Face verification | |
facility location | |
Fact Extraction | |
Fair division | |
Fast | |
feature | |
feature grouping | |
Feature Learning | |
Feature Noising | |
feature representation discovery | |
feature selection | |
feature sparseness | |
feature-cost sensitive learning | |
Filtering algorithms | |
finite automata | |
Finite Traces | |
First Order Logic | |
first-order parallel and prioritized circumscription | |
first-order rewritable | |
first-order stable model semantics | |
Fisher discrimination Dictionary learning (FDDL) | |
Fisher market game | |
Fisher markets | |
Fitted Q-Iteration | |
Fixed-parameter tractable algorithms | |
fixpoint computation | |
flexibility | |
FOND | |
forbidden configurations | |
forecast diabetes complications | |
Fractional Automorphism | |
Fraudulent Support Telephone Number | |
free energy | |
Frequency | |
functional dependencies | |
G | |
gain frame | |
Gambling | |
Game Abstraction | |
Game description language | |
game generation | |
game mechanics | |
Game Solving | |
Game Theory | |
Game Theory (cooperative and non–cooperative) | |
games with a purpose | |
Gaussian process | |
gaussian process bandits | |
gaussian processes | |
Gaussian random field | |
Gaze Modelling | |
General game playing | |
General iterative solver | |
generalization analysis | |
Generalized Fused Lasso | |
Generated Content | |
Generative model | |
genetic algorithms | |
geographical features | |
Geometric Methods | |
Global Constraint | |
global constraints | |
global optimization | |
goal-driven autonomy | |
gradient | |
Graph clustering | |
graph construction | |
Graph degeneracy | |
Graph mining | |
graph partitioning | |
Graph structured data | |
graph theory | |
graph-based learning | |
graphical models | |
Greedy Best First Search | |
Green Buildings | |
Grounded Language Acquisition | |
group buying | |
group lasso | |
Group Recommender System | |
GTEP: Auctions and Market-Based Systems | |
Guaranteed Targeted Display Advertising | |
H | |
Hamming distance | |
Hardware | |
Hawkes process | |
HCC: Game-theoretic mechanism design of incentives for motivation and honest reporting | |
helpfulness prediction | |
heterogeneous data mining | |
Heterogeneous Multi Robot Systems | |
heterogeneous social networks | |
Heterogeneous users | |
Heuristic Search | |
Heuristics | |
Hierarchical search | |
Hierarchical Text Classification | |
Higher-order orthogonal iteration | |
HMM | |
Household occupant behavior modeling | |
human advice | |
Human Cognitive Bias | |
human computation | |
Human Computer Interaction | |
Human Mobility | |
Human-aware planning | |
Human-Robot Interaction | |
Hybrid Automata | |
hybrid domains | |
hybrid singular value thresholding | |
Hypergraph | |
I | |
IBM Model 1 | |
Iconic Hand Gestures | |
Ideal Kernel | |
identification constraints | |
Identity resolution | |
Image Classification | |
image hashing | |
Image Parsing | |
Image Retrieval | |
Image Semantic Segmentation | |
image summarization | |
image tags | |
images and comments | |
Imitation Learning | |
immunization | |
Imperfect Information | |
imperfect information games | |
implementation | |
Implicit Feedback | |
importance sampling | |
inadmissibility | |
Incomplete information | |
inconsistency | |
inconsistency-tolerant query answering | |
Incremental Search | |
independence of clones | |
independent cascade model | |
independent components | |
Indifference | |
Individual rationality | |
Inductive inference | |
Inexact Augmented Lagrange Multiplier | |
Inexact proximal Newton methods | |
Inference | |
Inferential frame problem | |
Infinite directed acyclic graphs | |
infinite SVM | |
influence maximization | |
influencing social networks | |
Information elicitation | |
Information Extraction | |
Information quality | |
information retrieval | |
information-dense text | |
instance adaptation | |
instance alignment | |
instance-based adaptation | |
Intelligent Tutor | |
Inter-view and intra-view supervised correlation analysis (I2SCA) | |
interactive learning | |
Interdependent Issues | |
Interpolation | |
intersection graph | |
intrinsic manifold structure preservation | |
Intuitionistic Logic | |
inverse dynamics | |
Inverse reinforcement learning | |
investment game | |
iterative deepening | |
iterative SAT solving | |
J | |
jigsaw puzzle | |
joint method | |
Joint Modeling | |
jointly learning | |
Judgment Aggregation | |
K | |
k-svd | |
Kelly betting | |
kernel approximation | |
kernel embedding of distributions | |
kernel method | |
Kernel Methods | |
Kernel Target Alignment | |
Kernelized extension | |
Key instance | |
Kidney exchange | |
knockout tournaments | |
knowledge base systems | |
Knowledge Compilation | |
Knowledge Completion | |
Knowledge Embedding | |
Knowledge Evolution | |
Knowledge Graph | |
Knowledge Reasoning | |
knowledge representation | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
Knowledge transfer | |
Knowledge Validation | |
L | |
L1-norm minimization and maximization | |
L2p norm | |
label correlation | |
label noise | |
Label ranking | |
label reduction | |
Landmarks | |
Language and Vision | |
language model | |
Laplacian smoothing | |
Large Incomplete-Information Games | |
Large-scale learning | |
Large-scale Negotiation | |
latent low-rank | |
latent model | |
latent semantic analysis | |
Latent Support Vector Machine | |
learning | |
learning environment models | |
learning for robots | |
learning from dialog | |
Learning from Feedback | |
learning to rank | |
legendre transform | |
lifelong learning | |
Lifted Belief Propagation | |
lifted inference | |
Lifted Probabilistic Inference | |
linear | |
Linear bandits | |
linear discriminant analysis | |
linear programming | |
linear subspace | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
linkage | |
linked data | |
Linked Open Data | |
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo) | |
Local Consistency | |
local linear subspace | |
Local Metric Learning | |
Local Optimization | |
Local Search | |
Local smoothness | |
Locality Coding | |
Locality Preserving Hashing | |
locality preserving projection | |
Location Based Social Network | |
Logic of Knowledge | |
Logic-based Argumentation | |
Logic-Based Process and Service Modelling | |
Loops | |
loss frame | |
lotteries | |
low power | |
low rank and sparse matrix decomposition | |
low-rank | |
Low-rank Coding | |
low-rank matrices | |
low-rank recovery | |
Low-Rank Representations | |
lower and upper bounds | |
M | |
machine ethics | |
machine learning | |
machine translation | |
Mahalanobis distance | |
malware propagation | |
manifold | |
Manifold Alignment | |
Manifold Embedding | |
manifold learning | |
Manipulation | |
MAP Estimation | |
Market selection | |
Market-Based Systems | |
Markov Chain | |
Markov Chain in Random Environments | |
Markov chain mixing time | |
Markov chain models | |
Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
Markov chains | |
markov decision process | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) | |
materialization | |
Materials discovery | |
Math programming | |
mathematical problem solving | |
Matrix completion | |
Matrix Factorization | |
matrix norm regularization | |
matrix ridge approximation (MRA) | |
Maximal Satisfiable Subset | |
maximum satisfiability | |
Maximum weighted matching | |
MaxSAT | |
maxsat resolution | |
MCMC | |
MCMC inference | |
meaning text theory | |
Mechanism Design | |
Mechanisms | |
medicine | |
merge-and-shrink abstractions | |
metric learning | |
Microblog search | |
Mid-level Representations | |
Mind perception | |
Minimal Correction Sets | |
Minimax Equilibrium | |
minimax regret | |
missing label | |
missing values | |
Mixed Observability | |
ML classifier features | |
Mobile Advertising | |
mobile data | |
Model averaging | |
Model based diagnosis | |
Model Checking | |
model counting | |
model description | |
model selection | |
model-based diagnosis | |
model-based reasoning | |
Model-Checking PCTL Constraints | |
Modelica | |
modeling and analysis | |
Monroe | |
Monte Carlo filtering | |
monte carlo tree search | |
MOOC | |
morphological generation | |
Motion planning with action and environment uncertainty | |
movement | |
MSS | |
Multi-Agent Coordination | |
Multi-agent Systems | |
multi-facet trust | |
multi-instance learning | |
Multi-instance multi-label learning | |
Multi-Label Classification | |
Multi-Label Feature Selection | |
multi-objective learning | |
Multi-Objective Optimization | |
Multi-Robot Systems | |
Multi-Robot Task Allocation | |
Multi-Strategy Architecture | |
multi-task learning | |
multi-view clustering | |
Multi-view FDDL (MFDDL) | |
multi-view learning | |
Multi-view supervised feature learning | |
Multiagent learning | |
multiagent metareasoning | |
Multiagent Systems | |
multilabel classification | |
Multimodal Distributions | |
Multimodal features | |
Multimodal Hashing | |
multiple data sources | |
Multiple Instance Learning | |
Multiple Kernel Learning | |
Multiple labelers | |
multiple splitting for multi-variable problem | |
multiple-instance learning | |
multiplicative | |
MultiView Affinity Graph | |
music | |
mutual information | |
N | |
nash equilibria | |
Nash equilibrium | |
natural gradient | |
natural language dialogues | |
natural language generation | |
Natural Language Processing | |
natural language semantics | |
Natural Language Understanding | |
Nearest Neighbor algorithm | |
neighbor embedding | |
neighborhood selection | |
Network Games | |
network infection | |
network security game | |
Networks | |
neural clique | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
Neuroimaging | |
Neuromorphic | |
NLP | |
No-Regret Learning | |
Noise models | |
noise stability | |
non-convex optimization | |
Non-monotonic reasoning | |
non-negative | |
Non-negative matrix factorization | |
non-negative representation learning | |
non-smooth convex optimization | |
non-uniform distribution | |
non-uniform labeling costs | |
Nonconvex Sparsity Optimization | |
nonlinear classification | |
nonlinear dimensionality reduction | |
normal forms | |
novelty decay | |
O | |
object detection | |
object recognition | |
oceanography | |
offline planning | |
On-line planning | |
One-class classification | |
one-shot learning | |
Online Advertising | |
Online algorithms | |
Online Auction | |
Online Classification | |
Online Discussions | |
online education | |
Online learning | |
Online Machine Learning | |
online optimization | |
online services | |
Online Wikis | |
ontologies | |
Ontology | |
ontology debugging | |
ontology engineering | |
Ontology Stream | |
Ontology-based data access | |
ontology-based query answering | |
open list proportional representation | |
open set classification | |
Optimal stochastic motion planning | |
Optimization | |
optimization model | |
Oracle | |
Order Weighted Averages | |
ordering | |
organizational design | |
overidentifying constraints | |
overidentifying restrictions | |
oversubscription planning | |
OWL | |
OWL 2 | |
P | |
p-simulation | |
PageRank | |
pairwise | |
Parallel Computing | |
Parallel Optimization | |
Parallel Search | |
parallelism | |
parameter estimation | |
parameterized complexity | |
parameterized complexity analysis | |
Parametric graph cut | |
parametrized families | |
Pareto Constraint | |
Pareto efficiency | |
parity functions | |
Parsing Reranking | |
partial examples | |
Partial MaxSAT | |
partial observability | |
partial view | |
Path planning | |
Path-Constrained Markov Decision Processes | |
Patient-doctor communication | |
pattern mining | |
payoff uncertainty | |
PDDL+ | |
PDP | |
Peer Designed Agents | |
Peer prediction | |
Performance hotspot detection | |
phase transition | |
Phase-map identification problem | |
phonetics | |
phrase-level translation | |
plagiarism | |
Planning | |
planning and sensing | |
Planning as Model Checking | |
Planning in inhabited environments | |
Planning in Mixed Discrete-Continuous Domains | |
Planning under uncertainty | |
Planning with beliefs | |
Planning with sensing and partial information | |
Point Processes | |
Point-based methods | |
Poisson Process | |
Poker | |
Policy gradient | |
polymorphism | |
Polynomial Hierarchy | |
Popularity Prediction | |
portfolio selection | |
Portfolion Management | |
positive body-head dependency graph | |
Possibilistic (PO)MDPs | |
Possible Winners | |
Potential games | |
Power Iteration | |
pre-train | |
Prediction | |
Prediction market | |
Preference | |
preference elicitation | |
Preference learning | |
preferenced-based voting | |
Preferences | |
preprocessing | |
Price of Anarchy | |
Price of Stability | |
Privacy | |
privacy tradeoff | |
Privacy-preserving Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems | |
probabilistic | |
Probabilistic Graphical Model | |
probabilistic inference | |
Probabilistic Logic Programming | |
probabilistic matrix factorization | |
probabilistic model | |
probabilistic modeling | |
Probabilistic Planning | |
Probabilistic programming | |
Problem Synthesis | |
procedural content generation | |
product review analysis | |
Program analysis | |
Program synthesis | |
Programming by example | |
Pronouns | |
proof complexity | |
Propagation Algorithm | |
propagators | |
proper loops | |
proportional representation | |
propositional | |
prospect theory | |
protection | |
Prototype learning | |
proximal average | |
psychological models | |
Public Project | |
pure Nash equilibrium | |
Pursuit Domain | |
Q | |
q-intersection | |
Qualitative Planning | |
Qualitative Planning under Uncertainty | |
Qualitative Reasoning | |
Qualitative Representation | |
qualitative spatial reasoning | |
query abduction problem | |
Query Expansion | |
query policies | |
Question answering | |
R | |
Random Field | |
Random Projection | |
Randomized Algorithms | |
randomized social choice | |
Rank elicitation | |
Ranking models | |
Rating prediction | |
ratings and free-form reviews | |
RBM | |
re-expansions | |
Reach | |
Real-Time Search | |
real-time web search | |
Reasoning | |
Reasoning about Actions | |
reasoning about beliefs | |
Reasoning performance | |
recombination operators | |
Recommendation Explanation | |
Recommendation Systems | |
Recommender System | |
Recurrent Neural Network | |
recursive neural model | |
recursive neural network | |
Recursive Neural Networks | |
referring expression generation | |
regression | |
Regression analysis | |
Regret Matching | |
Regret Minimization | |
Regularization | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relation learning | |
relational query optimization | |
relative entropy | |
Relevance based method | |
Replanning | |
Representation | |
representation learning | |
resolution | |
Restarts | |
Restricted Boltzmann Machine | |
result re-ranking | |
retrieval | |
revenue maximization | |
review rating | |
Reward Shaping | |
Risk Minimization | |
river networks | |
Robot capabilities | |
Robot localization | |
robot table tennis | |
Robot Task Planning | |
Robotic grasping | |
Robotics | |
Robust Face Recognition | |
Robust model | |
robust neighbourhood components analysis | |
robust optimization | |
robust principal component analysis | |
robust winner determination | |
role base conformity | |
Room geometry | |
runoff scoring rules | |
S | |
Safe and Optimal Controller Synthesis | |
Sample complexity | |
Sampling | |
Sampling Selection Bias | |
SAT | |
Satisfiability | |
Satisfiability (SAT) | |
Satisficing Planning | |
SBDS | |
Scalability | |
scalable algorithm | |
scaling analysis | |
Scenario-Based Serious-Games | |
Scene layout | |
Scene understanding | |
Scheduling | |
scheduling mechanisms | |
scheduling optimization | |
Scientific Computing | |
scoring rules | |
Scripts | |
Search | |
Search Control | |
search result diversification | |
search snippets | |
seasons | |
Security | |
security game | |
Security Games | |
Selection Bias | |
Self-concordance property | |
semantic composition | |
Semantic Gap Minimization | |
Semantic Phrase Representation | |
Semantic Reasoning | |
Semantic Representation | |
Semantic Web | |
Semantics on the web | |
Semi-supervised Kernel Learning | |
semi-supervised learning | |
sentence-level translation | |
sentiment analysis | |
sentiment classification | |
Sequential Click Prediction | |
Sequential component model | |
Shape Comparison | |
Shape Knowledge | |
Shapley value | |
Sherali-Adams Hierarchy | |
Signed graph Laplacian | |
similarity learning | |
similarity search | |
similarity-inducing regularizer | |
Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty | |
Simulating Humans | |
single-crossing | |
single-crossing preferences | |
Single-peaked | |
single-peaked preferences | |
Singleton-based Consistencies | |
situated dialogue | |
situated interactive instruction | |
situation calculus | |
Sketch Recognition | |
small-variance asymptotics | |
Smart Grid | |
Smooth functions on graphs | |
Soar | |
Social Choice Theory | |
social conformity | |
social decision schemes | |
Social Dynamics | |
Social Explanation | |
social image classification | |
Social infectivity | |
Social Influence | |
Social Media | |
Social network | |
Social Network Analysis | |
Social Networks | |
Social Planning | |
Social Spammer | |
Social Welfare | |
soft assignment | |
soft numerical constraints | |
Software engineering | |
solution quality | |
Solutions concepts | |
source separation | |
sparse | |
Sparse behavior noise | |
sparse coding | |
Sparse covariance estimation | |
sparse factor graph | |
Sparse Methods | |
Sparse Online Learning | |
Sparse random graphs | |
Sparse Regularization | |
Sparse Representation | |
Sparsity | |
Spatial and Temporal Reasoning | |
Spatial Reasoning | |
spatial scan | |
spatio-temporal data mining | |
spatiotemporal data mining | |
Spectral bandits | |
spectral clustering | |
spectral radius | |
speech recognition | |
Sponsored Search | |
sports scheduling | |
Stable Matching | |
Stackelberg | |
Stackelberg Games | |
state abstraction | |
State of Charge | |
state-space model | |
Static analysis of transactions | |
Statistical Machine Translation | |
Statistical relational AI | |
Statistical Relational Learning | |
Stepwise Refinement | |
STNU | |
Stochastic Context-Free Grammar | |
Stochastic Gradient Descent | |
Stochastic Learning | |
Stochastic Local Search | |
stochastic network design | |
Stochastic Optimization | |
Strategic Reasoning | |
strategy evaluation | |
Strategy Synthesis | |
Strategy-proofness | |
strategyproofness | |
Strong Cause | |
Strong Equilibrium | |
Structural Causality | |
Structural EM | |
structural equation models | |
Structure | |
structure learning | |
Structured Prediction | |
Student online discussions | |
student performance prediction | |
style classification | |
Subgoals | |
subjective discriminability | |
subjective experience-based learning | |
subjective value function | |
submodular optimization | |
Submodularity | |
suboptimal heuristic search | |
suboptimality | |
subselection | |
subspace clustering | |
subspace learning | |
summarization | |
supervised hashing | |
supervised learning | |
supervised machine learning | |
Support | |
Support Vector Machine | |
support vector machines | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable Energy | |
SVM | |
switched linear dynamic systems | |
Symbol Recognition | |
Symbolic AI | |
Symbolic Planning with Decision Diagrams | |
symmetry breaking | |
syntactic linearization | |
T | |
Task Allocation | |
task learning | |
Taxonomy | |
Taxonomy Derivation | |
Team formation | |
Temporal Clustering | |
temporal decoupling | |
temporal difference learning | |
Temporal Dynamics | |
Temporal Planning | |
tensor | |
Tensor completion | |
Tensor decomposition | |
Tensor Factorization | |
testable implications | |
Testing | |
text categorization | |
Text Classification | |
Text Mining | |
Text processing | |
The Doors Game | |
the Nystrom method | |
theoretical analysis | |
Thompson Sampling | |
time series clustering | |
time-varying feature | |
Timed Game Automata | |
topic model | |
Topic Modeling | |
topology | |
tournament fixing problem | |
Tournament Solutions | |
Trace Norm Regularization | |
tractable reasoning | |
Trading agents competition | |
Traffic Light Control | |
Trajectory Constraints in Planning | |
transfer learning | |
transfers | |
transitive closure | |
translation | |
trauma | |
traveling tournament problem | |
tree-based learning | |
triple store | |
trust games | |
Trust prediction | |
Trust propagation | |
Trust tendency | |
trust theory | |
Tuple Variables | |
U | |
Uncertain data | |
Uncertain MDPs | |
Uncertain Task Rewards | |
uncertainity | |
Uncertainty and Stochasticity | |
Uncertainty in AI | |
Uncorrelated constraint | |
Uncorrelated MFDDL (UMFDDL) | |
Uniform Delivery | |
unlabeled data | |
Unsupervised learning | |
Unsupervised Video Alignment | |
Urban Air Quality | |
User generated content | |
user group | |
User Interface | |
User Mapping | |
User-generated videos | |
V | |
V2G | |
Valuation Function | |
Value function approximation | |
value of information | |
variational approximation | |
Variational inference | |
VCG | |
Verification | |
verma constraints | |
Video completion | |
viral marketing | |
Vision | |
vision and audio | |
visual localization | |
visual recognition | |
Visual Representations | |
Visual Salience | |
visualization | |
Voted Dual Averaging Method | |
voting | |
voting systems | |
W | |
Weakly-Supervised Learning | |
Web | |
Web data classification | |
Web mining | |
web search personalization | |
web-based machine translation | |
Weight Generation | |
Weighted Model Counting | |
weighted partial MaxSAT | |
Weighted voting games | |
Wide Data | |
word ambiguity | |
word embedding | |
word proximity | |
word sense disambiguation | |
worst-case analysis | |
writing style | |
X | |
XML transformations | |
Z | |
Zero Pronouns | |
Zero-Sum Games |