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13:00-14:30 Session 1: Multimodality Image-Guided Surgery and Radiation Therapy
13:00 | 4 years and 1000+ procedures in the Advanced Multimodality Image-Guided Operating (AMIGO) Suite SPEAKER: Tina Kapur |
13:20 | Integrated MR and External Beam Radiotherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital SPEAKER: Teo Stanescu |
13:40 | Intraoperative Imaging for Guidance, Patient Safety, and Quality Assurance SPEAKER: Jeff Siewerdsen |
14:00 | Transforming Surgery using intra-operative Molecular Characterization of Tissue Samples SPEAKER: Nathalie Agar |
14:30-15:00Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 Session 2: Perspectives from NCI, NIBIB, CSR
Perspectives from NCI, NIBIB, CSR
15:00 | Image-Guided Cancer Interventions SPEAKER: Keyvan Farahani |
15:20 | NIBIB: Research Portfolio - Redux SPEAKER: Kris Kandarpa |
15:40 | Research Funding Opportunities at NIBIB SPEAKER: Steve Krosnick |
16:00 | It’s all about REVIEW SPEAKER: Ruth Grossman |
16:30-17:30 Session 3: Individual Interactions with NIH Programs Staff
THe following NIH Programs Staff are available for this session:
NCI - Keyvan Farahani, Pushpa Tandon, Bhadrasain Vikram, Rosemary Wong, Robert Nordstrom
NIBIB - Steve Krosnick, Richard Conroy
17:30-20:00 Session 4: Reception and Posters
Reception and Posters
17:30 | An integrated robotic system for image-guided semi-autonomous brain tumor resection SPEAKER: Danying Hu |
17:30 | An MRI-Compatible Neurosurgical Continuum Robot with Tunable Stiffness SPEAKER: Shing Shin Cheng |
17:30 | Evaluation of Robot-Assisted Prostate Focal Laser Ablation with MRI Guidance SPEAKER: Alexander Squires |
17:30 | Towards Active Needle Trajectory Compensation of MRI-Guided Prostate Interventions SPEAKER: Gang Li |
17:30 | NIH OncoNav Surgical Planning Software: Optimized Workflow for MRI-guided Prostate Focal Laser Ablation SPEAKER: Zion Tsz Ho Tse |
17:30 | Quantification of the error map for Kalman filter based data fusion SPEAKER: Jagadeesan Jayender |
17:30 | Pre-surgical Functional Mapping Uncertainties: 3 Case Studies SPEAKER: unknown |
17:30 | Clinical Exploration of Optical Navigator Assisted Open MRI-Guided Percutaneous RFA of HCC SPEAKER: Chunwang Yuan |
17:30 | Grade Assessment of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Preliminary Quantitative Computer-Aided Analysis of Breast MRI Heterogeneity SPEAKER: Jagadeesan Jayender |
17:30 | Estimated Levator Ani Subtended Volume As A Clinical Predictor For Surgical Outcomes In Female Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery: An Inter-Observer Reapeatablity And Reliability Analysis SPEAKER: Allison Wyman |
17:30 | Quantitative Fluorescence Imaging using Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT Imaging Priors SPEAKER: Michael Daly |
17:30 | CT-guided Iodine-125 interstitial brachytherapy for brain tumors SPEAKER: Xiaokun Hu |
17:30 | Real-Time Hemodynamic Monitoring during MR Imaging and Interventional Procedures derived from induced Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages SPEAKER: Zion Tsz Ho Tse |
17:30 | Comparison of Carotidal and Aortic Flow as an Indicator of Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages Overlaid on Electrocardiograms in 3T MRI SPEAKER: Kevin J. Wu |
17:30 | Magnetohydrodynamic Voltage Distributions in the Human Body: Preliminary Results with Application to Blood Volume Quantification SPEAKER: Zion Tsz Ho Tse |
17:30 | Smartphone-Enabled Device for Hemodynamic Monitoring using Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages SPEAKER: Kevin J. Wu |
17:30 | Intra-cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Catheter with Origami Deployable Structure SPEAKER: Austin Taylor |
17:30 | A Comparison of a MRI Safe Guidewire, a Magnetically Assisted Remote Controlled Catheter, and X-ray Guidance SPEAKER: Caroline Jordan |
17:30 | Efficacy of MR-Guided Stroke Thrombectomy using Resonant Markers on Endovascular Catheters SPEAKER: Andre Cote |
17:30 | Characterizing intra-arterial chemotherapy delivery to the retina: using quantitative DSA analysis to study distribution of therapy in pediatric retinoblastoma patients and relate vascular variants with clinical outcomes SPEAKER: Sravani Kondapavulur |
17:30 | DNA ChemoFilter: Novel Method to Prevent Toxicity from Intra-Arterial Administration of Chemotherapeutic SPEAKER: Steven Hetts |
17:30 | Computational optimization of an endovascular magnetic filtration device for maximized capture of drug-conjugated microparticles SPEAKER: Sravani Kondapavulur |
17:30 | Studies of catheterized imaging coils in interventional vascular MR SPEAKER: Steven Hetts |
17:30 | Pulse modulation of the occipital nerve using focused high-intensity ultrasound improves mechanical thresholds in a chronic migraine rat model SPEAKER: Ian Walling |
17:30 | Ultrasound-triggered drug delivery: tumor therapy in a murine adenocarcinoma model by insonation of doxorubicin-liposome-microbubble complexes in the tumor vasculature SPEAKER: Alexander Klibanov |
17:30 | MRI-guided Cellular Therapeutic Targeting for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SPEAKER: Alexander Squires |
17:30 | Computer Model for Predicting Tumor Specific Drug Uptake SPEAKER: Dieter Haemmerich |
17:30 | Bioorthogonal two-component image-guided drug delivery in HER2(+) mouse models SPEAKER: Dmitri Artemov |