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LMS for Mathematics and Statistics Applied to the Administration

EasyChair Preprint no. 3108

19 pagesDate: April 3, 2020


The development of mathematics and statistics applied to the administration in online modality at a higher level in Ecuador, proposes an education through the use of strategies, techniques and appropriate means for teaching and learning using ICT, considering that students in the online modality require a mastery of applied mathematics and statistics; however, it can be seen that they even have a high difficulty in the face-to-face mode, in the distance mode this percentage of difficulty increases; therefore, it is necessary to provide the student with observation, analysis and synthesis tools to identify, relate, and provide the necessary bases to acquire mathematical and statistical knowledge applied to administration. With the advancement of technology, it is easier to expand knowledge, online learning becomes a model that revolutionizes education; With this modality you can access any part of the territory that has internet access, find online courses to increase creativity, promote entrepreneurship with the help of computer applications, allowing the student to become more didactic online by working in a way synchronous. Currently, the teacher faces the challenge of innovating permanently to renew the methodologies used in their classes and adopt technological tools that increase the cognitive abilities of students, thus promoting the academic performance of future professionals.

Keyphrases: educación en línea, estrategias metodológicas, sistema de gestión del aprendizaje

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Alain Quintana and Franklin Daniel Aguilar and Marjorie Carolina Burgos},
  title = {LMS for Mathematics and Statistics Applied to the Administration},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 3108},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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